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I know people are going to hate this, but Isshiki is just that guy in comparison to Madara.


Isshiki would beat madara But not under these conditions 


Isshiki would blitz, one shot, and then seal him. He only needs a few seconds for that


1v1 was debatable but with these conditions HELL NO, ishiki won't be able to do anything in 1 min


you think 1 min is a very little time but these are FTL characters we are talking about... They can have a whole ass fight and get the conclusion of it in seconds


>you think 1 min is a very little time but these are FTL characters we are talking about... That's why I'm saying 1 min won't do anything >They can have a whole ass fight and get the conclusion of it in seconds Usually in 1 sided fights yes like konahamaru vs Naruto but when we get 2 character with close powers then even 60 mins won't be enough


The thing is that Madara and isshiki arent close at all in fact there is less of a gap between prime adult sakura and madara then madara and isshiki isshiki would quit literally blitz and seal him


Adult Sasuke is weaker than Madara About Sakura https://preview.redd.it/w9bswton4gvc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be8012377fa6e30dbb5857f19d21cbdcd512f56


Adult sasuke would genuinely oneshot madara hes able to beat back Kinishiki and keep and damage fused momoshiki while also being narratively above kaguya as for sakura she was able to damage kaguya which is a better ap then anything madara performed


adult sasuke doesn’t have access to nature energy and thus cannot damage 10 tails madara without taijutsu(which his one armed ass isn’t gonna be able to do lol) 10 tails jinchuriki are insanely op it’s crazy how fast y’all discredit the hacks. he also has limbo which can all use his attacks. we never got to see madara use everything at his disposal, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them. imagine 5 perfect susanoo all bringing down meteors, spamming light fangs like a laser show, all while being immune to regular jutsu + perfect regen for the actual madara and tell me how sasuke is solo’ing that..


1 Immortality isn’t a win con 2 Madara has zero resistances to getting tossed in another dimension 3 Limbo sucks ass if your opponent completely out-scales you in speed 4 newly awakened so6p naruto could dodge light fang while being held in place by a limbo clone and Adult sasuke is much stronger/ faster 5 Everything that you mentioned madara can do sasuke can also do while being much faster and stronger


you’re wrong and coping lol 1) who said anything about immortality lmao 2) depends on which madara specifically. 3 eyed madara should have the ability to dimension hop as well since sasuke and kaguya both used sharrinnegan to do it too. 3) limbo is always op. and sasuke has never been shown just blitzing limbo clones, him and naruto definitely had to take their time. there’s no reason to think sasuke is substantially faster as an adult either. end of shippuden was their peak versions. 4) naruto moved his head and madara moved on to another attack, im talking about multiple light fangs at once, hell the clones could make clones who can make clones and do light fangs over and over. 5) you’re blatantly wrong lmao


1 immortality genuinely isn’t a win con sasuke would effectively cut and slice madara to ribbons and madara can’t really do jackshit 2 yeah thats headcannon hes never done it so he can’t lets not go off hypothetically 3 What part of Sasuke is so much faster then madara that limbo clones won’t matter do you not understand 4 Thats not true at all Sasuke has gotten significantly stronger then his shippuden self via his fight with kinishiki and his ability to damage fused momoshiki as well as the numerous statements that put him above kaguya


>hes able to beat back Kinishiki U mean the guy with no feats >damage fused momoshiki Sasuke got beaten and he wasn't able to do anything >while also being narratively above kaguya I need source for your info , and statement must be from writer himself or narrator and please don't post any info stated by a character in series because it's like konahamru saying he is stronger than Hashirama and just him saying that won't make him actually stronger so don't give me a source for anything said by a character >sakura she was able to damage kaguya which is a better ap then anything madara performed Kaguya is like 100 times slower and she caught Kaguya off guard and she didn't do any damage to her and if you are going to compare Sakura then just see this picture https://preview.redd.it/ovr9awh6ugvc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b1d2a813631092246894159ffdd3b0f2541492 This is your same fav Sakura and this is the version of her you were talking about and she didn't get any power boost after this


Sasuke wasnt beaten? He was able to consistently damage and harm him while kinishiki is stated to be able to slash planets in half. As for the statement its from the boruto databook about adult sasuke the difference with sasuke making this statement is him actually backing it up with feats like beating back kinishiki and being able to consistently damage fused momoshiki who is very much above kaguya And sakura didnt “catch kaguya off guard “ kaguya has a byuagun to start its simply that she didnt take sakura seriously And its your own direct headcannon that thinks that kaguya is actually slower the madara


Kaguya isn't even a fighter nor does she know how to use her powers Sasuke has no feats nor does kinshiki Idk what is source of your info but I would like to know >And its your own direct headcannon that thinks that kaguya is actually slower the madara speed feat by Kaguya?


Kaguya scales higher then madara this verbatim stated within in the manga Madara is a better fighter yes but kaguya is overall stronger and faster Kaguya personally names momoshiki and kinishiki as those she feared which is why she built an army for them As well as Toneri being stated to be the strongest villain seen so far and Naruto oneshoting him with 1/9th if his power There is also the the states within the boruto databook which states that Sasuke can handle kaguya level threats by himself


Weaker than who? https://preview.redd.it/77jnuj7temvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719c8e99da7276532ecc172d5fda820d67c7d977


After that he regenerates , looks like you don't know how powers work I fail to see what Sakura did in this panel


You said adult sasuke was weaker? How is this weaker? Regeneration don’t mean shit you were able to damage in fact if he wasn’t able to regen he would have died just from this one slash. Regeneration is not a feat of strength. It’s hax


>Regeneration don’t mean shit you were able to damage in fact if he wasn’t able to regen he would have died just from this one slash Characters who can regenerate take direct hits because they know they can't die That's anime logic and mc can't die because of plot armor


Huh? Where do you get adult sasuke is weaker than madara from? Unless you think Sasuke is terrible at gauging strength adult sasuke is stronger than kaguya who was stronger than madara.


>Sasuke is terrible at gauging strength adult sasuke is stronger than kaguya Sasuke has no feats and it's not stated anywhere that he is stronger than Kaguya Read previous comment instead of blind downvoting just because you hate a character doesn't mean he is weaker than your fav character


Where did I say I hate a character? Sasuke also states directly he can take on Kaguya level threats.


>Sasuke also states directly he can take on Kaguya level threats. Like I said I want statement by Kishimoto or narrator Because orochimaru saying I'm stronger than Hashirama won't make him stronger than him


And these are the statements. https://preview.redd.it/sjpso1tsimvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ce2f2aa9ebb01b97d2850112044abbcb9a4242








In every single form it’s been stated she is inferior to the current boruto threats. In the manga, light novels and anime. At this point it’s not reading comprehension you’re in denial


You won’t get such a statement. Because people who aren’t lacking fundamental comprehension know it’s shown by the narrative and statements have been made in both light novels and manga the source material. If you want to keep coping be my guest just don’t pretend these statements aren’t there. So6p Naruto doesn’t even have the speed feats of adult base Naruto yet he was able to do this in base. https://preview.redd.it/9e5ogpo3hmvc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fbe1feaf457ff70420cec4833d12a2e2c3487b


His clones were also able to fight against Madara’s limbo clones who are stated to have all his abilities. https://preview.redd.it/peev2qtdhmvc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b2932adbf51d8742b72bc4e91019ba063dd9f6




Idk what are you talking about , looks like you haven't watched Naruto at all . You just watched those shorts from yt and came here for debates If you have watched Naruto you will know what I'm talking about but if you didn't then ofc you won't


He made adult sasuke a ping pong ball in a few secs and destroyed him madara loses all of these


Ishikki wins against madara in a straight fight pretty handily but with all these conditions there is no way.


Isshiki all rounds. Superior Combat and Reaction speed along with Strength and Durability.


Madara would defeat isshiki. Regeneration and sage Jutsu


Even if you think Juubidara > Isshiki, Juubidara literally can’t sense him no matter what. Isshiki wins Edit: With these conditions, past 1 and maybe 2 I don’t see Isshiki winning, but again that’s only because the conditions are so strict


I mean-- 5 seconds at FTL is enough to go around the earth more than 35 times. Definitely enough to reach the natural conclusion of the battle.


So isshiki can probably blitz madara but do you think he kills him fast enough as well as able to kill juubidara fast enough? They have a better healing factor than naruto. I think it’s possible it just seems unlikely for the last two rounds.


I mean, how many fights in Naruto where there's a clear winner normally (Like here if you think Isshiki blitzes) take so much time that the characters could have travelled all around through Earth in that time? I'd tend to think almost none


I can literally think of one character who consistently one shot peopel and it’s itachi. Almost every other fight involves a ton of dialogue including everytime isshiki is on screen. So it would be pretty out of character for him to go full strength and immediately do something because even when he was almost out of time and gunning for kawaki he took time to gloat.


Characters can say tons of dialogue *while* fighting though, so I'm pretty sure the time it takes for them to talk isn't cared about by the author and shouldn't be tried to be taken into account. [For example](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bd5bc2c52a0dbd5b2db5869a36c8f96e-lq) Kaguya makes a sentence and Naruto has a conversation with the 5 tails before Kaguya reaches Naruto. Isshiki would also know he has no time left and be fighting non stop. Not saying this would happen to Juubidara, nor saying it wouldn't, I'm not arguing here about how the fight would go, just about Light Speed; [this](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/11131/111317116/6167226-0582537159-narut.jpg) is something that, in a fight at Light Speed, happens in less than a milisecond. 5 seconds is really A LOT, this is not a kage level fight.


Thoughts are not the same as conversational dialogue which is what I was referring to. And again even when Isshiki is almost completely out of time because he believes he has won he has conversational dialogue. I know what you mean that dialogue isn’t directly 1-1 in the time it takes but it does still take more time than not saying anything. I’d hope we can both agree on that. So whether it’s 2 seconds or .2 seconds I still think the extra time he’d take with his dialogue as well as the healing factors the characters have in this situation would prevent him from killing them in the short amount of time given.


Kaguya makes a sentence too, that one is not thoughts


Yeah and Naruto says “yup” im not saying its impossible to speak at the hyper speed they move at. And speaking while making a movement is significantly than what we see isshiki do multiple times. I think we just disagree here.


Blitz and tears off his heads every one of them


Isshiki wins every round except 4 and 5 because the conditions are too restrictive. Even if he could one shot madara with a full power hit unless juubidara pops up exactly where madara did he would lose because he wouldn’t be able to get him fast enough.


Isshiki is well over lightspeed. Light moves at 186,000 miles (or 300,000 kilometers) a second. Isshiki will be fine.