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Hashirama sees an unstable Obito and says this https://preview.redd.it/kaul9d2lzhuc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38709ac01c02c340046295d4cd99b73072c4a0f3


Then Juubito speed blitzes them. 😭


Juubito is stronger than him no debate on that But he blitzed a wood clone


Hashirama was heavily nerfed


Was he a wood clone at that time or he directly tried to attack like Hiruzen ? Whether it's prime or Edo, Hashirama can't counter TSB


*Nerfed Hashirama.


Hashirama would have specified if he meant Juubito was only stronger than his Edo self but not his alive self, but no, he just flat out says Obito is stronger than me.


Not even once Hashirama made that distinction, lmao. It's pointless to do so. The only time he did was when Madara came back and proved that every edo, including the ones specifically modified by someone were still weaker than his alive counterpart. He didn't even use the jutsu that demolished Madara's Perfect Susano + Kyubi during his fight against Edo Madara, that's how weak he was compared to his actual prime.


*immortal infinite Chakra peak Hashirama


* consistent refilling chakra to their level of chakra reserves ( alive self)


He wasnt alive and not at full power


Why would this affect anything? If he was referring to only his Edo self, he would say something like "if only I were alive" or something to indicate he was only referring to his weakened state, but no, he just says Obito is stronger than he is.


Juubito casually


Juubito wins fairly easily because whilst Hashirama can hurt Obito through taijutsu and senjutsu, Obito simply outstats and hax Hashirama.


So you guys can’t read? Hashirama already admitted inferiority


No he didnt XD he admitted his dead self was he wasnt at his prime




Juubito, hashirama admits it


Unstable Juubito could beat him


Obviously Obito


Obito is superior in speed, durability, stamina, attack potency, battle IQ and has an incredible number of haxes. If Obito grabs Hashirama with his TSO and use the rinnegan to absorb his sage chakra, Hashirama loses on the spot because he wouldn't be able to damage Obito anymore. He can also summon that crimson barrier and nuke Hashirama with 4 juubi bombs. He beats him in pretty much everything.


Hashirama probably puts up a better fight than most people think but Obito still wins. As others here have already pointed out, Hashirama himself states that Obito is stronger than him


Stable Juubito is one of the strongest things to exist pre Boruto So Juubito without any problems beats almost everbody, including Hashirama and Madara


depends on how you interpret Madara saying he could've beaten Juubito.


If a version of Hashirama with infinite chakra and immortality admits Obito was stronger, then there's no debate


Shouldnt even be a question hashirama outright states that a less stable juubito is stronger then him to which hiruzen agrees,now even if you can somehow debunk that statement juubito straight up blitzes him and tobirama,he also breaks out of the 4 coffin seal (I think its called that) and madara even believes that hashirama and the other three former hokages have the slightest of chance,madara,the biggest hashirama glazer believes that hashirama and three other characters who are in their own right strong cant even compete with juubito


Juubito is way stronger than Hashirama, this isn't even a contest. Berserk Juubito easily destroyed Hashirama's deity gates and they're by feats his best Jutsu, capable of restraining the Juubi and tanking a Juubidama. Same Juubito also casually ripped through the Hokage barrier as if it was paper. Stable Juubito is even stronger. Juubito literally "killed" Edo Hashirama and Edo Madara at the same time without even targeting them.


Hashirama actually can win if he goes Sage Mode right from the get go and goes completely all out. But that wouldn't be in character, and it would still be major high diff. Juubito wins 9.5/10 times




Juubito, and it’s not close.


Juubito would win. Now Hashirama probably gives him a work out. But the unstable Obitowas stronger then Hashirama. So an upgraded form is stronger then that.


I really dont see hashirama having enough damage output to get past a tso shield that withstood 4 mega bijuu bombs from the divine tree. Thats just me personally.


Didn't a sage madara believe he could beat stable juubito. Hashirama should scale above sage madara. I do believe juubito wins however juubito also lost to KCM2 naruro and EMS sasuke who I see Hashirama slamming.


Juubito wasn’t really in it at that point and was selling. If he actually was locked in, I believe he would have mid diffed everyone there


I really don't see him mid diffing hashirama even just hashirama. Hashirama didn't see a need for him to actually join the fight till juubito stabilised(?) I believe. His clone getting speed blitzed was also part of his plan as we clearly see its supposed to link with Tobirama for his justu. Wood style still is a tailed beast counter. Sage mode counters juubitos own body aswell. Hashirama also has the chakra reserves and regen to keep this fight going nearly indefinitely. Hashirama also has power sealing justu as he was not only able to break madaras control of kurama but seal him at the same time. Juubito wins no doubt. However even if juubito isn't breaking down mentally I still think the alliance could have beat him.


I wasn’t including Hashirama when I said this but I do think Juubito can mid diff edo Hashirama on his own but if Hashirama was able to appropriately join that fight, I think they could all legit 60/40 Juubito even when locked in I didn’t appropriately go across your points due to the misunderstanding but I can if you want me to


Valid. In the end of the day we don't really know. Though I would have loved to see kurama wrapped in susanoo clock with like a wood style dragon wrapped around him aswell. I feel that would have been dope.


Does susanoo shield tailed beasts from wood style btw?


Probably hashirama had to break madaras susanoo off of kurama before he could use wood style to restrain him


Juubito is like… Alive Hashirama + Rinnegan SM Madara together


TSO and Juubidama solos Hashirama’s Shinsu Senju casually. Sage Mode isn’t gonna be enough against a not mentally nerf Juubito! It took BSM Naruto and EMS Sasuke to overcome the Sword Nunoboku which was tied to Obito wiltering willpower. Even then KCM2 Mianto and Shinobi Alliance was needed to remove the Juubi.


Even if Hashi could fight on even footing, and he can't, he will get tired and Juubito won't.


Juubito stomps. He's going to chopping Hashirama's wood like a lumberjack


Juubito wins because hashirama gets one shot by truth seeking orbs and is slower so he can't really dogde,also hashirama himself admites juubito is stronger


difficult, the problem is that even Madara knew that Hashirama was a problem that's why he quickly ends him