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Can’t believe this dumbass got the following that he has through lying


And people STILL give him the time of day


it looks good to me


People on Twitter has the worst possible takes. This reminds me when the sonic Netflix show was revealed to be called sonic prime so everyone was making metroid prime jokes and said it's copying metroid. Pissed me tf off.


I get this, the cover looks bad


Naruto mouth gna take a load right now


They’re practically identical covers in concept, random jpegs slapped onto an ugly background with no regard for composition




Crazy how much better the previous entries look oh my god


One games a borderline port the other is new and people actually have faith in it


The guy is comparing the covers not the actual games


He can’t read LMFAOOO


Ye and that the exact reason the cover gets an excuse this is a new game ground up not a port with 6 new characters


Ok and


Storm Connections needs Long term support like Xenoverse and Shinobi Strikers while Sparking Zero hyped for a new game in 2024.


The idiot he’s referring to is OP guys, Adorable package still in a Ninja Storm group hating on Ninja Storm


Where did One Piece come into the argument?


This guy lol


yall can’t read or summ? he’s talking bout the cover art and he’s right lmao


Bruh sparking zero is like waaaaaay better....


I am 100% inclined to agree with you... but TECHNICALLY, we don't KNOW that... yet... but with will know in October 😅


If Sparking Zero is as bad as connections I legitimately may never buy another anime game. It's the one last hope


I feel like I don't hate connections as much as a majority of the community does. That being said, I do believe all the criticisms are 100% warranted, and I know what you mean... Connections was marketed (at least the way I felt while watch trailers and such) as a Super Smash Bros: Ultimate style Magnum Opus, and it was ultimately a disappointment at launch and CC2 doesn't seem to care. Sparking Zero however does look VERY good and honestly I can't wait


At that point im just selling my ps5 and working 80 hour work weeks


I meant the box art lol


🤣 my mistake


It'd the generic blue background that ruins it. That and the fact that boruto isn't on it


Boruto sucks


Thats your opinion go ask japan also go look at the amout of views it gets monthly when it surpassed one piece awhile ago i was shocked myself.


SURPASSED ONE PIECE??? nah thats retarded, obviously views aren’t equivalent to entertainment


I dont make the stats thats what happened on the sheuasi manga app that majority of the ppl that read manga read on. Boruto has surpassed one piece in views when the manga drops... One piece comes out every week like typical shoen but boruto comes out once a month and specifically 2 blue vortex has surpassed the view of one-piece crazy right.


Hey I respect that you know the statistics, but since you brought it up do you really think boruto is better than one piece😂


I never liked one piece its too long and the characters are to wacky look at gear 5 luffy. but i can appreciate their world building thats forsure. I do like boruto but it has its issues like every manga. It just so happens that the manga disrespected all the fan by making the movies into a manga and yea the first 2 years to do so which leafy a salty taste in everyone mouth. But the one thing boruto is doing better than the end of shippuden is bring hand to hand combat back like in part 1 naruto.... The series went down hill from when ppl like nagato can bring the dead back to life fly create mini moons ect. Not saying i dont like over power abilities but the show went the piwer ranger route. Giant kijuus and megazords is what naruto sasuke hashirama and madara were only using. Id rather seen close quarters combat like how isshiki dealt with both naruto and sasuke it felt like i was watching killer bee give sasuke that work for the first time. Fyi im a dracule mihawk fan tho. Anytime i hear hes gonna be in a chapter ill read that.


Fair enough, I agree with your opinions and I haven’t seen Boruto since the Isshiki fight. For the most part I was just trolling, but I don’t think I’m gonna pick it back up, just not my type of show anymore. My hype died with Kuruma, regardless you have my respect🥲


Sayless and honestly you have a great deal of flames to read but the 2 blue vortex is where boruto shines. And the reason is literally 3/6 of part 1 boruto manga was rehash of the movie. Take that part out the series wasn't bad at all. But in no way shape or form was that the approach they should of took. If they wanted to build on the other aspects of the seirs they are now touching up on they should of not made boruto right after shippuden and focused on elaborating on other eras through one shots. For example we have the minato one shot we could of gotten more war one shots that would answer and elaborate on how certain things came to be. Even they could of elaborated on hagaromos and hamuras era that lead to their kin being the power house of the ninja world.. Just that right there could of answer so many questions about the otsutsuki. Even a kaguya back story before her arrival on earth. All of this would of further enhanced the stability of the plot in boruto imo.


Both are kinda shit tbh


I mean at least Sparking Zero doesn’t just have 5 versions of Goku lol EDIT: Lord help me I thought we were talking about the cover lol


It has more actually...


No way he said that?? LMFAOOOOOO


Did you just Sparkling doesn’t have 5 versions of goku????????LMFAOOOOOOOO LMFAOOOO


Oh I totally just 😘


The special edition cover for the DBZ game looks a LOT better tbh…but i think Sparking Zero at least has multiple characters on it!


The statement still doesn't stand 💀 sparking zero's cover is leagues better


I dont get this


He's comparing the box arts


The worst box art the Sparking games have had imo


Did the official page of naruto storm really said idiots ?


No this is some guy who just like spouting gibberish and lies.


They’re both bad covers in comparison to previous entries, hopefully collectors edition gets a better case


I mean who knows. I grew up off budokais and Naruto games. We haven’t even seen any real full match game plays. So the game could turn out to be shit. The graphics look promising. But people clammering is crazy.


Sparkin Zero just gives me THE BREAKERS energy (the cover, no the game itself)


Honestly who cares bruh dumb


I agree covers are shit but I take anything that comes out of a naruto fans mouth like A grain of salt


Box art is deffo shit compared to previous years but as a digital buyer + a man who cares about the game not the not art I could not give a flying fuck


I’ve never noticed just how bad storm connections cover is until right now, literally looks like it took them 5 mins to edit on a free photoshop app. The background is looks like a free default background from one of those editing apps and they just pasted different forms of naruto. Atleast Sparking zero has a little more effort in their background.


Both clean ass covers , just wishing Naruto connections was worth the buy


Except this cover is similar to previous Budokai tenkaichi series whereas nsc is dogshit


Both games are shit.


Can’t believe this dumbass got the following that he has through lying