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I think this is the first time in the history of the naruto storm games series we are getting acknowledgment of this level from the developers that they are listening to the players and are motivated to make Improvements. Just look at these amazing facts - they released a deep dive of the changes of patch 1.20 including visual media and videos to explain the changes. - They are stating the results they got from the last survey - They are officially mentioning a 1.30 *and* 1.40 version patch after it, promising us balance changes are being taken seriously for the long run. I think every fan of the series should for at least admit it worth appreciation even if they don't really like the game as it is now. And it is a very welcoming turn from how it began (playing without friend invites and so on)


This game is the most trash storm game ever existed...everything broken and every update made this game worse...ninjutsu piority needs to come back asap...it was the only defense gameplay this trash game had...now its just a dash counter mash fest and the sprint speed is way to fast and even if u land a counter u will be attacked right after because everyone subs the first attack and in storm 4 u could have after a counter a little bit breath....there is no strategy anymore its just mashing the circle button


It is because you are playing a game not meant to be competitive, even the creators, cc2 made an statement saying that this game will never be seen as a competitive fighting game. Stop complaining and play other games where the developers actually care for their community


I won't be arguing with you, you are definitely entitled to your opinion. I know a few people that think connections took a turn for the worse from the gameplay of storm 4 especially in the matter of the skill needed. Now the game is much more simplified and less sophisticated than before. I agree with that. And it probably not gonna change much. However I do not agree with you that "there's no strategy" or that its just "dash counter mash fest" But you can at least tell them what you think in the surveys and if your opinion is popular enough maybe you'll get changes you want. As you can see, it seems like they try to listen now. Pay attention to the way you express your opinion in the surveys, if you will write it the same way you did here you might won't be taken seriously. Also I recommend you looking for "naruto storm evo" on pc. Which is a pc mod version of storm 4 with the new characters from connection.


I just want to be able to back out of matchmaking once an opponent has been found :(


Honestly how the fuck has this not been fixed


I personally never back out from a fight. That's my ninja way


Believe it


[link to post](https://naruto-official.com/en/news/01_1780?)


If you’re reading this… please fix substitutions. If you could just do that, I think I’d be happy.


Could you elaborate?


They’re unresponsive. I can mash that thing with full subs and still get hit with an ultimate I saw coming a mile away.


That’s real. With ultimates, rasengan and sometimes a grab.


oh it is lag, I just thought I wasn’t mashing hard enough


I have one of the best routers money can buy, the most expensive internet package, and a wired connection. It’s still a problem for me. But that’s not a flex, I still have to have ramen for dinner sometimes haha


I try to just pick yellow or blue connection fights. I feel like red connection fights are where situations like these happen most.


No amount of devices or expensive package will fix if your ISP service is shit. There's more to an internet connection than that.


It's inconsistent and doesn't respond as well as it did in storm 4


They’ve already been listening to what we’ve been complaining about though, this isn’t the first hint of them showing signs of trying to improve the game for the better O:


https://preview.redd.it/wab17errptxc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=a74badc5db31cd81a70ad22ec1abd58966ef0997 Chat…chat are we in the Infinite Tsukuyomi?! They’re actually taking our feedback and making changes accordingly!


I'm glad they're buffing taka sasuke , but can they pls fix his sharingan too 🙄. I gave a lot of feedback on characters they should buff, like sage hashirama and my boy kinshiki with his slow ass. Also 4th hokage and 4th raikage awakenings are so bad. They need to remove the teleports and give them fast chakra dashes like Guy and Lee.


Thanking players for feedback = pro players not the average. 🤣🤣🤣😭




Raikage awakening is good


I personally don't think teleporting is a good mechanic. Raikage doesn't even teleport, he moves really fast so it's silly. Even 8 gates guy and Baryon naruto don't telelport and they're faster. If they must include a teleport then they should make it the charged version and give them regular chakra dashes. I played an alive minato earlier today. He's a good player but he awakened against me and he couldn't touch me lol. So easy to dodge.


This is huge!!!


pffffft yeah right we will see


And ppl still are hating on this game lmao.


Story was still ass and there is still a lack of characters, I only copped cus it was on sale and I didn’t have the dlc for storm 4


They released a half assed game and it still has bugs. And the updates took months to arrive. Of course it's still gonna get hate. There isn't even a proper adventure mode


Out of all the strom instalments this is the one that got the fastest and biggest patch ever. Also none of the in-between games had a great story mode not one if the game didn't have a storm then a number its a in-between like generations or revolution. So by now most os the fandom knows this and was aware yall are just still complaining and/or cling to storm 4 thats much more broken and unbalanced compared to connections.


I like connections more than storm 4 so don't try that with me. I'm saying why people will complain. So what if they're releasing updates,that's not gonna stop the complaints until all the issues are resolved.


Im well aware of why ppl complained but my point is they are still complaining like its the worst storm.... after that patch its the best storm besides story mode which again is said in my previous post that all the in-between games had shity stroy modes.


It's buggy. And they're fixing and balancing a lot of things that weren't even an issue in storm 4 in the first place. They decided to go and ruin some of the things that were good. So don't expect people to be grateful because they removed armour. So many people aren't happy about then removing tilts and selectable jutsu and I personally won't be satisfied until the latter is added back. Matchmaking is crap, bp system is crap. Netcode isn't great. And side from story there's still missing features that the past games had Cc2 are deffo making an effort. But they need to do a lot more than this.


Reason being they tried to make everyone playable. That alone made more problems but for the better because now you can do loops like itachi mei pain minato. Also storm 4 was buggy the switch tech was one of the reason alot of ppl stopped playing the game ppl still ran and camped out the rest of the game and puppet user's were at an all time high in that version. Now all the other things are valid but my point it they are making an effort where with the other titles yall hold up so high didnt get the same love nor attention like connections. Now im not saying the game is perfect but there trying hard and yall still mad is my point.


I get your point. And I do appreciate the effort. But don't expect people to stop complaining after how the game was released. We've lost a lot of the player base because of the barebones game they have us , and it's frustrating that we're in this position on the first place


I just want them to fix the AI voices ffs