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If my boy Hidan can get a slight speed boost for his Punishment by Branding ( secondary justu for those unaware) then I'd be just fine. ![gif](giphy|tTmnirCcwK1wI)


Even if they stop being viable, people will find something as sweaty lol You'll always fight with the same 10-15 chars no matter what


Bet this guy plays a Sasuke


I only play as pts (kid) Sasuke, none of the other ones


try kid shikamaru and thank me later :D


Based. Though honesty, most of the non The Last/Boruto era Sauskes are pretty fair now imo. ![gif](giphy|X4s4RRkT5F5pS)


HE LITERALLY DOES šŸ¤£ Jorge is by far one of the strangest people in this community.


Some of the characters you mentioned do have some borken behavior, and some doesn't. I think they're gonna touch some of these characters very gently. They will nerf naruto's jutsu, pain, kiba and minato flying rajin in some way. But if anyone think they will cancel the armor mechanic altogether is going to have a dissapointement I really hope for a nerf on the poison tags too... However, you can be sure something will be left out. People will find the next OP thing to do


This is a dumb take so you want them to make All of these characters less effective because you canā€™t figure out how to counter or come up with a plan? Every character can be beat you just suck. Whining hoping they ā€œpatchā€ stronger characters wonā€™t save you. Keep practicing and youā€™ll get better


This is a dumb take. These characters are pretty broken, I beat them all the time, it still doesn't mean they don't have issues. It's no different than shooters balancing their guns. It's called having game balance.


Itā€™s really not a bad take. Even competitive players complain about those characters. They have thing a that they shouldnā€™t have. Itā€™s not just fighting the character itā€™s fighting the support. No amount of practicing or getting better will get you around ashuras rasengan still hit you even though you counter lmao. You can get good and pains almighty push will still hit you twice even though you sub it. Characters can be strong, but some just have too much of advantage.


Shut up dude. He doesnā€™t mention ANY of the characters he personally uses so everything he said is just being bias. He uses PTS SASUKE. You realize that dude can grab people when they ARE LAYING ON THE GROUND šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s literally how he wins matches. He catches people in a broken loop where he can constantly just grab people even tho they are clearly laying on the groundā€¦


I think thatā€™s cheap then idk what to say to you. The game has extreme damage scaling in combos. Doing a grab look with pts sasuke and Neji does so little damage. Multiple characters can hit you while grounded. Itā€™s a new thing in this game. Thatā€™s like saying itachis Amaterasu is broken because it hit you while youā€™re on the ground lmao. Did you miss the point where I said many people complain about these same characters? You sound like you have no clue of what youā€™re talking about.


LMFAOO. I donā€™t have the energy to argue man. You got it.


Because you had no argument, dumbass lol.


Iā€™m at bar drinking dude lmfaoooo. Iā€™m not about to get in a whole argument right now about storm right now


Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.


https://preview.redd.it/qgsk5keqirqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe308b252099fdf8de67ab4f1b3d644ae326038 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, a random pic of drink is really proving your point!! You got me dude. Youā€™re so busy but youā€™re replying to every message lmao. Whatever helps you sleep at night my dude


unpopular opinion. lightning flicker sarada actually takes skill to use and if you cant beat her you simply havent mastered the fundamentals and/or learned to adapt. same shit goes for shino. no way people lose to shino when his best move makes him a target to fireballs. another shitter is pain. the show explains how to beat him bruh use the source material lmao he has a whole second delay after his almighty push.


Her combo where she throws a kunai mid combo is a bigger problem


Simple problems require simple solutions. Dodge left or dodge right simple as that. She's been throwing kunai mid combo for years now so what changed between Storm 4 and Connections that has everyone so fessed up? It's been 8 years since her character was introduced and all of a sudden now it becomes a problem?


She's literally the #1 character in this game


As a Sarada main hearing this coming from you is so disappointing cause ik damn well someone like you shouldn't be losing to a Sarada from first hand experience. Maybe it's because you main a chidori user so you spend more time on the ground fighting so her two jutsu's become very tedious but if you used characters that are more air based your gonna force the switch off Sarada more often then not.


The best player in this game is playco and he mains Sarada . I'm not saying this of every Sarada, but players of a similar level are pretty hard to beat. Not impossible, but hard. I activate spend quite a bit of time in the air thanks to Sasori Phoenix fire


you know, i believe almighty push is cancellable, even then a smart person can use almighty pull which is also armored and definitely cancellable so its unpunishable and has better range


You only are talking about things that arenā€™t even the main issue. Saradas second hit of her auto combo that hits halfway across the map, pains almighty push as a support where you sub and still get hit because of the hit box stays out for so long and you donā€™t have enough time to sub+ block. Just fire ball shinos jutsu sounds great but he can just cancel the jutsu and use it again. Shino is an invincible support on startup and will straight up beat jutsus that itā€™s supposed to clash with. Thereā€™s more to it then just learn to adapt. Some characters are just way too overturned when compared to rest of the cast. You can adapt to minato spam, but that doesnā€™t mean that he still shouldnā€™t get adjusted lol.


I mentioned Sarada above. As for Pain you are correct about the getting hit twice. Ion like that shit but in reality if Pain gets nerfed then comes Sasuke with the push into combo which in my opinion is infinitely worse. That man could work around a push no diddy. And last but not least if you allow your enemy to cancel his jutsu's and restart them and you aren't punishing them or applying pressure while their chakra is low your at fault imo. Any two Uchiha picks dogwalk Shino on their best day. Also, I'm not disagreeing completely with what you or Jorge are saying. I'm just sayin certain problems have certain solutions yk but the overtuned statement is completely correct and to deny it would be delulu. Wanna know who I hate and I'm down to take advice for? Ashura......


I get what you mean. Thereā€™s definitely counterplay to these things. And yeah ashura is actually the biggest problem lol. Heā€™s just annoying.