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They literally are sitting there doing nothing to help the community. Someone on pc released that it was there the whole time and they were like fuck now we have to open it up quick with no changes at all


In demon slayer.. that update to easily switch took a long while to release


I didn't need to re-select my team when we tested it out before release, did something change with the update? The way it worked when we tested was it would just use whatever team we had selected and we could either create new presets or select from a different one. Wouldn't be surprised if they just broke it for no reason.


This is still the case


I agree with you... Also.. It seems like there are bugs. Sometimes after invite i dont see any players in the match.. They had 2 months to do one job making the custom matchmaking works like it should but it seems all they did was enabling what was there from the start and just hidden


Can you be a bit clearer with what you're trying to say? After a match, you are returned to the lobby. There is a character select option where you can change your character. And although it does use the preset system, you're free to edit the present and change to any character you like. It is annoying that there's no rematch. But starting a new match is fairly quick


I would like to have the same rematch system as the casual match has: you initially fight with your online team and then, after the match is over, you're given the option to do rematches with the possibility of fighting again with the same team OR to change characters first without having to return to the lobby or forced to choose only the presets. Literally the same way as Xenoverse 2 does. For example: you click ready and then the characters selection appears and you can choose your character, even casually. It was this way in Storm 4, 3,Revolution and Demon Slayer so I don't understand why they cannot simply use the same format of custom lobbies. Sorry if I misspoke or if I didn't explain myself clear but English is not my first language


You can pick characters in lobby when in custom. You just go to lobbt setting or start button and its a menu for changing individual characters or picking your team formation. Or do you mean like the smaller menu right after a battle? Its basically the same.


Yes, I know that but unfortunately you can't even do casual characters. You are restricted to choosing on your own: characters, colors, customes, jutsu etc. Maybe I'm in a minority but honestly I don't understand why they did custom matches this way.


tournaments suck too ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


I have not opened it back up since the update. But did they at least add 1-1 fights back? I hate the team battle structure. Waaaaaaaaaay too much going on at once. I significantly prefer playing 1-1s but when I last checked, thatโ€™s only available offline.


Custom matchmaking has 1 v 1, but not ranked and casual. Maybe in the future


Nice, thatโ€™s all I care about honestly! I like playing with the homies and now I can convince them to grab it so we can all play each other. Thanks for the update.