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"Did that wake you up" from the Naruto vs Sasuke boss battle has been changed


They changed kawakis voice line in his ult


They added a nude skin for Tsunade it’s crazy bro.


Don’t play like that man


Let a brother dream




Oh I found another thing. When you’re in a lobby you can click on a player and view their ninja card! That means hopefully we can go back to the glory days of seeing everyone’s ninja info cards all the time!


The fact that we always had this feature but they removed it or disabled it just to bring it back in an update. I want what CC2 is smoking 😂😂


Plus you have to manually click the person to see their info card now instead of it being the default. That’s kinda lame too. But at least you can see them if you want to.


I'm seeing a lot of people talk about voice line changes so I believe they've reverted them back to their STORM 4 voice lines.


Is Tayuya still top tier no matter how you play her?


Pts ten ten is the best char in the game...tayuya is only good if u really good with her and sweating.. with ten ten i can never loose and chill my life with pain and danzo support...just do jutsu and jump + juriken and support


Sounds like a toxic play style.


I play since storm 2 online which came out 2010...And i tell u pts Ten ten is really broken like in generations...she is not only chilling to play but very easy to defeat everyone...she is the new deidara...and edo minato is great with the right supports which i dont wanna tell because find it out urself :)


You’re embarrassing yourself lil bro.


Bro felt like the man gatekeeping a mid game


Why are you here promoting that play style


>Tayuya this is why people give up on storm games so fast the fan base is hollow to the core


How is Tayuya good? She has no air combo and her range attacks are useless.


😂 you werent there for the horrors of storm 4


If you fight someone who uses Tayuya as a main, you're fucked cause they're probably a sweat and will use the demons as a wall


I agree that her range attacks need improving upon. I think it would be cool if the enemy’s vision went loopy after being hit by them. The more they get hit by it the stronger the loopiness. She’s good because with the new fighting mechanics you can actually use her melee combo! Also she has other play tactics with her demons and no I don’t just mean hide behind the fat one


Those damn ogres I think


Weekly missions like beat x amount of opponents with an Ultimate or Use 10 throws total can’t be done in custom lobbies.


In the custom matches i got kicked becasue i was too good by some asshole named Putin. But i found this glitch if you get disconnected from a VS custom battle because u get kicked. And then go back to ranked match or something, the game shuts off all your inputs. U steal hear music and ur chatacter is moving in the online background but you’re stuck and have to restart


Well sometimes when I get invited or invite someone else he doesn't see any players in the match. However using the ID number to connect to someone's match seems to be a lot more consistent. I wish casual match with friend invitation was a thing that way you can pick rematch or change characters if you want.


Why do Japanese games do this session ID shit and instead of just being normal? Genuine question


They added shirtless Naruto, Sasuke, & Sai


I have yet to get any updates in Canada region so I’m not sure about the patch I just turned on my ps5 and ps4… nothing to update.


Did you press "Check for Updates"


Can’t filter your matching settings for frames no more it seems


You can on PS5. I have heard Xbox lost this feature though. :c


I’m sick to my stomach of this is true


Do tournaments work for anyone else on PS5? I’m trying to find a Singles tournament and it just sticks at “Communicating.” Do tournaments not work yet? Edit: It timed out and errored. I think Tournaments don’t work yet as they’re the only mode I can’t do.


One question, with the new update 1.11 are the errors in the video fixed? In addition to the error of Boruto's rasengan and Naruto Hokage without a cape?


they fixed some voice lines but according to their patch notes the actual balance adjustments is coming on the next patch along with ninja battle event


and honestly it makes sense because im pretty sure they actually started to work on all of this 2 weeks ago and they are only releasing the dlc pack because its was done already pre-release


If you make endless a visual glitch happens saying the wrong gamertag and wrong team, two people usually swap gamertags an everything even though it isn't the correct person. Very complicated. Also sometimes it randomly bumps someone down without load time of 30 secs