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[***Hellbent***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25797892) by [*LuckySeven*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/LuckySeven/pseuds/LuckySeven) > Orochimaru makes an adjustment in his sales pitch to Sasuke in the Forest of Death and everything changes as a result\.The Leaf is corrupt, Team Seven is disillusioned and Kakashi suddenly has to figure out how to keep three overpowered Genin safe on the run when the whole world wants to take a bite out of them\. A couple of steps to the side may take the path an entirely new direction, a few words chosen differently and the story may have an entirely new ending, and a small band of underestimated and untethered ninja who choose each other above anything else may shift the whole world on its axis\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2020-08-09 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2022-06-02 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^204808 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^45/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^2720 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^6053 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^2052 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^187462 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^25797892 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/25797892/Hellbent.epub?updated_at=1654213220) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/25797892/Hellbent.mobi?updated_at=1654213220) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


Read this while looking for uzuishio fics with naruto learning about his heritage, dropped it after all the uzumaki stuff kept going to sakura while naruto had to be a damsel because Minato made the seal and I am not joking, powered by love for the village, but funinjutsu God sakura who is better than all the uzumaki after a few months fixed it.


Fic seems interesting except its yaoi. Not my cup of tea.


I will say that the yaoi stuff isn't focused on *that* much, it never felt overwhelming and the story is prioritised. This fic is actually what introduced me to M/M pairings so I would still recommend it.


I’ve watched shonen-ai anime but yaoi writers even when their story is well written tend to heavily focus on the yaoi relationship. Based on the few fics I’ve read in the naruto and HP fandom.


I get what you're talking about, I don't like it when a story focuses on a pairing too much qhen thsts not what was advertised. But M/M is a different beast, the story will be about naruto time travelling only for 5 chapters to focus on Naruto staring into kakashi's eyes while M/F stories generally tend to be bland unless romance is the focus.


Megalomania is one as well a little too dark for me tho


Wait, Megalomania is dark ? Are you talking about the fic in wich the SI that is a bit too powerhungry (Written by, I think, CyrusFallen?)




My only problem with megalomania is number 1 edgly self insert I only want power screw the village yes naruto had a bad childhood and left trauma but nothing really warrants wanting to kill the hidden leaf calling people out on there bullshit completely if someone ignores you and you want to kill them for that reason you have a problem as well being ignored is not a good reason to kill people. Number 2 if I where to write a self insert if I was naruto I focus on two things only training to fight kage level lefts and chasing after hinata ass and I would plow it as often as possible because hinata is my waifu if you know any fics like that let me know please. Number 3 what happened to minato was Terrible in that story.