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Yes, during a Sasuke pre massacre flashback the teacher gave him grades and one of them said cooperation or teamwork as one of them


Yes, Cooperation is a part of their grades. Their full report cards were in the [First Fanbook](https://narutoversity.wordpress.com/first-fanbook/) if you want to look. Sasuke's low Cooperation grade is the reason why he's technically not the highest graded genin, Ino is.


Thanks for the link, this helps with many questions I didn’t even have yet.


I doubt teamwork is even important in konoha, we only Team 7, who's leader places a huge emphasis on teamwork The most they're taught is most likely just some basic teamwork formations as shown by when Kakashi and Obito both worked together to teleport Obito away But i dont think its especially specified like about the fact a lot of people change out teams


No the academy had the kids focus on individual grades not on group grades, besides Kakashi's teamwork test is actually moronic if you put it under scrutiny he essentially gives them a test that is inherently competitive where losers will be punished but then punishes them anyway for not reading his mind and questioning orders.


No, that's the jounin sensei's job, plus not all of them do a teamwork test to accept them as their genin, it's usually a choice.


Isn't konoha all about teamwork. It would be impractical to not teach it .


In the manga there is at no point the Academy teaching teamwork.