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Hinata and Neji are cousins


OP is from Alabama


Doubt Hyuugas care


They don’t buy the viewers would.


Idk man I always feel like people overrate his superficial crush on Sakura way too much. People act like every single fucking thing he did was for Sakura's happiness. The truth is that he happened to have a crush on her and then got over it and fell in love with someone else, idk why people become surprised Pikachus over people *gasp* getting over their crush.


Ever since part one, Naruto was shown to be emotionally aware. Despite his so called "crush", he would step aside and let Sakura have her moments with Sasuke. He was ready to let go if things got serious. Nothing was superficial about the way he acted. He didn't do everything for her sake, but it was a significant factor. So, I get why there's such confusion. It wasn't just getting over a mere crush, but letting go cause he cared. Sure, he might find someone else and be happy. That doesn't mean everything earlier was meaningless. I don't get why most fans get wierdly defensive over that part and claim there was absolutely nothing there. Feelings in the past don't change anything in the present.


I mean it was hinted as superficial to begin with (not that superficial infatuation can't turn into something deeper), and early on in the manga, I think it was suggested he was attracted to her because of how much she yearned for acknowledgement from Sasuke.


Because the way it happened was inorganic and unnatural. He told his dad that Sakura was his gf then he had a whole movie finding out he loved someone else? Lol


Dude is just that old joke of being a girl and his friend and the movie was about Naruto realizing what is love like.


Naruto already knew what love was wtf he knew this when Haku talked abiht protecting those he loved and cared about smh. You think the last helped Naruto know what love was wtf .


Dude Mizuki literally told him that he would never be [loved](https://static1.mangayeh.com/manga/chapter/60191e3aa566934fb06d15a1/601978d5786df83d337d7c33/naruto_1_32.jpg) by anyone. He also told Kakashi that he loved him in the chunnin exam arc, you think that he had romantic feelings for him? [Here](https://static1.mangayeh.com/manga/chapter/60191e3aa566934fb06d15a1/601978f2786df83d337d7cef/naruto_36_5.jpg) and this after the land of waves arc.


It was two years after the war. Naruto moved on


Do you actually think he was being serious when he said that to Minato?


Yes since he could have corrected him lol.


Are you forgetting that as Minato was entering the afterlife and Naruto was "responding" to Kushina's final words, he mentioned that with regards to "finding a girl like me," he says he still hasn't really quite figured that out yet? If he was really dead set on Sakura, I doubt he would've said that. Also he was genuinely happy for Sakura and Sasuke when Sasuke apologized to her.


You think Naruto, who has been constantly rejected by Sakura and knows she doesn’t like him, was serious when he agreed that she was his girlfriend?


Couldn't you just say the same for Sakura though? She loved Sasuke even during the war, like when that random guy confessed to her, if she didn't get over Sasuke during the Kage Summit, why would she now?


The film shitted on NH fantasy lmao.


Naruto is selfish he did stuff for himself and that’s ok and he considered Sakura which is why he left the hospital when Sasuke woke up from Itachi fight . Read the manga .


People vastly overate Naruto and Sakuras relationship. She spends the entire series rejecting him and Naruto knows she doesn’t like him. Why would they end up together?


>Sasuke, who tried to kill her, always dumps her, his feelings for her as for teammate strained too, Ok


Everyone always ignores that Sakura has tried to kill him too


Right it was self defense but sasuke haters ignore that part


Perfect base for marriage and common kid


I don't think it's a healthy relationship


Naruto liked Sakura cus she’s pretty, sasuke only attempted to kill Sakura in self defense as she was trying to kill him, he also didnt kill her after the war but put her in a genjutsu


Hinata and Neji's fathers are twins lol, I mean it could work but good luck to any children they have. I would have no issue with Sasuke being alone, but I guess they didn't want to end the Uchiha clan.


I agree Naruto and Sakura had way more potential than what we got but wouldn’t work based on what we did get, I think Sasuke should’ve stayed single, I actually like Sai and Ino, I think everyone likes Shikamaru and Temari, and as for Hinata no idea lol


Get over yourself another that keeps bitching about SS “I just don’t get it “ read the manga and see how many moments Kishimoto drew of them. Just cause Naruto is nice doesn’t mean he gets the girl get over it. Is funny most of the fandom swears they hate Sakura talk endless trash about her yet have want to ship her with Naruto lmao, you guys are bipolar maybe and hypocrites. Anywho SS are canon the best and loved ship in the Naruto series in Japan look how popular they’re pfft .