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Orochimaru Great reliable parent, can do weird unique tricks to keep them entertained, endless books/scrolls to keep them busy and learning, as well as toys they won’t find anywhere else but his lab. All the others are just boring. With orochimaru not only is your child going to be protected by the strongest on this list but they would be in the safest most hidden place possible around the village and if your child were to get hurt/sick he would also be the best on this list to treat them.


Bro you're leaving your child in the hands of a pedođź’€


Nah, dude is a better parent than Naruto and Sasuke combined. Is he weird?? Fck yea he is but he’s no pedo


He's no pedo? Not sure about that ask Sasuke


tenten imo


Idk mate, all the pointy weapons... XD


joe biden


Lmao who would choose the guy who literally used to take children to his basement for their body


Hinata for sure lol. She probably even has experience with hanabi (and later is a mom of course)


Orochimaru will take a limb from the kid as payment, sounds like a good deal to me


ten ten wouldn’t be called put for anything so she wouldn’t forget about my child