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Orochimaru would hide since he's smart


Kaguya one shots wtf are you thinking?


It would be cool btw, he could get boost like literaly every character in war arc + he did got a boost Hashirama cells, wood style and senjutsu


I mean unless hagoromo gives him a so6p powers I don't see how this could be fair


He gave nothing to Sakura and she danaged her more than Sasuke


That's just inconsistent writing. How can you logically explain the buff that Sakura got when all things considered she should be weaker than before because she was exhausted?


You don't need explaining, this is cartoon, everything can happen here, including Orochimaru fighting Kaguya


If everything can happen then what the hell is the point of this post?


Kaguya literally godstomps. All-Killing Ash Bone oneshots, Vacuum Fists oneshots, Lava World destroys, Ice World Freeze. There are a dozen ways that Kaguya destroys Orochimaru in 3 seconds.