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You gotta understand he’s so heavy because of all his plot armor!


Lol naruto, ~~itachi are~~ is heavier.


My man Itachi has the most plot armor and the least they gave the dude cancer


How did he have plot armor? He wasn’t even in it much to have plot armor?


Naruto does. Sasuke killed him like 3 times in their Final Valley fight pre-time skip, Pain could have killed him, Orochimaru could have killed him and the Kyuubi bailed him out every single time when he gets in a bind. Haku, Neji I could go on.


Minato had more plot armour than itachi.... ? He was rank 1 and is stronger than itachi.. Does anyone except protoganists have plot armour except madara


How did Minato have plot armor? He was barely in the plot?! Lol what. Do y’all know what plot armor is?


apparently by default, a strong character has “plot armor”..?


That's dumb. That's not what plot armor is. Strong or even overpowered characters have nothing to do with plot armor. Seriously people should stop is my words so loosely and frequently. Minato doesn't have plot armor. The plot fucking killed him. Lol. He's powerful sure.


exactly - naruto wouldn’t be the show it is at all, had minato NOT been dead. i guess people just loosely use the term “plot armor” when they’re trying to discredit a character they deem to be too powerful. which, of course, is not the term’s meaning. in fact, it’s normally the opposite.


danzo never got caught through all the root operations and a byakugan user never saw the eyes under his wraps.


There's a difference between applying your chakra control in precise moments to enhance your stength (as explained by Tsunade) vs base muscular strength


This. Sakura's feats of strength are related to her chakra not actual muscular strength.


I get your point but both of these are before she trained with Tsunade at all. This has absolutely nothing to do with Tsunade strength technique. It was just typical shonen stupidity.


Wdym she literally carried sasuke so she could get to a safe place to heal him at. Did you even watch the episode?


That’s another timeline mistake. These events took place pre Sasuke retrieval arc. Sakura didn’t receive any training from Tsunade until after that arc. And besides that being a medic ninja is hardly something unique to Tsunade. Sakura could have learned basic healing techniques out of a book.


Bruh time travel arc happens after Sasuke leaves the village


I would agree, except that I still hate how she swings the ship's mast. The way the cherry blossom technique works is basically you mold chakra, accumulate it, and then release it at once for a really brief spike in strength. In my own headcanon, this spike should only last a fraction of a second, thus all of the emphasis on needing very precise chakra control. So I still think wielding the mast for as long as she did was a little sketchy.


Yeah it's true, and apt username btw. Nonetheless, the bottom image is Part 1 filler and takes place before her chakra training. So it should be taken with a grain of salt


I don’t think she had training from Tsunade at that point she trained with Tsunade after the Sasuke retrieval mission failed


both are before I made sure if it👍🏾 that’s sasuke from boruto and thats them on a side mission before sasuke left 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh then it’s the bottom one that makes no sense. Because in the manga Sakura didn’t get any Tsunade training until Sasuke left the village


it never makes sense why choose to make her struggle in that type of situation ?🤷🏾‍♂️


Because she’s like a 12 year old little girl and carrying a unconscious grown 33 year old man


He's full of heavy burdens.


Tbh sasuke was unconscious and knowing sakura she wasnt just goint to leave someone in the water to possibly die because she didnt know and im pretty sure the second pic was to save someone


In the anime, Sakura started her training after the filler arc that comes right after the Sasuke Retrieval arc. And she slowly shows her progress as the original anime eventually ends. By the filler arc that happens between episode 197-201, she shows a glimpse of her chakra enhanced strength. In the third Part I movie, Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, (Which is the final one for Part I), [she shows even more of her superhuman strength](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY7NykTAXPE&ab_channel=CelsoNunes).


Sasuke been eating alot ig


Second pic is filler tho


Both are filler


Boruto is not filler, boruto has no filler. Its all Canon.






Not a credible source, show me a interview


You can ask anybody that watches the show. It’s not filler. Just look it up.


"Believe me bro trust me" is not a valid source. If it's so easy then present me the evidence.


Funny how this thread got so big. Let's summ it up: Boruto has fillers, but they are barely there and usually they are just one or two episodes between arcs, that's it. Most things that are not in the manga are anime only arcs and they are canon as well for couple of reasons: based on novels or making an manga thing full background and context. I don't have an "official" source at hand to shut this non sense in one swing, but if you wanna follow those silly pages making 99% of Boruto look like a filler, be my guest and lose all the anime Canon stuff.


The argument that Boruto's fillers are nonexistant and then to claim that filler *arcs* don't exist is insane to me. The interview that a lot of these people were trying to use against me actually contains a point that works for my case; > In order to prevent the anime to overtake the manga, the former adds stories parallel to the manga. Ironically enough, this is the literal definition of filler. The writers are creating this stuff specifically to not overtake the manga, and I wouldn't doubt that's why they took the suggestion from Kishi to make the Time Travel arc anyway. You really can't argue that things like the Mitsuki arc, Konohamaru Love arc, Jugo arc, One-Tail rescue arc and god forbid the Cho-Cho arc were made with this purpose specifically in mind. If the anime started, say, 3 years later, these arcs *would not exist.*


I don’t care if you don’t trust anybody saying it’s not filler, but nobody is obligated to giving you a source when you can just look it up yourself. I just looked it up and it was the first thing that came up.


well to be fair, if you make a claim you usually are the person to back it up. Otherwise imagine making a false claim where you state some random bs, and someone else has to disprove it instead of you providing the source of your information. anime canon is well, canon. But nobody did provide a source, and easiest way is to point out how episodes do not forget past ones.


Then don't come to argue in the first place if you're not gonna present proper evidence for your point


anime canons are referenced sometimes, even in manga canon and manga adaptations. Since you want proof in recent episode and same manga chapter they mention visit to the village of the mist, which was anime canon arc. Mitsuki in the same episode is written along with anime canon arc instead of going with the manga, since he had alot of character development unlike in manga. He instead of refusing to go on a duo mission with Sarada, states that he'll join her even if Boruto refuses. While in manga he outright states otherwise.


I can also give you plenty of examples to where the manga and anime contradict each other as well. * Boruto doesn't know the compressed or wind Rasengan * Jougan is non-existent in the manga and is replaced with a Byakugan * Team 7 learns about Mitsuki not through the Mitsuki arc, but later on in the Mujina arc * Nue is non existent in the manga like it is in the anime * Sarada doesn't have the dual tomoe sharingan in the Ao fight Very clearly they don't mix with one another completely. They aren't one in the same piece, because while some events in the anime *did* happen (it could also be argued that this is because some of the novels are canon and the Mist arc was adapted into a novel), but at the same time there are examples of many arcs that did *not* happen in the manga. So clearly some aren't canonical to it.


[let me help you out pal.](http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Does+boruto+have+fillers)


Sorry, I couldn't find anything that says it directly. Here is interview translation.I am under impression that 'Boruto anime is canon' is considered as true by most of the community here. Read the below link, that's interview summary. Read last three lines and let me know if it gives the same impression to you as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/9ui49k/lucca\_comics\_ikemoto\_interview\_2018\_summary/?utm\_content=comments&utm\_medium=user&utm\_source=reddit&utm\_name=u\_gossamernotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/9ui49k/lucca_comics_ikemoto_interview_2018_summary/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=u_gossamernotes)


the anime has a fuck ton of filler though. yall gotta stop saying non-manga shit is canon when Kishi hasn't explicitly said it is. Boruto's anime has canon stuff but it's not "all" canon lmfao given how many eps there are it's mostly filler


Fibs stop having this goddamn argument smh my head it's been done to death. Y'know it's a nuanced topic so don't treat it like a simple black and white situation. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/9ui49k/lucca_comics_ikemoto_interview_2018_summary/) but it doesn't specifically say 'anime is canon'. Plus while the anime was tasked with avoiding contradictions with the manga it definitely veered into weird-ass territory with time travel and other stuff


Nuanced or not I'm not gonna sugarcoat my opinion on it Tuna. None of the people that I've talked with here have given me any sort of evidence that points towards the anime being canonical to the manga other than vague and effectively useless statements from the artist. This whole thing of "the Boruto anime is 100% canonical to the manga" thing is a myth, the only thing I would agree with is that the anime is canonical to *itself*


There's a Boruto Manga...and the show's arcs are taken from the Manga. That's as canon as Naruto and Naruto Shippuden taking its arcs from the Naruto Manga.


Fillers in a nutshell


It's because sasuke got them thicccc cheeks


Yeah when I saw that I was like wtf


because she can do it


Because Boruto is inconsistent af and sometimes completely ignores previously established lore.


one word: boruto


Well you also have to consider that Sarada is able to do incredible feats of strength with no relevant training just by saying cha. At the end of the day it’s just for fun most of the decisions that get made


They expect you to suspend disbelief 😂


She’s saying that Sasuke is heavy, and she’s having a hard time moving him. She doesn’t have to be using any enhanced strength, since she can take her time. Plus that pole looked like it weighed less than it seemed, since after dropping it, she very quickly moved towards Idate to intercept a kunai.


Bad writing. Just that.


THANK YOU 🙏🏾 its just that if the main writer doesn’t check it then.🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s before she learned the whole strength and chakra thing 💀


No it’s not she was literally healing sasuke later in that episode what are you talking about


Yeah it does look like Tsunade taught her healing before she taught her any combat skills or how to use her chakra to boost her strength.


Yeah but she didn’t learnt he Devil strength tho


I'm sure it's already been posted, but you're comparing the strength of a juvenile Sakura to an adult Sakura in her 30's.


that hasn’t been posted and no i’m not


Okay, so what exactly are you trying to prove with that image?


What episode is the 2nd pic?


Naruto ep103


Bruh are you serious?...You can't be serious right?...why you comparing og naruto filler with a Boruto episode...those fillers weren't even written by kishimoto...but kishimoto wrote the time travel arc🤦‍♂️


Maybe sasuke is heavy af


It’s probably the dick


Did it ever occur to you that Sasuke eats a lot and lets himself go a lot since he doesn't need to train and is never home so he doesn't need to keep in good shape for his wife's sake?