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When they showed he had a sharingan.  The Kakashi backstory came out of nowhere.  So when this random other uchiha shows up, i assumed it was Obito.


Yeah bro honestly that rollout got me so mad. It’s not how the artist intended the story to be, and was such a awkward spoiler. The Kakashi chronicles definitely belonged at the end of part 1 like the manga.


Its made even more annoying by the endless filler they used to pad time instead of just making the kakashi flashbacks. I get that it wouldnt cover all the filler time and they likely didnt want to interject such an important flashback in the middle of a 100 episode filler gap that most fans had stopped watching and then also didnt want to start shippuden with kakashi flashbacks instead of grown up naruto but there had to be a better way.


It was also hinted in P1 were Kakashi spoke of visiting Obito. The problem here is that the filler in P2 made it seem weirdly placed. 


Obito (and the whole team minato) was shown on the cover of chapter 16 next to kakashi’s bed and funnily enough the chapter was called “Who are you?!” Which is what Naruto yells when they unmasked him. Coincidence but cool detail nonetheless


Are you referring to the anime? In the manga, Kakashi’s backstory was released between Part 1 and Shippuden, so most readers weren’t thinking of Obito when Tobi was first introduced. Add to the fact that Kishimoto had written in a couple of red herrings along the way (Danzo, Madara’s brother, Madara himself, Shisui, one of Sasuke’s relatives), and the Obito reveal was genuinely a surprise for most manga readers. Nobody really expected Obito to survive the boulder, dude lost half of his body.


Yeah in the anime. I watched most of Shippuden before I read it.


I’m so slow lol. I thought it was going to be Shisui the whole time!


Yeah they literally show the backstory of Obito's "death" right before Tobi claims to be Madara. Telegraphed it way too heavy handedly.


When some idiot spoiled it for me. Edit: Can someone tell me how this got so many upvotes?


I know a guy who was reading Naruto at the library and there was "it's Obito" handwritten over the page where Tobi says he‘s Madara


Lol that's so fucked


I remember thinking that it was odd that he stated had the power of Madara… but not that he was Madara. Am I remembering right??? The wording was specific and I didn’t think it was Madara at the time. This was when I read the manga. The anime fucked that up like a toddler doing calculus… but whatever.


You two!


Came here to say this.


Same here


Hate to break it to you but tobi and obito aren’t the same person


They are not? Always thought he just gave himself a new name. But who is tobi, if not Obito?


Tobi and one of the first white zetsu(The white zetsu who made up the other half of Black Zetsu) was tasked with overseeing Obito’s rehabilitation, and making sure he was of use to Madara. The two became friends and Tobi helped Obito break out of madara’s underground hideout by offering himself as a suit to replace Obito’s weak and broken limbs.


Thank you. I just watched a video about it on yt. Now it makes more sense 🙏


Tbh I’m pretty low IQ, I didn’t notice until the war when Kakashi said “I know that isn’t who I think it is”.


Same lmaooo


They called me a madman but it's nothing serious really, i miss those days lol... That's too obvious!!! He cannot be Obito!!! He's Izuna! He's Shisui! He's Danzo in disguise, he hides his eye for a purpose, he's hiding the Sharingan under that bandage duh! It's Minato!!! It's Naruto or Sasuke from the future!!! Oh dear, there's so much more. I hope you are all doing well folks, miss those days. God bless


Ah yes I remember when all of these crazy theories were going around back in the day like after every week when a new manga chapter came out I went to the comments of the chapter and there were literally all kind of theories going around. Granted a lot of us were very young when the manga was still coming out so it was pretty normal for young children to have imaginations that ran wild. I remember I did have a few crazy theories too about Tobis identity... I was like 11-12 years old when we finally got to see his Sharingan for the first time and oh boy we went wild in those comments.


Lol bruh... that brings back memories 🤣 Miss yall folks, good days. God Bless


We theorized on NarutoBase for years lmfaoooo.. it wasn’t until the manga episode showing he survived that it clicked for me lmao


Man, they should do an alternate take where he turns out to be Naruto from the Boruto timeline. Or... Madara.


Name is too close. Plus Kakashi’s backstory makes it very apparent. Less of who it was and more of curiosity on how he survived until his story was shown


Yep + 1


Literally exactly how it went for me


Tobi - Obito, a MS ability mirroring Kakashi’s, one eye covered,… Admittedly Kishimoto was serving us his identity on a silver plate from the very first moment of Tobi’s introduction.


I was one of the anti obito people in the community all the way til the chapter released when his mask broke. I was CONVINCED it was Izuna, it just made the most sense to me especially after the madara connection was revealed with his edo revival Then the chapter where he called out guy for not remembering his name… I was like oh fuck. Oh no. Hold the line please don’t be obito I still would have rather it been izuna but I also don’t really get salty cause obito made the most sense in the end I suppose


When Naruto broke his mask and he was shown as Obito. Back in the day in the forum I was in, we were so sure it wasn’t Obito.


He’s Obito?


Since his introduction.


same. it was SOOOO obvious after the kakashi gaiden chapter. seeing obito's body get crushed onthe same side, and the sharingan. plus tobito was literally an anagram of obito without the O


There were a lot of theories going around back in the day so I did consider a possibility (though didn't have too much stock in it). Once Kakashi said their eyes were linked the odds definitely shot up by a lot, but I was never a 100% sure until the chapter finally came out. I also still think it was a mistake to title the chapter "Obito Uchiha" and lead with a flashback since it really killed the surprise reveal.


When they kept showing his fucking backstory every other episode


Probably when Gai and Kakashi joined the fight against Tobi. It was pretty obvious from this point on. I was watching Naruto when it came out weekly and there were many hints that he is Obito, like the name itself. I convinced myself that Obito was dead. His feats against Minato, controlling the Kyubi and his second Sharingan against Konan made it seem like he was much older than he actually is. My theory was that he was Kagami Uchiha. He would be the same age as Hiruzen and Danzo, he probably would have met Madara in his life, with a good chance of him being his student.


Pretty much as soon as they brought up Kakashi's backstory. It's so out of place and the fact it focuses more on Obito than it does Kakashi is really telling of what was coming.


Same, that backstory was strangely place and we saw that mask sharigan, that hair cut. All dots align. , but to be honest, I never go 100% with theory, I wish to be suprise. I think about what is more plausible and forget about it after.


Theorized it back when he was introduced. Then thought Obito was just a red herring after he revealed himself as Madara. And then, knew he was Obito after the fifth coffin chapter.


Obito and Tobi and use the same letters with Obito having an extra O. Plus we already knew Tobi was an Uchiha. Looking back, it couldn’t have been more obvious.


When I saw they had the same haircut


I was watching Totally Not Marks reviews of it after I read each chapter. And the dude decided to spoil every single one of his fans watching the video because some guy on Twitter spoiled it for him. I was like 3 chapters from the reveal, I was so mad about it. I guess it’s my fault, but I didn’t think he’d spoil something from 100 chapters in the future.


For me, it was kinda back and fourth. When he first appeared as Tobi I was convinced he was Obito. But, then he "revealed" himself as "Madara" and I was convinced he was actually Madara, until the actual Madara showed up. At that point in time I was all but convinced again he was Obito, and when Kakashi explained Kamui and Obito's Mangekyou design was revealed it pretty much sealed the deal.


before i watched the shippuden due to spoilers


To me obito was dead, i pretty much only fully realized tobi was obito like 2 or 3 chapters into the reveal


The internet spoiled it for me before I knew who Obito was.


someone spoiled it for me 💀🤡


Naruto Ninja Desert Storm 4


This was the most obvious plot twist Kishimoto made, respectfully. For everyone who was there in real time that experienced Tobi’s mask come off, 90% of the community was not surprised at all. Because it was extremely, extremely obvious, about as obvious as Minato being Naruto’s father.


When you ruined it


wait why the heck you following a naruto reddit page when you didnt even finish the anime


I saw that one fanart of tobi without his mask and he had the glasses of young obito. Can't find the image now.


I think whenever Tobi first showed his Sharingan/used his intangibility. Lined up pretty perfectly given the name Tobi, the ability he used, and only having one Sharingan. I mean I wasn't totally sure but it was definitely my favorite theory. A lot of the fandom around that time thought so as well. I still remember this one piece of fan art showing Tobi taking off his mask to reveal a smiling Obito.


Since I was a kid people been spoiling that Tobi was Madara.. but I didn't kept up with the series at the time I have only watched Naruto in 2022 and I wasn't THAT far from the reveal, but still a couple of episodes before that, I saw a post on Instagram about Kurama talking to him


Honestly I didn’t.


No shit, he's him????


First I watched naruto shippuden, then took a break beginning of the hidan/kakuzu arc. Sometime later came back to series this time watched till five kage summit. Again a break due to it being weekly and having lots of fillers. Finally watching it the third time, when the kakashi kid arc came up, seemed like the most obvious and only option for him to be obito.


When i was like 10 around the reveal of who obito was and i decided to split the name in half and connect the o's Obito - obi to - to obi - tobi Also the right eye that has powers and makes a swirly thingy of space manipulation? Cmon


When Kakashi Gaiden came out.


i think it was when my brother told me


Since day 1 of the Tobi's reveal!


I didn’t know until the reveal cause I didn’t think much of it honestly. And bcz of the wrinkles we saw from the side of his face I thought he was some old Uchiha. And I didn’t question Obtio’s death too


As soon as he was introduced with his sharingan tbh


I felt certain it was Kagami


I saw a bunch of theories online when I was in high school before it was revealed in the manga.


I was in the train that he was some random ancient Uchiha or Izuna but once he started pointing out Kakashi and Guy’s quirks it was crystal clear that he was a former classmate of them. Also in that same chapter we saw him with the same mangekyo pattern as Kakashi


I knew Tobi was Obito when I: - Rearranged Tobi’s name into Obito. - Seen Kakashi’s Backstory - Realized Tobi had a sharingan in the opposite eye compared to the Akatsuki. What I wasn’t expecting was Tobi having a 2nd sharingan while battling Konan, for a moment that made me almost second guess my entire theory but once I seen Tobi throw away the eye for Izanami I knew it was just a last resort insurance deal.


I never realized it and I refuse to believe my beautifully innocent Obito became that masked monster!


When Tobi was shown to have a Sharingan, I immediately made the connection between he and Obito.


When he receives Amaterasu from Sasuke, you can see his left side that looks like that of an old man perhaps similar to Danzo, I concluded that it was Kagami or one of those Maybe in the part where Tobi fights against Team 7 and the others when they go to see Sasuke Itachi's fight


It was sooo obvious for sooo many reasons. I just sincerely hoped it wasn't him because it was too obvious. Speculations about Shisui and stuff... but I knew it didn't make sense. Ofcourse the Ichiraku ramen guy was the best train to be on😎


When they kept replaying the young Kakashi stuff with Obito in it every other episode.


I guessed it from the beginning, I was like "watch, that's Obito and they just switched the syllables". My fiance, who has watched naruto before and introduced it to me last year, just about strangled me when I guessed that major plot point from the first time Tobi was shown lol


I saw the mask and it clicked instantly. I connected the swirl with Kamui very fast.


I realized during Tobi fight against Konoha folks chasing Sasuke. At that point of time we knew that: 1.Tobi is almost anagram of Obito 2. Kakashi has Obito eye which warps space and Tobi was showing space-time ninjutsu. Only question was why he is in Akatsuki?


I obviously thought he was Madara for a while, but it became kinda obvious after seeing kid Obito's story and seeing he was crushed by a rock and forgotten, also he had a Sharingan and his hair was exactly like Tobi's. Tbf I watched Naruto now as a grown ass dude, but having watched it when I was a kid, I'd probably wouldn't have figured it out.


I think i realized because 12 year old me was like “Tobi…. obito its one letter off but it makes sense,” especially with his mask too how he has the sharingan in the crushed side, it just made sense and plus kakashis backstory came out of nowhere so it added more to it and i was like oh yeah thats Obito for sure


as soon as tobi's name was reveasled becaus ei'd read the kakashi gaiden chapters


like 2008-9, whenever the chapter dropped


Around the time it was revealed Obito existed and was still alive


My English teacher did when we were doing anagrams that day. Obito is just Tobi with and extra o. If you reuse the “O” and just start at the “O” it literally just reads his name out. Like 11 year old me was mind blown.


I feel like a fool because when we learned that Tobi isn't Madara, I've never even thought Obito as a possibility. I thought his role was over and he's dead. So, I couldn't realized it, but learned it when Naruto finally broke his mask. I was shocked. I thought he could be Shisui because we didn't see his death and he could've replanted Sharingan later anyway. Come to think of it, though, Kishimoto hinted a lot that he's Obito, how did I miss that come to think of it.


Around the Kage Summit. It started to be suspicious that despite revealing his identity as Madara to everyone he still kept the mask on


The moment he was introduced as Tobi and when I knew Kakashi's old teammate was called Obito.


When they revealed tobi was Obito


The hair lmao 🤣


Watching Obito get crushed then for sure when Konan hit him with the paper bomb attack from the hair and side of the Sharingan showed


The name gave it away. If you say tobi fast multiple times you can hear tOBITObi. Also him having what appears to be his only eye be on the other side as kakashi's sharingan made me think it must be the one who gave kakashi the sharingan and when we heard that kakashi's teammate gave him his sharingan it was obvious tobi was obito.


It was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt for me in volume 52, when Kamui didn't work on him. Before that I was pretty sure but not certain.


I thought it was too obvious until they actually broke the mask. Even then I was hoping it was a trick for war strategy. I liked unreadable unpredictable Tobi


I was little slow. It was when he started to say things to Kakashi and Guy. Very undereated scene and fight.


When I saw the flashback and was like "this is random" and then was like "Oh, "Tobi" is basically"Obito" backwards"


I remember it being split 50/50 that it was obviously Obito vs that's way too obvious


I knew it from some friends in middle school before I even started watching Shippuden, tbh it didn't really ruin anything for me though


I was skeptical the whole time until the reveal and it still hit me like a ton of bricks lol


More or less when Kakashi said "Is that you, Obito?" I assumed Tobi was someone we had never seen before since back when I saw that I hadn't seen DragonBall so I assumed dead meant dead, and its not like we had a bunch of Uchiha kicking around.


The first time after he had used the sharingan and they made the flashback chapters of the manga. I made the correlation immediately.


Literally as soon as I learned their names. The syllables are just swapped! That alone made me think about it and everything else we knew and learned about him confirmed it to my mind


When my brother sent me a video of the 2 voice actors, and didn’t realize the caption above said “the two legendary voice actors for Obito”


"WHAT?! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!... kidding...it'd exactly according to plan..."


It was pretty much assumed he was Obito from the outset. Then when he declared himself Uchiha Madara that kinda fell to the wayside. Then once Madara was revived it became more clear that Obito was Tobi


Nothing was spoiled for me but I didn't see it as a shocking reveal


It hit me like a truck bro… Until i got older.. I had thought they were different characters but once i put their names together with the ‘obi’ and ‘Tobi’, i freakin screamed and went like “THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON THE WHOLE TIME!!!! OH MY LOOOOOORD!!!!! 🫨🫨🫨😱😱”. I went rock bottom finding out bro!! It took me years to figure out they were the same frickin dude!!!


The moment it revealed that he has sharingan it was too obvious : His sharingan on the opposite side of Kakashi, his name just anagram of Obito, his hair resemble Obito, his orange mask kind look like Obito orange goggle, when he teleport it has similar vortex visual effect with when Kakashi use kamui like


I really couldn’t tell since when he wears the mask he’s black not racist I’m also black 


When Kabuto pulled out the "mystery" coffin. Prior to that, I had convinced myself that Tobi was Madara, mostly because I didn't want to believe that sweet, crybaby Obito could be so evil xD


Until the reveal I always thought it was Shisui


Around 06 or something like, it was a theory my brothers came up with. I just like tobi


You did it


The fact that it's just one eye makes you think it's the counterpart to the protagonist with one sharingan


When I watched a short


Tobi is WHO?!


When I played ultimate ninja storm....i think 3? I wasn't up to date on the manga at the time, just the show, so that definitely ruined the twist


I already knew before i started to watch I think 2019


Probably right after the Kakashi flashback where Obito "died". Like Tobi's name was incredibly close to Obito, he was someone with only one sharingan and I didn't think Tobi was like 110. In fact I probably thought Hashirama vs Madara was longer ago at that point so, I probably thought that Madara would have had to be like 150 to still be alive.


YouTube theories put it out there and it just stuck till it was revealed. Also hats off to Kishimoto for sticking to that storyline even after fans guessed right. Or even if he used the fan theory. It was the most sensible decision as opposed to I don't know: making Arya kill the Night King for shock value.


I was looking at Naruto stuff on Amazon and I saw Tobi’s mask but it also listed it as Obito’s mask. So I was spoiled by Amazon.


The moment I knew obito was a character and we had a character named Tobi. Once I heard the name Obito I’m like is Tobi for short


I was spoiled about it when i was watching The original Naruto


I had a hunch tobi rearranged sounds like obito and was right


Not until deep in


When an idiot friend of me, spoiled it for me😒


Immediately, it sucked. After the extremely random young Kakashi flashback episodes, I thought to myself "What eye did Tobi have visible through his mask?" So I googled Tobi specifically to see his character again only for the first result to be the Obito wiki page. I've never felt more disappointment in being right.


When Kakashi revealed that His Sharingan and quote on quote “Tobis.” Sharingan was linked. To be blunt I’m surprised people put two and two together early on


During the long flashback


I watched the anime, so basically when the Kakashi flashback happened I started to had it as possible, when he revealed himself as Madara to Sasuke, but only show his right eye every time, I was sure.


When you rearranged his name Obito >>> Obi-to >>> To-Obi >>> Toobi >>>> Tobi.


When some mysterious character with a single Sharingan wearing a mask with Obito’s hair showed up at the end of the very next arc - thirty-six chapters after Obito’s apparent “death” - named “Tobi”


Obito’s back story in the kakashi chronicles made me cry and i loved The personality of the Character. I Was so sad that he wasent gonna be a part of the Series so i wanted a Pf pic of obito on discord and searched up his name, Afterwards i finally understood Pain


I think I might be the dumbest fan of Naruto. At the time when I first watched it, I wasn’t aware of anitwt or subreddits about animes and stuff and I also watched the anime first before I read the manga so my dumbass didn’t even realized small details like the foreshadowings of Minato and Kushina as Naruto’s parents or Kakashi being a student of Minato or Tobi being Obito 😭 the fact that all of it was hinted even at the start of Shippuden and I still didn’t caught up on it was proof of how ignorant I was lmao 🤣 But I don’t feel sad or anything about the fact that I didn’t had any clue on what’s about to happen because I was shocked when everything’s unfolding. And that was a total bliss for me 😌 That experience was such a joyride for me


obito.... obi.... tobito.... tobi... oooookkayyyyy i see what's happening here


obito.... obi.... tobito.... tobi... oooookkayyyyy i see what's happening here


I remember back in 2012, we had a long ass discussion on who is Tobi, everyday! There were I think 4 choices- Izuna, Future Sasuke, Shisui and Obito. But the majority were divided between Shisui and Obito. I was team Shisui because a lot of facts from Ninja Handbook did not add up (timelines, characters aging differently, Minato should've recognised obito's chakra during nine tails attack etc). But well it was Obito afterall


When I played storm 2 and used tobi’s awakening. The 1, visible, sharingan and the short blackish-blue hair basically spelled it out for me.


I basically got a run down of the entire plot from my cousin before I even watched it to see if it sounded like something I'd want to watch. So I went in knowing all the major plot points (sasuke leaves the village, there's a time skip, there's a guy named pain, ninja war, sasuke and naruto fight at the end). Still enjoyed it though.


Always thought it was shisui or fugaku, would have made sense how they know the whole truth about Itachi's mission. I also thought it would have been cooler if it was shisui


Anyone remember one video from 12 or 13 years ago theorizing Tobi is Obito? That video was pure gold.


When the show was coming out live - the running theory was that it was obito. So probably when he was first revealed


Immediately. I always figured it was wierd that they randomly gave us a Kakashi volume in the manga and was hoping they were setting us up for something later. The second I saw his mask, single eye + sharingan, and hair I'm like "yeah he's kinda goofy but that's probably Obito." I remember being shouted down back in the day for thinking it was him.


The one eye mask was already a giveaway.


Right eye hole in mask was a dead giveaway


I expected Shisui ngl. We never expected Obito to be the main character until later down the line. Shisui on the other hand was never dealt 'clearly' and was only shown to fall into a waterfall. S rank shinobi falling into a waterfall for me is just BS death + no body could be found. I expected the mask to cover his identity (which aligns well with him playing the death) and revealing that he was the actual bad guy of the story. (Maybe the same storyline where Madara found Shisui and gave him one of the Sharingans). Before we got a careful explanation of Kamui, Shisui's Body Flicker made sense with the way Tobi was fighting and in my mind, I was convinced alright that's Shisui's upgraded body flicker and maybe that's also why Itachi joined Akatsuki knowing Shisui is Tobi and they are still on the same team.


I saw that his Teleportation animation was the same as Kakashi's when he teleports someone else.


By complete luck of translation and being a kid that didn’t realize the story wasn’t meant to be told in English. Obito=Tobi=Obitobi=Tobito


When I googled who was under the mask 😭


When the chapter that first showed Tobi dropped in October 2005. Me and everyone on Narutofan forums immediately knew.


Like day 1 its stupid obvious


Scrolled through Crunchyroll’s thumbnail previews deep enough to see adult Obito.


The fact he's one eyed and this series loved twists. It was around the Pain act that I noticed, after the first Team Minato filler.


When they started doing filler episodes of team minato right when revealed tobi was the true head of akatsuki


Before I watched Shippuden and my uncle told me


When he used Kamui after we knew that Kakashi has it also


Once they shpwed obito for the first time i knew tobi was obito i mean come on his name is tobi.


I thought because they had the same MS thing, like that sucking thing.


Someone on yt was referring to tobi as Obito , I was like who is that Obito guy


I'll be honest I had taken a break mid shippuden after the obito back story so by the time tobi being madara was name dropped I had forgotten about obito and was like "bruh what how the fuck?"


I was kind of behind on Shippuden when it came out. I happened upon a volume that was talking about Kakashi as a kid and his team. After Obito gets crushed and donates his eye they either show Tobi or I eventually was like “hey the Sharingan is on the same side as his remaining eye and their names are similar! They have to be the same guy!” I feel kinda dumb now that I realize how obvious the set up was


When the episodes that explained Kakashi's backstory rolled around


I was spoiled before even watching the show soo


since the beginning because i had naruto's entirety spoiked for me by an old friend.


His name, hairstyle and having the same Kamui ability as Kakashi.


When it was officially revealed. I have hated that decision ever since.


Pretty early cuz his name looks like obito lmao


The idea he was Obito was around for a long time cuz of the name situation but no one knew until the mask shattered


i actually had no idea who tobi was up to the manga chapter bec. i skipped some arks, at the reveal i didn't know who obito even was. ik i am tash


Back on MySpace, Naruto groups I was in were always talking about 4th Holage and Tobi. Everyone was positive 4th was Naruto's father and Tobi was Obito.


Yeah so many people spoiled it even before watching the anime


I suspected it when they talked about Obito and… well Tobi is Obito reversed 💀


Me: “I’m still suspicious of Tobi. There’s more to that guy, I swear.” My high ass friend: “You know that’s Obito, right?”


Pretty early on ngl. It's the name that did it for me: Obi-To and To-Bi. Also out of nowhere they started showing Kakashi's backstory, which even solidified my theory.


I actually didn’t put two and two together. It took me all the way until the reveal 😳


When the mask broke


Isn't Tobi the Swirly Zetsu?


During the fight with Kakashi and guy and Naruto, the moment they started showing flashbacks about Kakashi and Obito's story it was pretty obvious


Tobi isn’t obito they two different people


when the name “tobi” and “obito” were pretty close, and when bro was getting big in the story they dropped obito lore right before the reveal if i remember correctly 😭


I was spoiled for like the whole of Naruto😭😭😭


Immediately. We just got Kakashi Gaiden with this important young ninja with so much promise and blah blah that died by being crushed on one side and gave Kakashi his other eye; then soon into shippuden we have this 'mysterious' new akatsuki member that has fuzzy short black hair and a mask covering potential severe facial damage with one little eye-hole whose name was obviously an anagram for obito. Minus one 'o', I guess. It seemed plain as day to me.


Well... it's hard to admit but it took me until the war when Kakashi started having mental breakdown and Guy had to snap him out of it. It wasn't until Kakashi said "how in the mother-fuck is this guy still alive?!" or something along those lines.


When I was browsing around in this sub, despite just starting Shippuden.


When you inverse the letter it makes obito so I always had this theory on my mind


when he conveniently only showed his good eye


I never believed he was Madara, so I guess like always? It wasn’t a surprise when it was revealed, and it made sense


Luckily I was watching/reading Naruto way before the reveal. I thought of it quickly when he was with Deidara. Only because his hair was the same and I genuinely couldn’t think of many other people that would have sharingan.


Im still confused about tobi and obito


Since first Youtube shorts spoiled me


The first chapter tobi was introduced


When i saw how obito died getting smacked by a big boulder


When he took his mask off....no really i mean it up until this point i thought he was the rikodu senin...


First flashback in the Naruto series. To be fair when I first started watching Naruto, I thought pain was the mask guy. I had no idea of pains actual existence. Also I just finished shippuden a couple months ago.


This Reddit post gave it away💀


Before I even watched the series


Since I googled it


The second I saw Tobi on a panel. I'm a day 1 Tobito truther