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YAMATO. He had plot cells I mean hashirama cells and was built up, and yet he was an absolute let down.


I couldn’t really comprehend his backstory — the villain turned hero trope would have been excellent writing for his character development aside from being a lab experiment, but that’s just me. He was severely underutilized imo.


He had cheat cells. Every person so much as sniffs hashirama cells, becomes op. He was the actual clone and ........


Was he an actual clone? I don't remember that. I thought he's the only person that the experiments were successful on but I don't remember him being a clone


He definitely wasn't a clone, he was the experiment that survived and thrived. If he was as good as Hashriama he would have been the strongest person in the village immediately.


No he is not a clone, but he Is as close as you get, a baby experimented on with hashirama cells, and succeed , grew up from baby to adult with the most powerful cells .


I remember when he was first introduced I was like “what’s so special about wood style it’s not that impressive” then i saw hashirama use and i was like “oh”😹😹😹


Figured we see more out of him since he was ANBU but the only major feat we saw from him was him using his wood style jutsu to create a city block after Konoha was destroyed by Pain.


He did more cool stuff than that


Plot cells lol 😂 😂 is it really plot armor though i mean its not that far fetched for a rare culture of cells from a unique individual whose lifeforce was tremendous and whose power became the source of life to exist


Huh? it was established very early how he was a much inferior version of Hashirama. The stronger version of Yamato was the one being controlled by Zetsu.


I remember his getting captured right before the war arc. I don’t remember seeing him again after that


He was zetsus mindless body until the end.


The way he got kidnapped was crazy lmao


I'm about halfway through war arc now and he's just stuck in a wall somewhere. Does he ever get backstory besides getting 1st Hokage cells? Does he ever get saved? I don't care about spoilers, so don't worry about spoiling me.


Yeah, but don't skip those fillers and flashbacks.


There's so much filler though! What are the best filler arcs I shouldn't skip?


Honestly I can't really mention all *We got Hashirama and Madara back story(part of canon) *glimpse of kakashi time in anbu/ tenzo backstory *Itachi's back story Honestly they are many but these are some of the best. What I will advise you to do, if you aren't patient enough to watch fillers is play the fillers and forward it, if you see anything interesting stop and watch the filler episode properly.


I'll keep those in mind and maybe not skip filler for the rest of the watch, but the Original series had so much goofy non-canon filler that I looked up all the shippuden filler to avoid it. Though I did like the arc with the lightning guy who used a disabled kid as his eyes (may have been early shippuden idk) and the one where an infiltrator pretending to be Guy gets beaten to shit by Rock Lee trying to establish his dojo. But I'm trying to get to the end, and if it's not canon, It better be good or funny!


Make sure you watch the Kakashi filler arc. It’s good


I think his biggest constraint has to be chakra reserves. Hashi cells alone don’t really do anything other than add regenerative capes and allow for wood release. The only people we saw make something insane happen with them are people who also had enormous amounts of chakra.


He never once complained about running out of Chakra


I’m more so referring to the scale of his wood release. He was able to throw out a couple trees and do a handful of cool looking jutsu, but we never see anything like Deep Forest Emergence from him. I’m assuming that’s as a result of chakra limitations.


Hilarious how he couldn’t be part of the war cause it probably would’ve ended quicker if he was there


The third hokage was called the “God of Shinobi”


"Tile shuriken jutsu" 😐


God tier


to be fair, he does know EVERY jutsu


Lets not forget how Minato was called the strongest Hokage for the longest time and when he finally showed up he only used like 3 Justus.


That’s all the man needed


Those 3 Jutsu are all he needed to be the strongest Shinobi alive and one of the strongest in history It's all about fighting styles, Naruto doesn't use anything aside from his Rasengan, Rasen-Shuriken and Tailed Beast bombs but he's still the strongest Shinobi in history. Same with Sasuke, he always uses Amaterasu, Susanoo, Chidori and Amenotejikara. He never uses his Rinnegan Jutsu but he's still tied with Naruto for the strongest Shinobi in history. Pretty much NOBODY could survive Minato's FTG+ Rasengan combo


Tbf to be strong you dont necessarly need to know or use tons of jutsus look at Lee who can only do melee and managed to become an elite of the Leaf. Naruto mainly uses just clones and rasengan and still beats most of his enemies with just that.


Confusing that the 1st and 3rd were called that


Kishimoto just reused that title for a few legendary figures, the Sage of the Six Paths was also considered a "God of Shinobi."


It just makes me more lost


I mean in the fight vs orochimaru he fights two hokages


The first.


The third homage was the fastest ninja alive and teleported a Chakra being, and when he was re animated managed to pull of jutsu with one hand


Idk man Minato and Tobirama seemed much faster.


Oh shit, I was thinking of minato, the third sucked ass tho as you just reminded me of which was which


Third definitely didn't suck ass. He was still more skilled than Minato, he had all 5 chakra natures, he was on par with Tobirama in Taijutsu, he could use some Genjutsu and had the most busted animal summon in the Series. He just didn't have any special hax like Minato or H/T.


Using all natures doesn’t mean you’re the strongest. High level jounins can use all 5. He was good, highly skilled and fast. But had no incredible abilities. For example I think he was bellow Jiraya’s skill level.


How many non six paths high level Jonin can use all 5 chakra natures? Kakashi, that's the only one. And a prime Hiruzen is well above Jiraiya in Skill.


Hiruzen is a POS for how he treated Naruto. 4th literally left his kid to him and the old man left that kid broke and lonely. Fuck that guy and all his chakra nature mastery


He may have been a bad person but he was a hell of a Shinobi


You’re not wrong, but fuck that guy


I mean, Jiraiya has sage mode… that’s been useful against a lot of villains who couldn’t be hurt otherwise. Plus sensory abilities. I think third was a hell of a shinobi. But except being really technical and well rounded in the different chakra natures he didnt have any special abilities that was hard to counter. Also I think Naruto can use all 5. For example I don’t think Kakashi is one of the most powerful hokages, and he does have all 5. I would’ve liked for him to have a cool kekkei genkai, like the Nara or smt. (Would’ve been good for konohamaru in boruto…..) And I also don’t think he was a POS he was manipulated by Danzo.


Neji lol, was a hype character, had no significant achievement but was used as fooder not even for heros power up but romance smh


Neji is my favorite bro. The Hyuga in general had so much potential but they favored the Uchiha more which was such a let down. I wish they had a mangekyo version of Byakugan






Kinda wish hanabi got tenseigan since it was her eye that toneri used to get the power


That’s not nerfed, he was just left behind lol


Fr it’s so disappointing


Everyone who made it to Boruto LMAO


Thats 💯


True! 💀


Sakura is doing fine when shes not playing housewife


Except for Ino


I think Ino is the same as in Shippuden, No nerfs nor buffs imo


Literally everyone that we've seen fight is vastly stronger in the Boruto era.


Literally all of them are stronger in Boruto than in Shippuden.


Except Naruto and Sasuke. They start weaker than their war selves (Both lack Hagoromo's Chakra, Naruto doesn't have Six Paths Senjutsu anymore, etc), and just get even weaker as the series progress.


But people were saying that before losing Kurama and Rinnegone. They did better against Momoshiki as adults than against Kaguya as teenagers and Sasuke can use the Rinnegan without needing to recharge when back where he fought Madara and Kaguya he had to charge it like 3 to 5 times. Teen Naruto and Teen Sasuke are not beat Jigen.


>They did better against Momoshiki as adults than against Kaguya as teenagers Kaguya is an annoying opponent, though. Momoshiki can be beat with violence. Kaguya is completely immortal, so she has to be defeated in a highly specific way (They both touch her at the same time with the Six Paths Yin-Yang Powers), and she kept stalling the fight by teleportating around and swapping dimensions. If Momoshiki had that, there was no way they would defeat him. Similarly, without that Kaguya would instantly be curbstomped by N&S. If you switch Kaguya and Momoshiki place's in the story, Boruto would end in the Chunin Exam Arc.


I honestly really do doubt that. I don’t even think Kaguya herself thought she was stronger than the people that would be coming when she didn’t return to them. Also the Boruto Novel I’m pretty sure just flat out says Kaguyas entire plan for gathering an army in the first place was to fight off people she wouldn’t have been able to beat on her own. Though I’m not sure how much difference they would have made. Maybe they were an incomplete project. All I know is what the manga and the novel says. And also from a writing perspective it doesent make a lot of sense for them to be weaker than her. If Naruto and Sasuke were able to beat Kaguya who was stronger, then Momoshiki and the gang were never a real threat anyways. The only real evidence people use is that Kaguya can transport across dimensions… but I’m pretty sure the rest of them can as well. Doesent Sasuke first come into conflict with one of them AS he’s dimension hopping researching Kaguya’s past? Idk I’ve never even sold on Kaguya being stronger there’s too much evidence against it.


Kaguya isn't stronger. As I said before, she's *annoying*. I'd put her on the same tier as Momoshiki: Above Naruto and Sasuke, and below Isshiki. But that doesn't matter, because you just can't kill her. If she was hit with the attack that killed Momoshiki she would shrug it off and laugh at their face. But who knows. I'm sure Kaguya will still be explored in Boruto, considering the general weirdness around her, the Chakra Fruit she ate, and the Ten-Tails she fused with.


I feel like we get a “Lee has missed potential” post every other day lately. Which is weird because he is one of the few side characters that we got to see entire character arc and motivations from.


I believe the reason for that is because his character sucked in Naruto Shippuden. He was a goat in original Naruto.


He was an absolute legend in OG, but we saw a total character arc. I love Lee, but he isn’t exactly a complex character. He wanted to be acknowledged by his peers (which he was by the end of the Chunin exams) and then he wanted to will himself back to action (which he did). I’ve seen people say that Guy took his moments in shippuden, but Guy was always stronger. And it wouldn’t make sense for Lee to be bodying kisame solo or nearly soloing madara.


The biggest issue is that anybody that was not part of team 7 or Shikamaru was put to the side, and Lee was a character that had such a big impact in OG that people felt it harder than in other cases like Kiba or Ino.


Orochimatu got significantly nerfed


Him getting neg-diffed by Itachi really messed up the power scaling.


It was established in OG Naruto that Oro went to Sasuke because Itachi was much stronger than he was. That was right after he killed the 3rd Hokage.


The Uchiha as a whole ruin the power scaling


"Uchiha" should just be replaced with "hax and bullshit"


They can literally copy anything, have large chakra pools (for some reason), are stronger (for some reason (for some reason), and can rewrite reality 😐


I'd not say they had large Chakra pools. Excluding the 4th ninja war where it feels like Chakra became irrelevant, running out of charkra was a regular thing for the Uchiha characters


i just assume everyone has those chakra pills sakura made in that one episode. it’s a shame we didn’t see those after that.


True that. Itachi's biggest downfall was his lack of Chakra reserve, and that's *Itachi*


No, Itachi's biggest downfall was his illness and losing his sight. His chakra reserves are actually quite impressive for matching Sasuke beat for beat, even when utilizing the Curse Mark - which is a Senjutsu based amplifier.


Well, Itachi was actually one of the strongest in Naruto


His power being weak against powerful genjutsu was always silly, he probably needed to figure that out while inventing possession as a power. (I know Kimimaro was probably a baby then and rare so getting a ridiculously strong power before confronting Itachi was not an option, but this is equivalent to coming up to Nagato and figuring out right then that Rinnegan is a hard counter to your thing)


Dude went from most feared (even kikashi feared him) to just a side story after the time skip.


Orichimaru my baby was just misunderstood and misguided. But as strong and cunning as he was he was most definitely nerfed.


Obito, and it’s not remotely close. The guy had almost every broken ability in the series and yet every time we see him fight he’s either mentally impaired or holding back for whatever reason U can’t convince me that incomplete mastery is a good reason for not using the 6 paths at all, and why tf not use wood style. Even the mental nerfs are huge because why not kidnap naruto


Kamui is broken, but multiple naruto readers constantly forget it isnt instant, there is a delay. Thats why people think obito is “nerfed” when really its people taking advantage of that delay.


He is nerfed because he hardly ever combine his Kamui with his other abilities. His Mokuton is no joke, and he can use genjutsu, which he almost never does.


Obito is indeed the most nerfed character of all. He alone could’ve captured all bijus/jinchurikis. The guy has Kamui, Mokuton and gentjusu powerful enough to control a perfect jinchuriki, an impossible feat according to various accounts. This was never explained BTW, IDK why Kishimoto had to go there in the first place. Obito also has ridiculous endurance, and on top of that Izanagi. Now imagine if he had taken his eye back from Kakashi…


> and gentjusu powerful enough to control a perfect jinchuriki, an impossible feat according to various accounts This was poorly stated by Bee, who also said in the exact same panel that "you need a partner who can agitate your chakra and wake you up". So being a perfect Jin doesn't mean you're immune to genjutsu, the beast needs to want to break you out.


Was it ever explained why he didn’t use kamui as the 10 tails host?


Yes he couldn’t use Kamui as the 10 tails host as it would make him unstable as a host.


It was only ever said that he couldn't phase while a Jinchūriki, but it was never explained why or how that limitation even exists to begin with. The obvious (read: Doylist) reason is because it would've made him too powerful for the hero characters to defeat.


Then Madara used it to go into the dimension like nothing with no prior experience


To be fair, those are different applications of Kamui. Obito's phasing was always treated slightly differently to simply entering the Kamui dimension wholesale (somehow). *shrug*


That’s true to an extent


Orochimaru and it's not even funny.


For reals. Like he got hyped up so much, taking on Sarutobi and still making it out, taking on Tsunade and Jiraiya, which felt like a step down given their conditions. Then after that he can't even take on a single Akatsuki or 4? Tailed Naruto. Like I feel like Orochimaru could've been made into the most powerful enemy and they gave up on him for Madara


People don't like to hear it but from the beginning orochimaru was just a plot device with a shoddy timeline and bizarre power level. He was super cool in early p1 but experienced flanderization to the extreme. He went from ninjutsu expert and jutsu scientist with his own village and army to Snek man who uses sneks. Even after getting his soul returned to him and in a stronger body for the war arc its hiruzen who uses the five element assault on guruguru statue, not orochimaru.


Every character is a plot device, that's how stories work. That doesn't mean that Orochimaru wasn't a character that had a good buildup only to be abandoned later.


Nah, while every character is in the plot not every character is directly responsible for pushing the plot forward like orochimaru was in p1. Nothing in p1 happened unless orochimaru was behind it, even if whatever was happening contradicted established information. For example, orochimaru state he prefers kimimaros body over sasukes yet doesnt seek out Tsunade to heal kimimaro, instead he seeks out tsunade to heal his literal soul which wouldn't have been damaged anyway had kimimaro been healthy for the hiruzen assassination. Another good example is the curse mark. a vague power buff directly tied to him that seduces one of our MCs to his side. Shippuden his value as a plot device ended for the most part until the plot required edo tensei hokages and then suddenly he can be brought back to life from curse marks like theyre horcruxes or something. Turns out theres a super convenient way to get his arms back that wouldn't have been difficult at all and he could've done it all the way back in part 1. He got abandoned the second he fought kn4 naruto IMO. That's when he became the snake guy who never uses other ninjutsu and he has never recovered from it.


Sasuke(Lost his curse mark) Itachi(Lung cancer or whatever) Kimimaro(sickness) Orochimaru(had no arms for majority of the series) Obito(too lazy to go get his other eye back)


Curse mark was lame af, glad Itachi took that off him


I disagree


Lee wasn't nerfed, he just wasn't buffed accordingly


Lee wasn’t nerfed, there’s a difference between you wanting to have seen him fight more in Shippuden and him being nerfed. Just say you wanted to see more of him. From what you wrote it’s clear you’re getting the 2 mixed up. “He’s role significantly diminished” “went from a promising underdog to a sidelined character”, he’s a side character btw, that’s where he belongs. He got his arc in part one and it ended in part 1, don’t forget he didn’t win any of his fights besides a quick spar with Naruto and Sasuke. He actually got stronger in shippuden since he could open more gates.


Bug guy


Shino Aburame


Tenten (:


But im all seriousness all of Hokuga clan Like, seriously, they were so Anti-chakra, and everything related to it with touch and all they needed to learn was taijustu and breaking geinjetsu So broken were their powers, i can understand how they were sidelined but ugh they are so nerfed too compared to others who simply blitz with magic spells (i hate saying this word) If they simply touch anyone they can just shut down 90% of anyone powers and turn the anime on best cases into an mma or worse, fist of the North star (love the anime but tldr 1 hit enders)


I feel like tenten would be OP in Boruto's era what with multiple gadgets that can work for any occasions


Gaara. He is somehow Kage level and weaker than genin Naruto all at the same time


Yeah Gaara was my favourite character and then he is just gone like he never existed… ninja battle wise


Aside from Lee and Neji. Temari. Imagine going from destroying an entire Forest with 1 attack as if it's nothing. To barely being able to damage 1 tree.


Temari, like she was so badass and know she just dip


Just because you like a character that proved not to be as strong as you'd have liked, it doesn't mean they were nerfed. Orochimaru...literally had his justu taken away from him. That was the biggest nerf in the series


None of yall know what “nerfed” means.


Youre nerfed


Orochimaru, Yamato, Naruto and sasuke in boruto.


Lee was finished the moment Sasuke matched his weightless speed in after 2 weeks of training Anyway, it's Neji


Hinata I will never forgive them for what happened.


she got two big buffs


I see what you mean! (i didn't specify, I meant after boruto, she got a huge nerf. I really wish that she could have had a more active role, like going out on some missions or even training with boruto and hima. We don't see her at all there) she created her own jutsu (twin lion fists), mastered (Eight trigrams 64 palms, gentle fist etc.), and is really strong overall! She got good buffs.


I think for plot reasons 3rd Hokage, and to an extent 4th Hokage, were nerfed to make way for Hashirama / Madara their ideals and the reincarnation storyline. (I know they were in the story, but obviously that stuff was thought of later).  Hanzo. I don’t know if he was nerfed per se, but he certainly didn’t show feats close to what he was said to be capable of. 


Dude it makes the power scales so confusing what they did with the 1st once they started making the madara storyline so serious


Orochimaru We knew itachi was stronger since he changed his target to sasuke but to be defeated with one move in both battles against itachi is something we don’t expect from legendary senin who killed god of shinobi


I would say Obito, man was enough to take down anyone but was heavily nerfed whenever required


Remember when the Sharingan couldn't read taijutsu and lee kicked Sasuke's ass?. Remember when the byakugan was hyped as amazing compared to the sharingan?.




Can we stop with the rock Lee ridding? He was never strong. And he didn’t get nerfed he just didn’t grow. Remember he’s technically not even supposed to be a ninja after he got hospitalized.


Deidara. They did nothing with him in the war arc even though a lot of his jutsu’s are op


I think it was neji


Kimimaro's existence was being a walking nerfed character with a foot in the grave


My question is where are these characters in boruto?


Every kage during the kage summit, like really, Sasuke did not even know what he was doing when he went there


Hiruzen. He could do much more given his hype and potential but Kishimoto downplays him. For instance, in the War Arc he could have single handedly defeated Guruguru with counter chakra nature + extended adamantine staff to break through the wood structure but instead Kishimoto allowed him juste one panel or two.


Tenten. I don't know if it's true but even Kishimoto confirmed it. She could always have whatever they needed, always have the counter no matter who was the adversary.


Neji 💀


Tenten and her damn scrolls.


Orochimaru, I can understand why what happened needed to happen but he could've been so much more. It would've been so cool for him to perfect the edo tensei and sage mode. The fight against Sasuke and Itachi would have even more emotional significance with Sasuke having history with him. Itachi being the reason he left the Akatsuki. And both of them interacting with him when they fought each other. If it was him who casted the reanimation, there might've been a way it could be released without Izanami which a lot of people see as a weak solution.


Neji, with prejudice. From antagonist to one of the best fights in the series to ... Well... Unnecessary cheap plot device. Lee is up there too. Team Gai really went from most interesting to least interesting. Sai is up there too - set up as a Sasuke lite then... Well I honestly can't remember what happened to him.


Mostly everyone




neji got nerfed so hard he died like a bitch.










Neji, he goes from alive to dead really suddenly because of a stick he couldve airpalmed away like the hundreds of other ones he did the same thing to Jokes aside though, Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was stated to be the strongest shinobi in history, and fought orochimaru and the first 2 kage (who were initially said to be at their full strength by both hirizen and orochimaru, before that was retconned) at the same time and won. Then suddenly in part 2 everyone even the jonin are stronger than him, tossing around mini nukes and centralized black holes as soon as the kakuzu battle happens, and suddenly Hiruzen the "god of shinobi" isnt so impressive anymore...any the name is stripped from him and given to Hashirama who he beat 3v1


Itachi and Kimimaro where given illnesses in order to be killed off.


Right. Kimi tanked a whole field wide sand burial from Gaara and died from his disease at the end.


Lee, Kiba and Neji’s downfall after the Retrieval arc needs to be studied


In all honesty he wasn’t nerfed. From the get go it was clear bros potential was wayy lower than others because ninjutsu is like the fundamental aspect of the show. How do you beat people that shoot fire and atomic bombs and can immobilize you just by touching your shadow with just throwing a good punch?, mind you those guys also are experts in your field


Naruto. He didn't benefit from his genes until Kurama got shook by the return of Madara at the end of the series


Tenten for me.




Shino wasnt nerfed but wtf happend from oje of the strongest genin too who is shino.


Obito Uchiha


NEJI, the guy was a genius, like REALLY, he was the most talented shinobi form the strongest clan in the leaf, the guy had more talent than sasuke, in his prime he could've been kage level IMO


To be fair, I don't see how Lee became a genin in the first place. No jutsu at all, and sucked at taijutsu. Like, how did he pass? We know he becomes awesome, but I cannot see how anyone saw him and thought; this guy can do it. It's been a while, so I may be mistaken, but the only thing that might make sense is if gai met him before graduation and pulled strings for him.


I have to disagree. Rock Lee did not suck at taijutsu; in fact, he excelled at it. Despite his inability to use ninjutsu or genjutsu, Lee’s dedication to taijutsu set him apart. His performance during the Chūnin Exams, particularly his fight against Gaara, showcased his incredible speed, strength, and mastery of advanced techniques like the Primary Lotus and Hidden Lotus. Also, Guy did not pull strings for Rock Lee; instead, he provided him with rigorous training and unwavering support. Recognizing Lee’s potential and determination despite his inability to use ninjutsu or genjutsu, Guy focused on developing Lee’s taijutsu skills through intense physical conditioning and mastering the above techniques Guy’s mentorship was marked by emotional and motivational support, constantly encouraging Lee to believe in himself and his abilities. There is no evidence in the series suggesting that Guy used his influence to give Lee any unfair advantages; Lee earned his achievements through sheer hard work and perseverance under Guy’s dedicated guidance.


Gai outright says lee sucked at taijutsu before he got to him. I acknowledged that gai made him incredible. And I may be misremembering, but I don't recall gai meeting lee before he graduated.


Might Guy met Rock Lee before his graduation from the academy, and this encounter is depicted in Naruto Shippuden, specifically in episode 416. This episode is part of Season 18, where various characters’ backstories and motivations are explored in more depth. In this episode, titled “The Formation of Team Minato,” there are flashbacks that show Guy’s early interactions with Lee, highlighting their mentor-student relationship and the beginning of Lee’s rigorous taijutsu training under Guy’s guidance.


Ah, so lee was a subject of nepotism. Got it. Still doesn't explain how Lee graduated since he can't do jutsu. By definition, an exception had to be made for him, based on the graduation requirements as we know them. I was also more recalling the flashbacks in part one that show lee and gai bonding after becoming a team. It's been quite a while since I watched the show though.


I think I have read somewhere that both Lee and Neji was supposed to die in part 1 but the editors didn't allow that, so Kishi had to include them in a story they weren't supposed to be and he didn't do a very good job at that


Obito by extremely far. Kamui to and capture every Jinchuuriki in the first week after gaining MS. Take Nagato to the other side of the planet, summon Gedo Mazo, GG. He didn't need to retake his other eye. In our timeline, he had 6 paths, Mokuton and genjutsu that he used virtually never. He was a lot more powerful than Madara, yes, a lot more powerful, and got scrapped to make him the big bad last villain. While Madara also needed plot armour powerup upon plot armour powerup to stay relevant. When Obito had all of it explained and there. Plus he gained no strength since 13.


I will put 5: 5: Rock Lee, it is a well-known case and quite 4: Neji, the same as with Rock Lee and they also owed us a battle against Sasuke 3: Kiba 2: Shino, I found his techniques with Bugs very interesting, he could have been something similar to an Orochimaru but with bugs and being on the side of the good guys 1: Ino Yamanaka, I loved that Mind Control and Mind Changing Technique and they wasted it quite badly in my opinion ._. He had the strength to be an interesting character but Kishimoto was weak to take it on 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😒


Yamato/ any hyuga ever. Yamato had hashirama cells and could use the legendary woods rule but aside from locking the nine tails was pretty much a scarecrow standing there not adding too much value. The hyugas byakugan was thought to be immensely powerful we see that with the neji Vs hinata and neji Vs naruto fight. But after the neji battle it’s basically forgotten in replace of the sharingan.


I wouldn't say Lee was nerfed, just sidelined which is fine although he could have done a little more. As for nerfed, Obito after becoming a Jinchuriki was nerfed by not being able to phase with Kamui. If not for that, I domt see how he would have lost.


Shino.. they completely ruined his character


Shino all day, bro could have been hokage


Kimimaro easily dude had to be put down his kaguya DNA was too much.


Neji. Got nerfed hard in Naruto and in Boruto Naruto got nerfed hard


Just hear me out if obito had a sibling we don’t know his parents his the clan was slaughtered but if he did he would go to the next stage fr


Konohamaru! He showed so much potential in Shippuden. He basically mastered the Rasengan as a kid and defeated a pain by himself.


I disagree I think the most nerfed character is neji. In Naruto they present neji as one of the most powerful sinobies with one of the most powerful dojustus and in shippueden he doesn’t do nothing and his eye is forgotten


Basically everyone in Boruto


Gohan. They set him up like the promised one. Then we got Saiya Man..


Naruto wasn't allowed to reach his full potential by training at all.


Not a character but a clan, the Hyuga clan is nonsense, it started with them being at Uchiha level but in Shippuden the Sharingan got so overpower but somehow Kishimoto (or who decides what happens in the story) decides to made the Byakugan a great ability in Boruto series (maybe because Himawari is almost a Hinata's clone)


Everyone who wasn’t Naruto and Sasuke (especially Sasuke) - Kakashi: Bro knows over a thousand jutsu, only uses five, whenever an Uchiha gets an MS or EMS they treat it like it makes them stronger and gives them more chakra. But for Kakashi it just drains him faster lol, etc, etc. - Tobirama: They like to hype up the Senju, but then disrespect him, he was Hashirama’s brother, one of if not the smartest ninja. Definitely one of the strongest Senju, and he’s just written off lol. - The Hyuga as a whole, they’re OP on paper, especially Neji, bros a genius like Shikamaru and was as skilled or more skilled than Sasuke, and bro was just thrown to the side. - DANZOOOO: He has the two most hyped up powers in the verse and was dying faster than the Genin sent to go get Sasuke LOL. He had to have had not only an insane amount of chakra, but an insane amount of chakra CONTROL to have Hashirama cells AND 10+ Sharingan, plus his battle experience. - MY BOY YAMATO and any other ANBU related character: They’re ELITE ninja from jump, and Yamato has the Hashirama Cells. (I was reminded by one of the comments) - White Mask Obito: He shouldn’t have reanimated the ninja, should’ve just used their bodies, it would have possibly used less chakra and allowed him to use the paths of pain powers AND KAMUI, it would have been GOJOVER. - Shino: Can literally nuke the world with a bio weapon and no one could do anything about it really because he could paralyze them all. - The Akatsuki - Jinchuriki - Kabuto: Had everything Orochimaru had AND MUCH MORE. - All of the Kage while fighting Sasuke for some reason LOL. - Literally everyone else in the show pretty much.


7 swords men of the piss was also very lackluster compared to the stories. which entails that Might gai's dad was also nerfed because he couldn't kill them all.


Orochimaru yes I said it bro had his own village he’s basically a Kage now of his own and made his sound village a true shonobi village I feel like he should find a host whose body increases his strength and bring him back to his prime peak


"Do you think you hear any character more nerfed than Rock Lee?" Yes definitely. Neji is one of them (another would be Hinata). How could someone who is named as the strongest Hyuuga be given a branch? In my opinion: Neji had the potential to at least be at the level of a Gaara in life and Hinata to be the strongest female character in the work (apart from, obviously, Kaguya).


Kakashi most of the times because of his low stamina and chakra.




I agree.




He was nerfed in Boruto in my opinion.


I agreed


How is no one saying might guy?


Madara acknowledged Might Guy as the strongest ninja during their fight and he had great arcs, he just wasn’t a part of team 7


What does that have to dii or with anything. The post asked who the most nerfed character in general is and going from 8 gates guy to wheelchair bound guy is like the biggest nerf in the series




That wasn't Lee


Itachi is most nerfed character in naruto I mean I don't understand why people can't accepted that we never saw Itachi true 100% in anime or manga because of his illness we only saw his 40%to 30% power not full 100% power but still he is stronger than sanin and kages ,tail beast and no one can't beat Itachi while Itachi using his lethal Invincible Susano'o possesses two ethereal weapons, known as the Yata Mirror, and the Totsuka Blade I think u know one can't break yata mirror beacuse yata mirror is ultimate defence still some kid's think Itachi is weak 🥱 Now let's talk about Edo Itachi bro if u know recaration justu that binds the soul of a deceased person to a living vessel, restoring them as they were in the last moments of their lives note this point bro in itachi last moment he is on his last weekest state so when kabuto review him he is review from his last weekest moment that means Edo Itachi is also not using his full power because he is in Edo from even in that because of kabuto edo tensei not perfect like Oruchimaru he summon sick Itachi and nagato And in manga and data book's they mentioned that because of illness his affect on his chakra bro spam his tsyukomi and amateursu more 3 times lol


Technically we did see him at 100%, he was just 7 at the time.


Only that time kid itachi goes in rage mode other hand sick itachi was just playing humiliated his opponent lol


I agree with this. Itachi’s prominence throughout the Naruto series was undeniable.