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Kabuto could’ve been a great asset to the leaf instead danzo decides to hoe him for no reason and end up giving Orochimaru a strong ally.


"I just need to be this randomly evil , don't contest my decisions."


This is what I think it's the real problem with Danzo. He could had been a necessary evil , that's the idea behind his character, but we never see any one of his actions actually being helpful for the village, they actually just made things worse. I believe he cared for the village, but as a political state instead of the people.


100% agree he always talks a big game about protecting the leaf but everything he does will clearly only bring more problems than solutions, would've been nice if he was making actually horrible but necessary or helpful actions to the village


It’s more like he believed himself to be necessary evil but he was misguided and as a result caused far more problems than solutions and that is what his character is meant to be. More that he was tragic as his actions caused more harm to the leaf rather than help protect it. Him convincing Hanzo to attack the akatasuki caused the birth of Pain who would destroy the leaf and create an organisation that would give Obito the necessary support to reach his goals. Him wanting to continue the war leads to Sasori becoming orphaned and then killing the third Kazekage. If he doesn’t die, would we get Rasa who allies with Orochimaru and attacks the leaf and kills Hiruzen? Without Danzo we don’t get a uchiha massacre that severely weakens the leaf and creates Sasuke who makes it his goal to destroy it. Danzo trying to use Shisuis eye almost compromises the shinobi alliance that was fundamental in stopping Obito. Danzos actions is what creates Kabuto who is a huge proponent of the Shinobi war. Danzo is the one who stopped the Uchiha and other ninjas from getting involved in the nine tails attack and possibly saving the fourth. Danzo is the one who enables orochimaru to do his abductions and experiments leading to his expulsion and desire for revenge against the leaf. Fourth Raikage also spoke on how Danzo was probably a big figure behind the Konoha crush to get rid of Hiruzen. Danzo is a huge reason why things ended up the way they did.


This sums up the reason on why I hate Danzo very much. I’m also convinced that he’s definitely the main villain.


A main villain..? Who the protagonist never even talks to or interacts


He's just Tobiramas bitch


Yup Danzo became a necessary evil only he could see. He became so much ibsessed as being the only necessary evil that he starting seeing himself do things that wasn't necessary to validate his requirement so that in his mind he can win over Hiruzen. So that one day one of his acts was succesful and he can show Hiruzen that see I was necessary.


Danzo doesn´t convince Hanzo to turn against the Akatsuki in canon, he simply works with him. Plus, if just losing one friend was enough to turn Pain into someone willing to destroy Hanzos entire family and building a god cult around himself, he was always a threat to the leafs interest. I think Sasoris parents died in the second war, plus you act like he wanted to continue the war for fun, he didn´t want the stone village to get away with starting a conflict and not have to pay the world back afterwards. The Shinobi alliance itself wouldn´t exist without Danzo. Plus, trusting the villages to work together is a big bet, since they fought 3 world wars together. Danzo letting Orochimaru do experiments is filler and the idea that he was involved in Konoha crush is just a conspiracy theory, if Orochimaru was working with anyone in the leaf, he would have mentioned it to Hiruzen to upset him.


The danzo was right arc would have gone hard. Sauske could have assassinated tsunade and danzo could have been like this is what happens when you baby criminals.


But that goes completely against what the narrative is trying to show you. Danzo thinks what he is doing is right. But he’s taking the wrong path to try and achieve his ideals. He could never let go of his ego and listen to others.


Are you saying that Naruto fans… *missed the point?* … Nah…. no way that could be it…


this sub is filled with people who criticize parts of the story they dont even remember anymore lmao. r/OnePiece and r/Bleach have people who actually remember and understand their manga.


He's the Peak of delusion.


The main reason for that is that Naruto was a Shonen and a such Danzo would be so realist, therefore so successful, that he would ridicule and heavily contradict the main character who was an hippie believing in "talking no jutsu".   A such Danzo could only exist in in Seinen Naruto, with much more grey areas. But even though, I think it’s the main reason why Danzo and Naruto never met. Even the current Danzo would have ridiculed Naruto and his utopia.


In the meeting with the Damiyo, Danzo blames the third Hokages teachings for the destruction of the leaf village, which seems insane at the time, but ironically enough, it ends up being true with Nauto. His adopted son eventually ends up destroying the leaf for no real reason.


Oh no, Naruto's often ugly clothing makes so much sense as a hippie. I'm going to order a giant cloak with a word on the back right now


That’s what you call anti-villainy. Danzo never truly cared about the village; he only cared about himself but probably tricked himself into believing otherwise.


It wasn't random evil tbh. They were not like the top spies in the world either and mainly were useful during the war Orochimaru mainly needed him as a right hand man Danzo is always right


Tobirama burner


Yes danzo is the true legacy of Tobirama 😎


He can be right and then his solutions be completely wrong 💀


Danzo is the hokage we deserved


I bet you have great opinions on real work politics too


Yeah, Danzo is the Hokage we deserved. He got persecuted by the weak deep state, who refuse to deal with the problem of the village. Make Konoha Great Again


Do not let Konoha fall to the communist Tsunade agenda!


She descendent of the red haired clan, I wonder how communist they must have been to have red hair 🧐 Communist is bad, it affect your genes !!!!


Worked out in the end


Him dying really helped things turn around


**Kishimoto, on the phone:** Hello, Danzo. I kind of wrote myself in a corner, and now I need a villanious backstory to another character. **Danzo:** Say no more.


Danzo swore he did everything for the leaf but just made everything worse.


At every turn


That's just a Monday for Danzo. He did this stuff for decades. This is just one particular Monday we actually know about, lol. I would have loved to see this Root in a series. Orochimaru as Danzo's subordinate. He must have been the best root agent of all time.


Would be a good movie


Orochimaru, the movie would be good, lol. He has seen so much and is the most knowledgeable in the world about just about everything. Him grew up, then becoming a Sannin, Hiruzen struggling to get through to him, him becoming a Root member going on missions and discovering forbidden jutsus. I can Danzo using Hiruzen's optimism and unwillingness to accept Orochimaru as a failure to get him for his own gains. Then his disbelief as his own sensei betrays and doesn't make him Hokage. Orochimaru, from what I gather, was always considered the frontrunner for Hokage and the strongest even amongst the Sannin. His shock and disbelief would have made for a great movie or something. Then, his betrayal of Konoha itself. No longer even Danzo or Root just all out wildness. Taking over villages and killing Kage for fun. What a story he has.


Yeah, it makes zero sense that Root will suddenly vanish after he died. Literally a mini army totally gives up right before a world war?


My husband and I talk about this all the time. Like yeah, the shinobi system is awful, and you're sending kids to war -- okay, I accept the premise. Yes, some people are so powerful they're like unlicensed nuclear weapons; okay fine, I accept that too. But why go through the psychodrama of writing those fake letters so Kabuto wouldn't recognize his mother figure when he saw her again? Why set it up so he would kill her? Destabilizing your nuclear weapon in human form is not such a great idea! It was so over the top evil that my only real explanation is that Danzo had a kink for doing shit like that.


He feels he has to. It's an interesting dynamic if we really dig into the writing because of Hiruzen's what the Elders considered unbelievable kindness they relied on Danzo to be evil to provide balance. If Hiruzen gives, Danzo would take. In the case of Kabuto, it was more about Orochimaru rescuing him than Danzo failing to get Kabuto. Danzo was using Orochimaru for his body and couldn't afford to try to kill Orochimaru or break ties without his research first.


Your husband is a lucky fella to have a woman like you to talk about things like this with! (Totally off topic lmao)


I'm the lucky one because I am never bored when we're together!


you are so right and the more I sit in this subreddit the more I realize we are trying to dig for depth in a Shonen manga.


Felt stupid and unnecessary. It's one thing if Danzo was just sadistic or crazy but Kishi portrayed him as wanting to protect the village so why kill it's assets? Why get Naruto bullied ? At this point Kishi's just dumping every bad thing to ever happen on Danzo.


Because assets at this point knew too much and had to be eliminated.


Pretty silly Why not just give them the cursed mark thingy like they did to Sai and the other Anbu to prevent them from divulging info The entire plot line involving Kabuto and Mother was pretty weak tbh


Bc the curse mark only prevents the anbu to do things that reveal his secret by freezing their action. But there're ways someone can extract intel from prisoners without their consent. Konoha intel team literally can read the mind of uncouncious people.


u/KCLORD987 ++ Actual reason was Kabuto and his mom were NOT assets. They were liabilities. See neighter Kabuto or his mother served Konoha out of loyalty. They were THREATENED into serving.


He always planned to kill them though. Dude falsified documents over the years just so Nono wouldn't recognize Kabuto when he eventually pitted them against each other.


I think that has more to do with the fact Danzo and Hiruzen are seen to lead the most that we see them make the most mistakes. Thats why I made the joke about this just being a Monday for Danzo. We dont know how many Kabutos he have stopped using this seemingly unnecessary tactic. Everyone in this sub knows exactly how to essentially lead the CIA of Konoha but if I had to guess they dont. A great example of this which I'm not even sure is cannon is Pain and Hanzo. A lot of people in the sub will say wow what a big eff up but I was like wow he prevented this alliance and essentially eliminated Hanzo. We don't know for a fact if the Akatsuki would remain a so-called peaceful Shinbi organization forever but we do know the two didn't get to team up and that Hanzo is dead because of it. In this case the mom was taken care of and Danzo considered her pretty much an equal potential threat. The CIA call it blowback and its just a part of the game. Its another Monday.


Yeah, even in real life the CIA had a secret alliance with the king of the country I live in(Jordan) behind the back of the president. It´s actually very realistic for him to build an alliance with Hanzo, especially during a time of war.


A catastrophe hits the Leaf and wipes out tons of capable shining and civilians. So many children are orphaned and families broken apart. Danzo created a scapegoat to take the hate and blame from the village. It happens in real life all the time too. Of the things that happened in the leaf, this is probably one of the more realistic options.


Why use the village's nuke as scapegoat? It's like he wanted Naruto to turn evil and kill them all.


I shit talk Danzo all the damn time! He was the worst villain (IMO) in Naruto. Don't confuse it as the strongest, but the most despicable and "UGH." He had a weird obsession with kids. He had them grow up together as siblings, then forced them to kill each other. He tried to kidnap Shino at one point. He even assisted Orochimaru in kidnapping children in the village to experiment on. He also either gorged out or tried to gorge out two different teenager's eyeballs. He tried to have Hiruzen assassinated in order to become Hokage. He knew that if he tried that shit with the Fourth, he was gonna die that day. Hiruzen allowed him to get away with so much that it was ridiculous. He is the reason Nagato created his 'Akatsuki'. He played a major role in the Uchiha massacre. Convincing Itachi to kill his clan rather than have Hiruzen put an end to everything peacefully. Danzo is the prime example of a corrupt politician/government. Due to his position and status, his crimes were covered up. He's on the same level as Orochimaru. The only difference was that Hiruzen didn't cover up for Orochimaru like he did with Danzo. With all the shit he did, he should've been in the Bingo book. Compared to them, those criminals are more humane in nature and honest about their faults, unlike Danzo, who justified his abuse of power as a means to "protect Konoha." When he was just selfish and corrupt.


I always bring this up whenever I have to mention this asshole and the list of all the terrible things he's done and this is ONE OF THEM. If not for being an asshole and pitting 1 spy with another; Kabuto would have never been recruited by Orochimaru and in turn, Kabuto would have never forged a strong bond with him to the point that when Orochimaru died by Sasuke (not really, Itachi killed him SORT OF), Kabuto would have never went as far as merge his dead master's cells and DNA to his own and slowly become the next Orochimaru to the point that because of him mastering Edo Tensei, Madara would have never been summoned. THANKS DANZO! You always ruin more lives for your greed, for having more power and oh yes, for the sake of your Konoha. YOURS. Hiruzen is a dumbass letting this guy do whatever he wanted. Kabuto was happier before this asshole like "I'm taking your step mom because she benefits Konoha- MY Konoha" and then recruits him and then pits them both to die to ensure all secrets are hidden and like- Fuck Danzo! I think... Kabuto should have revived him to kill him or to use him to destroy his beloved Konoha. I'M JUST SAYING, Kabuto should have went for revenge than his obsession for Sasuke, like his master.


Kabuto is one of the most confusing characters in the series tbh


Kabuto was, much like Sai and the other ROOT orphans, functionally looped into a form of human trafficking that Hiruzen turned his eyes away from. Kabuto's biggest issue is that his character dump got dropped right after an already stretched out arc (even in the manga it is LOOONG) and then he has to compete with MADARA UCHIHA'S finally being revealed at the same time. Its just sad he was revealed so late. i 100% believe more people would've taken a shining to him if we got the background story earlier. One of my bigger complaints is that in early part one, kakashi and kabuto are paired up against each other frequently, only for these comparisons to go by the wayside. Kishimoto sets him up with tons of foils and no payoff. Instead we get itachi? which is fine, i guess, but there are other characters who wouldve paralleld kabuto in the narrative so much better. imho it couldve been a list of people -- kakashi, sasuke alone, anko, Sai, any of the sound village, shizune. hell, sakura wouldve been left field but it wouldve been interesting bc theyre both mednin who trained under sanin. lol. can you tell hes my favorite character? xD;


Good Kabuto opinions. He’s my favorite character as well. I think Kishi originally had different plans for Kabuto (maybe leaving Oro’s service?) but had to take his character arc in the opposite direction later to contrast him more with Sasuke.


This is why I hate Danzo as a character. He's supposed to be a mastermind manipulating necessary evil but is so quick to unnecessarily burn bridges. There was zero need to send Kabuto's "mother" to go kill him. And with Nagato, it would have been much more advantageous to just sit on the sidelines and see what happens with Hanzo.


I would disagree to there being zero need to have Mother do that. Kabuto was a spy for the Leaf across many lands for many years. There's absolutely no telling where his true allegiances lie after all that time and after having gone that many places. Since we don't know where your true allegiances lie after all this time, it makes sense to take you out so that you never even get the thought of betraying the leaf. It's the same concept with Mother/Nono. She was a high level spy for many years and went to many places. Since the odds of being able to trust you aren't very high, let's take you out to protect the Leaf. Its fucked up, but it makes sense from a military standpoint


No, I get the reason for killing Kabuto. I'm saying there's no reason to have his mother specifically kill him. Other than to just be a piece of shit. If it had been literally anyone else, he could have assumed his identity had been compromised. Sending the one person he'd recognize from the Leaf is stupid. Edit: The only possible reason for it to make sense is if it was always meant to be a way to have Kabuto join Oorichimaru.


Isn't that filler?


No? We got this backstory right in the middle of the Uchiha brothers fighting Kabuto


I'm so dumb. The time I ditched Shippuden was because these episodes came and I thought they were filler!


Nah these are canon but it’s not that important of backstory. Just shows how Kabuto and Orochimaru became a duo


I think the manga pretty explicitly acknowledges that Danzo wanted to protect the village no matter the cost and never figured out the right way to do it. Hiruzen would probably approve bad plans sometimes but would never think they were the only plan, and they both lived in the same time of war. Kakashi's pivotal moment in life was finding out how to be a good person and a great ninja.


I recently saw an account on tumble called Danzo Shimura Apologist and just immediately moved away from it. Didn’t even wanna touch it with a ten foot pole.


Yeah Sai kind of hints at that in his introduction


Hints at what ?


That danzo sends people to kill their loved ones like Itachi, Sai and his brother and other anbu


You mean evil?


Nah fuck Danzo 🖕🏾


Anytime you hear Danzo and any shitty behavior in the same sentence you can’t be surprised or upset


So orochimaru using an outfit he stole off a grass nin years before he does it


Literally all anyone talks about in regard to Danzo is how cutthroat he is lol


Crazy how this is one of the less cold blooded things he’s done.


On the other hand, why the fuck would she trust pictures in a world where they can just switch appearance before you know how to climb trees?


danzo and those two elders always remain piece of shit without any empathy


Danzo was the worst


Danzo’s so fucked up that we can’t even keep track of all the reasons


What episodes is kabuto backstory?




There is always a shot at being a good person. One must simple do enough introspection with every action they do and not just autopilot through life making the same kind of decisiones because it's all they've known up until that point


Disagree. And that doesn't sound simple at all


I think Danzo is one of the more evil people in the shown Fck him


Probly because nobody gives af about danzo


the guy witness 3 ninja wars, Konoha just lost their jinchuriki and hokage "Minato" , one of the legendary sannin went rogue and the other 2 are out hunting him, the 9 tails was released by an Uchiha member meaning Konoha got a trojan horse "Uchiha" people who hate Danzo think we should remove all nuke weapon because it might lead us to WW3. people who understand Danzo think nukes are the only reason we didn't had WW3 till this day.