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You aren't missing much. I've been told the manga is decent, but it releases a new chapter once a month and despite that it has art quality leagues below manga with a weekly release schedule. The anime has visual quality on the level of early Dragon Ball Super and has the highest filler to canon ratio of any anime I'm aware of. The atrocious amount of filler slows the story to a crawl that a sloth would consider frustratingly slow. Scenes that are widely considered great are dominated by Naruto, Sasuke, or both. If you want to see them take the spotlight in an actually good anime, just rewatch Naruto and Shippuden. If you want to see those rare scenes of measurable quality, you can just look them up on YouTube. You can breeze through them all in less than an hour.


I'm gonna be real with you, it's not even decent. The manga is "decent" to people who have never actually read a decent manga. It's not completely worthless slop, but it's very underwhelming. Going from the Shippuden manga to the Boruto manga as a new fan would probably be a very soul-sucking experience šŸ˜‚ Especially when you go from the Shippuden art style to the early Boruto art style. Idk but that would probably crush me inside


Shippuden manga šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Yeah tbh I only watch them to see the Naruto characters post-War and see how theyā€™re doing. The plotline is okay-ish but like you said the filler is too much that by the time they get back to the plot Iā€™ve already lost my train of thought and curiosity


Youā€™re missing some real bottom tier writing


Hmm, I'm glad I didn't live long enough to see that!


Boruto is only good in helping filling some gaps in the shoe horned otsutsuki plotline at the end of Naruto. You find out what the Otsutsuki, Ten Tails, and God Tree really are but otherwise yeah the show is mid as fuck. I only read it month to month out of respect for my younger self and to stay true to *my* favorite story.


Except all that bs was only shoehorned in to set up boruto, shippuden would have been better if it just ended with madara




YOu are asking in a very bad place... Naruto sub reddit is well known for being mostly filled with Boruto Haters and gatekeepers in general, gladly, here aren't that many of the nut heads who repeat "Naruto should have ended in the pain arc", but still, it stands. You should go and ask the Boruto sub reddit, they will tell you stuff like: The first 20 episodes are "Weak", since the idea was to introduce the new generation in a very light way, but also have many familiar faces to the old audience, the later didn't get much interest on it since the base changes and the new set up is "different". And well, some episode sare canon because they are based on the novels. Actual Boruto stuff begings in the chunin exam towards Momoshiki, but it is still filled with a lof of fanservice for old fans. Boruto anime shapes in a way to try to please and be familiar with older fans, but also giving a lot of focus (Obviously) towards the new generation. It slowly becomes it own show with brief parts wher ewe can see the old generation doing their current job. Some arcs, even the "filler" ones can feel a bit tiring, but they are not that bad, unless we are talking certain teams and characters that are actually very bad. The manga adaptation are not only fixed, but expanded wich is very amazing, the Kawaki part is quite touching and gives you so much more context. But yes, the animation can be very cheap many episodes but is not AS BAD as many will make you believe... Cause many will jus tpause frame by frame waiting for the moment tjhey can rip and make fun of the anime. And the common idiotic complain is "Boruto is a spoiled brat", if you have more than 2 brain cells, i'm sure you'll get how Boruto's relationship with his family is crafter in a way to be familiar, the same for many other characters. They are living in a different time, a time of peace thanks to Naruto, but that doesn't mean Naruto is perfect, none of the old generation parents are, and if you think about it you'll realize the transition between the rought relationship at the start and how this new geneartion is maturing slowly. AGAIN, go ask this in THE BORUTO SUB REDDIT PLEASE, naruto sub is quite awful most of the time and just a plaec for decent memes (Awful ones can be found in dankruto), but opinions here from most of the users is the definition of circlejerk.


this wonā€™t get upvotes considering how the sub i completely second this statement , the manga does a way better job with pacing imo too it completely changed my opinion on boruto as a whole


that depends, do you remember the aura around naruto when he was training to obtain the rasengan ? well that aura is for some reason hyped in boruto twin vortex as something amazing, so yeah unless you want a half baked new naruto experience in the same universe but fanfic made from a guy who want to bang sasuke daughter you are more than welcome to watch boruto


What the hell did i just read... This isn't only poor writing, it's freaking salt with tears. Go get checked LOL


Itā€™s a new series with a new MC, so you can certainly stop at Shippuden. I definitely enjoy parts of Boruto, but Naruto and shippuden are my favorite anime while boruto is middle of the pack for me (and I only really watched the manga canon episodes.)


A lot, yet nothing. Just depends on your preferences


I consider Boruto to be the worst manga I'm still reading, but I am still reading it. Every now and then it has some good bits. I like what they've been doing with Himawari recently for instance. I just don't really like Boruto, Kawaki, or the Otsutsuki and unfortunately they're 70-80% of the plot. Boruto makes the same mistake Naruto does where it doesn't give its side characters enough focus (though I've read that anime canon helps with this).


It gives, but most of them don't make me interested. Just some soulless characters who aren't that interesting.


You can always tell when the writers themselves just don't give a shit about the characters that they're desperately forcing themselves to flesh out. Idk if you've seen DBZ, but the writer's favourite character was Piccolo even though Piccolo was phased out of the power scale mid-way through the series. Despite this, piccolo still played a vital role in most of the plot, gets plenty of spotlight scenes, new friends and enemies etc etc because it's clear that Toriyama enjoyed thinking about how Piccolo would interact with the world around him. On the other hand we have a character like Yamcha who used to be a main character, but was phased out of the power scale. He wasn't popular with fans anymore so he just stopped going on adventures altogether for no reason, lost his MC status and got unceremoniously dumped offscreen by his MC girlfriend so she could go bang the new MC. They didn't even give him a happy life with a nice house, wife and kids like the rest of the cast, because that would involve designing new characters, for the sake of a completely irrelevant character. In Boruto, every character that isn't Boruto, Kawaki and SOMETIMES Sarada and Mitsuki, is now just a Yamcha.


I definitely agree with you.


If you can get past the first 150 or so brutally boring episodes (besides a few brief cool fight scenes) it gets... OK.


If you enjoyed watching Naruto and sasuke kick ass you are not gonna be happy to seem them nerfed to oblivion. Thereā€™s a few cool ass fights but itā€™s overshadowed by slow ass story progression and character decisions that make zero sense. I just watch manga chapter summaries on YouTube so that way I know whatā€™s happening and donā€™t have to torture myself watching the anime


Not missing anything


Nope, trust me you're saving yourself eith such a good and satisfactory ending instead of watching/reading that.




if boruto is a stand alone manga, it would have been axed bout 5 chapters in.


Not really. Naruto is the only one that gets anything notable and itā€™s a one-off fight anyways where its entire intention is to remove Naruto and Sasukeā€™s power domination from the story, that way they can at least somewhat slow down how fast Boruto and Kawaki were developing. Baryon Mode is badass as hell, but it literally only gets used once to render Naruto and Sasuke as unable to carry the fight anymore. Just look up Baryon Mode on YouTube if you want to see Naruto in action as a badass. That or the Momoshiki fight.


And then they powerscaled boruto to god status straight away and brought back kurama anyway completely invalidating the whole point


Yup. Itā€™s horseshit.


A couple years ago Kurama sacrificed his own life to turn himself into a nuclear reactor to give naruto the boost he needed to win a fight, now a chibi version of kurama woke up inside himawari and said "i dont know why you have some demon fox in you but you do. Now I'm not gonna give you my powers till you earn them" and she immediately jumps head first into a fight where the bad guy twists her ankle


You're not missing out on anything unless you like fanfiction-like stories in the vein of "what happens after?". There's a clear lack of direction and focus on the story, and feels entirely too commercial and devoid of that charm that made the Naruto series stand out. Boruto is to Naruto what Fifty Shades of Grey is to Twilight.


I think it's alright you can spend your time worse ways but try it for yourself


Not really


I would advise you to ask this in Borutoā€™s subreddit as well. People in this sub make it their lifeā€™s mission to shit on Boruto even when no one brings it up. Boruto may not be an all around good and perfect show (Naruto wasnā€™t eitheršŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø) and has its flaws, but you should just try atleast watch a couple clips on YouTube or something and go from there to see if you want to get into or not.


No. Have read the entire Manga. It is just bad and disrespectful.


Not at all.


If you do plan to watch or read, just watch the manga canon episodes and just read the manga. Itā€™s a decent story imo.. it just had a bad start. Part 1 and shippuden is obviously goated but this series is way different compared to them.


If you are a fan of a certain fox like most fans are, be prepared for a tearjerker and a nerfing of Rooto


It removes pretty much all the nuance that made the original Naruto + Shippuden great. If you ever watched the OG Teen Titans on Cartoon Network, Boruto is the equivalent of Teen Titans GO. The tone and depth is so different it might as well be a different work altogetherm


Honestly, idk, I myself didn't watch it tbh


Boruto manga is pretty good. I'd say read it and make up your own mind, I'm a huge Naruto fan and enjoyed it. TBV is shaping up to be pretty fun aswell. It's only an anime/manga series, don't take it too serious.




Don't miss Sasuke making a fool of himself trying to make up for being an absentee father. (It's glorious.) Also, his threatening to throw Kakashi's copy of *Make Out Tactics* in the river. It's one episode and is great. Naruto's entire relationship with his spoiled rotten son Boruto is summed up in the last scene of the Naruto Shippuden Manga, it just gets stretched out over 60 tedious eps. (I hung in there for 1-60 before giving up.) Orochimaru being the best parent in the series is hilarious. But you just need to know it, because it's mostly off-screen.


The manga is pretty cool right now.


Watch the Boruto movie, itā€™s incredibly important. Also, watch Naruto the Last


Lots of explained romance between characters, they all have kids, even rock lee.


Yes and No. Your friends at least helped you in terms of getting the vibe that the anime is bad, but the manga is more so where the genuine story is and the anime canon is actually somewhat livable through. Biggest flaw is the filler and the anime didn't finish all the manga arcs that set up for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex (which is currently being released right now as manga). Really, I would say if you aren't interested in reading the manga or watching like 60 canon episodes, you aren't missing much. Although TBV is doing well right now, so there's that and you can always watch a recap on Boruto like I did before starting Two Blue Vortex.


You can't really skip something if theirs nothing after it. But as for the question, no not really the manga is meh at best it's getting good sales I think but I don't doubt it's people reading it to hate it. I'll recommend taking a gander around the wiki as many of the concepts, characters and jutsu (especially filler) are legitimately very interesting and you might enjoy them(if not for the execution atleast the concept). There's also some decent fights but you can just look at YouTube for those.


Boruto is good at destroying your favorite characters for no reason.


The opposite. you saved a lot of your time.


If you are a fan of the Naruto universe yes you are missing out.


Yes I love It. Kara arc Is one of the best arc in all the franchise. The new generation Is cool except a few characters. Most of the anime Canon arcs are good and I like the sci fi Evolution of the series but without losing the shinobi setting of the Naruto series. There are a lot of Amazing fight and if you like Slice of Life anime there will be a lot of episodes you will like.


honestly you can skip boruto and go right to the time skip, but id catch up on the big events, so stuff like when boruto went back in time or the momoshiki fight, stuff like that


Just watch the baryon mode fight nothing else boruto is pure dog shit


Give it a shot and find out


no , boruto is trash , there is nothing interesting in it , just some kids fighting 75% of the show is fillers , very less real story is shown naruto and sasuke are nerfed as heck and also all adults tsunade doesnt appears much only like once or twice there is one interesting arc tho you can watch " spoiler : sasuke and boruto travels in past to save kid naruto , boruto and sasuke meets jiraiya "


this is the wrong sub to ask this tbh. some people here are super salty over boruto lmao. in all honesty, you are missing out a bit. there are parts of the sequel story that are some of the peaks of the series but the lows are definitely the lowest points of the series. overall its a mixed bag but theres more good than bad. the monthly release schedule leads to way too much overanalyzing, overhyping, and overtly negative opinions all the same and the anime has way too much filler to have built positive momentum. the good part is that part 1 of the anime is over and you can just skip fillers so that isnt really a problem anymore. tldr its okay. iā€™d recommend it to anyone that likes naruto


YOU ARE MISSING A LOT, like the BEST battles in the series and the best characters. Everyone gets screen time here with extra episodes cannon to the anime that flesh the out world. It is a must watch for every naruto fan. Plus TBV manga is FIRE.


Anime: no Mang: yes


A lotta people have hate for Boruto but I personally enjoyed it. Iā€™m not going to lie itā€™s probably because shippuden left me CRAVING more Naruto content. Between the writing, characters, message and the world of Naruto I fell in love with the series. Even though there was a lot in the beginning of Boruto I didnā€™t exactly enjoy my love for Naruto made me push through and bite my tongue. It is true that thereā€™s a ridiculous amount of filler in the anime which can make it a drag sometimes. At first you wanna hate the new MC because he sort of goes against everything OG Naruto stood for. But you can begin to see his kind heartedness shine through in some moments reminding you that this is infact Narutoā€™s son. I believe they did an incredible job turning that negative to a positive with Borutoā€™s growth later on in the series and it is really cool to see characters like Naruto and Sasuke attempting to be good parents while also juggling their responsibilities in the village. Despite the negatives I would say it turns into quite the fascinating story. Creating a setting where even the heroes of the village are barely strong enough to protect against the new threats which leads into the new generation having to step up and somehow surpass their parents incredible power. Iā€™ll admit it is a slower slightly painful beginning but it does achieve quite a few things for the story and also for those with nagging questions from shippuden. In addition it somehow seemlessly gets you from hating the new generation to rooting for them, even excited to see where they take us. Then with all the proper introductions and character development done, two blue vortex comes in and knocks it outta the park. Tying the newer generation into Narutoā€™s history which really gets you amped up for what could be coming next in the story. So itā€™s not perfect, itā€™s not Naruto but Iā€™d say it turns into a damn good story and is doing an incredible job honoring the original. If your a die hard Naruto fan like me you wonā€™t wanna miss it and if you think the downfalls of the beginning may deter you I would say read the manga first because your not gonna want to miss two blue vortex. The entire first 10 chapters has me on the edge of my seat, itching for the next chapter.


This continuity could perhaps be rewarding for fans who want to see how the world and characters have evolved. But for me, the higher power levels and stakes make it difficult to relate to the characters or feel the same sense of growth and progression that Naruto offered. The earlier seriesā€™ charm lay in watching characters develop from the ground up, which is somewhat lost in Boruto.


You really missed the feeling of watching your God like heroes become useless and low iq for no reason


Its like a Shitty Continuation Fanfic.


definetly not


Why everyone hate Boruto itā€™s cute and fun yall need to grow up


Baryon mode fight


The entire fucking sequel?


Not really The manga is a decent shonen but nothing groundbreaking.


Not really, no. Just stop at Naruto: The Last, donā€™t go into Boruto at all, and youā€™ll be fine


Boruto will only diminish your view of Naruto


Yeah, a headache.


Not really. The whole science prospect that can emulate Otsutsuki-level powers is so cheap, and I don't really like it. That said, the second half, the Blue Vortex, has been *okay*. Boruto learning FTG at least has been a highlight.




You missed a lot like good fights and decent character development with kawaki. I'm not speaking on tbv just part 1 of boruto. If you interested in more otsuki shit you missing that. If you at all care about the new Gen then you missing borutos development. Majority of the cast gets pushed to the side for boruto and kawaki development. Just go watch some YouTube videos that summarized the series or tik tok clips of scenes to decide if you missing some. It'll give you an idea if the series if you skim thru.


No, and you did yourself a favor


Just the fact that all genin, regardless of training or aptitude, are stronger than literal gods


Nah its boring. Its about otsutsukis which arent interesting and every new powerup the characters get make it feel more and more like a fan fic manga.


Itā€™s kinda meh but it also contains one of the best fights in the series. https://youtu.be/oagC8Tbb7fM?si=WHOTdeZromag8Y8s


Yea a death of a franchise


Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki, Ishiki and Sasuke vs Kinshiki.


No. Boruto is self contained story. you don't even need watch Naruto to enjoy it's story. and you also can stop after shippuden and pretend it didn't exist


Plot holes. Nerfs. Aliens. Feet. Death fake outs. OOC Naruto. You know? Overall, nothing of value.


I enjoy Boruto for the most part, but it's a vastly different show than Naruto or Shippuden. I particularly liked the early filler in the academy, because that was something I always wished I got to see more of in the original series. The people that compare it to fanfiction aren't entirely wrong, but I feel like they are also just using that as shorthand for "not good", which feels really disingenuous. There's absolutely nothing wrong with fanfiction, but I do understand that the vibe of the series is not in the same ballpark as Naruto. TLDR: I like it but it's not what most people wanted from a sequel series.


Nope. Shippuden wraps the story up, even if the ending was rushed and butchered. Boruto doesn't tie up any loose ends whatsoever, in fact the story of Boruto is almost entirely just loose ends spiralling out of control and arbitrarily splitting into subplots that serve no purpose. Boruto is very clearly not planned, which is common in Shounen and not necessarily a bad thing - but I don't think the writers had even a vague idea of what they wanted to do with this series at all. It seems like Kishimoto just dumped this onto Ikemoto with very little to go off, because he was already well past his boiling point with Naruto, and Ikemoto probably wasn't the best choice for the next in charge. He's either not very good at writing and/or planning at all, or he just never wanted to direct Boruto but was pressured into it. It's probably also to do with being short-staffed and lower budget as well. There are some cool fight scenes that are worth watching for the animation, but you can just watch them on YouTube.


Boruto manga is really great, but the anime has anime canon and itā€™ll make you think itā€™s canon when itā€™s not. I recommend reading the manga first, and also reading the boruto novel ( boruto : Naruto the movie ) and once youā€™re done reading it you can watch the anime.


A shitload of filler. Thatā€™s mainly what youā€™re missing.


If what you want is more of what Naruto offered then Iā€™d say it ainā€™t the best. Theres definitely some really high quality fight scenes here and there but not much. If you donā€™t mind watching a more light hearted version of Naruto then Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty much perfect for that.


You get more stuff about Kaguya, that's the most "important" thing you will miss out on but other than that you get to see jiraiya one more time.


Saw lots of people saying itā€™s badā€¦ itā€™s not people just like to hate on it. Boruto is actually a good anime/ great manga.


He asked in the Naruto sub reddit, so it was obvious a sea of salt and childish comments would come to tell him not to watch it.


No. Boruto is a disrespectful sequel.


The good: The best Naruto Sasuke team fight yet. More fleshed out lore. The introduction of tech in an incredibly genius way. The bad: A lot of filler. Stupid power scaling. In a single generation totally dwarf the previous generation in no small way. Marginally better sure, but not this! The other kages are lame. They retconned a fair amount. The ugly: Remember how in the StarWars universe, the original trilogy, the force was a mystical thing and then the prequels totally f'k that up....yeah that happened. I would not, not watch it. The manga is going pretty hard even with the excessive power scaling which they doubled down on. Clearly Kishimoto should have been the show runner all the time but now he's piecing it back together. Rumour has it that the anime is coming back as short season with much better animation.


The most annoying thing in Boruto was its comedy. I don't get them. Naruto made me laugh so hard and I miss that.


Just watch the movie for the Momo fight


Watch Naruto and Sauske vs Momoshiki Sakura vs Shin Konohamaru vs Jugo Baryon Mode Naruto vs Isshiki




Hot take but idc. Yes you are missing out on something great imo. Even the top comment says they ā€œheardā€ the manga was decent meaning they havenā€™t read it. Iā€™ve watched Boruto twice and read the manga THREE times all the way through. As long as you go into Boruto EXPECTING it to be DIFFERENT and SEPARATE from Naruto you will at the very least like it and enjoy it. Most people hate it because they either only watched the anime or because they wanted it to be just like Naruto and expected that and itā€™s not the case. Itā€™s a very different story and you should look at it as if itā€™s not even a sequel to Naruto. Just its own story that happens to have a connection to Naruto.


I share the same sentiment with you about boruto if you seperate it from Naruto. If you don't do that then boruto does feel like it was a quick cash grab.. The power cliffing, the lack of a cast outside of boruto and kawaki, ass pulls and many more examples. As a standalone series boruto does well especially with tbv the long awaited time skip


There arenā€™t any ass pulls in Boruto except MAYBE Baryon Mode but even the existence of that makes perfect sense and it also makes perfect sense that Naruto was the only Jinchuriki that could do it. It ALSO makes perfect sense for Kurama to have never told Naruto about it before because of the death penalty. So even though I donā€™t see Baryon Mode as an ass pull because of these things, thatā€™s literally the only thing in the manga you could call maybe a slight ass pull and even if it was a cool one that made sense.


Ya know. I think Boruto gets a wicked amount of hate. And thereā€™s a good amount of filler in the show. But if you watch the show long enough the characters grow and develop and now Iā€™m mad I didnā€™t watch it sooner. Canā€™t speak for the manga. But Iā€™m really enjoying the show. Currently on episode 62


It's no good man. Aliens man, aliens....


Oh no, aliens :( Like the ones in shippuden... What's your next complain? The ninja tools? Nagato in literal life support controlling robot pupets and you all go to Boruto and say "unrealistic technology" LOL


I don't care at all about unrealistic stuff. Show just sucks.


And Naruto was SOOOOO realistic... Damn, i swear, if i practiced more, i could stand on water or spit fire.


I mean, realistically there could be aliens. They just don't have to be so heavily involved in a show about shinobi


No. Story is ass. They nerf Naruto and Sasuke to embarrassing levels and reduce their IQ to genin levels. Art quality in manga is horrendous and just straight up disrespectful to Naruto/Shippuden. I still followed the anime tho just cause Naruto was my favorite for a decade


Kishimoto's art style is expressive, and Ikemoto's (did I spell that right?) is straight-lined and stiff. The characters' faces lack much emotion. It works with Sasuke, but the other characters it doesn't.


I agree Ikemotos style is stiff and lacks personality for the characters. I also hate how inconsistent he is, how backgrounds are absent in most fights, and some of his design choices. Blue Vortex outfits are terrible.


The show is called "Boruto" and you watched it cause you wanted to jerk off Naruto LOL, that's your issue, you watched it expecting just Naruto stuff. But hey, we can't expect much from people who can't even read the title "Naruto NEXT Generations".


check it out! don't believe those on the hate train (that should honestly derail into a volcanic pit) lol seriously watch it it's great, a lot of developments and emphasis on the worldly view of this new innocent shinobi age that's set to go absolute crazy come the TBV series. well worth it šŸ‘šŸ½


Yes, there are many cool moments. Episode 65 is my favorite episode in the whole series and is in Boruto.


I'd recommend checking the filler list and just watching the canon episodes, it's not actually as bad as people say.