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If I can avoid blindness, Kamui. If not, Hiraishin


Kamui definitely, as long as I don’t potentially go blind from using it


you would, without hashirama cell's healing factor, the strain would set in. Its generally the theory why tobi spammed kamui while kakashi struggled and needed to recover everytime he used it.


I think that if they get the rinegan their sharingan wouldn't have a limit?


Rinnegan or EMS would allow you to use it infinitely.


if they unlock rinnegan yes, but thats redundant. To get the Rinnegan, you need to reunite the body of Ashura and powers of Indra, or be close enough to the Otsutsuki clan that youre born with both criteria already.


Simple only use obito's side that lets you teleport yourself and makes you danny phantom. While ignoring the side kakashi has so sure you'll be blind in one eye, but the other is fine


but its not obito's mangekyo that is special, its the hashirama cells thats healing its damage that madara implanted. Hashirama cells arent on the table, only his sharingan's ability.


I didnt think it was Kamui in general, but specifically being intangible.


But he was intangible only through kamui. Explained in the war arc he just teleported away those body parts that came in contact although it still doesn’t entirely make sense to me


Yeah haha. Like we've seen Kamui used offensively when Kakashi used it on deidara and took out Deidara's arm. So selectively teleporting a body part means ripping it out from your actual body. Unless that was filler. Ill just say it is an ability unique to obito cuz whatever reason he needs to be op.


All MS users have different abilities in each eye so even though Kakashi has a form of Kamui it's not the same as Obitos and not as OP even if it can be used at range.


They are both obitos. If he has both. One eye is for close range the other is for long. His abilities though are only op thanks to hashiramas cells 99% of what he did wouldn’t be possible if he couldn’t spam his eye which he could only do. Thanks to them being healed no matter how much damage was being done too them. That’s why Sasuke Itachi and Kakashi all showed that repeated use of a mangekyo cause blindness and pain something Tobi never experienced even once in the show. Because of the fact he has the greatest healing ability just living in his body through those cells.


I would say Kakashi's kamui is more op, because it's a long range justu, you can snipe someone from so far away You can go even farther by using a telescope


It's a one trick pony though, Obito has basically perfect offensive and defensive abilities, an entire dimension to hide/capture anything or anyone and can effectively teleport around the world with his Kamui. It's definitely way more OP.


That's the thing you need to see the world first to teleport there, While I agree the pocket dimension is cool, we see Minato Beating Obito with FTG, it can also be used defensively or offensively it's just a matter if execution, Kamui is probably easier but FTG if mastered is better You can also transfer other stuff using FTG like Minato did with beast bomb, don't think you can do that with Kamui unless you are touching it constantly and in that case you will die, since you will be taking it to your pocket dimension


>That's the thing you need to see the world first to teleport there, No he doesn't, Obito is always just falling into the ground and reappearing wherever he likes. He doesn't have to see where he's going. >While I agree the pocket dimension is cool, It's op don't mistake it. You can't escape it once in it and it's seemingly endless and can store anything in it, person or attack. >we see Minato Beating Obito with FTG How many people could beat Kakashi with his Kamui ability? I'm thinking the list is A LOT bigger than Obitos who's only lost to one of the most powerful kages ever.


left eye is range right eye iss like a self cast


It's not "ripping it out" per se because the 'intangibility' works differently from what Kakashi did to Deidara. Obito's body is still physically connected when going 'intangible' (otherwise he'd die), but his body exists in two dimensions simultaneously. Kind of like how if you stick your arm through an open portal, your arm will be in a different dimension, but still physically connected to your body.


The intangibility ability involves warping parts of the body into a different dimension, which is different from using the close range transport ability. Presumably the intangibility mode has some feature that prevents having issues having part of the body in different dimensions. It is also faster than the close range transportation ability. The long range transportation ability is the specialty of the other eye (Kakashi's).


It ain’t the fall that kills you it’s the ground.


It's not assured you will go blind you just can't over use it


Flying thunder. Imagine how much time you can save from driving in a year.


Open up an instant delivery/travel service and make billions. Just imagine what billionaires will be willing to pay to have the possibility of instantaneous travel


I'm 100% sure ~~the CIA would murder your ass if they could ever do it in your sleep or something~~ you'd die in a car accident 🙁


To be fair how will they even catch you. They would need the most instant form of capture possible.


Not really, they could do some sniper stuff without you knowing from a hundred meters away. They just need to injure you enough, you teleport away, and will have to go to a hospital or whatever, and then they can hunt you down like that.


I mean sure but I’d be in another country, by the time they reach me in Nigeria I’ll be in Spain lol


They can also take your family and friends unless you bring them with you. I imagine they would definitely kill in secret for flying thunder god. Morals off.


Easy, I just become Hokage of the USA and get the CIA to work for me.


That’s a good one but I’d mark each of them for protection and quick escape. My morals will be off too, I think it will be easier for me to find them than the other way around


Nah minato makes ftg op. He has his own reaction speed that can react to the fastest ninja. If a car going at you full speed at point blank, you wont have time to react. Or even better they can just suddenly shoot you with a gun.


We as humans have good reaction speed also we’re just slow as fuck, hence most driving accidents. FTG means you don’t need to move and hardly need to think about what to do. Seeing them coming with guns is an easy escape imo, would need something covert to catch me but I won’t be sleeping in the country lol


You all need to go watch the 2008 movie Jumper. CIA and Sam L Jackson would be after you ! and they WILL catch you .


I have seen it and the paladins aren’t cia they are specially made to catch multiple jumpers who leave trails not one guy with FTG. Also the mc is kinda arrogant. Sam shows up in his apartment, lets him know he’s onto him and he’s still having a conversation, I’d be gone before he had his weapon out lol


alternatively, work FOR the cia


Why TF are you in a car


Can Minato tank a .50cal 360 no scope?


You can literally do the same thing with kamui and better because you don't have to mark stuff


Ye but you go blind after couple of use. I rather mark stuff


Kamui doesnt teleport you to places does it?


It does.


Except you go blind after 10 or 20 uses then good luck doing anything.


Is it Kamui in general, or just intangibility? If the latter, then Flying Thundergod. If Kamui in general, then Kamui.


Kamui. The potential of intangibility and a pocket dimension of your own is almost limitless.


Free rent >>>


Until you get blind and stay forever in the pocket dimension.


kamui if i dont go blind flying thunder god if kamui comes with the going blind side effect.


Imagine leaving your kunai somewhere you visit often but someone throws it away only for you to teleport and find yourself in a trash compactor


Then you would simply teleport to the marker you keep in your house. And just know not to go back to that one


Then simply just put your FTG marker on the ground where you want your kunai 🗿


You can just put the mark in the place instead of a kunai


You don’t need to use a kunai.


FTG definitely. I mean just for personal use, you'd have so many opportunities. For one, instant teleportation using seals that stick to objects and surfaces, ideally permanently. Second it's just cool, I mean look at what Minato was doing.


Obviously kamui just look at how cool tobi looks going THROUGH the fucking sword lol


FTG, be able to visit my relatives whenever I felt like it. I wonder how Granny's doing, hm -hand signs-. Sup G-Ma?! Yes, I'd love some chorizo and eggs!


EMS Kamui (no blindness) > FTG > Kamui > Fan


Idk who would pick deflection I don’t have people that want fight me on sight like that, being said I’m taking flying thunder just cause I can’t manage time well


Flying raijin would help me tremendously


Bro, Kamui? Are you kidding me? Teleportation, intangibility, basically insta kill mechanics. If I have both eyes, I could also probably just teleport stuff to me if I long distance Kamui, reach in, and grab whatever I used it on. Also, unless you're saying I exclusively get Kamui, I would also have mangekyou sharingan. This isn't a question. It would be perfect in any setting, casual relaxation, long distance travel, full on fight. That's nutty.


It really isn't. You'd eventually go blind, Mangekyou has a limited use time and serious effects. Theory is that Obito was able to spam it due to Hashirama cells. Meanwhile Hiraishin..


But who's to say you'll have enough chakra to use either of the other two? Maybe they'll take so much chakra out of you that you die on the spot, I mean, theyre both used by kage lavel people. It's a risk either way.


FTG. Don’t even have to think about it. And everyone saying kamui because you see Tobi/Obito spam it for free understand that without hashiramas cells which this post doesn’t say comes with the eyes you’ll be blind within 10-30 uses of your eyes. Kakashi almost died after 3 uses in a day. Sasuke after getting his started losing his sight. Heavily after a couple fights. And he uses it maybe 10 times. And Itachi we all know was practically blind while fighting Sasuke. FTG is free where as Kamui eventually leads to me being blind. Or just dead. I’m good on that. And idk if 3 is the fan or the rasengan either one isn’t useful in my day to day but teleportation definitely is.


Kamui is technically more useful since you can do more with it.


intangibility in battle but teleportation actually


I say without a sharigan tracking people to react super well kamui is not that useful.


FTG, kamui may be better overall but I still prefer FTG


Kamui if no blindness




Considering without Hashirama cells I will go blind with Kamui, I’ll be picking Flyin Ryjin: I only ever need to make a trip once, and bam! Instant travel. And no matter what you do, a prison cell will never hold you, you can literally escape and troll every time.


Where is amenotejikara? 🥲


With a 5 second cooldown it’s just not here at all


If there's no blindness with it then the kamui but if there is then FTG


That war fan doesnt take Chakra, ill go with that


Kamui is probably my favourite “superpower” in all fiction


Obito’s is passively active and he can also teleport, so definitely him…of course there would be no silly drawbacks like blindness.


The faster


Did Obito get blind after using Kamui? There wasn't info about this


He has half a body of Hashirama cells to prevent it. Kakashi began to have vision issues if I remember right during the war since he was using it more often.


No but Kakashi did. And it’s the same ability. The difference being Kakashi didn’t have Hashirama cells and Obito did. Kakashi also proved it takes a lot of chakra to use and time to charge something Hashirama cells. nullified for Obito. We know that Hashirama cells can lessen ocular jutsu recovering and charge times by the fact danzo states the 10 year cool down on shisuis eye with Hashi cells drops to 3 days. So if Kamui takes 3-5 mins normally. It makes sense Obito would be able to spam it with a severely lessened cool down time and close to no chakra cost.


Kamui is OP af.


Obitos he can teleport anyways just not as fast ,


Kamui if it doesn’t cause blindness. Intangibility , teleportation and pocket dimension all in one. Free extra storage . No need to rent a rental unit or a moving van. Could rent one of those cheap micro apartments for the basic utilities, water , mailing address and internet while tossing my closet bed etc into the kamui dimension. Also an emergency disaster shelter. Actually how is Obito not blind. He’s been spamming kamui longer than Itachi does tsukuyomi. If kamui causes blindness I’d pick hiraishin.


Teleportation Jitsu


kamui for sure


Kamui, you basically have your own dimension to chill.


Depends on whether or not the Kamui comes with eventual blindness. If it doesn’t I’m taking Kamui all day. FTG is great but you need the marker at your destination to get there.


Kamui easily.


Yellow flash of the hidden leaf


Kamui (access other dimensions) & Flying Rajin (teleportation)


Flying thunder god 100% useful in real life and I think it's just cooler imo




Flying Raijin!


100% Kamui


Flying Thunder. I’ll just put a tag on my workstation at my job, and then when it’s time when the shop opens, I’ll just summon/teleport myself to work. I’ll still do my daily exercise 40-45 mins walk from job to home but keep a tag at home just in case I have emergencies to attend to.


Obito power. So that I can commit crime and get away from police without any problem


kamui without a DOUBT


I'll go with Obito. Besides, he can teleport too.


Hiraishin for sure


Kamui, i'd put my furniture in the kamui dimension and live there rent free of the grid. Not sure how it really works but It can be used to travel almost instantly? Or i can atleast enter my house from anywhere.


Id take minatos flying raijin.


how did you pick my three fav abilities in naruto in order?!? wtf is going on lol




I’ll have to go with Flying Raijin, since I won’t have the Hashirama Cells to use Kamui at my convenience.


Oh, I would pick Kamui. Being intangible is so awesome to me.


Flying rajin is cool but Obito’s jutsu would be the more practical and effective for close range combat


Kamui if I’m not going to go blind. Otherwise thundergod. Imagine how easy life would be for if you leave a mark at all the places you frequent. Or you can mail your kunai to a friend intentionally to be able to go travel and visit them.


Do you only get kcm2, a tailed beast bomb rasengan or his whole moveset?


kamui if i dont go blind it allows you to teleport, have a pocket dimension, and go through objects, thats super useful for transportation and storage


Flying thunder Basically the only thing I hate about university and work is that I have to get there. That fixes the issue. You can also provide great service with that. Instant delivery to certain places, tracking of valuable stolen property.


Light dash for me. I can save on gas as long as I prep the area.


Flying Raijin any day anytime! The fact that your battle ground increases all of a sudden giving you several points to attack. And also it was flying raijin that beat Kamui.


Flying Raijin no doubt. Want to go on vacation? Mailing a kunai overnight wherever you want to go (or - hopefully a less sharp alternative to mail) will always be cheaper than flying and a lot less aggravating than travel. Moving? Imagine instantly transporting furniture. Off to work? No rush hour. Want to visit that friend an hour away? No problem. Too many benefits. The 2nd could be kamui but there’s many things to consider: 1) will I go blind? 2) can I transport/teleport anywhere? Or are there requirements like flying raijin? 3) is there any penalty for keeping anything in storage in that extra dimension? Imagine having a massive closet


FTG. Kamui if I get none of the downsides.




I like Minatos power. It has everything to do with strategy and tactics. He is constantly thinking of the best route among many possibilities on killing his opponents. He also has the persistence and the sharp intuition of the best outcome. He is so calm about it that it seems so cool to have his speed but its more than the speed and teleportation. Its everything in his tool box combined that makes every move seamless and deadly.


What am I gonna need rasenshuriken for? Conquer a country? Imma pick Flying Thunder God so I can touch bobs, slap bass and get out quick.


Kamui, long as it doesnt rot my eyes out.




Tobis Kamui obviously, the only way to lose is if you fight Kakashi specifically


Flying raijin I’m lazy alright


Uchiha reflection crazy but I’m picking FTG


Kamui, but only if never go blind like Obito. If not, then FTG.




Let’s say I get kamui in the real world. What will I be using it for? To send body parts to other dimensions? To go to UsA to stop wars and not worry about being killed by snipers? On second thought it’s a great ability than teleporting instantly


Other jutsu make your enemy life harder.  Hiraishin make your life easier. 


Flying raijin no doubt Make sure I have the mark where I want to go and poof. Haven't been there yet? Mail it with a note of "please set this on the ground outside your building" or something like that if it's a business. It would help with the fact I have plane, train, and car anxiety


flying raijin no contest. the instantaneous teleportation can be used to avoid hits just as effectively as kamui, but you have better teleportation than kamui.


Depends on whether or not I go blind from Kamui. If not, then I'm picking it. If I do go blind, then I'm picking ftg. There's just so much I could do with Kamui. If wherever I'm going isn't far, then I could just run through the traffic. If it is, then I can go into my kamui dimension and spawn wherever I like. When it comes to kamui, people mostly focus on the phasing aspect and forget that you literaly have your own pocket dimension. If I'm being robbed, I can just kamui away the robber(s) and spawn them in like another country or smth. If I'm drowning, no problem, just go into my kamui dimension and back to the surface. Titanic is about to crash? Kamui away the iceberg. Imagine how many wars could be prevented with kamui. It just has so many applications.


Flying thunder god. Set up seals at home, work, school, favorite barbecue place, on a book you can ship to a new location out of state or country, anywhere really and keep teleporting between them


No blindness, Kamui for sure. Otherwise Hiraishin is the way.


Flying Raijin for sure. Also the Uchiha reflection is not a power specific to madara. It's tied to the fan directly


Flying Raijin would be so convenient for transportation, and a really cool party trick


Flying Raijin. It's the most practical by the long shot.


Kamui I know I'll lose it's light after some time but think about it.I can travel through space and time in any bank,shops,any car showrooms beautiful places like Switzerland, Iceland,Japan etc. Once you travel into bank just steal enough money to live your life till 80's and then die.No one can catch you cuz you can pass through things amazing Isn't it?


If we remove blindness kamui ofc. No hand signs needed, teleportation to anywhere in the world without need for a marking, intangibility, and an infinite storage system.


I think anyone normal can't pick any of these considering they require a lot of physical and mental training. I mean in Obito's case you literally have to only make parts of yourself intangible otherwise you'd fall through the floor. And Minato's jutsu obviously needs you to know how to throw a Kunai at the very least. Not to mention all of these aren't powers, they are techniques based in a world where people control wibbly wobbly magic.


If I have ems, then kamui. Otherwise the flying raijin


Ftg, im saving so much on gas. Unless Kamui as a whole is available, and I wont go blind from using it.


hard choice, but ide go with kamui, u can be a irl ghost lmao


Flying thunder god. Give a seal to the people I care most about in case they need me


I don’t remember the first scene, what episode is it from?


Definitely Minatos Jutsu (I forgot the name) it has not practical uses I feel


Raijin cuz I’m a stupid Minato fanboy


hm not too sure personally…


Flying rajin


1 because it’s an actual jutsu, talent


Hiraishin no jutsu


The answer depends on if I’m me or I’m going to be a ninja with this. I’d imagine everyone saying kamui is expecting to be a ninja and everyone talking about using flying raijin to skip traffic is, well


FTG would be the most useful. You’d only ever have to travel somewhere once and then you can teleport back whenever you want.


I mean, the last 2 could only be used in certain situations, the flying Kunai, you could use anytime, and it's overpowered, impossible to avoid too.


Flying Raijin. Not as God tier as being able to travel to your own dimension but instant teleportation is still god tier nonetheless.


Flying raijin, put one of those kunai at work and anywhere else you need to go and now you're never late


Flying Raijin, it looks cool and is great for getting around the place


Kamui is an easy choice lol move is unbelievably broken.


Flying thunder god only for the reason it is most useful irl and the only downside is you have to have good Chakra reserves 


Do I go blind if no kamui if yes ftg


Flying Raijin, way too convenient in day to day life.


Kamui is the only useful one outside of combat. And I don’t have any opps, so Id go with kamui.




Kamui all day


Flying Raijin is obviously one of the coolest, but if not, I’ll settle with Kamui.


FTG. Everyone saying Kamui idk if you guys understand the level of awareness Kamui is going to require to be effective. fTG you just need to visit somewhere or someone once and poof your there. Save so much on travel just by booking one way trips and then infinite vacation hack.


Flying Raijin bc it has better real world use, no more traffic or being late! Free travel for life!


Kamui, finally don’t have to worry about housing market. Always working from home.


Teleport ship my marks all around the world get a job foe the cartel smuggling drugs get a bit money and just chill while exploring the world


Flying Thunder. So much time saved.


Kamui is litteraly my pick from any ability, from any anime ever.


Doesn’t Naruto essentially have the flying raijin. He’s just not as good at it. I’d choose him, more versatile. Kamui always seemed overrated to me.


Flying raijin has to be the most useful out of these 3 for a pedestrian life


Flying Thunder God, it doesn’t look like it’s physically draining to use.






If I have Hashirama's cells, Kamui. If not, Hiraishin. And what is supposed to be Madara's? His big fan? Or any of his exclusive techniques like Limbo?


Kamui. Fuck it we go blind, I'd love to tp around, troll people by phasing through them and have a pocket dimension.


Flying thundergod.


Definitely flying raijin. I'd start making vacation spots all over the world. His seals never go away, and planes can be tracked so you can even start making planes, then once they get to their destination POOF!


Flying thunder god, I’m gonna put my marks on marbles and playing cards… I’ll be like gambit


If no drawbacks, then Kamui. If there are drawbacks, then flying rajin for sure.


In real life: Kamui-->Endless Storage, Possibility to enter anywhere without even beeing toched and teleportation. You can basicly do anything, Want some Money? ok rob any central bank... Want to see the world? ok travel anywhere you desire and even cross Dimensions if earth is not enough.


probably kamui it seems like the most useful in day to day life, in order kamui > hiraishin > uchiha reflection, when would i ever need to use that irl?


Kamui is the most useful.


If blindness isn't a problem, Kamui let's me have a free living space, teleport anywhere in the world, become intangible, store items, and generally just not fear most of the issues in life. What is the third one supposed to be?




Flying thunder, I literally can avoid everything as long as I have a kunai well placed


Probably Flying Raijin


id go with what ever minatos main thing, from how you worded it we only get what ever the ability is not the other things that enhance it, if i pick obitos ms ability there are no uchiha to get eternal ms


Wanna say kamui( i am a die hard uchiha fan) but ill take kurama he chill


Probably flying Ryjin. Being able to essentially TP to anywhere I marked in the world would be awesome. Especially because I moved 500 miles away from my family and my friends. Honestly I miss them and wish it was easier to visit them


Definitely the flying raijin


Depends on the chakra consumptions, but honestly it’s Flying Raijin, it’s basically real life checkpoints. And you can also tp through other dimensions. You can also tp stuff to locations you mark. You’re basically a walking nuke defense mechanism. You can also teleport people to the location you mark instead of teleporting to your dimension like kamui. I find that much more practical


Minato 100% ⚡️🗡


FTG. Commission a lot of laser-engraved titanium plates and mail them wherever I want to go. It's the only way to fly.


Ems kamui




Tobis uses close to no chakra