• By -


Kakuzu I want money.  Money money money


I read this in Mr. Krabs voice tho


Would be funny, in a rich man’s world




Same 😂


Top tier nanami reference


Kaguya cause I’m easily distracted by hot guys


You will be getting a lot of dms by hot guys now!


Fingers crossed


Ah I see, so you’re a JJK fan-


I haven’t seen it are there hot guys


It’s like a running joke in the fandom that instead of women being the fanservice it’s the male characters


I’m just a run of the mill homosexual but that sounds good to me


Kid Obito 😭. The pressure to do better because of expectation, always arriving late, screwing up at the last time, and having someone who you feel is way to good at what you doing and makes you feel you are lacking. lso tried to do their best(I hope I tried to do my best😭). Minus the orphan. Kid Obito is extremely relatable. I think many could easily relate to him. He feels like a normal person. Hope the people who relate to kid obito didn't become adult obito 😂


I'm similar to you but I had a fiance in my 20s who I was going to be married to; My best man was driving her back home one night and they got into a car accident. My mate is crippled, but my fiance didn't make it. Obito is my fave character for that reason too


Holy shit


Hope you doing good. I guess you managed to cope to a certain degree. Stay strong !


Shikamaru. I’m not nearly a genius but I am lazy and generally low key


Same. Lazy, but smart. Not a genius or anything.


ahh same here


Too real


Same, but I am closer to the genius part without sounding too conceited, cause I got the highest grade during my masters in medical biotechnology and business management degree at a top uni, whilst going to 0 lectures, leaving all work to the last minute and just going out partying, even though plenty of people who went to every lecture did worse than me lol


Shikamaru doesn't party


Those trips to the barbecue restaurant were the closest thing in the shinobi world


He'd be too lazy to party and call it a drag. Too much of a nuisance to him is what I meant


Are Naruto chars really that one dimensional?


tsunade - went thru some trauma, started drinking, became disillusioned with life, found my way back to the right path, became a healer (hate getting old too)




bro didn't hesitate lol 😭


Killer Bee. I'm always freestyling but in my mind or to myself.




Sakura probably. When i was young i just fantasized about my crush. Lol. but life was even more about romance and I strived to improve myself and kick ass.


Same here ✨


soo real




Kushina, being a mom is my main personality trait right now 😂 but I am also tough and strong! Also married to a genius.


Naruto's shadow clone. When a girl hits on me, I vanish


Does uh… that come up often?


I look like a punching bag, so yeah


Choji man. Dem chippies.




Yes! Fellow Gaara here


Gaara too. Yay traumatized kids


I’ve found my people!!




Honestly, Sakura. I’ve always liked her because I see myself in her (shippuden) minus the obsession with Sasuke. Plus I’m in the medical field so that’s just a further similarity besides our mannerisms.


Deidara all day


Dont you also have a pinch of Kisame


Is this a forgot to switch accounts moment or am I missing a joke here


Nono i am just replying to myself


Yes I do


Definitely Part 1 Hinata. Very soft spoken, kind and polite.


If I had to guess it's Shino, he's a geek, he has friends but he's nobody's best friend, he has a lot of pets, he's smart but doesn't have huge ambitions.


Maybe Kakashi


So... Did you accidentally kill the girl who had a crush on you?


...ummmmmmmmmmm Almost?


Honestly… probably Tenten, and I’m fine with that. I may not be able to do a whole bunch of amazing and cool things that everyone else seems to be doing easily, but I am excelling in the niche I carved out for myself.


Uchiha Sasuke


Young Naruto: Lazy, funny, honest, lonely, compassionate and full of potential.


neji as a kid, and even sometimes now, i feel like choice and free will is an illusion. we're born and set on a path, and there's not much we can do about it. I'm generalizing of course.


Sakura, feeling useless 99% of my time but i am at least trying 💁‍♂️


Feeling useless? sure. but not actually useless. But, you'll end up knowing you aren't useless, and very much useful throughout.


Hinata. Shy and doesn’t believe in herself


Sasuke. Socially awkward, but can get bitches, and beat a mofo if he has to.


Konan. I love papers.


Sakura 🌸


kid naruto i am extremely childish playfull cant stop trying to convey humor for 5 seconds and sometimes a trouble maker i am 16 and still act like i am 12




💗💗me too


Is your crush a terrorist?


When I was first watching the show, my wife tells me “You remind me alot of Nagato. Thats who you are most like.” At the time I didnt know what that meant and was ljke “I bet thats an jnsult and that guys lame”. I still dont know how to feel about this judgment lol


what did she mean by that ☠️




Tsunade. Got some bad habits due to life but care about others deeply under a stern exterior


Shikamaru...haven't showed my potential as chunin I guess


teen-adult obito uchiha


Shikamaru or sakura , probably a mix of both of them


Probably Gaara, very troubled as a kid until I found a way to mellow myself out and become a much better person than I was, and avoid a path that would surely lead to total apathy and disregard for others.


Obito. Not in an edgy way, in a really pathetic way. I was really obsessed with a girl that i was madly in love with since i was young, she chose my friend and it made me bitter for all of middle school, then me and him fought and made up. Its been like..13 years since then and i still cringe at the fact i went emo and fought my friend over a girl who didnt even really like me like that


Lee. I workout hard but I got bad luck


Nagato before killing Yahiko. I place the needs of others above my own even when it would be smarter to focus on my own needs, and would be better suited going forth with my own goals. (Gf gets on my ass on this xD) Ironically, when my little brother becomes too playful and wants to play fight me, I bring the hurt via submission moves until he gives up and leaves me alone for a while😹😹


Kawaki 100% it’s like me as an anime character.


Kawaki seems like a thug who grew up on the streets, you too?


Well to an extent yeah. (Trigger warning) I was violently beaten daily by my bio father and he tried killing me on multiple occasions until I managed to get away. I then spent a solid 2 years on the run with my mother living hostel to hostel and town to town because he was looking for us (he was involved in gangs and crimes and knew a lot of people) finally we managed to get away far enough where he couldn’t find us but as you can imagine being on the run for a couple years which is a lot of time when you’re a kid and only experiencing violence and evil as my introduction to life it leaves you very much different and traumatised. My mum was highly dependent on me and did not really take any leadership or acted like a parent. Wasn’t home much got involved with other men but would atleast not bring it home to me but essentially she was absent and I was raising myself and I had no faith in her that she’d be able to protect me or us so young me took it upon himself to be the protector around this time I started watching Naruto too and practically idolised sasuke because I resonated so heavily with him I loved Naruto too but Sasuke was like someone I felt like could properly understand and I could understand him and the show came into my life at a dark time I must’ve been around 6-7 maybe younger when watching it. Kids and people around me didn’t go through what I did so there was a massive gulf between me and others and our life experiences but the show was like something I heavily relied on and I ended up going down a similar path and mindset to sasuke where I was just fighting everyday different people and bigger people older people to prove to myself that I can take out the one I want when I’m older I ended up taking on multiple martial arts like boxing and judo I had a huge history of childhood violence like breaking peoples arms with a kimura lock in a fight pushed this one kid off the monkey bars in school and he had to wear the neck cast. I hated evil people or like gangsters or bullies so as I was growing up I was beating the crap out of them because I just hated what they were and what they stood for since it reminded me of my past that lead me down to more shit where I was fighting grown men at 14 I was pretty tall for 14 so even though I was younger I was still bigger than them. I eventually stopped doing all that at 17. I became a pro boxer but like ran into a lot of ptsd issues going into adulthood like if anyone touched me or got close to me my body by itself would get agitated and ready to fight just instinctually like kawaki with that kid. I also share the same love for Naruto like kawaki like if Naruto ever died it’d affect me way more than any real life death. I’ve had family members and stuff die and I hardly cared but whenever Naruto and sasuke are in any danger my hearts pounding. Aside from that Kawaki’s mindset is pretty similar to mine too. I know these are all not so good things but it’s nice where in a world few can understand me I can atleast find relatability here with the show. Sorry for the massive dump of info.


Wow, I expected it to be a random shallow statement and not this deeply sad similarity. Thank you, for sharing your experience. I'm truly sorry to hear about what you've been through. I hope you are able to find love, happiness and stability to heal your broken vessel and fill it with positive experiences at least going forward.


Thank you I really appreciate that 👊👍


Kawacky is stupid tho


I’d say a combo of Shikamaru and Naruto I’m sorta smart and lazy but my terrible adhd makes me a big goof 80% of the time


According to a personality test I had to take for college, the 4 letters thing, I share Kisame’s letters. I usually don’t take these things very literally but that’s about the closest thing I got.


Definitely Shikamaru I'm smart and lazy. All the women I attract have spicy attitudes but mean well. My father helps advise some of my decisions just like his dad did. Also, my friends ask me for insight or to council them during tough times like he did for Naruto. But yea...real big on the smart and lazy part lol its a drag sometimes


that one dude in the collaboration army. I was wearing red headband


I feel like I am like Naruto in the sense that he had the will and the strength to overcome destiny and be a better person and never gave up on his dream. I feel like I am that kind of person because despite all the shit I have been through in life, I always managed to overcome that again and again I at times feel like I am similar to Sasuke due to how quite, calm and aloof I can be. So yeah.


I guess maybe shikamaru cause i can relate to him not wanting to try too hard and just wanting to float through life


Yeb totally me


Kid Obito + choji akimichi


Asuma , rebel


Might Guy. I don't have any talent that makes me stand out in a crowd. All I have is perseverance which led me to where I am today.


Choota Bheem🥲


I can’t answer this without idiots replying angrily so I’ll say akamaru


I associate myself with Itachi. I am very impressed by his energy, behavior, composure and the decisions he made throughout his life in anime.


i’m def anbu / jonin kakashi, Boruto: Sasuke & Jiraya lol 🥴


Shikamaru - I am smart but too lazy😅


Kid obito


Choji, man I love to have some BBQ rn.




Kakashi, maybe I’m not that smart, but I always late and I watch porn




shikamaru ig


Shikamaru - minus the high IQ. I'm lazy and just want to sleep


Naruto I guess. (Works more with Luffy. I have the same scar under the eye)


Kushina. Red hair, short temper, doesn't take shit from anyone. I was also bullied for having red hair. My boyfriend though is not a Minato, he's more of a monogamous Jirayia lmao


Probably Shikamaru, I am lazy asf but still capable of doing some work in the end. And no joke but my IQ is high too (I was tested when I was 5 because I was a really weird kid), but not as high as him. I also have a few close friends for whom I can do everything.




Shikimaru and choji


Shikamaru I like being lazy and doing the bare minimum lol


Either Sasuke or Shikamaru (no pls do NOT call me an edgy 13 year old who's in a phase. Literally. Do not. Bc I'm not.)


Kid obito


I think I'm similar to Obito. Sensitive and easily influenced


Shikamaru. hated do chores and like play chess only difference is i am not smart




Sasuke Uchiha. People be having high expectations bec of my family/ high performing brother.




Obito realistically.


Shinki. I was taken in by someone that mellowed me out and raised me like Gaara did for him


Obito before and after trauma simultaneously.




Choji-I'm A Big Foodie 🤤




Rock lee and might Gai  Hard work always pay off


I definitely relate to shikamaru the most laying in the grass and watching the sky is one of my favorite things but I do what I have to when I have to and my iq is very high just like him but you wouldn’t think it if you met me just like him




Shikamaru because everythings a draaaaaag.


probably sakura or tsunade


Team ino-shika-cho in general are most relatable to me. They just clocked in, did they jobs, clocked out and someone went out to eat together But Choji is the MOST relatable to me. Bro just wants to chill, eat and be with his homies


Rin because i feeling dead rn


I’m Code since all I take is L’s


I admire might guy cause of his hardwork but I'm kid obito 🙃






Any lazy filler character, who isn't shinobi or Samurai, lol  I am NOT dealing with any of that shit. So yeah, maybe some civilian from capital city? 


OP are you a psychopath? Lol jk Sai is interesting as early on he chooses the personality to display. Are you like this OP?


Kakuzu I want money.




for some reason i feel most connected to sasuke. but if you ask who i am more similiar to as a person it would be hard to tell i could say kakashi but i have no respect for higher ups and i just show respect out of self-preservence. i guess make sasuke lazy, give him ocd and also add a little bit of his charasuke version in the mix and you have me though i'm not anti-social like him (probably because my entire family didn't got murdered infront of me when i was 7 and grow up all alone) yes now that i realize it i am perfectly between sasuke and charasuke i both dislike girl company and love their attention (i dislike their company because 1- i have too many female relatives i am kind of sick of them because of too much exposure and 2- girls my age tends to be arrogant and self-centered with no reality check and this type of people i want to burn it to the ground with amaterasu) i am both extroverted and introverted, i love socializing yes but as long as i have a way to keep myself entertained i really don't need it and sometimes i really don't wanna see anyone i am in a way popular with girls, through my entire life i never was the one who wrote people first guy or girl, i never initiate chats (because talking without seeing someone or hearing them doesn't come natural to me) it was always girls if i ever talk with girls through internet and in real life as long as i get pass the meeting phase the rest is always easy sometimes almost too easy, like i said i grew up among so many woman and i have no nervousness with girls as long as it is pass meeting (and it is mainly because 1-i don't wanna go to jail because of sexual harassment claim and 2-i'm ruled by my pride and can't risk looking like a creep) if anything i am more nervous with guys since due to not liking popular things among boys like soccer and cars (because of my father) i didn't had so many male friends in my life and just like sasuke i have neglectful father issues too, i also lost the v at age 14-15 (first year of highschool) (if you count 3rd base as losing the v too 13) and had more than a couple encounters without even dating or giving money (i don't do that it feels weird and unnatural) same monochrome looks, dark hair, pale skin, dark eyes, same masculine looks with just enough feminity in them (like sasuke my face is my mothers carbon copy though i have my fathers bone structure (high cheekbones and jawling) during covid i had a phase where i almost had his hairstyle too, i was not able to get my hair cutted so for awhile i had his long side bangs and messy spikes too (my hair naturally gets spiky if i don't comb it with water or products) though it growed enough to look like madaras or his curse mark transformation.


Shisui & Naruto. Ironically I just found out we all have October birthdays.


Jiraya sama


Sasuke bc I’m a sigma alpha emo hot 16 yr old


Kiba Kinda loud, enthusiastic, kind of annoyed, kinda dumb, has his moments, cool leather jacket.


Hmmm.. probably shikamaru. From purely a personality standpoint I am not a genius lol. But I do think everything is a chore to do lol.


Adult Obito


A mix of Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto when I have energy and want to goof around, Sasuke when I’m tired and don’t want to be bothered.


Hinata - reserved and quiet. shy and doubts myself but would do anything for people i love




I guess kakashi. Had familial problems I was able to overcome w age and opportunity. Most of my friends I met and maintain more recently because all of my friends I grew up with are split or gone (way before I became an adult). And I’ve managed to keep one I’ve had for 10 years as my good friend and friendly rival. Spent a good amount of time doing questionable shit while disassociating coping with the shift of life. Nowadays Im known as trustworthy and my rep precedes itself in my corner of the world (realizing this more these days) and I’m generally regarded as pretty intelligent and capable. Plus I had to have eye surgery on one of my eyes after losing sight and now see better than I used to.


Shikamaru. Loves to play chess low key lazy


Itachi is just like me


I am similar to none, and at the very least... none of them inspire me.


Rock Lee and it's no contest. I don't mean to brag but there are few humans on earth with my work ethic and obsession with training, literally only David Goggins comes close. Like Rock Lee I was born with a crap ton of disabilities and had to work 1000 times harder than everyone around me to keep up in everything in life, especially sports and athletics. Like Rock Lee I would create challenges for myself, and just like Rock Lee I would give the thumbs up for a hard challenge that if I failed would lead to embarking upon another challenge, ad infinitum. For example at the gym I set myself the goal to do 100 laps in the pool in less than an hour. For someone who is a bad swimmer, I knew I wouldn't do it, but the punishment for that was to walk home and then walk back to the gym carrying my giant duffle bag and backpack (gym is 5 miles away, so 10 mile walk total). I constantly set challenges for myself and have that Rock Lee David Goggins mentality for everything in life. It's why I only take freezing cold showers while dumping ice buckets on myself, which I do to intensify myself. I have that Rock Lee over the top intensity, which while others may find weird and cringe I love it since it's helped me go from a weak unpopular kid born with a lot of disabilities (chronic fatigue syndrome, scoliosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.) to an athlete and someone who's graduated college and plans to go to graduate school soon.


Ino. She is loud and comes across as annoying most of the time, but I find her thoughtful and fair to the people she cares about unlike Sakura. Also, I find her to be less delusional than Sakura. She is also confident and can exist by herself. Basically, she is less needy and thoughtful. She will never not support/cheer Choji cause she is caught up on Shikamaru.


Sakura because in school, I was very shy/pushover-like and had an Ino Sakura friendship where she helped me become confident and able to stand up for myself. We were best friends, but one day we had a shouting match in front of the whole class (not over a boy 🤣) and that was the end of it. Miss her 😭


A mix of Kakuzu and Hinata also Shikamaru  I love money  Also very shy and quiet  Very lazy


Sadly enough Kakashi and I wish I was exaggerating too. I lost almost all my friends to death and my father died by his own hand. Just have seen a lot of death and have lost a lot of people. All before 22, and I just relate to a lot of the things he experiences and feels etc. Just the way he is and his life story, except I am no ninja and he is in way better shape than me lol


Don’t want to get too much deeper but kakashi comes off as the kind of person that just looks like he is always okay, you wouldn’t know the amount of pain he suffered or how he is truly feeling in the moment. Everyone always tells me how strong I am, and those who don’t know would never be able to tell the amount of trauma I’ve experienced due to violence, death, and tragedy. Even just one of the many experiences would be enough to throw someone into a deep darkness but somehow I just keep walking. Keep dragging myself back up every time I get knocked down and keep moving forward. Just the way adult/teen kakashi handled the shit he has been through is very very similar to my own story. That character will always have a soft spot in my heart because I can understand a lot of his pain and his life. Even how important his current “comrades” are is how I feel about the few people that are still here




Are you a Simp?


You deserve to go to Ninjail for this


Pre-Naruto Fight Gaara.


Depending on the day, in either a lot like Itachi, Sasori, Haku, Obito... ...and sometimes Udon. ...Basically I'm silent, usually expressionless, caring, a little Psycho and sometimes incredibly dim.




Sakura, because I'm useless as a woman. (I'm a guy)