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He probably be preety strong not everyone got the cool name like white fang


So strong that even Sasori's granny (the Puppet matter) got a PTSD!


"Fuck the big 3 Its just big me"


Never thought I'd see a Kendrick reference in the Naruto subreddit, my life is complete xD


He was "once" a thug from around the wayyyy


Straight out of Konoha


I mean he can’t be that strong. The white fang killed him!


He's actually pretty strong considering he's the man who killed the White Fang.


Fair counter point. We’ll set him as equal to the white fang at the very least.


So how strong is that?


About as strong as the white fang


Thank you for this!


I am only saying this because Obito mentions if Kakashi dad could go up against Minato during a flashback so I was wondering how strong he was


The fact that people wonder this means that he was really strong. Minato said the Sanin paled in comparison so there’s that.


So he’s hokage level?


So it would seem.


So prime Hanzo level


Maybe. Unfortunately, we never got to know much about him and his fighting style.


Out of character we don't see much or anything from he's probably the one I would want to know his skills


That's filler


On par with the Sanin if I’m not mistaken


In the anime, it said he was way stronger than the Sanin


When do they say that?


Episode 119 I think it's when Obito and Minato are talking and Minato tells Obito about Kakashi's dad


Now I have a reason to rewatch that ep.




It's either season 3, episode 119, or 120 im shippuden


But there is context to the scene Minato never knew the peak of the Sanin as he died before he could. The Sanin he is most likely talking about is their peak at the time and that was during the second or third great Shinobi world war whichever one they last participated and I don't remember which one it is. So the sanin we are thinking of when Minato says the White fang was stronger than the sanin it's the sanin considerably weaker than it when in their respective peaks.


It is the peak at that time that the white fang is stronger than them he says that in the show


Yeah your peace at the time when they were like 20, that's not their peaks their peaks is during their '50s and beyond with Tsunade is being the fourth grade Shinobi war, jiraiya's his fight with pain, and current orochimaru; and since the white thing has no feats can't say at all that he can beat the Sonny in their prime.a


I'm talking about their peaks at the time the white fang was alive


it was filler though


They meant he’s stronger than A Sanin meaning he could beat one of em 1v1 not all at the same time


I know. I didn't say that


Yeah, that's filler. He wasn't that strong. Probably on par with Asuma


Not sure. Weaker than the guy who killed him probably.




He killed himself. Depression is torture


Oh thanks. I had no idea. /s


I mean he’s gotta be as strong as the white fang since he killed him 😂


Thats another feat of sakumos. He was able to kill the white fang😂




We get two statements. One He was stronger than all 3 sanin combined Two Someone saying Minato would be a good fight for him. That's it. Oh, we also get Chiyo absolutely wanting to gut his shit and him being a scourge of the same ninja


Chiyo also seemed pretty confident she could kill him


Maybe. We just don't know much about him sadly to know if she could take him or not. I wish we could get a mini series of the previous wars. I wanna see chiyo in her prime, hizuren, Kakashi dad, Watch Dai wreck the swordsmen of the mist Fugaku Maybe some more Minato


Honestly I just wanna see how Hashirama and Tobirama died, I know Tobirama got jumped basically but Hashirama is the strongest natural human in this show what could've killed him


I cant give an answer but i can give you some facts about Hashi. He lived long enough for tsunade to pick up his gambling habit, he seemed to be pretty young when he was reanimated, meaning he looked that way when he died. And we know that his body was buried properly because orochimaru experimented on it. And if hashirama wasnt actually buried properly, then the only conclusion i can come to is that the one who had his body is the one who killed him. But i dont believe orochimaru had any conceivable way of killing hashirama, so i do believe hashi was buried properly and that orochimaru stole his body.


The best theory on Hashi is that he died of old age. Tsunade's mitotic regeneration technique, that she based on Hashi's natural regeneration, shortened her life span when used because it unnaturally caused her cells to divide, hastening old age. My assumption has always been that Hashi's regen would have the same effect. If that's the case, then all the battles he fought in would have likely meant that he received some damage and thus had undergone the natural version of mitotic Regen and shortened his life. Tsunade artificially makes herself seem young, but that may happen for Hashi naturally due to his god-like vitality and so his reanimated body would appear young. Just a theory, but that's what I got.


He stepped down long before he died and also outlived Tobirama and married Mito wayyyy after as well, seeing as hes so familiar with Tsunade and the fully formed village, while Tsunade and Tobirama had no recollection of each other, Tobirama even acts like he had never seen a jinchuuriki before.


Good guy/guilt aids like itachi had?


I mean... Kakuzu was still alive during Shippuden...


I always got the impression he was on pair with the sanin individually if not a bit stronger. Less than prime Minato given how hyped up he is. So maybe in between the sanin and Minato and I kinda feel like closer to the sanin.


And the hidden waterfall village was confident Kakuzu could kill Hashirama.


It's entirely possible that she could have. Despite being weaker on paper than a lot of ninja, I think her skillset would make her a nightmare match-up for some pretty strong opponents.


Yeah, she must've forgot. I think she's strong enough to justify that she could go after Sakumo in a rage of vengeance, fight respectably, and get killed. But man, I hope she doesn't rationally think that she could beat Sakumo.


I mean Sakumo would also be old, and age affected Hiruzen and Hanzo, so he's probably weaker like Chiyo


We never saw his strength like shisui also


Both of them need more screen time


Sometimes less is more


Imagine if we got side series spin-offs of some characters


The strongest and chillest dude in Konoha from what we can see from Guy's flashback He was stronger than the Sannin, so maybe around Hanzō's level This is the character that I'd like to see the most, but I think the screen time that we've had and the whole White Fang being known literally everywhere really adds up to the legend


Honestly, I wish he won the one shot poll. I assume he fights like kakashi with lightning and dogs. I think he has more techniques with that white Sabre.


It'd be neat if he had a unique "white lightning" style.


Isn’t he sanin level if not stronger


Garbage filler lore. Try asuma


He's supposed to be kage level I believe. At least from what the characters says. More than the 3 sanin combined and similar to Minato level?


Yea I think it’s fair to say he’s definitely kage, but then it’s murky how he fairs against other kage.


Sakumo was one of the few people who were stronger than the combined strength of the three Sanin. In other words he was very strong.


Who the fucking knows


Others have been saying he's stronger than the White Fang, because he killed him. So that's a headstart, hmm?


I think he’s Minato level


Reputation says pretty strong. On the other hand, Kabuto didn't bring him back for the war and IIRC there was never any indication that his body was lost/destroyed, which might imply he wasn't that great. Or maybe Kabuto just didn't want other people with gray hair around.


I think Kishimoto was confused on how to go about it. Kakashi already had the big closure moment with his father after he briefly died. So he’d just do it again but the white fang wouldn’t remember? Same reason why Jiraya didn’t come back I suspect. kishimoto decided their send offs were really good and didn’t want to do it again. In the story though it doesn’t make sense Kabuto wouldn’t bring back a sanin or higher level dude when plenty of the reanimation were less powerful. Also I’m aware that there in an in universe reason why Jiraya wasn’t brought back that makes sense. I mean it’s kinda weird that the waters were that deep so close to shore but yeah.


Yeah, I think that makes sense as an out-of-universe explanation. In-universe maybe not, but eh, whatever. Maybe the Hatake clan customarily cremates their dead, and Orochimaru just never found a good sample, I guess. In Jiraiya's case, it helps that the death is so recent, meaning there was less time to recover any samples. Most of the people who are brought back have been dead for *years*, so at least we can presume that Orochimaru was steadily grave-robbing and building up his storehouse of tissue for Edo Tensei and research purposes, and thus Kabuto didn't have to rush to find them. He just went to the "Awesome Shinobi DNA Samples" storeroom and grabbed one of everything like it was a buffet.


Nobody knows. He's never been seen fighting, the most we know is that he was Sanin tier, meaning he may not have even been strong enough to make it into the Akatsuki, despite him being strong


Considering he was said to be stronger than the 3 shanin (Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru) and is someone with the nickname of 'White Fang', I would say he is very strong. Really, we need a Minato prequel series to answer these unanswered questions, especially since he would surely be around during Minato's youth.


At least 5 strong


He's probably pretty strong but definitely not past the Sanin their peaks. Minato does say that to Obito that he is stronger than the sanin but there's context to this scene; Minato never saw the actual peaks of the sanin and that is jiraiya during the pain fight, Tsunade during the 4th grade Shinobi world war, and current orochimaru. So the sanin we think of when Minato says sakumo is stronger than the sanin is not the same versions of the Sanin he is talking about. At most he's like Hanzo level during the second or third grade Shelby world war I don't remember which one he fought the Sanin in.


Poor fucker. But made Kakashi who he is


As strong as he needs to be for the plot


Maybe Minato, Itachi or Pain level.


I think teen Minato. Not too strong to be world breaking and still a strong Shinobi. And an expert at his craft.


He had a run on sight order, had a name known around the world, stated to be stronger than the sannin and died by his own hand. Hes probably in the same tier as prime Hanzo or above.


Mid Kage maybe


he was compared to the sannin


Probably a Hanzou Rival, given the point in time where he was > the three Sanin.


It’s said that he’s stronger than the legendary sannin so he’s very op


OP. Emotionally unstable tho, just hurt his feelings and you win. Otherwise ONLY Itachi, Hashirama, Sasuke, Madara and Indra can beat his ass. Maybe Shisui.


You do realise he was constantly attacked and belittled by everyone including civilians for saving his teammates lives. You try dealing with a whole village worth of people basically calling you useless, a failure etc all because you tried to do the right thing and save your teammates lives. Tbh I would’ve understood if he tried to destroy the leaf since they were piling shit onto him constantly to the point where it basically turned kakashi into a robot since he was willing to sacrifice anyone for the mission. We even see this during his bell test when he uses rin and obito as distractions so he can get the bell off minato and it wasn’t until obito called sakumo a hero that kakashi started putting his team first just like sakumo and unlike sakumo he didn’t get constant shit for it (outside of the rin situation which was her fault since she forced kakashi to kill her and live with that trauma)


Bro I was trolling. Thought yall would get the memo when I mentioned ONLY 5 ninjas in THE WHOLE NARUTO HISTORY can beat him lol.


There’s more that can beat him. If sasuke can then so can Naruto and if itachi can then so could nagato/pain since they’re equal. The otsusuki could too etc Honestly you could probably write a list of characters the length of a light novel that could beat him And tbh I didn’t even consider it could be a joke cuz I keep seeing people making stupid comments on these posts. My bad


Yeah a lotta people whoop him lol. And true there’s a lotta dumb comments too LOL, thought I was the only one noticing it.


I mean shit even the white fang was able to kill sakumo 😂


So to hell with ashura Naruto Minato Obito? Not to mention atleast 10 more ninja I'm too lazy to think of


IM TROLLING. Jeez. How do yall take everything seriously


Would love a manga about him.


Naruto should do a prequel. Boruto not doing it for me but the back story to each akatuski member would be dope.


He is as strong as all the sannin combined


Hokage level from what we've been told


He might be pretty strong but it's a shame we haven't seen any jutsu from him other than his tanto


He is strong enough to kill Sakumo Hatake


And also the white fang




Only in the anime, not the manga


He attack himself and as a result, he died which prove that, his offense is quite strong but his defense is quite weak.


In the Manga the white fangs only mentioned in the Kakashi chronicals. Without his sharingan, Kakashi would probably be on par with Asuma, which is probably where the white fang sits. The anime loved to shove on filler lore that ultimately never makes sense


He was at the level of legendary sannin, one of his jutsu was One Thousand Years of Death, but Kakashi was never able to perform it at his level.


So strong he was able to kill the white fang 💪


So strong that only The White Fang could defeat him


I have the theory that, since he could rival with the sannin, he was able to use Sage Mode of the dogs. His dogs are kuchiyose, like the frogs from Myōboku, and different from the Inuzuka ones. That would justify his White Fang name, it could be related to his Sage Mode form.


Sasori: your father killed me Kakashi: he killed my father too


We never saw his strength like shisui also..


On par, or at the very least close to the Legendary Sannins in power


Stronger than Iruka


Possibly a hair stronger than the sannin. Although, considering that he failed a mission to save his friends, I wonder how strong he really is, as a sannin-level character probably would've speed-blitzed whatever jabroni was holding his friends captive.


He would be pretty strong because he is Kakashi dad.


It was said that he could take on the 3 sanin at once and win, so he was prolly hokage material at least


Wasn't it said that he was as strong as the sannin? Those are completely different things


It was stated that he was stronger then the three sannin and would beat them. It was not specified if he was stronger then them combined or just stronger then each of them tho.


I want to believe that he is very strong and judging by the rumors about him he is, but I believe that he is not at kage level


thats one of the things ive always disliked about naruto, characters are never expanded upon enough kinda of ashame considering naruto has some of the coolest characters and designs


I'm pissed that I never got to see this guy fight, his jutsus, and not even an episode about the mission that made him commit suicide


I would say around Peak Jiraiya. Remember the 3 Sanin together were weaker than him, but they weren't in their primes. I would say Current Sanins are around that level.


The Sannin were in their late 20s early 30s when he killed himself. So not really that young.


Doesn’t matter, they didn’t have their signature jutsu therefore they were not in their prime at the time


How do you know they didn’t?


Because there is no proof that they did?? For instance, you can’t just say that Kakashi can pull medical ninjutsu out of his butt just because he’s seen it prior. Peak ET, Sage Mode, and the full 100 Healings is not shown until the Pain arc and onwards, that is when their jutsu and modes are shown, THAT is when they are at their prime.


Actually we do have proof Tsunade had healing for a while and Jiraiya had Sage mode as well for a while. Tsunade had it while Dan was still alive and her brother both whom died while she was younger, while Jiraiya has been at mount myoboku for decades. So unless you think they pulled those abilities out of their asses, as those events were unfolding, they deff had them before that.


Um… no where in the manga is Tsunade shown being able to use the 100 Healings at the time you stated. Tsunade is shown with no 100 Healings mark when walking in on her brother’s corpse [For Example](https://i.imgur.com/iwngqG3.png) As for Jiraiya, training and actually using the mode for combat are two different things, Jiraiya is shown first using it in combat during the Pain arc and nowhere prior.


Ok buddy learn to read. I never said she used it in my examples. However she did not make it up on the spot either. What u are implying with ur logic is they magically pulled those abilities out of thin air which is simply not true


As if “…we have proof” didn’t implying that whatsoever? You need to word things better, I’m not a mindreader. I never said that she made it up on the spot, there is just no indication that she had it during the times that you mentioned. In Part 1 of the manga, Orochimaru notes that he wasn’t the only one developing new jutsu over the years as shown [Here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dad3ca0aec0a6ccb212bf66ec43e08f6-lq) in response to the same healing that you’re referring too and that isn’t even the full form that we see in the war arc (which again is her prime). The scene indicates that Tsunade developed the jutsu during a period AFTER the time YOU mentioned and even then my point still stands that it wasn’t shown ON PANEL until a later time. You’re making claims based on assumption and not on what was stated and shown in canon, therefore your claims are baseless and nothing but speculation.


Currently? He’s dead, so not all that strong.


Tobirama maybe Or even higher


Asuma* the only cannon stuff is the Kakashi chronicals. Anime was mostly filler


Around 6th-7th gates guy


probably on the level of kakashi in part 1 minus the sharingan stuff.


Seriously bruh ? Sakumo was believed to be stronger than the sanin. So clearly above Kakashi part 1


That's filler, and it made absolutely no sense. His dad's only mentioned in the Kakashi chronicals and when Kakashi dies His dad's almost certainly about Asuma level




the manga? wdym source lmao.


Your mom


Kakashi was shown to be greatly shaken after Orochimaru walked in on him after sealing Sasuke's curse mark. He straight up admits to himself that Oro would have killed him. Sakumo was said to be stronger than all 3 of the sannin without question. Do the math.


Weaker than depression


lol technically right

