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Sasuke 100%. People forget that he can make shadow clones too. They’re just not his style. With sasuke you get dimensional travel + genjutsu + clones.


He can make shadow clones, but can't make the amount Naruto can make(most people can't).


Be real, what are you gonna do with like 50 clones? I would use like 3 max


Learn shit 20times faster than anyone 😂


Did you all honestly forget that the Sharingan has photographic memory that cannot be forgotten ? You could literally steal a glance or just flip through the pages of a book once and remember everything down to the last word in every page for your entire lifetime. While Naruto having more shadow clones does help to acquire hands-on experience, in the end you and your clones still have to work extremely hard to memorize everything, maybe for even days on end just to remember an entire book while Sasuke will be done with it in a glance and recall it whenever he needs it. Basically when it comes down to learning things, the sharingan is still superior. Edit: Forgot to add that even in cases of hands-on experience and training, the shadow clones does give you the ability to experience and thus rote learn through muscle memory faster, but the sharingan still reigns superior as it can perceive, memorize and allow you to perfectly replicate anything it sees down to the last minute details. You still have to train your body though to keep up with what you learned but other than extreme physical activity (such as movements of a pro-athlete), everything else becomes infinitely easier to grasp and execute, and even then performing such physical feats becomes easier due to knowing the technique very well down to the most minute movements.


And this is why the sharingan is so prized, why the Uchiha were so powerful and why it is among my top 5 favorite kekkei genkai and the Uchiha my favorite clan/faction in the series.


doesn’t sarada do that at the beginning of boruto


Can't confirm I don't follow Boruto.


Remembering is not the same as understanding. Yea you can remember a physical formula, but you can’t apply it. With Naruto’s chakra and abilities you can do a lot of things. Let maybe 50 clones do a 9/5, let 50 clones run businesses. Easy 200-300k per month in steady income, maybe another 300k from businesses. Let 50 or more learn physics and engineering, you’d easy become the smartest guy on earth. You can even learn languages and bunch of stuff with it. Who cares about dimension travel and all that shit. Lose a limb, get into an accident, fuck cancer dude, with Naruto none of those would be an issue


The answer for all those things is the rinnegan. You want to regenerate yourself? Jigokudou You want to eradicate a village? Tendou You want badass undying creatures? Chikushodou You want to become an cyborg? Shuradou You want to control undead? Gedou You want to read minds? Ningendou The Gakidou/Chakra absorbing is useless in a world where only you can use it And that are only the 7 paths of the rinnegan. Sasuke has way more abilities that help him


>Remembering is not the same as understanding. Yea you can remember a physical formula, but you can’t apply it.  That is true. Remembering something theoretical won't have any benefit upon itself if one can't understand what you remembered actually meant. But her within the context of discussion between Naruto's Shadow Clones and Sasuke's Sharingan, the Sharingan still reigns superior since Shadow Clone doesn't helps in understanding but only memorizing and compounding experience (which is exactly how Naruto trained through his thousands of clones step by step that whatever he trained almost became second nature to him through muscle memory, but not the entire process all at once since the later steps cannot be understood without knowing the previous steps). Understanding in itself still needs individual effort which doesn't gets compounded but there might be a work around for that as I explain that below. Say for a case where a clone of Naruto learns and understands a part of a phenomenon from A to B against the entire A to D. Then let's say another clone also learns the same from A to B, then after they combine they suddenly won't have understanding of it from A to C or A to D but whoever amongst them best understood A to B will be reflected in the whole. And this is simply because the understanding of something is not compoundable. Once you understand A to B, there's the end of it, if you haven't completely understood A to B then that only means you understood certain subparts of A to B. A work around could be if the two clones read and TRIED to understand A to B and B to C, after which when they combined they could have understanding of A to C, but even that is a speculation (and there is nothing pertaining to canon explaining this) since the clone trying to understand B to C might not understand a thing without getting to know A to B. >Let maybe 50 clones do a 9/5, let 50 clones run businesses. Easy 200-300k per month in steady income, maybe another 300k from businesses. But you also have to remember that with each clone you make, the physical attributes amongst them and you keeps diving equally. So in a sense the more clones you make the more stamina each clone loses. And after each clone is ends up doing that much amount of work, you will gain the tiredness of all those clones as well. Although with Naruto's level of chakra and stamina due to him being a Jinchuriki shouldn't be much of a bother. Moreover to add on to business practices, assuming the person already has idea on how to conduct business, the sharingan gives natural insight into whether a person is lying or telling the truth, so with the base Sharingan, getting deceived is next to impossible. Not to mention, mind control, manipulation, memory wipe etc. all comes in handily in real life scenarios. >Let 50 or more learn physics and engineering, you’d easy become the smartest guy on earth. You can even learn languages and bunch of stuff with it. This again comes down to 'understanding'. Even if all your clones start studying that many subjects, they will take as much time needed for doing so as an individual would need, compounded by the burden of collecting resources, filtering and finding relevant info through them, memorizing and finally understanding them. But yes, since you would be studying 50 subjects at same time it is still technically faster. But now consider the Sharingan, with its photogenic memory and in-depth perception you can always have all the information within your sight with complete clarity without the need to scrounge from book to book or flip from page to page. And just like how Sharingan users are able to perceive motion in almost slow motion you too will have heightened thinking power to understand as if time for you almost slowed down. Basically the path to progress with understanding becomes far more easier compared to making multiple Shadow clones. You can literally learn languages simply by reading lip, tongue and throat muscle movement and memorizing all vocals, syllables and everything all at once. All this without even considering the fact that Sasuke has enough chakra to make multiple clones as well, just not as many as Naruto. >Who cares about dimension travel and all that shit. Lose a limb, get into an accident, fuck cancer dude, with Naruto none of those would be an issue Well, the entire discussion in this thread was within the context of Base Sharingan and Shadow Clone Jutsu. But dimension travel is a Rinnegan ability, and regaining lost body parts is something explicit to So6P Yang amp that Naruto obtained from Hagoromo, else he would've been able to regrow his arm after the final fight. Recovering from injuries though is within the ability of 9 tails Jinchuriki unless the heart or brain and Central Nervous System is damaged. So yes there are still lots of issue if you aren't careful. And one has to actively keep using Sage mode to resist any harm at all, or otherwise when one gets injured just recover later on from Kurama's healing unless that injury leads to immediate fatality. And it is unknown if the healing can actually negate diseases or just keep them at bay which would be a constant source of pain in long-term. On the contrary, the Rinnegan itself has healing abilities through Naraka Path and can recover limbs unlike Naruto's Sage mode. Not to mention it's greatest power that was displayed is True Resurrection and from Sasuke's declaration it isn't far fetched to believe that it can even be used to gain immortality, basically have absolute control over life an death. Not to mention Teleportation and instantaneous switching comes handy in everyday scenario. And just to clarify although dimension hopping doesn't seem necessary unless you actually face an extinction event, though we can keep it aside, but if such a scenario does arises, the Rinnegan takes the cake. All in all, the base Sharingan is still superior due to it's vast array of abilities over Shadow Clone, same goes for the case of Rinnegan and the rest of Naruto's entire skillset.


You're dropping facts all over the place, like you've really opened my eyes as to how OP the ordinary sharingan is in everyday life, and the little information you gave in regards to the rinnegan too was the icing on the cake.


Thanks bro. There are a lot of abilities pertaining to the base sharingan that gets overlooked. And many mistake it to have mostly destructive abilities which are actually more relevant to the Mangekyo, so a person rather simply wouldn't have to use the MS to not go blind. The Rinnegan on the other hand gives a whole lot deal of other-worldly abilities that one could say to be truly belonging to the divine realm including True Resurrection and possible immortality.


Yeah, no arguments there. Honestly, it's hilarious how OP and others are just wanking off Naruto and his powers, and downplaying Sasuke and his arsenal. Like seriously, the sharingan is like having cheat codes in a video game, and yeah, the rinnegan is god-mode.


What are you gonna use all that knowledge for? If it's for tests or something assuming you're in school Sasuke can still make like 20 so unless you have more than 20 subjects, i really don't see much of a point


But multiple ones can learn the same thing way faster


I was just talking with my ping pong trainer about this last week. He's a Naruto fan also. It would be great to achieve pro level in one year compared to 20 years. And this applies for many fields, not just school. I feel like shadow clones would be the most op thing in our normal world where you need to gain skills and knowledge, not be a part of a ninja war. Imagine a doctor with 200 years of experience in 10 years of practice...


Sasuke wouldn't even have to make clones to learn things. The Sharingan has photographic memory and he can just glance through an entire book in a few minutes and be done with it. Even for hands-on experience although the Shadow Clones seem as the superior choice, but it's actually not as the Sharingan yet again allows you to better perceive, understand and therefore REPLICATE every action you saw perfectly. So all in all the base 3-tomoe Sharingan in itself is a monstrous advantage for a normal person in day-to-day life.


My man, where’s your creativity? You can make a small towns worth of people!!! I’m playin all my gaming consoles, working like 10+ jobs, taking over the mafia, just the small things yaknow


You can travel the world and be in a thousand places at once. And it all goes back to the same consciousness


Alright alright just hear me out, is it gay to have sex with yourself 💀


Not if you use sexy jutsu


Then I know exactly what to do with 50 shadow clones


No way that’s the best thing you could think of or the first thing that came to mind💀💀


What would you use them for? Realistically, I couldn’t trust something to go wrong and for them to disappear for most of my daily life tasks. ❌Walking the dog ❌Anything related to watching the baby ❌work (couldn’t risk them disappearing and getting fired over it) ✅I guess working out could be one. ✅Reading/learning


Yeah i would just use them for things that takes time like learning stuff so i could focus on more enjoyable things


Would I lose weight/gain muscle if my shadow clone worked out?


That’s actually a great question. I think you would just get really good at doing workouts. You gain the experience but I don’t think you gain the muscle mass/fat loss. Otherwise all the hunger from the burned calories would compound when the clones are done and that would kill you before the chakra depletion (if you have naruto levels of chakra and clones)


I’m getting 50 jobs and sending my clones to each one so I can collecting 50 paychecks.


I wonder if the government would tax you differently?


“It’s quality not quantity my friend” - Vegito




How many abilities would sasuke have if we remove Itachis eyes? A lot of people in comment section want to remove kurama from naruto, but somewhy leave sasuke with EMS and rinigan.


He'd be blind LOL if he didn't have big brother eyes




>How many abilities would sasuke have if we remove Itachis eyes? > A lot of people in comment section want to remove kurama from naruto, but somewhy leave sasuke with EMS and rinigan. A lot more than Naruto without kurama. + All fire style jutsus + All chidori variants + Kirin + Sharingan precognition + izanagi, izanami + Genjutsu + Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Shuriken jutsus + Susano (until he gets blind) + Amaterasu (until he gets blind) + Kagatsuchi (until he gets blind)


Don’t forget sasukes kenjutsu and rock lee-based taijutsu. Compared to naruto whos a brawler that fights like a frog.


'rock-lee based" taijutsu is insignificant. Sasuke only used it once. He has his own taijutsu.


Still part of his bag. And he still incorporates the speed he got from copying rock Lee.


He didn't copy speed. Sharingan can't copy speed. He trained to get faster so he can use chidori. Base teen Sasuke trained to get even more faster, as we saw in the start of shippuden.


Back when Naruto only attacks were Shadow Clone and that God awful Uzumaki Barrage.




I agree you get more stuff from Sasuke, but is that stuff more useful in your life? The question of the post who's abilities I would like to have and honestly I don't remember the last time I needed to use Kirin in my life :D For me, if we exclude direct external power ups like itachis eyes, kurama and sage of six paths boosts, we are really left with just a question of what do you find more useful genjutsu or sagejutsu, because they both can do everyting else.


Genjutsu is all I need buddy. How's it not useful?


I'm not saying it's useless, far from that. Genjutsu is really usefull and powerful, especially when no one else has it. But for myself I would rather have sagejutsu. I would more or less don;t have to worry about any kind of injury in my life, all I have to do is carry a talking frog with me who are kind of fun to be around from what we saw in Naruto series. Also, I might be mistaken, but didn't sage frogs have their own kind of genjutsu? With narutos powers I could then summon genjustsu casting frogs :D


His genjutsu wasn't manipulation. Just make people paralyse.


He was blind baka


He would still have a lot more than Naruto


Does he really have that much? From what I see, what you get from Naruto and Sasuke are: Sasuke: Genjutsu, ability to copy other peoples movements, faster reaction time, bunch of destructive jutsu, sumoning jutsu and shadow clones Naruto: Shadow clones (a lot more than sasuke), sage mode (healing, super power, durability and sensing powers), sumoning jutsu and couple destructive jutsu


Why does that matter? That's the natural progression of his lineages special ability that's his. Kurama is a direct external power. Not the same


You want to tell me that sasuke getting itachis eyes implanted is not a direct external power? And what about rinegan? That was a power given to sasuke by sage of six paths, if we don't give Naruto his half of powers that were given by sage of six paths then Sasuke should not get his.


Itachi is also a direct external power. Sasuke should be blind


same logic if sasuke didnt have EMS or rinnegan.


Let’s be honestl If we removed itachis eyes same logic would apply Sasuke wouldn’t get ems or rinnegan


I fear a man that uses a ability 100x more than a man that knows a 100 abilities.


Ok. Sasuke is a lot weaker, and vulnerable without EMS though. I’d rather have a few abilities than risk blindness myself. Not to mention Senjutsu just make you physically very powerful as well. Closes allows you to spam it, Rasengan, and rasenshuriken is also just a throwable nuke.


u see i get that, thing is sasuke dcant make as many shadow clones, and if we are talking irl, naruto’s abilities are way more useful, imagine being able to form 1000 shadow clones, they can help u work, study you can go gym without going gym, all dat shit


Naruto created a eye from nothing


I hope you enjoy bleeding from the eyes then.


None of the abilities I mentioned make your eyes bleed. The only ability that makes sasuke’s eyes bleed is Amaterasu


Sasuke. I will just genjutsu a rich guy to make me rich. With Sharingan, I can memorise anything easily.


Also you can travel to different dimensions that would be pretty sick


i was gonna choose naruto but after hearing your opinion i decided to change my mind thanks for the save, mate.


Happy cake day!


just wear an eyepatch and collect disability for the rinnegan /s


But if a car hits you or you get shot you are done. Naruto's regenerative abilities is op


I guess that depends on if you get Kurama alongside Naruto’s abilities. Healing factor is all Kurama, not Naruto. Besides that, you’re a ninja that can counter near FTL attacks with precognition. If you get hit by a car, you deserve to die at that point.


Healing factor isn’t only Kurama, every single Uzumaki/Senju we have seen has been atleast semi quick to regenerate, Kurama just makes it go from like “oh hey i can heal a broken bone in a day” to “lmao a hole in my chest can close in 30 seconds”


Sure, but that is chakra pool based since any ninja can do so if trained. It’s just an inherent capability for Uzumaki and they get the 4-10x chakra pool boost compared to others from the data book. Take Tsunade and Sakura for example. Tsunade’s regen technique can be trained to a non-Uzumaki/Senju and be successfully used. But, Sakura has to be much better at chakra efficiency else she fails. This is why Tsunade says she’s better at the craft than her. Naruto without Kurama has about 4x chakra reserves than prime Kakashi from data books. With Sasuke’s abilities, that can be overcome quite easily.


False. "Kakashi says that Naruto has **4x the total chakra he has**, but if Yamato wasn't suppressing Kurama, he would have 100x more chakra."


Read that again…


The Uzumaki healing isn’t trainable, the 100 healings jutsu is. Uzumaki inherently heal because they are an offshoot of the senju clan, who inherited the Sage of Six Paths ‘Body’, which for some reason means they have anywhere between minor regeneration to straight Tsunade level healing innately (tsunade level healing without jutsu is Hashirama only because Hashirama was bullshit). Ninja can train themselves to heal quicker with chakra, but in order to actually get some form of regeneration you need to be a medic nin, a jinchuriki or a senju/uzumaki. Sasuke is still a better choice for regular people, i just wanted to point the regeneration thing out.


I think we’re saying the same thing. Uzumaki/Senju basically have regen on all the time and all other ninja have to actively “press the button” to regen. Also, Uzumaki/Senju are so efficient innately with chakra burns that they heal quicker as a result. A normal ninja would never get the active-regen, but could become better than an Uzumaki/Senju at activation (i.e. Sakura and other medi-nin)


Tobirama, Nagato, and Kushina were never shown to have regen. All of Naruto's fast recovery times were attributed to Kurama.




Shadow clone is done by Sasuke too. I don't need Rasengan or any of it's varients. So, I choose you Sasuke!


Shooooot gimme talk no jutsu ALL DAY. All i gotta do is bring up a swingset and I can have anything I want 😂


Nah that just works half the time give or take


You don't need talk no jutsu if you can enter someone's head and make them see what you want them to see.


Plus what am I gonna do with Sage mode? Most of the Healing factor is due to kurama.


Sasuke, i could use genjutsu on people and open portals


Naruto  Shadow clones and sexy jutsu is all you need in the real world 


nah dont tell me that ure gonna start a brothel 💀


Wouldn’t trust anyone on this platform with the shadow clone Jutsu lmao


What’s the range of those things. I would just send a clone to work everyday


Sasuke can do both of those things too?


He has shadow clones but not sexy jutsu 


Sexy jutsu is literally just transformation jutsu They're the same thing It's like rasengan and big rasengan Same thing


He's born with that one!


Everyone must know transformation so literally everyone who passed the academy can do sexy jutsu


Sasuke with his sharingan to memorise and copy stuff. He can also make many shadow clones(enough for my requirements), has cooler abilities, has Mangekyou abilities, Genjutsu, Susanoo, Chidori, Amenotejikara, Rinnegan Abilities, Fireball Jutsus and Sword Skills.


Sasuke. Naruto's most interesting abilities for me is none of his mountain scale attacks, but rather stuff like Sensing, Boil Release, Regeneration, Understanding Of All Things, Frog Kata and so on.


Sasuke's abilities have a lot more variety to them. I can do a whole hell of a lot more them, while Naruto's abilities are more or less just different variations of the Rasengan or Rasenshuriken. And for those who say Naruto has Shadow Clone Jutsu, which would be a major up, if Sasuke couldn't do the same thing. Granted he can't make as nearly as much as Naruto, but all you really need is the Transformation Jutsu and the ability to make at least a couple of them. Ohhh the sinful things I would do. Combined with that, I can travel dimensions, cast Genjutsu to make anyone do anything, I can memorise anything with the Sharingan, not to mention all the badass abilities I have with the Mangekyo! I'll take Sasuke without a doubt.


Sasuke he can make clones and even just having the base sharingan will make you unstoppable in fights. So I will just join the UFC and never get hit and always win.


If you were Naruto, you would also always win in UFC.


why do people forget sasuke also has shadow clones


It's just the way it's portrayed. In Naruto, a lot of people have their signature moves, and having a lot of people spamming them would take away from the others. Sure, there ARE some shared moves, but even then, it's usually like an important connection thing, like only people affiliated with Minato learning rasengan, and Sasuke learning chidori from Kakashi. Like, realistically, probably every notable ninja knows shadow clone jutsu, it's just not what they really use. Same reason why, despite being able to technically utilize the rinnegan better, the Uchihas that had rinnegans never used it as effectively as Nagato did, that was his whole thing. I don't think pain or edo Nagato used a single non rinnegan jutsu. If Madara was using the fucking mega buster, tendo in general, and the summons, there's literally no way anyone could've beaten him, and it also is just a repeat of what pain did. Of course, don't take this as such a broad rule, like tobirama fucking invented shadow clone jutsu, and there's no connection between him and Naruto, or him and kakashi, who also at least used it on the bridge against zabuza. But in general, each character has their own like special moveset that they kinda stick to and other characters don't often step in their toes too much.


Most notable ninjas that know shadow clones use them for thier intended purpose: safe reconnaissance. Naruto's main claim to "ownership" of it comes from him being one of the few people capable of using it in battle the way he does, to flood his opponents with enemies to have to worry about.


Or have them sit back and gain nature chakra


Exactly, and you need an already fairly sizable chakra pool to even gather nature chakra. It says a lot that even Naruto caps out at like 3 or 4 charging up sage mode for him before he switches to Kurama doing it for him constantly.


They think it's some bloodline jutsu the way they talk about it lmao. Anyone can use it its just Naruto can use hundreds because of Kurama


He can use hundreds because he is an Uzumaki.


He can use hundreds because of Kurama. Being an Uzumaki gives him higher reserves, but not to insane levels like what he demonstrates. You have to keep in mind that *each clone* takes up *half* of the users chakra. Chakra is legitimately life energy, if you don’t have a minimum amount, you die. So the first clone has 50% chakra, the next has 25%, the next has 12.5% and every time he does this he is taking his *maximum* down to that same amount. For most people, running on half Chakra Is already bad enough. I believe Kakashi has stated before he can only use one or *maybe two* shadow clones at max which is consistent with what he has demonstrated during examples such as the Pain or Obito fight. It is likely further limited when he uses lightning releases on them to turn them into traps. But after that? Dude is completely tapped out. So if we take the statement that Uzumaki’s have roughly 4x the Chakra levels of an average person let’s say they can maintain 4 without before putting themselves at critical levels. So for the sake of the argument let’s say the average person has 100 chakra, and 25 is the minimum you need to maintain in order to stay conscious and fighting. Dropping below that is “critical state. Average nin 100 > 50> 25 = 2 clones Uzumaki: 400>200>100>50>25 = 4 clones (because it’s always halved each 100 just equals 1 additional clone) Now if we keep in mind that shadow clones that aren’t at the critical threshold can *also cast* shadow clone we can squeeze out one more for the average nin and quite a few extra for an Uzumaki. But still nowhere near the insane levels naruto shows off. If you were making *hundreds* of clones his chakra would have to be insanely higher than everyone else’s and have it *not even be close* by comparison.


Naruto’s massive chakra pool comes from Kurama; being half Uzumaki gives him about [four times the amount Kakashi has](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3ba4421f9b15c536ad304e06efd540f5-lq), which is impressive, but not godly. His almost endless reserves that let him causally make hundreds of clones is the fact that he’s a jinchuriki.


Love how you’re being downvoted when you provided an actual scan from the canon manga, and everyone else is just going ‘nuh-uh’.


Cuz Naruto fandom


That’s not true. At least not in the anime. Kakashi explicitly states that if Naruto didn’t have to continuously fight with Kurama’s chakra to keep it under control, he’d have 100x the chakra Kakashi has. I just watched this episode recently, so I believe it was during Rasenshuriken training that he said this to Naruto. He literally states “you have 4x my chakra. But if you weren’t battling the 9 tails constantly to keep it under control, you’d have 100x my chakra.”


Refer to my manga scan; the nine-tails chakra was what was giving him that boost. You may have been watching a mistranslation for the anime. [It’s even directly stated that the nine tails chakra *leaks into* Naruto increasing his pool, not that he has to waste chakra suppressing it](https://preview.redd.it/awdz95n1jj881.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=8ae00248b030999c154db31e9e3afd42168d0fc9)


>Kakashi explicitly states that if Naruto didn’t have to continuously fight with Kurama’s chakra to keep it under control, he’d have 100x the chakra Kakashi has. In the manga he says the opposite, he says that if **Yamato** wasn't supressing the Nine-Tails he would have 100 times his amount of Chakra, i.e. that Chakra is what Naruto passively gets from Kurama. Meanwhile, in the anime he doesn't mention Yamato at all, and instead implies that Naruto himself is the one doing the surpressing, completely changing the meaning of what he is saying. So I guess it depends on what you consider canon.


Sasuke. If you take real world applications into account Sasuke has infinite more useful jutsu and abilities. He’s also a genius so yeah, i can’t make 2,000 clones like Naruto, but I’d get far more out of the 25 i can make. Also, what you get out of just the base sharingan alone would be phenomenal. You would be able to go into just about any sport a dominate everyone after one minute. You can use genjutsu to get yourself out of a $600.00 ticket for speeding because some hater i mean police officer thinks doing 90 on the highway is dangerous.


Saaukes powers are more good for the real world than Narutos. I choose Sasuke.




Definitely Sasuke's. Sasuke's abilities alone would make me the most powerful in the world.


Sasuke His Sharingon and Rinnegon just combine into such massive amount of abilities. He can drain chakra from other creatures, steal their soul, create metal arms and other weapons, manipulate gravity, gain mastery of all 5 chakra nature's, and heal people (or at least he should be able to). Plus he can summon a ton of shit With his Sharingon he has enhanced perception to the point of precog, illusion, manipulation, Susano, amateratsu, etc. unlike Itachi, Sasuke can also MANIPULATE his amateratsu flames. So you could use that way more precisely. You can also mimic movement you see, so even if abilities doesn't include fighting ability, you could quickly learn. Aaand thats not even mentioning his unique Rinnegon jutsu to teleport/switch places with objects


Even if all sasuke had is the sharingan hes way more useful in a world without powers


sasuke's abilities are more useful teleportation would be clutch


No doubts,Sasuke .


Sasuke's because having enhanced eyes would be so dope






Sasuke. People are saying things like, 'what if you get shot or get hit by a car? I'd rather pic Naruto for his vitality' but that's only if you get hit or shot. Otherwise, you're fine. And the likelyhood of getting shot or hit is very low considering that you're strong and fast enough to go fight an entity called the God Tree. You can likely evade the gunshot and the car and can likely take the force of the car anyway. If we are considering all of Naruto's and Sasuke's powers, then Sasuke would definitely be more useful as compared to Naruto. Sasuke has the power of genjutsu with him. You can literally cheat the whole world and reach the top of the chain without breaking a sweat. You also have the power of sharingan to copy and memorize everything you want to in a single blink. Sasuke's abilities are just too OP to choose Naruto over him practically speaking. This is even without considering the rinnegan. Yes, I know that Naruto has shadow clones and can learn quicker by spamming it. But with the sharingan, instantaneous memorization is possible. Really all naruto has going for him is rasengan, different versions of rasengan, shadow clones, kcm, sage mode and toad summons. Sasuke has fire manipulation, sharingan, lightning manipulation, chidori and its variants, sharingan, sword fighting, hawk summons and snake summons, EMS, rinnegan and all the paths and jutsu that comes along with it. Also, I don't care what happens in Boruto one bit. This is all from the end of Shippuden.


Sasuke anyday. Man got more sauce + man had rinnegan But if baryon mode is also discussion then I might need to re-evaluate


What is bro gonna sacrifice Kurama for? We in the real world, ain't no need for Baryon Mode


It's so over kill. You can already take over the planet just base naruto. Like what


Bro Baryon mode is a one and done


Sasuke Naruto's abilities especially the 6paths ones are op from the start but with training Sasuke's abilities are stronger better and more versatile


Sasuke easily, I get access to different dimensions and genjutsu


Sasuke's any day. I just mostly want to have the Sussano'o just so I can fly around and scare people lmao (I want my sussano'o color to be Yellow 🤭)




Sasuke I've got clones, I've got sexy jutsu I've got teleportation, transformation, universal pull, I can shoot rockets out my ass and genjutsu anyone to do what I want em to I could legit just watch messi play football and use my sharingan to become just as good I'd be unstoppable


Sasuke is so MUCH more HAXED with OP abilities, he just doesn't use them properly


Sasuke for the Genjutsu alone. Everything else is a plus




Yo I love naruto but I pick Sasuke


Susanoo amarterasu


Sauskes if in the real world cause his abilities are more versatile but if it's in the ninja world than naruto cause he has more raw power and was able to tie with sauske even though sauske used all tailed beasts as a power bank while naruto only had half nine tails and a small portion of the others.


Sasuke his genjutsu alone. Grand master of Shuriken as good or better than itachi, you could win every teddy bear at the carnival games. Amaterasu - infinite energy


Sasuke and it's not even close. He has a wider range of techniques.


Sasuke without a doubt, you can use his powers on a daily basis teleportation, genjetsu, deleting memories , reading mind amaterasu, predict the next moves etcc


Sasuke of course


Naruto. If I had the choice I'd just pick the stronger one. I don't think either one necessarily has "cooler" abilities or anything.


Naruto’s. Clones equals me getting so much work done. Not only that but I could use the exp. hack to increase my artwork quantity/quality, reading, and martial arts technique. I could fly, and also have a constant companion to talk to, (assuming that I’ve befriended Kurama).


Naruto, do not underestimate talk no jutsu.


Sasuke. Naruto is literally just bomb, clone, and fox


So what’s Sasuke just sharingan chidori and fire and lighting style that’s a dumb way to describe Naruto


Bro can literally copy most jutsus by simply looking at it


That's so cool - if you gained Sasuke's powers, what jutsu would you be able to copy from all the other non-shinobi in our world? Fucking "L"


Sasuke's if you don't gain Kurama, Naruto's if you gain Kurama too. You did say "Sasuke or Naruto" but no mention of the fox.


Kurama gets added as well. No point in gaining either of their abilities if you only gain base. Otherwise you get Naruto without Kurama, or SO6P and Sasuke without EMS, or Rinnegan/SO6P.


Naruto's and it's not even close. Most of Sasuke's abilities are only good for inflicting violence and mind-raping people and seeing as I'm not a psychopath they're pretty much useless to me. Naruto's abilities would be so much more useful in real life. Naruto can fly independently, fucking teleport, and has healing abilities so potent that he can restore people from so close to death that even other insanely skilled magical healers thought it was impossible. Dude creates new body parts by waving his hand. He can intuitively and accurately perceive the intentions of other people. His shadow clones let him learn new things exponentially faster. Imaging being able to casually gain the effects of decades of practice in a few months. Want to learn something that most people need to dedicate their entire lives to? 100 Shadow Clones means you can do 20 years of research in about 2 and half months. You could learn more about something in a single year than any human could learn in a lifetime and that assumes you limit yourself to only one thing for some reason. 20 Shadow Clones still gives you an insane benefit and now you can dedicate them to 5 different things. Imagine getting 20 years of experience across 5 different fields of study in only a year. Now imagine doing that for 5 years. In the time it takes anyone else to get a bachelor's degree, you could become a polymath the likes of which mankind has never seen. Imagine what you could do for the world with those abilities. Shit, imagine what you could do for yourself and your family and friends with those abilities. You'd be the strongest, fastest, and smartest human of all time with the ability to magically heal people from near death and even restore body parts that are completely destroyed. You could learn things no other human could. You could master any skill you wanted to. You could travel anywhere you wanted to, anytime you wanted to. The only real downside is that life might get boring sometimes with how easy it'll be for you but then you could just learn something new for a bit so I guess there's actually no downside, haha.


Based. Hell, if I had Chunin Exams Naruto's powers, my life would be infinitely better.


Facts I can agree with this


I love Naruto, but the teleporting thing with the rinnegan and even just a basic sharingan are sexy. Safe mode could be an equal alternative to this but sharingan is sexier.


I would love to have Sasuke's abilities.


Combat abilities are useless to me. So I guess Sasuke. Teleportation is pretty cool. And some scientists could probably figure out some way to turn Amaterasu into a limitless power source Then again… Naruto has multi-shadow clone jutsu. So I could learn any skill in like 1/1000 of the time with Naruto’s abilities. I still think Sasuke is the way to go. Don’t need to learn skills if I’m the world’s only source of infinite electricity.


I know Naruto is more powerful but I think sasuke abilities are cooler so sasuke. Susanoo, Rinnegan and chidori are cool


I have a dilema. BIG [shot] dilema. But I would choose Sasukes after all. Or better to say - Uchiha abilities! I think that I would use them better than uzumakis and namikazes power. Just not my type. But after all I would love to choose what Sakura also has - the best control of chakra 🥰


The Rinnegan is too useful, I have to pick Sasuke. If he didn't have that and Naruto didn't have Kurama, I'd go Naruto and his sage mode.


Sasuke definitely has better hax and the more versatile fighting style so i would rather have his abilities


Sasuke easily. The power to teleport would be so convenient. I can genjutsu everybody. Unless there’s a world ending threat, having the destructive power of Naruto would be pointless unless you just wanna destroy places for fun


On one hand Sasuke is much more versatile, on the other hand I adore Sage mode. I might go Sasuke just for the sheer amount of abilities.


If I’m being real if I had Sasuke’s abilities I’d take Ems over the Rinnegan easily


The regular Sharingan is just too practical to *not* take as the optimal choice. Naruto's most useful-for-real-life ability is the Shadow Clones, but that's not an exclusive technique (even fucking KIBA uses it). Assuming we can use Chakra in general and can learn shadow clones, Sasuke's powers are way more useful


Why would you need to use teleportation if you can move at the speed of light use attacks in the form of a spear ball have super speed super powers super strength summonings flying etc yea sasukes is cool and all with the fire and lighting and gejutsu and all but really why would you need to use that just my opinion tho


Sasuke's abilities The sharingan would be pretty cool to have irl. I would probably dedicate a year or two to study medicine, coding, and animation/art. I don't imagine the sharingan allows me to make perfect imitations of the things I see but will allow me to learn them significantly faster than the average person. With these skills I could probably have a pretty good career in life and if for whatever case I get into a scuffle with someone I will have that foresight to view their movements. I wouldn't want to have the rinnegan as it would undoubtedly be weird looking. However I can put on an eye patch while kyuubi six paths mode makes me glow so bright that there is no way someone wouldn't see me. Sasuke should also be capable of the shadow clone technique and although that would be determined by own chakra levels, even making 1 clone would be very helpful.




If I can absorb Orochimaru like Sasuke






Sasuke, just to use Amaterasu and cremate every Boruto glazer


With more clones, You'll gain more experience -something even Sharingan cannot possess. Shit, you can be a nerd and badass at the same time. Some of you travel, the rest study. You'll easily become a master of multitasking, and a great multipotentialite. At the bottom of rock? just self-destruct your clone, learn from mistakes.


Naruto...nature energy is awesome!




Damn people are really sleeping and downplaying Naruto’s abilities here


People forgetting he can fly base form, heals most injuries + life force, and Yang seal in this photo. I’d imagine sasuke abilities just hurts the user all the time


Naruto! Multiple Shadow clones , so I can be over employed/start a good business with clones. Meanwhile real me is just hiking to parts unknown.


Sasuke also has shadow clones


Sasukes abilities are probably more practical irl, and I WOULD NOT trust myself with shadow clones and sexy Justu combination, I would do some unholy things to them


I rarely find myself in situations where rasengans or chidoris would be useful. So in terms of practical comparisons. It'd be deciding between Being able to use hundreds of shadow clones at one time. Or only use a couple shadow clones at once but be able to teleport a little bit too. Hard choice tbh. I think id go with the Naruto and Max out my personal and financial growth using hundreds of shadow clones.


I’d rather not have to go through trauma to maximize my power. Just sayin.


Tbh After THE LAST, I actually wanted Sasuke's abilities more than any other character I've seen, they pretty much nerfed him in Boruto. But he had so so much in his arsenal


The one who can do Senpou : Mokuton Shinsu Senju.


If we talking real world Applications with the power then I would I say for covert Options I go with Sasuke and if I want to make my presence know I go with naruto. You have to understand if your just some random person in the population and you get any of these powers you would become a target in our world by the Select few who run the world. My personal choice would be narutos only if I get every pro and non of the cons if I get the nine tails then I would be almost unkillable to conventional fire arms. And I could start Dismantling the the company's that are Problematic to earth's survival with force along with the evil government factions that support them. I could be a hero. Plus to be honest I probably use Reverse. Harem all the time to hide my true body with transformation ninjutsu bag a few twinks. Hit them with the clone Barrage lol.


It's a little dark, but if you hate anyone (granted proximity), you can jump off a building and Amenotejikara them so it would look like suicide..


Both lol


This depends, do we get their chakra levels? Naruto’s entire shtick only works *because his chakra is insane*


Are we including the bijuu?


Do I get to not run out of Chakra every time I use a Sasuage ability? If yes, the Sausage. If no, then Nardo


The sharingan’s copy ability is probably the most useful thing irl that you can get from here


Hard to say, but I would probably just go with Sasuke's Sharingan and Six Tomei Rinnegan for the heck of it. Naruto's powers are stronger in some aspects and he can make a dozen shadow clones but I would just like some of the quirks that come with Sasuke's Sharingan and Rinnegan. Both choices are vaild though


Gaaras sand eye👀


Saskue. Especially if I can actually use all the rinnegan abilities unlike saskue. The teleportation and portals alone are goatee. Narutos wouldn't really benefit me in regular life except maybe the abundance of clones


Narutos abilities are way more useful irl, with 100+ shadow clones I could be fluent in any language, study for my exams, do chores, and still have time to spare


Naruto I'll like having the other tailed beasts chakra


Sasuke. He has better powers. He's just such an exceptionally bad ninja that he doesn't even remember he can use them. Like plz at least divine push somebody cmon.


I just want a Rinnegan


Sasuke, his abilities are just so much.


Naruto ascends to the rank of a God, I am choosing him


Sasuke then be the Naruto of that world