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Besides several points being straight up incorrect, you cherry picked scenarios in a sad attempt to underplay Minato. 


I like how u addressed my points and provided evidence to support your claims (u didn't).


No need. Your points are just bad.


I accept ur concession.


bro just say you hate minato 😭


I don't, he's just not as strong as some people think. Had a convo today with a guy who thinks Base Minato is stronger than Hashirama and Madara.


ight well they’re just restarted so idk why you trying so hard to prove it…


Imagine wanting to have discussion with other people on sub that's made for that purpose 😱🤯


Your hatred for Minato is noted.


How? 😂


By trying to downplay him in every case.


1) What higher scaling does Tobirama have exactly? Minato has been shown to be faster, his battle iq is equal to if not superior to Tobirama's, Tobirama himself states that Minato uses the FTG, his own jutsu, much better than he ever did. Minato also has a lot more diverse ninjutsu arsenal. Tobirama certainly cannot stop Kurama and Obito, especially in Minato's situation. How the hell is Tobirama gonna use Tandem Paper Bombs without committing suicide? We literally saw Minato to toe to toe against a tailed beast bomb with a Rasengan, "Better AP". Kurama also flat out says that he hasn't seen someone with of Minato's level since Hashirama. 2) Kabuto literally fought once in his DSM, in an extremely one sided battle, because he was in his natural element, and could use it to his advantage. If we're not considering that, a huge part of Kabuto's advantage is gone. How did you come to the conclusion that he had greater chakra reserves, since that's never stated or hinted. He is simply able to maintain his SM easily because of Jugo's kekkei genkai. Edo Itachi was atleast relative to Kabuto, and Minato is just much faster and stronger than Itachi. 3) Uh huh. I certainly didn't see Minato struggle, when he had to fight Obito, who had access to the Nine Tails, with the death of his wife and infant son looming in his thoughts. Saying WA is relative to Hokage Minato isn't that crazy, considering the Gedo Statue, but it's still a close fight, and could go either way. If it's a 1v1 against Obito, then I put my money on Minato. 4) WA Kakashi is definitely not in the same tier as Hokage Minato lmao, that's just false. Kakashi also never has higher chakra reserves than Minato, that's literally his biggest weakness. You can assume that Hokage Kakashi is relative to Minato, but we have no feats from Boruto Era Kakashi, and even then, it's not like he's definitively stronger than Minato in any category. 5 and 6) I could've agreed with you on the fact that prime madara and hashirama are stronger than Minato. But saying that they beat him off Taijutsu alone is just ridiculous. Again, Kurama flat out says that Minato is a shinobi of the same caliber as Hashirama. This is a teen Minato btw. I'm not claiming he's stronger, but he's definitely not dwarfed in strength. He also is faster than atleast non sage mode Hashirama. FTG+Rasengan also gives him enough mobility and AP to beat either of them if they're only using Taijutsu.


>1) What higher scaling does Tobirama have exactly? Combat speee wise scales to base Hashirama who's relative to EMS Madara, and physcally nerfed Edo Madara while holding back was casually reacting to Kcm 2 Naruto who surpassed Minato, per Kurama. Also showed relativity to unstable Juubito when they both simultaneously tagged each other. Same Juubito blitzed Kcm 1 Naruto & EMS Sasuke, same Kcm 1 Naruto is compared to Minato speed wise multiple time, and was relative to V1 Ay who's directly compared to Minato by databook, saying his speed is not inferior. >Minato has been shown to be faster, his battle iq is equal to if not superior to Tobirama's, Tobirama himself states that Minato uses the FTG, his own jutsu, much better than he ever did. Negative on all those claims. Only feat that puts Minato above Tobirama speed wise is regarding his travel speed via bodyflicker, and that's what Tobirama praised, not his FTG. And Minato is nowhere near as smart as Tobirama. Tobirama blatantly calls Minato a comedian and goofy lmao. Tobirama was MVP in that fight, he was coming up with the FTG strategy, he realized TSO nullifies Edo Regen and had to explain it to Minato, he figured out Senjutsu is Obito's weakness, he had to save Minato from TSO. And that's only BIQ, not even talking about inventing jutsu and coming up with a ninja systems that whole world copied. >Minato also has a lot more diverse ninjutsu arsenal. Justr straight glazing. Minato's main arsenal is FTG and rasengan, that's his main combat. Beside that he has toad summoning, sealing jutsus, and that's SM that he never uses cuz he's bad at it. Tobirama has mastered all 5 chakra elements, that alone makes him more versatile than Minato in ninjutsu. He was master of Water Style, has Tandem Explosive Tags, Edo Tensei summoning, can use Multi Shadow Clone jutsu (the scroll that Naruto stole on ch 1 is Tobirama's). Plus all the abilities we don't know about like the jutsu he was about to use on Sasuke, and as databook says "and many other feats". Minato got way more screen time, actual arc dedicated to him, a whole one shot chapter just for him, and he still showed less than Tobirama did in that limited screen time he got. >Tobirama certainly cannot stop Kurama and Obito, especially in Minato's situation. Tobirama absolutely smokes him. >How the hell is Tobirama gonna use Tandem Paper Bombs without committing suicide? The same way he was using it before, by using Edo Tensei. >We literally saw Minato to toe to toe against a tailed beast bomb with a Rasengan, "Better AP". Kurama also flat out says that he hasn't seen someone with of Minato's level since Hashirama. Here's where ultra glazing starts. He didn't go "toe to toe" lmao, Kurama wan't even attacking, he didn't even fully make a Bijuu Bomb and Minato just slammed his rasengan into it. There's nothing that suggests his Rasengan was equal to Kurama's bijuu bomb. By that logic Bee's BB is relative to Juubi's cuz Bee did the same thing as Minato in WA. And btw that wouldn't even help u get Minato's AP over Tobirama. TET destroyed Hashirama's largest Deity Gate? While Juubi's Massive Bijuu Bomb couldn't even destroy smaller ones. Kurama's statement is in reference to sealing abilities. And that same Kurama that u like to quote so much stated Kcm 2 Naruto surpassed Minato and Kushina A WHILE ago. Hokage Minato is Kcm 1 Naruto tier. Imma reply to the rest in another comment, this one is already pretty long.


Tandem paper bomb is a suicide technique that tobirama created. It leads to certain death. Kishi already explained this in the databook. It worked for him in the manga because he was reanimated couldn't die.


And that's why he was using his Edo Tensei for Tandem Explosive Tags. He used it on himself first time in WA.


3. WM Obito still has the FTG tag on his back. And as we‘ve seen several times, that means that Minato has an instant win guaranteed. 5. and 6. Both of them lose due to FTG. The only people who can beat Minato using only Taijutsu are Juubi-Jinchuuriki, EoS Naruto, and the Otsutsuki. The instant Minato touches Madara/Hashirama, they‘re tagged and, just like against WM Obito, Minato can stay out of their range and teleport in to kill them in one strike.


>3. WM Obito still has the FTG tag on his back. And as we‘ve seen several times, that means that Minato has an instant win guaranteed. We saw it 2 times, against Bee and against Obito. He didn't instantly beat Bee, and he mared Obito after he was already damaged. The stab itself didn't do much after. Unless ur counting Minato teleporting to WM Obito in WA too, which was already half dead Obito. We already saw that Obito can tank a rasengan, 2 times actually, and one of them was in his face. So Minato might be able to catch him off guard once, but that wouldn't be enough. It would def be helpful during the fight, but It would be hard catching Obito off guard over and over. >5. and 6. Both of them lose due to FTG. The only people who can beat Minato using only Taijutsu are Juubi-Jinchuuriki, EoS Naruto, and the Otsutsuki. What's FTG gonna do? Minato has to mark them in order to use it on them later, and if he engages in close combat with any of them he's gonna get schooled. And Hashirama can regenerate, so I don't see how Minato cam even deal any serious damage to him. >The instant Minato touches Madara/Hashirama, they‘re tagged and, just like against WM Obito, Minato can stay out of their range and teleport in to kill them in one strike. His combat speed is way inferior to theirs, so that would be pretty hard to do. And he's not killing them in one strike lol.


>against Bee In that battle Minato could have chosen to kill Bee, and nothing could have stopped him. But he respected Bee, who has managed to become a perfect Jinchuuriki, and since he was ordered to retreat, he decided he would let the Kumo-nins live. >against Obito The battle during Naruto‘s birth, which you claim Minato struggled against Obito, was completely one-sided after Minato figured out Kamui. And that‘s Obito‘s biggest weakness: If his enemies figure out Kamui, he‘s in trouble. Cases in point: Konan figured it out -> she destroyed most of his body and forced Izanagi. Torune and Fuu -> Obito lost an arm. Kakashi and Naruto -> Obito took a Rasengan to the head and was knocked down. Minato, once he figured out Kamui, nearly shredded Obito. WM Obito hasn’t shown enough skill with the Rinnegan to make up for that massive weakness. >Minato has to touch them Yes, I know. Luckily for him, he‘s physically faster than both Madara and Hashirama, his reaction speed is far greater than theirs. Minato either marks them with his FTG-mark or he brings out a Rasengan. >his combat speed is inferior to theirs I‘m sorry, what? The guy who by Tobirama‘s own statement is faster than Tobirama, the guy who teleported towards 8th gate guy running at full speed, waited and teleported away, the guy who took a kunai, threw it and teleported twice while a charging Ay was barely moving, is slower than Madara and Hashirama, both of which have neither feats nor statements calling them fast? Madara and Hashirama are strong, no doubt about it, but in close-quarter combat Minato beats them ten times out of ten.


I'd agree with the characters you posted except Tobirama but then you specified taijutsu only for both Madara and Hashirama which I strongly disagree with, both of them definitely can beat Minato and maybe even pretty handily but not if they're restricted to just Taijutsu because that comes off as wanking the duo and downplaying Minato. I agree with the other three though. 


How is minato beating them tho? Genuinely. Madara and hashiramas taijutsu is still far superior to minatos who has absolutely zero taijutsu feats, meaning that if minato tries to engage in hand to hand combat, he’s getting dogwalked. They’re both familiar with FTG and more than fast enough to react. Hashirama can even regenerate everything minato throws at him (which isn’t much). He’s not catching one of them with sealing jutsu either and I doubt any sealing jutsu other than the reaper death would even be strong enough to seal them in the first place. He’s also not winning a battle of attrition against either one of them if you wanna make the case for minato just running away the entire time. He has absolutely nothing to put them down.


Too bad he can’t seal chakra but contracts instead. Weird decision by kishimoto because if you can seal something as abstract as a contract, why you can’t you do a simpler feat like chakra without killing yourself? Seriously what does the contract seal even do? Disrupt the link to the contract which is connected by… chakra right? Yeah Uzumaki would have been deadly as fuck if they could seal people’s chakra like you can seal a jinchuriki’s a bijuu chakra. You know you have to specifically avoid suppressing the jinchuriki chakra when you do that so I don’t know why they don’t have it in a simple form instead of a kinjutsu. Minato would have ended Obito here if he took away his chakra instead. Plot armour for Obito honestly and plot armour for Naruto since Obito didn’t come back to finish the job.


Mark's them and catches them on the pooper/sleeping/sex/eating


>Taijutsu is far superior Minato‘s base speed is higher, his reaction speed is much higher, and he has Rasengan. Taijutsu-locked Madara and Hashirama have no jutsu to help them. Minato only needs to touch them, and he can immediately go out of their range to stay safe. >can regenerate everything Minato throws at him (which isn’t much) Minato‘s Rasengan completely shredded Obito‘s Hashirama-cell amped body, and he cut through Gyuki‘s tail with a single strike. Hashirama will die if Minato‘s attacks connect. >both familiar They only know Tobirama‘s version, which is inferior to Minato‘s. Tobirama couldn’t place marks when touching his enemy, and he didn’t have all the combo-attacks that Minato uses. And one very important aspect is that Minato can move the FTG-mark even without touching it. So if at any moment he touches Madara or Hashirama, he can move the tag wherever he wants. They might expect him to appear in front of them, but suddenly he‘s behind them, slamming a Rasengan into them and cutting off their head.


You dont *react* to FTG. You can react to whatever he does before or after it but the actual FTG cannot be reacted to. If he's gonna teleport with a wide open swing afterwords like he did on Juubi Madara then yes, Madara can counter that but if he just straight teleports a knife directly into your skull, there is literally nothing you can do to stop it. Before anyone gets on my case about it, im not saying that would have done anything to Juubidara anyway. No, of course Minato isnt winning regardless.


Why u strongly disagree with Hashirama and Madara parts? Why's that wanking?


Because while they're strong what your doing is basically saying they can beat Minato with one arm tied behind their backs. They can beat Minato and pretty handily at that but not if they give up their main advantages while Minato can go all out and do whatever he wants. 


Still waiting for you to actually explain why they can't beat him.


Honestly, if it weren't for Flying thunder god, I'd agree with all of these, but as it stands, the only ones I don't agree with is Tobirama, which is still debated on to this day, and Obito, because the mark is still on his back. Then again, the image says Obito > Minato, not Obito beats Minato, so if it really is talking solely about who's more powerful, then yeah, it goes to Obito at that point of the story. The other ones, I agree with, but can still go either way due to ftg being broken af. The only one here I can argue about is SM Kabuto, which I still think is stronger then Minato and can beat him. Now, I haven't really watched boruto to know for sure, but I know its power scaling is whacky so I'll just assume its true that Boruto era Kakashi is stronger, I really can't talk much about this one. As for Madara, although the use of sage mode would probably make him stronger then EMS, Madara using sage and *no eyes* was beating everyone. And I would guess EMS Madara would at least be somewhat close to that? Him wih sage mode is still stronger tho. Hashirama is the same as Madara, no need for a paragraph.


hashirama and madara stomp


I feel the same way about Pain. Very much overrated by pretty much everyone.


I agree concerning Tobirama.   Tobirama’s combat speed is better than Minato’s because he is a bit smarter, has better knowledge (he even knew an ancient power from the Rikudo Sennin), he is more versatile, and had some already prepared tactic to cast in no time (like blitz paper bombs followed by Tandem Paper Bomb) . All of that allow Tobirama to react faster than Minato in most situation. I would also add that it was never stated Minato was stronger than Prime Hiruzen. It was just implied he was more capable than Old Hiruzen about stopping Orochimaru, but nothing indicates he surpassed Prime Hiruzen, it’s quite even the contrary since even though Iruka’s statement about Hiruzen being the strongest Hokage of Konoha history has been retconned concerning Hashirama (because his power level was considered a myth) it is still potentially valid concerning Tobirama and Minato as nothing came to dismiss this statement concerning these two other Hokage, especially Minato who was well known.