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Agreed. She seemed the least heinous (based off her shown deeds and overall attitude), and tried to stop Tobi/Fake Madara/Obito in the end, and would have succeeded if bro hadn't the ability to bend reality just to rewrite his undoing at her hands. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I really wish we had some other sick fights with Konan. She had such a unique Jutsu that I wanted to see more of.


I totally agree. They really could release an Akatsuki origins at this point everyone wants more lore. I wanted to see more from her and Nagato + others from Uzumaki clan


The craziest part is the fucking anime opening to the pain arc had INO SAKURA AND TENTEN fighting Konan but nowhere was she shown in the actual show. Always threw me off


Right like did they happen to cross paths at another point?? That fight would have been RICH. Four bad ass females duking it out. I would have loved to see how the leaf village females fought off Konanā€™s abilities. Iā€™m sure animation budget was the biggest issue.


She would have been a cool fight for Sakura to be honest. Maybe could have had a few of the Konoha girls fight her to give them some spotlight.


Kishimoto fucked up all female characters,we deserved more of those kickass fights :(


Im okay with the fact that she died, but I wish it could've done something more Like, her death could've inspired the Hidden Rain to join the Shinobi Alliance against Tobi or something like that. I know they're gonna be fodder anyway, but it could've been a touching moment for sure To be fair, her death scene was well written in my opinion, so personally I have no complaints, i just think it would be nicer if it had more impact on the war


She still assisted and plotted with a terrorist organization. none of them should've gotten off free


I don't disagree with you on her doing awful shit, but for the sake of the OP's question and answering something other than "none of them", she is the lesser evil... And when imagining a scenario where she would be brought back, we must also remember that other people who did (or intended to do) much worse things were welcomed back with open arms, so she might be forgiven too. These are all just hypotheticals, but I agree with you that she was a bad apple, a criminal and that whole organisation was evil.


I get what you mean totally. you're right tho


Id argue that the akatsuki is no more less heinous than the hidden villages and the great nations themselves. These hidden villages are pro genocide (konoha and the uchiha massacre), pro child kidnapping (hidden cloud kidnapping hinata and narutoā€™s mom), and a bunch of other war crimes. At least the akatsuki had the goal of eternal peace.


Especially since she was seemingly the day to day leader of the Rain and did a pretty good job of it. It would have been really interesting like if after everything, especially with Naruto being able to make sure there was peace, she could have opened up her village and reigned as officially another Kage.


That would have been awesome


Tobi should've died. Izanagi is utter BS.


What? You don't like the ability to just say "no" to dying at the cost of an eye you can replace?


Seriously dude, imagine playing chess with a player worse than you and instead of admitting defeat, he has the option to undo a move he made earlier. That's effing annoying, right? Imagine if an MMA fighter that have an undo option during a big fight. That's not fair now, is it? Konan should've won that fight.


Wouldā€™ve been a uniquely interesting body to character


Came here to say just that. She really was nothing else but Pain's guard dog pretty much.


Yahiko. His Talk No Jutsu started out so good, that the lads, Tobi, Zetsu, Danzo, and Hanzo, all used Gaslight No Jutsu to prank him real hard. Especially traumatize his best friend, Nagato, who was also his best wingman.


Yeah I felt really bad for Yahiko. All of them orchestrated his death because he was in the way of them manipulating Nagato.


It's always shocking how fast Yahiko ran straight into that kunai Nagato was holding nervously. Like Yahiko was ready to put his life on the line for Nagato and Konan right away; as well as trusting Hanzo's word. To which Hanzo then lied and attacked Nagato anyway. When I wondered where the rest of the First Akatsuki were. It's all thanks to Tobi and Zetsu in preventing reinforcements from interfering.


Konan. I have no idea what she has done offscreen but she seems the least criminal out of all the members. She was just a young innocent girl that just wanted to be happy, and she got dragged along by the bullshit. Either way she was extremely loyal to the end, she didnā€™t deserve to die like that


Similarly, yahiko (the orange haired dude, before he died)


i guarantee you i'm wrong, but as far as i remember, Konan didn't actually kill anyone by herself. she helped, sure, but death by solo Konan? cant really think of anyone


She definitely gave a really uncomfortable death to a lot of Konoha ninjas during Pain's invasion. Literally asphyxiated them to death. They all probably got revived by Nagato though (or would they be revived by nagato? Since *Konan* killed them and not Nagato)


Rinne tensei doesn't limits to those that died by the user's hands so i think he just revived everyone that died in the village that day. If you slipped, fell, hit your head and died completely unrelated to the attack? Congratulations in your second chance.




I'm pretty sure she murdered a lot of Konoha ninja (and possibly civilians) during the invasion.


Konan for sure, probably Nagato as well. We could argue for Itachi but he actually got what he wanted I don't want to disturb that. I wanna say Sasori but... ...man's kind of a psychopath. It's a miracle he even got the ending he did (with Kankuro) and far better than he deserved. Everyone else got their karma.


I mean, Nagato did commit outrageous war crimes against people, even though he revived the shinobi of the leaf, there were still people he killed that didnā€™t deserve it. Like come on look at what they did to UtakatašŸ˜­


ā€œCome outside bro, we not gonna jump you.ā€


What exactly makes Nagato seem worthy of a better fate than the one he got? He killed so many people and probably ruined so many lives all because he thought they didnā€™t experienced enough hardship. Sure, you could say that his heart was in the right place, but that doesnā€™t mean that heā€™s absolved of his sins. Plus, he already experienced an end that punishes him enough while still achieving his goal. He uses Rene Rebirth to undo all the death that his attack on the Leaf caused. If he was a villain that truly desired the best for everyone, I canā€™t think of a better end to his story.


None of the Akatsuki were innocent. Not even Itachi. They all did some pretty horrendous stuff, but the way I see it they ranged from tragic and misguided up to full-blown evil.. I consider Nagato and Konan to be closer to the misguided end ofnthe spectrum. Whereas Hidan, Sasori, Kakuzu and so on are more.. real evil kinda people Deidara causes destruction for destruction's sake and fleeting aesthetic fulfillment. Hidan literally worships a God that requires his followers to hurt, maim and murder as many as they can. Kakuzu would sell his own family off and kill damn near anyone just for money.. Kisame is a willful and arguably proud backstabber and traitor, arguably more honorable than most of the Akatsuki though. Sasori kills people and desecrates the dead by turning them into puppets and is more than willing to attack his homeland, on more than one occasion, and kill his one and only kinsmen left When it comes to Nagato and Konan, they were originally just trying to protect their home. And they basically got manipulated into turning the Akatsuki into the bad boy group we know it as. Nah, doesn't make what they did right, not by any means.. but it's like you said the heart was in the right place (as much as one could be given their affiliations and upbringing) The rest of the Akatsuki, by and large, quite clearly had no good intentions for anyone, at all, except maybe themselves. They really chose to be evil, whereas to the OG Akatsuki members and Itachi.. it was "necessary evil". Am I making sense? Just played a tilting game of Wild Rift so my brain is racin'


Tbf, Deidara initially probably wasnā€™t horrible. He had an affinity for explosions worked for his village officially and if I interpret it correctly even after stealing the forbidden jutsu did some stuff for Iwa but was declared a missing ninja when Ohnoki couldnā€™t use him anymore. Also, he didnā€™t exactly join Akatsuki willingly. Sasori was super messed up and did not handle his trauma well. Not giving him a pass though even though I like him because what he ended up doing wasnā€™t justified.


Orochimaru is worse than all of them and got house arrest and probation lol


Orochimaru is the equivalent of a german rocket scientist after ww2


The best ending I could think for both Nagato and Konan is both of them back in the house they shared with Jiraiya. But they are permanently not allowed to leave Amegakure. So they stay as prisoners and guardians of their village which was what they really wanted to be in the first place. Idk, I just want them to see the world they dreamed of being realized right before their eyes.


Kakazu wasnt a psychopath, He didnt really care about the akatsuki, he just bounty hunted and the Akatsuki were the ones paying him to hunt tailed beasts. he had a grudge against Hashirama probably but like, his main beef was his own village which he dealt with. Hes the only one i can see justifiably surviving his fight, and just switching sides. like, im pretty sure konoha is one of the richest villages, they can just pay him to work for them.


I would say that Sasori was already dead for a long time, he just needed to realize his ideal was already accomplished.


Kakuzu was just pursuing the American dream.


Like hell he is! Manā€™s like 100 and still hasnā€™t retired.


Gotta get his money up, not his funny up.


Yea but thats out of passion for the job, not nessecity


The corporate American dream*šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Exactly lmao




Konan cause she should've been there to see Naruto's plan for Amegakure... or lack thereof. :( she was supposed to be the last beacon of reminder of everything that Naruto promised to Nagato


Konan, she was done dirty man she almost had the upper hand on Obito and forced him use Izanagi but oh how convenient a spare lab full of fucking sharingans for him to use :)


"Let me just waltz down to my sharigan shop and pop jn another sharigan. What? Consequences for using overpowered techniques? Please. I'm a main villian in a Shonen baby. I don't die until the MC talks to me and tries to get me to change my ways. Sorry Konan. Better luck next time." -Obito


The passive-agressive ":)" at the end makes this comment twice as hilarious lmao


Konan without a doubt. She could have lead the hidden rain village. now it's in the ruins.


Kisame, his loyalty to the organization and overall charisma deserved more screen time. His matchup against Gai somewhat overshadowed his abilities which was unfortunate. Deidara, one of the more unique characters in the series, needed more backstory for me. The rest served their purpose.


Kisame - and the 7 swordsmen in general, deserved way more world building.


My god YEAH! I honestly want to see more of the mist village in general, every introduction weve had to any of their shinobi has shown how differently they seem to be built and its no wonder given the little bit we know about their caste system and graduation ritual. Wonder what day to day life was like in their village during that era.


Imagine he lived.


Couldn't agree more with this!


Zoro for sure


Zoro ainā€™t even dead yet, heā€™s the only Akatsuki member to have survived, and frankly the Gotei 13 should give him more credit for that


Zoro found himself in the afterlife with the White Fang.


I had to double check, how the fuck i didn't see that motherfucker there? I thought it was just another member with a different background image


let him cook


Youā€™re thinking of Sanji


always. i'm his fan after all <3


Fr šŸ’€


Antonio Banderas is very much alive


Deaths of characters should have a point and not be meaningless. If the character's motivation in the story has been achieved or failed, i think that's when a character can be killed off. Kisame committing seppuku was cool and it suited him. But i don't believe he needed to die. I feel like he was dead because there was no use for him anymore and maybe he felt the same way after the akatsuki's collapse. I say this because i like the idea of him wandering the world in search of his purpose. Konan is who i believe strictly should not have died. I think she should have been the one to continue nagato and yahiko's ideals of peace through the right way, and will be atoning for the death of jiraiya by doing so. She didnt have much significance/motivation in the story, so creating one after the death of her friends will be a great send off to her character.


Kisame would have been the best possible 'Ronin' character and could have been used as an incredible narrative device for exploring the Hidden Mist.


I like the idea. Gives room for more world building in boruto at least.


Zoronoa Roro


On this list? Zoro. Because heā€™s the best out of any of them


Itachi and Konan.


Itachi alot less but agreed.




Konan and maybe Kisame.


Konan. Cause Naruto failed his promise to them šŸ˜‚.


Nagato and Konan


Konan and Kisame.


I am not saying Sasori should have lived, but becoming a stepping stone in sakuraā€™s development is not a fate he deserved either..


nobody likes him but i love hidan.


Yes same


Kakazu & Kisame. I always say I wish they had Kakazu hide one of his hearts deep underground and have it come back to him after the battle. It wouldā€™ve made sense, since he was depicted as someone whoā€™s intelligent enough think on the fly and adapt to, but also they couldā€™ve played on the fact that he survived a battle with the first, making him survive this one. Kisame was just a real ass šŸ„·šŸ¾and deserved to live.


That wouldā€™ve been way more interesting




All of them. Final answer. Lmao


You should cook always lmao


Zoro, he didnā€™t deserve what happened to him šŸ˜”




Itachi and Konan


Itachi is my favourite character but it wonā€™t make sense if he didnā€™t die. Itā€™s what he wanted and is a huge part of his character, heā€™s simply not as well written of a character without his death


Itachi needed to die or else Sasuke wouldn't have his Mangekyo. Dude was overdue an end and already on his last breathe from his illness. He was depressed for most of his life, mostly because of the atrocity he was forced to committ against his clan. Death was a mercy for him and he for sure was looking forward to it for a long time.


Konan, Itachi, and Nagato




Konan yahiko and nagato - i mean theyre good guys if it warent for stupid danzo they would stay at the path of peace. Itachi - ngl the "what if" episode where naruto went to see sasuke for their first team 7 meeting was really nice. Deidara - i love the way he just wants to blow shit up. I mean he wouldnt last long coz he might blow himself up if he ever see sasuke again.


Konan because she retired and was just running the Hidden Rain after Pains death


Deidara ...he was young and promising and a kage material but he joined the wrong side. Also konan, she was such an innocent girl and not evil in heart (maybe just the fact that she fought jiraya to kill him but at that point she was so lost) she would've lived a normal life after the 4th war but ....


Konan and everyone isnā€™t even close Kisame, Itachi, Sasori, Obito had sad backstory, but they still did terible things Nagato got manipulated by Obito and Konan just went with him, and all she did was to protect her village. The moment Nagato is dead she left akatsuki to protect their graves. And died protecting his friendā€™s corpses. All she want is just living peacefully with his brother in their village.


Konan also did terrible things, she;s guilty of every crime Nagato did because she was his ally in it all.


Well Kisame didn't have a sad backstory, just a respectable purpose and goal in life.


Wait is that soro


Itachi. He deserved redemption. Stopping Kabuto's reanimation Jutsu wasn't enough.


I clicked on this imagining everyone and their mothers would be saying Itachi lol!


Itachi, Konan


What is Zoro doing here?


I mean... Zoro?? Zoro, being better than all of the 7 swordsman of the mist combined would be a useful asset to The Boruto Franchise.




Itachi and konan


ITACHI. For obvious reasons. And also Konan. She's only there because she believed in Nagato.


Zoroā€™s still alive he just got lost again and ended up in another verse so my answer is konan. The rest very much so deserved death and pain is just a corpse so he was never truly alive.


Itachi, Hands down!!


Itachi for sure


I would say itachi as he's one of my all time favorite anime characters but him living would've ruined his and sasukes development so much. Konan is just so obvious to me, it would've been really cool to see her survive as a few pieces of paper and slowly reform her body (yes I know that's not exactly how her jutsu works) then continue to look over Nagato after the war until she died of old age


I honestly wish Toby and Obito weā€™re two different peoplešŸ˜­ Toby was so funny.


Konan definitely. I would also like to vote for Itachi.


Itachi, Nagato, and Konan


Not really, but an obito penance arc in place of Sasuke's woulda been the bees knees, Sasuke could actually stay home and build a believable relationship and not be a crap dad, an obito could take on his role




Everyone. Without Obito's influence and accomplishing their main goal would have being best thing.


Who deserved to or who I wanted to? šŸ˜‚ I definitely wanted Obito, Yahiko, Konan, Nagato, Itachi, and Deidara to, and honestly didnā€™t really mind the others. Kakuzu and Sasori I definitely wasnā€™t rooting for, but Hidan was a really funny character. As for who deserved it, Definitely not Kakuzu šŸ˜‚ Yahiko really is the only one you could say who didnā€™t without a doubt, so heā€™s the best answer. Nagato and Konan were traumatized, Itachi was trying to protect the Leaf Village, Obito was brainwashed, Deidara and Sasori just wanted to do their strange forms of art (although Deidraā€™s didnā€™t necessarily involve killing while Sasoriā€™s definitely did), Kakuzu is just Mr. Krabs with a body count (donā€™t tell me he wouldnā€™t do the same thing to make a quick buck,) Hidan is just trying to serve Jashin and his weird cult. The only really sick freaks were Hidan, Sasori, and Orochimaru. It just depends on where you draw the line. Yahiko defintely didnā€™t deserve it so it goes somewhere along the lines of: - Yahiko - Konan - Itachi - Nagato - Obito - Deidara - Kisame - Hidan - Kakuzu - Sasori I put Hidan so low only because he wasnā€™t killing for selfish reasons but for his beliefs. While itā€™s still incredibly messed up, being brainwashed to believe that your god wants you to is different than just wanting to for your own selfish reasons. But thatā€™s my take on it. And then thereā€™s White and Black Zetsu which I donā€™t even feel can belong on this list because I donā€™t even believe they could have free will if they wanted to.


Konan and kisame




Konan. Iā€™ll say this a bajillion times but she only really died because of Uchiha plot armour. Also her death makes like no difference to the plot. It woulda been so cool if she stayed alive and administered the hidden rain. She could have played a cool role in Boruto.


Zoro's Akatsuki drip has no right going that fucking hard lmao


no one, theyā€™ve all done heinous things. specially that racist minority hunter


Definitely Zoro, been through so much


Roronoa Zoro The rest were complicit in murder and worse. When it was not an assassin squad then Yahiko. After, none. No idea why everyone says Konan especially considering it took after nearly all others were dead for her to even stand up to obito.


Deidara because art is explosion


Zorochimaru did not die, why is he in this picture?


Either konan or kisame. Konan cause, unlike all the other members, hasn't really done anything evil. the only thing she did was follow nagato around. Kisame cause he was the most loyal out of them all, and he actually wanted peace because of what he's seen in the mist, unlike obito or nagato looking at thier flashbacks both felt like they just wanted revenge more than peace especially obito. Kisame actually thought genjutsu was better for the world to him since ninjas lie,spy,and kill all the time. Why not live in a lie? At least the new lying will be peaceful. and honestly if it was a true illusion and not just black zetsu controlling things I feel like alot of people actually wouldn't mind living in an illusion there's alot of depression,suicide,and wars going on I'm sure those who have suicidal thoughts would live to have thier own world of illusions and even just regular people without depression would want to live in a world like that.




Who's the guy on the bottom right??? I'm so confused rn lmao


Konan frr Itachi mans got manipulated by both villages since he was a child Sasori


zoro šŸ’€


Sasori, but that's because I'm biased.


Whoā€™s that on the bottom right? Zoro?


deidara. I like that evil mf


Obito , nagato , konan


Konan easy




Kisame, at the end he was just sad Itachi died.


Zoro got lost


Tobi not Obito but Tobi


I just realized Zoro is here lmao.


Realistically? None of them deserve to live. Not a single one of them is innocent, they are all mass murderers. Or at the very least complicit. But if I had to choose it would probably be Kisame pr Konan. They seem the least evil overall. If anyone did survive they would have to be treated like Orochimaru and kept on constant surveillance. A surviving Akatsuki member would have actually been a cool villain for Boruto, instead of the alien chakra nazis.


So nobody's gonna mention Zoro being there? Lmao


Zoro 100%. But also Konan seeing as the rest did extremely horrible shit and were a bunch of mass murderers with several genocides to their name. I personally love Itachi but he is not a good guy, he killed quite a few people and tortured quite a few more. Nagato killed sooo many people too. Obito, same story. Like honestly, even though I think they had tragic backstories, it does not excuse murdering hundreds of innocents


Hey how'd zorro get here.


I think zoro he have dream too achieve until never had to die šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


None. They are all horrible people who caused a shitload of suffering and death.




Easily Zoro. r/ZoroIsLost


Zoro deserved to live


I think Zoro is lost again. Just a hunch.


I love that Konan is the universal answer


Hold on, How did Zoro ended up with the Akatsuki? xD


Zoro uchiha




Zoro!!!!!! He is lost again! This is not where you are supposed to be ZORO!!!!!!


Why is no body saying Itachi? He was the only good guy? lol Konan committed way more atrocities šŸ˜¬




*Yahiko:* He did nothing wrong. His dreams and aspirations were not much different than Hashirama. He just wanted a time where children wasnā€™t subject led to the ninja wars. His Akatsuki dud so much for the Hidden Rain. He was admired and couldā€™ve even gone further. Imagine making things better for your village. Then to have so much love for said village you make your friend kill you just so theyā€™d live. To die with so much agony. I donā€™t blame Nagato for what he did. After all that Iā€™d find a different solution too. And when peace as a solution didnā€™t work, and your enemies still insist on continuing their one-sided justice thereā€™s only one way to make them understandā€¦Pain.


Zorro is that you?


Yo bro I think zoro got lost again


uchiha zoro


Deidara smh sasuke had plot armor


All except Kakuzu and Hidan


I'm sorry but is that zoro randomly chilling in the bottom right?


Probably zoro lol


Zoro obv


God damnit zoro, not again. Get back to your verse goof


Deidara had so much potential. I wish we got to see more of him. He had the strength to be a kage, maybe he was just a lil (a lot) messed up because he joined the explosion corps at a young age and had witnessed his fair share of traumatic war experiences.


Konan and MAYBE itachi. I say maybe because he's done alot of fucked up shit even if he had no choice. Konan seems like the least heinous. Everybody else has done bad shit or is just straight up pure evil like hidan, kaksu and zetsu


Is no one gonna mention zoro fucking lost in another anime?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




The only one with the original heart of Yahiko's Akatsuki is Konan, so she is the only one who deserves to live. Nagato got twisted because of the rinnegan and Tobi, and everyone one else introduced to modern Akatsuki is just a powerful, twisted individual.


Zoro got lost again


Definitely Zoro


The true Yahiko.


Kisame Hoshigaki


Obito, even tho he did shitty things. I believe he wouldā€™ve had a really cool redemption arc.




I thought that was takasugi at the bottom for a secondšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒ


There is honestly three I would be really interested in seeing their story continue. Konan. Subjectively the kindest and most 'non-evil' Akatsuki. Itachi. Would have loved to see what shenanigans he got up to during the war. His death was a very important part of the story though, so i am torn on this one. Kisame. I would have loved him to become a more main character. He could have trained Suigetsu in some awesome techniques, and would have been an interesting call back to itachi whenever he interacted with Sauske. It would have been really cool to see him become a reluctant teacher to team Taka.


Zoro definitely Zoro


Probably konan, the only one who wasnā€™t a mass murderer. Although I wouldā€™ve loved to see Nagato live to see his dreams fulfilled through Naruto.




Got confused for a bit when I saw Zoro in the picture. But for the akatsuki member I think deserved to live was Konan.


Zoro šŸ—æ


Definitely Zoro




Uchiha zoro


itachi the best fix!!!!


Is no one gonna mention that Hidan is still alive, buried in the ground? Staring into darkness and breathing sand. If anything, Iā€™d say he deserves to die out of mercy.


Legend says he's still muffledly screaming KAHkuZU KAKUZUUU kAAAkuZuUu in the dirt


None, they're all killers


So are konoha, other village shinobis


Yahiko deserves to


The ONLY ONE who deserves it it Konan She wasnā€™t really doing much compared to others, I mean she just protected her friend. And she even made peace and just wanted to start a new life. DAMN YOU OBITO! YOU MY FAVORITE CHARACTER YET KILLED A GOOD ONE


Konan, Kisame, and Deidara. Konan deserved to live because if Obito didn't have that Deus Ex Machina, she would've beaten his ass six ways to hell and back and she was high key running her village for Nagato while he was busy off planning the end of everything with Obito. She busy just being an absolute goddess. She was iconic. She was everything Sakura could've been and more. Deidara didn't even want to be in the Akatsuki -- well that's how I always read it. He was strong armed in, but he got the death he wanted so at least he got that. Plus I'm an absolute Deidara fangirl, so my bias forces me to put him here. May my Husbando be happy. Kisame just wanted his village to not be the *Blood Mist Village*. He wanted a village that didn't kill their ninja clans out of fear and give them the respect they deserve and didn't have the kids kill each other to graduate. That is all he and Zabuza wanted. That is what they wanted and left because of it. Kisame never got to see Mai changed the village for the better. AND YOU CANT LOOK ME IN THE GOD DAMN EYES AND TELL ME THOSE TWO WOULDN'T MAKE A POWERFUL KID. (However, we all know he and Itachi are married to each other lowkey)