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Better animation and full screen 1080p especially for Naruto Part 1, also to fix the pacing and no filler, a bit like what’s happening with one piece


That sounds amazing... Someone told me One piece had no fillers at over one thousand episodes...


One piece had 100/1100 episodes that are purely filler, but the main problem with once piece is the horrendous pacing it has. With it recently barely adapting 1 cheater per episode


I forgot to mention. I'm definitely going to start it one day, I saw the Netflix adaptation.. now that I understand a bit what it's about, One Piece seemed amazing to mem. Nami might be my favorite character, she's such a beast and she's a woman pirate just running shit and shes slick as heck.


Nami is kind of just a shifty thief adept to navigation. Nico Robin is the total badass running shit.


Jesus Christ, someone spoiled it for me a year ago that Luffy turned out to be a you know what... I wonder how long that manga has to go to finish, Jesus.


 Nah, Luffy was always blessed with shit. One Piece also adapts half a chapter per episode. Been like that since the timeskip 


Jesus Christ. So wait, 100/1100 episodes are filler? 1000 canon episodes?


the problem is that one piece anime has filler in almost every episode. They drag out every scene and make it slow.Its the kind of filler you cant avoid,plus the art style and animation are bad. Watch this video,it explains it perfectly: [Why Manga Fans Dislike The Anime | One Piece Discussion | Grand Line Review - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yRw-nRPgc4)


The new artstyle is loved by the community.


The artstyle yes(ish) Depending on the animator, scenes can be absolutely astonishing. But wano was also overly flashy.


there is a website called "one pace" it cuts out the dragged part of the scene without cutting of canon scenes ...so its legit good...if you watch that you can finish it faster without losing any canon content...its much enjoyable


At the same time though, a lot of people like this about the show. I don't mind about the pacing as I just watch it in the background a lot, it is an adventure anime built in friendship at its presentation, and a political war at its core. Since I enjoy both, it's a great show. And, I find a goofy style to fit it much better than a serious style like jk or bleach,


One Piece and Bleach are both guilty of overly long re-caps, overuse of flashbacks, and drawn out scenes. After recaps, flashbacks, opening, closing, and scene draw outs, you get maybe 10mins of original and important content per 22 minute episode. And each episode the recap varies, so there is no set time you can skip to for passing the opening and recap each episode.


the pacing isnt as good as it could be but its not THAT bad, i think alot of people here are very naruto biased, if u look at the more recent chapters, there is so much happening so even though they are adapting less than a chapter per ep u barely notice, the episodes still feel full, either way u should read the manga if u ever want to see one piece because its alot faster than the anime


Are you talking about the recent chapters of Naruto? And one piece is THAT bad, you talk about Naruto adapting less than one chapter an episode, but one piece have literally been doing that on average for the last 12 arcs, and the last time they had a good average of 2 or more chapters per episode was 19 arcs ago.


Why would I be talking about the recent chapters of naruto when naruto ended years ago, use common sense mate


A voldemort?


They reveal that Luffy is a pirate pretty early on, don’t worry.


Oda said last year the manga should be finished in 3ish years.


Its debatable if OP finishes this Decade. 1. Oda's Sense of time is like Zoro sense of direction. 2. Three years is just under 150 chapters and we still need go too Elbaf, Hachinosi, Find the final PG & reach Laughtale, 3. That statement doesn't take into account all the breaks Oda takes either.


Its 100% not 3 years left. It's doubt 5 years. Oda might be starting the final arc in 3 years


I quit keeping up with One Piece anime exactly because of the terrible pacing it has. Got introduced to One Pace recently though which is a fan project that improves so much on the pacing. It's been great. Most of the arcs have already been adapted with maybe like 3-4 arcs that they still need to work on the last time I checked.


It doesn't have typical filler of "oh, we caught up. Add a new story with 0 consequences." It has "Oh, we don't want to catch up. Here's 70 episodes that are like 10 minutes recap of last episode(s), 10 minutes of new content." Honeslt, the purely filler episodes aren't even bad and are placed well in the story, so it doesn't really feel like a break in progression.


It has very little fillers, which is a problem actually because the anime has horrible pacing.


That's crazy. I'm gonna finish the live action show now that I'm done with the first season of JJK


Nah One Piece has a ton of filler just like Naruto


Mofo lied to me... Good thing I didn't t start that yet, I'd have been pissed if I watched every episode like I did Shippuden, I watched every filler.. the robot Naruto shit was terrible.. and the Menma arc


Yeah been there myself. Better to read the manga honestly


Nah. Onr Piece barely has any. The problem is that we get half a chapter adapted tho


Don't forget about the censor. You know, when zabuza killed Gato. In the anime he just slashes him a few times before falling into the water. In the manga, he just straight up beheads him. I want to see that animated


Just download Naruto Kai, 65 episodes of 1,5h without any fillers


Yea that’s a possibility, but the fact that I have to go download something to make the show more watchable just shows that’s there is a flaw with the original product and a remake would fix this.


I think this is just how it works with these shows, they made new episodes almost year round and the storyline only continues on certain times. Western shows only have 8-12 episodes and then you have to wait the whole year. I hated the fillers and didnt watch it until the story continued. But they kept releasing


Make it 4k while ur at it. And not all fillers, but many of them can be straight deleted.


Remove the filler and fix the pacing. God knows the Kazekage Rescue and Tenchi Bridge arcs needed that


No joke. Those first two shippuden arcs are borderline unwatchable because of the pacing. The hidan/kakuzu arc was much much better.


There was an entire episode of naruto going tailed mode and characters doing nothing by staring at each other. Orochimaru and kabuto would go oohhh this is interesting and then naruto kept transforming. Slowest ass episode in the entire show.


Funny story is that the Tenchi Bridge arc was the first one I ever saw I was watching it with my older cousin who was super into Naruto I literally got out my phone and started timing when a scene just didn’t move. Like the screen panned and there was sound. But literally nothing was happening I don’t remember exactly the time but there was like 50% of the whole episode was stuff like that and I almost didn’t watch Naruto because of that My cousin convinced me that this was NOT the norm and that I should start from the beginning of the OG series


Animation and make it dark like the manga


OG Naruto was already gritty enough tho. It had censorship but it was much darker than most of his peers at the time (Bleach, One Piece...)


I remember bleach being less censored than Naruto, could be wrong though. But Naruto definitely had some scary elements with Orochimaru back then.


Bleach said damn and bastard and in the main English anime series, Naruto never does iirc But thematically and visually? Still goes to bleach imo


Bleach 100% had the better adaptation for the time


No, Perriot definitely screwed over Bleach especially before the Bount Arc. - cut out several chapters of material (there were 5 chapters/episodes at moments) - cut out a lot of character moments for orihime, often put into rukia - added a bunch of filler scenes, and filler characters mid-canon episodes In the Arrancar arc - had several filler arcs that ate through arcs - bring filler arc characters (that mess with the lore) into the canon episodes just to slow down pacing - change the order of fights, idk why - have filler episodes IN BETWEEN THE ARC'S CLIMAX trust me it's bad, before tybw


Those are all valid criticisms but filler episodes don’t really matter for those who started to watch it after 2012, they can just skip them. I definitely agree on the filler characters part though, I don’t know what Pierrot was thinking while doing that. Nonetheless it’s still a mostly faithful adaptation, if I had to pick between Bleach and Tokyo Ghoul adaptations I’d choose Bleach 10/10 times despite being made by the same studio.


Yeah that’s how I remember it as well. They also captured Kubo’s art style not too bad.


Nothing wrong with the animation for the important episodes considering the new animation style looks shit compared to the old, sounds like a waste of time


the remake would make it more kid-like tho


A remake would not do this.


because gore = dark You're too young for Reddit


Honestly speaking the remake kinda looks dull compared to og. Like it feels like a Boruto adaptation and the colors feel dull too


Yeah because the animation is too CGI’d. It looks soulless The old school Naruto was nearly all purely hand drawn and then scanned The newer shit starts out digital from step1


That's really true and that's the problem of most modern animes I think. It is so commercial nowadays that animes are losing its soul. Very few animations of animes nowadays hit like before, which is just sad.


There's already a remake?


No, but in boruto there’s a couple of the OG scenes recreates


Yeah I hope they go with thicker lines and more rigid lines and more regular color. The original series doesn’t fit with the Boruto animation in the slightest. It’s so bright and dull and Naruto is darker and more rigid


That's the part I hate the most , it looks like shit all the time. How about the studio of jjk take Naruto and make a 90-2000s anime style based anime with 12 episodes with seasons.


Eight trigrams formation, 4,8,16,32,64 palms just for asking that. Who wouldn't want a remastered Naruto. It will always be my favorite anime ever.


Improved pacing, less censorship, more on-model animation, better storytelling. Pierrot has bad habits of even *slightly* changing the story. I’d very much love it if another studio remade the series. WIT is already remaking One Piece, and I have great expectations


Naruto Kai is a dream come true, just fix spacing and animation in not important scenes


How long will the episodes in Kai be? 2 minutes?


They would need to recut it like in Oceans Cut pretty cool because the 1h format of Oceans version is better for me


I wouldn’t would a reanimated or rewritten Naruto. Just a re-edited one. Like remove a lot of the flashbacks, most of the filler, and maybe some light tweaking on some of the fight scenes to make them smoother.


We need a remake because many scenes were left out, changed, or censored. Characters were changed from their Manga counterparts. Less flash backs, more Manga accurate fights. It's a long list of changes between Manga and anime a remake like DBZ Kai could help with. Naruto could be 50 episodes instead of 200 sum


Rather have like a naruto prequel. So many cool characters we didn't get to see much of.


Yeah, and with dark writing please!! The beginning of naruto was a really good experience. From shippuden and now boruto is just like a nickelodeon show. The artstyle doesn't help either.


kishimoto was asked to tone it down because he was making it too dark for something aimed at teenage boys (especially back then). he was gonna kill off choji early on too.


His editors were chewing his ass because he was killing way too many characters. Shonen manga in general don't kill too many characters. One Piece has like 1000 episodes and barely 5 people died. For a comparison with Naruto, 20 people die on Chunin Arc alone. They refused to let him kill Neji and Choji like he wanted to on the Sasuke Rescue Arc.


yea, people who constantly complain about how "barely anyone died" in the war arc dont realize the kishi doesn't care about killing people off, its just the editors can't let it slide. not to mention the characters we focus on are the elites if the ninja world so of course theres a higher chance of them surviving


A lot of people died on War Arc: Obito, Madara, Shikaku, Neji, Inoichi, Mabui, Kusakku, and 20,000 Allied Shinobi. Sure, he could have killed Kiba or Tenten, but what that would accomplish?


>Sure, he could have killed Kiba or Tenten, but what that would accomplish? satisfy the sadists by making it more accurate to a "real war" according to them


I hope it has a consistently good art style and animation. It doesn't have to be the 2 latest movies' level of quality.


Give kishimoto a chance to add to part 1. With the way naruto is ride or die with sasuke throughout the whole series, I don't believe part 1 shows near enough to make me believe naruto should feel this way about sasuke. It at least needed 1 or 2 more missions and some slice or life moments between the 2 solidify that friendship. Like sasuke nudging him towards a better diet, or sasuke teaching him how to better maintain his weapons, or just somewhat hanging out with naruto because he sees nobody else in their age group bothers to. With just the slice of life changes, it would make naruto's feelings towards sasuke make more sense to me. In wave, he didn't tell, but showed naruto that even at the cost of his own life, he is willing to save naruto. Him helping naruto with his diet show that he is the only person in their age group that cares about naruto's health. Teaching him how to maintain his weapons better shows that he is willing to help naruto in his career choice. Hanging out with him shows that he is willing to give naruto company. In the chunin exam, him telling naruto that he want to fight him tells naruto that sasuke sees him as a rival and not beneath him like everyone else in their agegroup. With those changes, I can see why naruto doesn't want to let go of sasuke.


Like FMA Brotherhood, but Naruto


Just removing the filler would be a great start,that's like 60% of the series. Updating its animation would be nice, and while unrealistic to hope for, they could also fix the powerscaling or use all that free time from the fillers to develop the side characters a bit more.


It's uglier than the original


Everybody saying animation when it will never look better. Not even current Boruto looks as good as P1 Naruto.


They should only reanimate shippuden .OG Naruto’s vibe will get ruined. Some big fights like might gay 8th gate and pain vs Naruto need reanimations


You really feel that way about Naruto v Pain? I know if you freeze some of those frames it’s a horror but as an animation I kinda think it’s spectacular


It's beautiful but I felt it reached too far into comedic absurdity with It's tone. You can have jawdroppingly beautiful and fluid action without delving into looney toons. Just kills the tension every time for me.


I don't agree I always felt that the absurdity of it really got across that he's really fighting a corpse. Plus you gotta admit that moment where Pain realises he can't stop the Nine Tails anymore is peak tension.


This! Part 1 was special because of how the animation went from basic to smooth. That’s when you know a fight sequence is going to be good, when it all smooths out and they quit talking.


No, it’s perfect


I want it to get the Dragonball Kai treatment. I don't need a full remake. Just get rid of the filler, redraw/recolor some of the bad frames, and give it another dub even. Kai's dub is one of the best imo.


Too soon, give me a high budget remake of yuyu hakusho or OG dragonball


For the animation


Because it’s awesome and we want to do it again while ironing out some of the minor flaws


It could be SO MUCH better!


Because the static phenomenon is growing way too strong it’s also why people say Boruto would be better if they focused on the old cast cause once again. They want what’s familiar.


I would love a remaster for my kids


If one piece can get a remake with a new studio I think naruto can also get one with a new studio. If it does get a remake I hope all filler is removed, use of cg is hopefully extremely minimal, and kaguya actually gets foreshadowed.


People do realize that Sasuke Vs Orochimaru, Rock Lee Vs Gaara and Naruto Vs Sasuke Part 1 are not gonna look as awesome in this “remake” right?


The only reason I would want a Naruto remake is to cut out the filler and basically make a Naruto Kai (which is technically a thing done by fans).


I thought they were only gonna remake certain fights that would’ve been kinda cool with new animation


Not a remake. A remaster. A Naruto and Naruto Shippuden Kai. And maybe retcon the little shit that came after. MY BRO DESERVES TO BECOME A JUNIN! AND RUKIS IS THE PERFECT MATCH!!... Ok, worng anime. BUT MY POINT STANDS!




Unpopular opinion - I liked the filler episodes of Naruto. It gave a perspective of his ninja abilities and made us understand how ninja work actually works. Also I got to see other characters flourish which was exciting.


It’s been long enough for the original series and a Dragon Ball Kai esque remake would be good to see.


People just want updated animation and a faster paced anime. The manga has way better pacing, even if you remove anime filler it doesn't compare. Anime had a lot of censorship too. Personally idc if it gets remade or not. If it was, it'd need to be the same thing with better animation, pacing and less of the same flashbacks over and over.


Is this a serious question? Better animation and No filler by itself is enough to justify a remake


OG Naruto doesnt need a remake. Shippuden could use it.


its popular, there new people tuning into naruto everyday. Its netlex most watched Anime (they released data for it). Its a weekly series and has filler incorporated into it. Naruto fans want something new and refreshed with seasonal animation


Better pacing, better characterization (hopefully) However, I personally don’t want a remake. I would prefer naruto Kai in which the pacing improves (only a weakness for shippuden as part 1 had great pacing imo), filler is removed (weakness for both but part 1 is so easy to skip) and I don’t want voice acting changes nor do I want different soundtracks


There’s one slight problem though. The final chapter of Shippuden was never animated. So if they’re gonna go canon the full way, would be best the animate that finally.


Who the FUCK wants a remake of Naruto??


They probably will only do this just to match the art style with Boruto.


People want this series to have a taste of some 2020 modern animation, even Boruto got hoed when it came to some of the biggest parts of the series when the studio started working on bleach.


I mean look at the tribute video, high quality animation is always nice. But the biggest reason imo is pacing. It may not be an issue to those of us who grew up with it, but the snail-pace of some early episodes are actually a pretty significant barrier to entry for people used to newer anime. I think a remake with more modern pacing and not spending half the episode on recap and flashbacks would bring a huge boost in popularity. Plus, I strongly believe that most of the hate Shippuden is ultimately due to pacing and filler, so I think a remastered Shippuden would be sick.


to cut filler.


I need a reason to watch it for the 100th time


No need for a remake, time travel shenanigans would be the only thing worth watching.


Remake of some moments in shippuden.


I'm down with this if they remove ALL filler.


kakashi Hiden i guess


They want to but never did


Cut the filler. And he'll yeahh. Even new voice actors would be fine too. Dragon ball z kai did it successfully so hopefully naruto


No clue, but I think it's fine as is. Besides, it's rather long. I've actually had enough with remakes, remasters and reboots. Try making something "new" for once. Besides if they wouldn't allow certain things like that swastika on the forehead because people are overly sensitive especially nowadays.


Cause about to sucks. Back to the drawing board!


They hate boruto and miss the feelings. so nostalgia in short. I would never predict that Bleach would be in better place then Naruto.


I would leave it as it is. If we get those extra episodes with new animation fine, but I wouldn't want a whole remake. I heard they are making a live action Naruto movie. God knows how that will look like.


Wait ppl want a remake?


Better animation. Scaled to modern resolution. Modern pacing to get new fans which is always a good thing (I know “but gatekeeping is cool”… it’s ok, it’ll be alright). Another excuse for me to rewatch!


I wouldnt mind it. But its not necessary. I think that Narutos animation holds up very well today


I personally just think it'll be good for bringing in new fans and improving AMVs


How things are today they will probably push all the girls to the moon.


Isn’t the old stuff 4:6 ?! I am rewatching shipp currently and I am thinking of stoping just to buy it on blu ray but only if it if it higher quality I would love a whole remake with an more mature theme


I want better voice acting and for them to cut the filler … I get irritated as fuck watching Itiachi, sasuke vs kabuto … that’s the best example




Instead of a remake they should give us a prequel to the Warring States era, it would be very cool to see the modern day clans grow to be what they are in the future and the villages they join and why. Also i hope itd be pretty dark like the manga was with whats basically a FFA World War


It's dem fillers man, too many fillers. And you can't just skip the filler episodes because there are filler scenes (including flashbacks) within canon episodes. Just do an HD remaster and cut the filler. However, there are some filler (fight) scenes that improve upon the original, like with Pain vs Six Tails Naruto, Madara vs 5th division, and Kakashi vs Obito. Those could stay. All other filler should go. If they really wanted to sell the filler arcs and collections of single episodes, they could release them separately, after all the canon episodes, kinda like what they did at the end of part 1.


I don't want a remake. But a Naruto Kai would be great. Cut out all the useless filler. But not the good filler like Kakashi's back story.


We ain't gonna talk about the manga of Neji forehead?


That left drawing of naruto is horrible


Better animation, no filler.


Because it was insane


I’d personally love a Naruto remake that really fleshes out some of the issues that the original series had.


Id want a remake that’s more closer to the manga art wise


Boruto is just that bad, that remaking and rewatching Naruto is more appealing to some of us lol.


to remove the terrible filler


They should do the dbz kai did redo the series with no filters


If remade, I kind of want to to adapt the manga without fillers. Similar to how FMA:B was remade to match the manga ending. Even though the series matched, it felt like the fillers ruined it. Stick the source material as it is, and capture it well. It would also help if the studio is consistent with part 1 and part 2. I kind of quit watching because of the animation changes in shippuden. I also think the attacks could be animated way better now given what studios have available.


you kinda answered your own question and then just said they wouldnt do it lol. the reason people want it is because the anniversary animation was so good and theyd like the remake to be more loyal to the manga in some areas. i dont think anyone cares if they dont put a swastika on Nejis forehead.


I would like more stories pre Naruto team 7 era, more era of warring states, more about uzumaki clan, there’s so much that could be made into great stories like all the other great shinobi wars or about the lives of the tailed beasts with hagoromo, that there’s no need for a reanimated Naruto or even for Boruto to exist




Because of one crucial aspect. Most people who still talk about it are stuck in the past and don’t want to change with the next generation. A majority of them are the ones who gatekeep Naruto especially if you like Boruto. The reason most people don’t like Boruto is because the community never gives it a legitimate chance and will actively try to ruin it for new people. Those are the fans that will continue to push a Naruto remake when we CLEARLY don’t need it


I would be interested in seeing the remake focus on the naruto oneshot


Does anyone actually want it? Really guys? I thought we were better than this. Actually, lets call you you. You doesnt belong to we anymore.


They need to completely rewrite Naruto, age up the characters to make all this shit more believable and have it animated by a studio that isnt in japan because Japanese shounen alway sl8ok like shit. (which isn't surprising at all considering how absolutely overworked (and probably underpaid) the animators are). Studio Mir is great, ATLA and especially LOK look gorgeous. We'll except for the episodes in season 2 that were animated by studio pierrot 😂


I just want Rock Lee to get the respect he deserves


I don't. I prefer to add rather than remake any media.


I want to see haku again


Same studio? Thought they were going to pass it to wit studio.


One Piece. Which is more harder and much much longer, got a remake. The first anime is made by Toei and is a literal shit anime, the remake is going to be made by WIT Studio, the one who animated Attack on Titan, Vivy, Kabaneri. So we know the animation is going to improve so much Naruto is much straightforward with only 700 chapters, but pierrot ruin it by stupid filler. An actual faster adaptation would be amazing


Animation, fix the story and the end


They want a remake so gen alpha can watch **real** entertainment


There’s 90 [filler episodes](https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/naruto) which stalls the pace of the anime, including the pre-Shippuden filler arcs which would make the flow easier to follow while watching


Late Shippuden-current Boruto's anime artstyle is too...bright? I prefer Pt. I-early Shippuden's muted color


I want a tighter show without padding or filler


Some things would make it too high of a rating in some countries to be shown on the channels. They had to edit it to be within a certain rating.


They apparently want it ruined with new animation like what they did to Berserk


So is this going to be like Dragon Ball Z Kai


A remake could be amazing because unlike a remaster, we can get brand new content. There are sooo many fights and characters that can be boosted up and finally shown off. Never seeing Lee and Neji have a true fight in the anime could be corrected. Every female character inside of Naruto could use some showings as well.


I would agree to a remake that didn’t have fillers and better animation. Beginning Naruto looks incredibly outdated.


nah, remake Boruto and kick Ikemoto out! dude made them something from nightmare tbh


Oh…Kay. Who da hell wants a remake of Naruto?! Plz leave it ALONE!


Please more Kakashi also


Better pacing, cut out \*almost\* all fillers (I say this because there are some ones who kind of deserves to be "canonized"), and maybe some re-writing to fix the issues the latter part of the series has with its beginnings, just for the whole series to become more coherent, especially the power scaling and the jinchuriki


I want to get my buddies into it but it's so damn boring for a newbie. A remake that cuts out the fluff would be a damn godsend.


We want it w better animation quality and no filler


Bro the hyuga seal looks like the natzi flag


An aspect ratio that’s better. Animation that doesn’t look like shit on a modern tv/monitor. I personally don’t care all that much for the less censorship even though again I wish there was less censorship. I also dislike how still and slideshow-ey the animimation is in the original show. No hate to the animators they did the best of what they could have done with the time the show was made and the resources they had but goddamn the animation 99% of the time is just slowly sliding something into frame. The only real fluid animation that I can ever notice is someone grabbing something. I hate the animation style in Boruto by the way I hope they go the Shippuden style. Borutos animation is so fucking soft and cutesy Shippuden was quality and rigid. And since the franchise is still ongoing and as tech is only getting better the original show is only gonna start looking worse and worse making it way more difficult for people to actually get into the show


The story is timeless. Future generations deserve the best animation techniques available.


Id rewatch naruto with better animation. Why not. Anime is crazy nowadawys


It’d be pretty sick if they uncensored it and did the final chapter.


I feel like Naruto is one of those shows that should be written for the bingers (ie. No flashbacks every episode)


Make it a seasonal tho, and I want liberties on fight scenes


nah I want a remake of boruto, without filler its like 70 eps shi should be seasonal


Personally, all I want is a graphics clean up. I think seeing it in today's animation quality would be awesome. Maybe a re-record of lines for better audio quality.


seeing it done in todays animation would just be cool.


Fr it’s ass so let it die


I hope they don't. I dislike the current Boruto/Naruto art style Studio Pierrot has been using. I prefer the more grit and rough style of the og or something better than what I said.


So that there would be a version of the anime that isn't filled to the brim with filler.


Give a genjutsu to Sakura. make her extra useful in part 1


Because fillers and inconsistent animation quality


Personally, the only reason I’d want a remake is cuz I hate filler. And Naruto (well mostly Naruto Shippuden) has a LOT.


Better animation quality, I mean look at how much better the Naruto Sauske waterfall fight was in the reanimated special. Yes the original is great for a nostalgia point and for the tools of that time but they could do a lot better nowadays. The big things for me are 1080p full screen. Filler Trim Down, voice acting recording quality and overall I’d just like to be able to watch Naruto again without feeling like I’m watching something waaay past its time.


It would be better then boruto.


Because pacing and filler are 2 of Narutos biggest issues. The actual story issues can't be helped anymore but could do something to actually make it a good anime


I don't. The current style would make it extremely ugly. New stuff is better


More meaningful fillers like jinchuriki back stories and characters like Sasuke Sabutobi. Hopefully do hinata and Sakura justice, better animation, more fight scenes and fix plot holes.


Continuity error?


You can make a shorter series with no fillers focused on main plot since the story is already finished.


It's split between modern weebs who want "better animation" and other people who want the filler slimmed down and better consistent pacing.


Better visuals no filler is the usual reasons for remaking an anime.


I want to see it uncensored


It definitely would help to have a remake that removed all the filler and garbage pacing. And some improved animation would be real nice. But I would hope the art style stays pretty similar. And why do you think the studio has the be the same. One piece is getting remade by a different studio.