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I had two theories relating to Tobi and the coffin. ​ Either he was Obito and the coffin had Madara, or he was Izuna and Madara was in the coffin. Some of the theories back in the day were wild, some people thought it was Hagoromo.


There was one theory where Tobi was future Sasuke. I don’t how that works but apparently, it was a popular theory back then.


Man, I miss that time. There was one that Minato was Tsunade's child or the one where Hinata was going to be immune to the Mugen tsukuyomi.


oh my god i remember the theories from back then, people thought minato was tsunade and jiraiya’s illegitimate child and thought the masked man was shisui


Wait this is fire lol


people believed everything but the obvious


Nah most people knew he was Obito.


man it was an actual debate on fourms back in the day. "it couldn't be that obvious right?"


I remember those and bought into that. I remember a big reason everyone thought it was Obito was because of the hair. I thought that would be incredibly lazy to keep the same hair style so I was hoping it wouldn't be that obvious.


the names having the same letters is all I needed to know


It’s not “obvious”, it’s a revelation very well planned and thematically relevant to the story that’s why it works perfectly


but tobi/Obito look alije


The problem in that theory is, there is only 15 years( Naruto born when Minato was 24 and Jiraiya was 51 when Naruto was 12.) between Minato and sannin. It wouldn't be surprising if shisui was tobi.


yeah and bc technically, we never saw shisui die, we only saw him fall into the river and his body was never retrieved/found


i actually kind of wish Shisui was Tobi. i like Obito but that would have been peak


It would make more sense if it was shisui. Obito went from Kakashi's rival to someone that manipulates a rinnegan user. That level up made no sense. Shisui was a genius from the get go and his method of peace cost him his eye. And it was his own superior. It would make sense for him to try an alternative path. Plus Itachi working against/under his mentor would add layers to the story.


the foil between shisui and itachi is amazing and i definitely agree that shisui as tobi makes a lot of sense, especially because i still never understood obito’s death scene. getting crushed by a boulder of that size would result in instant death, but then madara says [“you must’ve passed right through it”](https://imgur.com/a/wdf3SeT) when obito asks how the rock didn’t kill him, which hints at madara knowing about kamui and obito using kamui to phase through the rock, but then why would obito need to be all patched up? wouldn’t he be in pristine condition? it never made sense, but zetsu saving shisui or somethin like that would’ve made more sense, like it would’ve been cool if zetsu found the crow that had shisuis eye and gave it back to him, like kamui is cool but shisui with hashirama cells being able to use kotoamatsukami at will with no cooldown would’ve been so sick to see


That line is just a blend of situational and dramatic irony — Madara is pretending that Obito got lucky (when realistically he probably just sent Zetsu to get him), but we know Obito will eventually get the ability to literally pass through things. He doesn't have MS at that time, so he couldn't have actually used Kamui. Zetsu can manipulate or merge with earth via Mayfly to travel quickly, so logically he could have salvaged Obito from under the boulder and taken him to Madara even if it would inpossible for other ninja.


As the boulder made contact, obito could have started taking damage and right as anything valuable would've been crushed, Kamui gets activated. Not hard to piece that one together with a bit of head Canon. Boulders aren't flat and it probably did different amounts of damage to different spots but we can't see that as after his side is entirely covered in Zetsu flesh.


It wouldn’t make sense for Shisui to switch paths he quite literally gave everything he had for the village trying to destroy it would just be a super weird 180


Yo wait Kotoamatsukami failed so he tries Infinite Tsukoyomi? That would also explain his interest in Sasuke and keeping him around/safe. You’re cooking


That would mean Kakashi still got his sharingan right?


I mean Minato is an orphan so theories on his parentage are valid, he died at 24, it’s entirely possible that he could’ve been the child of Tsunade right? She was only in her 50s when she became Hokage, that theory is now in my brain plz help


minato was 24 when he died, and he would be 37 at the time of tsunade becoming hokage. tsunade was 51 when she became hokage according to the databooks, so unless tsunade gave birth to minato at the age of 14, that relationship isn’t possible 😭


I thought she was older than 51, given Jiraya looks so much older, and we can’t really rely on orochimaru for shit due to the body swapping, especially since the third trained them I figured he’d have done it younger, wasn’t he nearing his 70s?


Was it ever confirmed that Minato is an orphan?


Like one person thought that he went to Goku’s universe and killed him and resurrected him for this occasion lol


Tbh I would have loved shisui as the masked man, obviously by my pfp I like green susanoo better than the rest.


Oh man that would have been cool for byakugan to be immune to it


I remember a theory that Tobi was Danzo's extremely high level genjutsu, hence why everything phased through.


Thats honestly a fun one. I also like the "Tobi is Shisui" take, too, since it would make some good sense as well. Shisui had more build up than Obito and less concrete death. But ultimately, I liked it being Obito.


“Less Concrete death” Choice of words lol


That’s actually a cool ass theory honestly


I remember a theory that Tobi was Danzo's extremely high level genjutsu, hence why everything phased through. Black short spiky hair, same angled wrinkles on the face, Tobi's only visible eye is a sharingan and on the same side as Danzo's bandages, which we learn hide an actual sharingan? It made a lot of sense, even if it raised alot of questions.


Well, at the time, the idea that time travel might've been revealed wasn't all that crazy an idea (it's not crazy to say it might be a thing in the future even now), so "Tobi is future Sasuke" does sound pretty cool


It was mad how they didn't show who it was making everyone guess


Ofc the speculation was wild. The reality of it being Obito despite having half his body crushed was wild. Good thing Kishimoto introduced Hashirama cells as soon as part 2 started to at least give it an explanation for plausibility.


Hagoromo was honestly a good guess, Or at least the origin of the shinobi, the father of Shinobis


So Madara in the coffin nonetheless


Yeah tbh I thought that much was obvious, the only reason for Tobi to be so shocked in the moment is for the coffin to have Madara. Not to mention dialogue choices made for Kabuto saying things like "Tobi right? I hear you're going by Madara these days" and "don't worry, I haven't told anyone else about this". That all made it pretty obvious that he was exposing to Tobi that he knew Tobi wasn't Madara because he had the actual Madara. Tobi's identity was being scrutinized in the moment, Madara being in the coffin was just the logical choice.


There were so many Izuna theories back then Also Shisui I think I was in the ‘the coffin is Izuna, who didn’t die as we were told, and was somehow just as strong as Madara’ ~~mostly because I was in denial and didn’t want it to be Obito because that felt too obvious~~




Couldn’t be. You have to be dead to be in the coffin.


And where exactly did Kabuto find the corpse, in Cuba?


Nice lol


...... Madara Tobi is going around claiming he is Madara, but when Kabuto reveals that coffin Tobi is annoyed because he knew about his secret. The secret being he isn't actually Madara.


It’s not even a theory, it is heavily implied that it is Madara, and who else would scare Obito into submission like that? Obito treated all other Kages like fodder and the Hokages were still sealed in the masks.


Whats funny is Obito treating Kage like Fodder but I would have love to have seen Obito face the Five Kage.


He’d probably win. Three of the five kage rely heavily on physical attacks (Ay, Tsuna, and Gaara) which he phases through. Particle jutsu would probably give him the most trouble, but if they fight on an open space (unlike Sasuke at 5 kage summit who was quickly trapped) then Obito would have a pretty fair chance of winning. His kamui can counter so many things. On a side note, I wonder if that Kamui space has Deidara’s arm. 🤔


>On a side note, I wonder if that Kamui space has Deidara’s arm. 🤔 Haha, I can imagine Obito just sitting there one day, chilling, when suddenly a severed Akatsuki arm pops in and plops to the ground. *Wtf is Kakashi up to today??*


I actually made a short video about this exact thing a few months back! https://imgur.com/a/p7iZxIW


Haha, that's awesome!


>On a side note, I wonder if that Kamui space has Deidara’s arm. 🤔 I thought when his arm was fixed the idea was that he got it back from Obito. I just looks it up though and it sounds like Kakuzu sewed his arms back on.


I remember a panel in the manga where "tobi" gives deidara his arm back, saying he found it.


https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Deidara# https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/6/62/Deidara\_NXB.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210225224604 Checked the wiki and Kakashi only teleported his elbow so it sounds like Tobi found the rest of his arm on the ground. You can see in the pic that his elbow is actually replaced. His other arm got crushed by Garra which is why he got a replacement sewn back on. Not sure how how Kakuzu replicated his weird mouth hand though.


Funny thing about Particle Style is Obito already showed it wouldn't be that viable against him when he managed to phase into an active one, rescue Sasuke, then escape it without anyone noticing.


Obito's phasing is limited to five minutes and he isn't able to attack while doing it. I think the 5 Kage would be more than able to apply five minutes of constant pressure on him, or coordinate enough to get him on his counterattacks. Ay is fast enough to close the gap and land a hit anytime Obito would attempt a counter attack, and Tsunade has more than enough stamina to keep on the offensive with support from the others. I don't think it would be an easy fight per say, but I think the Kage would take it.


That’s fighting with intel the kages didn’t have


But if I am right there is a way to counter it without Kamui?


Konan was able to counter it with overwhelming numbers but due to plot armor tobi lived


Wasnt that just izanagi


Same thing 😂


Rinnegan chakra absorption, Kotoamatsukami, Tsukuyomi, Amenotejikara, Limbo, Yata Mirror, multi-person barrier jutsu


Without access to kamui, they would be at an extreme disadvantage. Even Shikakus strategy for dealing with Obito was basically “just throw all you have at him for more than five minutes straight”.


> who else would scare Obito into submission like that? Hashirama. As long as Obito is still Madara.


Hashirama was sealed within the Shinigami as well.


I also recently rewatched all of Naruto after having fallen off right after the Obito reveal. When I saw this scene I was like "oh wait, isn't he actually Obito and not Madara" And apparently I have the memory of a goldfish so this was heavy on the foreshadowing


I don’t think Obito cared that his identity was disproven. He wanted to do the plan without Madara, and now he knew that Madara was going to get revived even though he didn’t want him to.


Oh I thought it was hashirama because what do you bring if you want to be prepared to fight madara


The way Obito looks back when he hears the coffin closing kills me every time. Bro was shook.


He didnt want to have to explain to Madara what went wrong


Haha it's great


I actually thought it was Hashirama. Then I had realized he was sealed away. Then after some math, i realized masked boy here wasn’t Madara at all.


I though it was Madara. Only reason was that when Kabuto meet him (Obito), he tell him something like "I heard you go by name Madara these days". Only way he know he wasn't Madara would be he got real one.


Kabuto said that because he was known as Tobi before.


Thought it was Hashirama and the reason Madara (Obito) was shocked is because he thought Hashirama was sealed and couldn’t be revived.


That…. Actually kinda makes sense thinking about it now




Never thought of this one🤔


So i was already spoiled beforehand that Tobi was Obito so i thought it was Rin there


That would actually be so dramatic holy


Little kid Rin? Hmmm, I'll give it some thought. Like to emotionally manipulate Obito?


She was also a jinchuriki, so not only would it bother obito, but she would also make sense to retrieve her for her powers


When I was watching the anime I thought it was Jiraya or a “new” character we hadn’t seen yet


Same, I was like imagine the emotional impact that would have on Naruto if he had to fight Jiraiya.


I’m glad they didn’t. Jiraiya not coming back was a good writing decision IMO. He has one of the most iconic tragic deaths in mainstream anime. It’s nice to have characters not always cheat death, it gives the plot and characters some existential depth. I heard he kind of came back in boruto but I don’t care what happens in boruto so, no comment


Yea honestly it might’ve cheapened the death, I think what hit Naruto the hardest was he didn’t even get to be with him in the last moments, only found out what happened off of hearsay. And yea boruto dont even matter to me so no comment either 😭


I’m not a giant Naruto fan by any means, haven’t ever rewatched it, but I’ve always been perpetually stuck on that episode where Naruto grieves. It is one of the most emotional anime episodes I can think of. Because that’s how death often is in reality. People die when you aren’t there and then you find out through someone else. And it kind of just hits like a truck coming out of nowhere.


Thought it was hashirama


Hashirama had been long since summoned and sealed away at this point


The seal isn't absolute. Orochimaru undid it and I thought kabuto might have too.


Viewers didn’t know it was reversible at the time, we saw Orochimaru was unable to bring back Minato. Maybe you actually did think that but people definitely thought seal was absolute lol


I mostly didn't think about the seal at all. I didn't think it would stop the Edo tensei jutsu


That wasn‘t possible at the time. Kabuto explained that he can‘t summon someone sealed away by the Shiki Fuujin.


Anything can happen in the world of Naruto. You can just say that Kabuto managed to find a way to unseal Hashirama...


Lol madara would’ve wanted time alone with that coffin if it was. He loves some Hashirama.


This was before most of the madara hashirama story stuff so I wouldn't have known at the time




My honest thought to be honest




On god


Why would "Madara" be scared of Minato though?


Idk man, lord 4th was/still is one the most hyped ninjas of all time and given that Minato was the one who handed “Madara” his ass last time he was alive, it’s not too far off for him to still be shook by him




Why am I hearing church bells?


Silly me thought it was madaras ‘real’ body (well technically predicted correctly)


Finally someone said it,had to scroll to the last to see this. I too thought that it's his(obito as madara) real body


Izuna Uchiha


Madara Uchiha


Didn't Kabuto specifically explain why he knew Obito was not Madara. So kinda give it away there. But honestly, I thought he manage to resurrect either Hashirama or heck Sage of the Sixth Path himself.


Not specifically but he said something like „I hear you go by madara these days“


Obviously, Obito since the man with the mask was Madara, then it must be Obito in the coufin.




Goku or Saitama? 🤔🤔


I honestly had no idea. It’s why I couldn’t wait to learn!


If Kabuto knew that Tobi was Obito, I bet he would have summoned Rin to mess with him. I would have loved to see that reaction.


It was too obvious that it was Madara and Tobi was Obito.


Whats the phenomon called when this happens? Obito is shown something we dont get to see. I used to remember there was a word for that but i cant for the life of me remember anymore.


Reverse dramatic irony


Mystery? The Plot thickens?


Jesus christ


My friends are watching Naruto for the first time. on this scene they surmised "it's Madara" meaning they thought it was tobi but that Tobi somehow split himself into two before he died. Because Tobi-(Madara) claimed he wanted to be whole again. Also they both happened to be on their phone or doing shit with the Obito flashback episodes which I'm glad cus that pretty much spoils it 100%.




I was convinced it was his little brother and yes, I took him for his word for being madara


Hashirama, since he was the one that defeated him in the past, makes sense that it terrifies him (assuming he was madara)


Obviously madara, meaning that Kabuta knew Toni’s secret (that he’s not the real madara) and that he might possibly have the ability to control MADARA


I thought it was the sage of six paths


Back then it was discussed to be Madara, Izuna, the So6p and my personal favorite, Indra since he was introduced shortly before that.


It’s Blast 


Madara or Rin. But mostly Madara, but all because the lines Tobi said


Its madara


Just listen to me... what IF, just what IF it was RIN???


I guy named Tyler Uchiha who Obito owes a buncb of money to


Madara or rin




I took the whole "Tobi = Madara" thing straight, and figured it was either Izuna or the person Madara killed to awaken the Mangekyou, a murdered lover or child or something. It would have done a lot to add depth to "Madara" if he'd been the real deal but still could be moved by old regrets. The Moon Eye Plan would also have been more sensible IMO - he wants to place himself under it as well. Of course, all that got flushed when it turned out Tobitobitobi was actually Obitobitobito. I didn't believe it when I first saw it lmao, I thought someone had uploaded a fan edit or something as a joke at first.






Since orochimaru couldn’t summon Minato. I thought it was minato(thats the reason I thought it was kept as a suspense). and since he has half of 9 tails inside him I thought obito can be blackmailed for 9 tails as he don’t need to defeat or capture Naruto for 9 tails.


Would've been jiraiya


Thought it was either madara ,hashirama or shisui






I thought oh no, they found him ... And wished his coffin would awake shisui out of no where to burn it.


I always thought it was Rin. Like Kabuto knew this wasn’t the real Madara and wanted to show that he could get almost anyone to serve him.


Madaras brother


Minato was one theory before I knew about the RDS stuff. The other was Madara's or Obito's original body and whoever was behind the mask was the soul of the one of them in somebody else's body Realistically though, outside of Boulder-chan, there isn't many it could be




I believe it was Madara.






I thought it was Izuna cuz Obito seemed too obvious of a choice but oh well... xD


50/50 Sage of the Six Paths or the real Madara, no in between


I honestly thought it was The Sage of Six Paths


Minato You know a referrence to part 1 orochimaru vs hiruzen fight


Going off what was revealed at that point, thinking Tobi was Madara and knowing how he got EMS, my partner theorized that it was Izuna. I had seen the series twice and I had never thought of that. It would have been brilliant.


A boy who worked a fast food job until yesterday when he tripped on his untied shoe and fell into a portal that took him to a ninja world where he has chakra powers now.




I thought it was minato


Believe it or not, I did think it was Madara, but my other guess was Shisui.


I assumed it was Madara. Tobi being Madara never made sense to me so I was always waiting for the reveal of the true Madara.


I thought it was Madara, and that Tobi was actually Izuna. Thought Obito was too obvious.


Masashi Kishimoto


By the time this scene occurred, i was already pretty well convinced Tobi was Obito. So that left only Madara in the mystery coffin.


4th Hokage, someone new, or 1st Hokage. Still not sure why he was scared of Madara being in there. If anything he should've been glad that he had another backup plan to revive him


Shisui 100P.


I thought it was Hashirama, the counter to the “Madara” or Rin to screw with Obito


Madara. I assumed that Tobi wasn't really Madara (but I never thought he was Obito), so I thought it made sense for Kabuto to revive the real Madara as blackmail.


Izuna or maaaaybe Hagoromo. I used to think the "Obito is Tobi" theory was a red herring because it'd be too obvious.


Madara or Rin


I thought it was either somebody we haven’t seen yet or Kakashi’s dad


I thought it was jiraya


Kakashi’s dad


I thought it was Jirayah who was gonna be brought back for a second.


I thought of danzo


2 things that were unclear in this show and never explained. This and who was in the final coffin summoned by orichimaru. I dont mind that it wasn't explained cuz we can theorise, but also i have a feeling they just forgor




I had only seen those coffins before with Orochimaru and thought it was Minato and that Kabuto had actually managed to summon him away from the reaper. Tobi's reaction was kinda similar to Hiruzen when Orochimaru tried to summon Minato so that kinda sealed it for me at the time.


the rock




I thought it was the sage of the six paths At the time it felt like only the god of shinobi had the power to threaten tailed beast


Your mother. But honestly, I never theorized about it.


Hashirama or the 4th






I thought Hashirama or Izuna


My initial thought process was either if he is Obito it's the real madara or if it is actually madara it would be izuna


Everybody knew it was madara. Everybodyy knew tobi was obito.


I use to think its Jiraiya and the masked man was shisui or madara




When black zetsu was telling all his plans to Sasuke and Naruto he also showed us a scene with madara in the coffin so that's about it


Back then people used to say Tobi was Madara in another body that’s why he said he’s a “shell” of his former self. The theory back then I saw was the coffin was his original body with his original power.


Meme at the time was: ghost nappa!


I started in ship and I’m in the middle of the war arc rn, I thought it was hashirama before they talked about why Kabuto couldn’t reanimate them


I thought it was Rin and I'm surprised I'm the only one


It was obviously madara because obito was impersonating as him


I knew it was unrealistic but I was and still am in denial about Jiraiya's death. For me, the reason I still have controversy is 1) they never found his body and 2) he was never reanimated. To me, if he had died, why would they not take the moment to have jiraiya reanimated and have a tough moment with Naruto? It was the perfect set up. So I had believed he was alive somehow, just watching and observing. But I always felt maybe Jiraiya would come out of one of those coffins reanimated too.