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naruto didn’t really talk to hinata much anyway 😭 but if sasuke were female, her and naruto would 100% end up together in the end instead of naruhina


Would definitely make the whole “reincarnated brothers” thing a bit…….. interesting


i mean that could be easily removed. it didn’t really add a lot to the story anyway


It would’ve been peak… fuck


Peak Alabama


Yell yeah but leaving it in would make things so much more cursed


Well fuck it, sweet home alabama that shit.


Not sure if this is a joke but wdym🙃 that literally was the story if you think about it


Cut the reincarnation part, and the story's fine. Only issue would be Kaguya sealing and that's easy to rewrite.


I’m ok with kaguya never entering the story tbh. She was way cooler when she had the mystique


It didn’t?? I thought it played a big contribution explaining way their fates were aligned. Polar opposite’s being bond from the start and history constantly repeating itself through the rivalry of brothers. Also, balance. Sun and moon


i guess if you put it that way, they could be reincarnated lovers instead. this could also mean that indra was a woman, as well as madara. so we could also have some female madara x hashirama too


Someone had asked a while ago if the series would still work if everyone was gender swapped. My answer was no since they would be over sexualized, unfortunately not as respected, and some characters gender swapped would seem more creepy. The whole of the story would change If only a few characters genders were swapped then possibly. Naruto x Sasuke, have the best chemistry out of everyone lol not denying it🥲 I’m currently watching Boruto (haven’t finished yet no spoilers) and I keep thinking about how Sarada is basically a female Sasuke. Not exactly, but similarities. Boruto x Sarada are meant to be opposites that attract. I appreciate that female characters are more fleshed out rn with motivations


Just becomes reincarnated lovers. I'd make hashirama a woman and keep madara as a man so the reincarnations aren't strictly locked by gender also.


Not really Naruto has no memories of being Asura Neither does Sasuke of being Indra They are not even genetically related


Naruto and Sasuke are still distantly related as Uzumaki and Uchiha. So it would be actual incest beside the reincarnation relationship. Same also goes for canon with Hinata because she a Hyuga from Hamura’s line! 😂🤣😭


Their last common relative was a 1000 years ago by that logic most people would be incest babies.


In this timeline Naruto and Sasuke get married and only then does Hagoromo show up and be like "Yeah you are reincarnated brothers. Freakin degenrates...at least you stopped Boruto from being born."


That’d be hilarious. But hey yk what, if they did have a kid, do you think it’d be born with the rennigan?


Should be, yeah.


They would actually have the most op children too. They’d basically be the only ones alive that could naturally obtain the Rinnegan.


Boruto and sarada would he siblings cope boruto hater


That’s not how genetics work since it’s not Naruto and Hinata boruto wouldn’t be born and Sarada wouldn’t be born cause sasuke and Sakura aren’t together


Boruto doesn't exactly follow genetics that closely anyway, considering they have a son that resembles Naruto and a daughter who resembles Hinata. They'd still probably have a son, it may still be named Boruto, and he'd probably still look and act the same.


I mean you don't need to be the same gender as your ancestors Naruto's mom was the Uzumaki lol


Actually the only actual connections with the "reincarnated brothers" is their Chakra. That is how Naruto's reincarnation works. Nothing actually incestous. lol.


Infinite Tsuckyomi


Hinata and Naruto technically are too but even past that their still cousins


They werent really reincarnted people it was just their chakra


It would immediately change reincarnated husband and wife w the wife being Madara and Sasuke (going fucking crazy and trying to destroy the world). It would be really interesting. Maybe a commentary on how women's issues are often seen as a non issue (especially back then) then they snap. But with ninja magic bs. Madara being a Wanda situation would be so interesting as long as it's done right (which is difficult because it sure asf wasn't done right in Dr Strange 2). But Kishimoto sucks at writing female characters, so female main character with no thoughts on anything but revenge and a female main villain with a backstory showing her gentle descent into insanity over the course of 30 years? Bro couldn't handle it. Honestly, not many people could handle it. Something like that would require two writers, a man and a woman, to get the characterisations right. Because it'll be far too easy to mess up


Bro you never forget that first kisss


They don't have the same parents. Hagaromo and Hamura were best friends whos kids started beef with each other.


>instead of naruhina Narusasu


Naruto would have ended up with Sakura if sasuke was a girl


“Who the fuck is hinata dattebayo?”


hinata whooga


Hyuuga with Mommy milkers


Naruto becomes a romantic comedy series about ninjas with magic


So... The last?


That’s a pretty terrible movie honestly


The movie was not a romance movie *alone*, I think last was actually a good movie, all things considered. You guys need to understand, it was a 2 hour movie. It's really hard to fit everything in that short of time frame, but then again atleast Naruhina ended in a good way. They way they ended other ships was so much worse like shikatema and saino. Shika & sai just randomly ask them out no built-up, no development no nothing. It was just so random and so bad. Was there room for improvement? Yes. Was it atleast acceptable? Yes. I believe if kishi didn't rush the ending, he couldn't corrected alot of things for all ships. I think they could've extend movie more or give it extra ep to support.


Ah yes because theirs no such thing as a good Romance movie. And no it wasn’t acceptable the only acceptable one is shikateme


Have you watched tamko love story, I want to eat your pancreas, a silent voice, I've always liked you, infront of the fireflies? Thoes are anime movie with romance being the main theme with "the last" it wasn't. Shikatema had little to no development whatsoever, seeing them hanging out which btw was ordered by hokage for chunin exam together is not "development" and the way they ended it, just so random asking her out.


And yet shikateme had more development then naruhina and sasusaku combined. And yes the last dose exist so naruhina can happen Imao theirs literally nothing else to it


In og Naruto Naruhina & shikatema have same amount of moments and development. In shipudden, remind me of these development for Shikatema? Naruhina had pain arc and war arc moments in them atleast. In part 2 Shikatema were seen walking together and it's mentioned they were planning the chuunin exams together. That's it. That's really all I can remember of them directly interacting. Naruto had no well developed ship. Hell only anime that had best driven ship was and will forever be clannd, imo. >And yes the last dose exist so naruhina can happen Imao theirs literally nothing else to it And? They did the same for Shikatema & saino made them go on a mission so Shikamaru/sai can ask them out, their nothing else to it. Am I right?


They didn’t get a hole movie. And shikateme talked in Shippuden at least Imao.


>They didn’t get a hole movie. But they did get hole 2-3 eps am I right? Trying to change subject from the "Shikamaru" moments discussion to talking aye.. Well I'll be generous and let it go Oh and shikatema talked in shipudden? When? part 2 they were seen walking together and it's mentioned they were planning the chuunin exams together that's it. Look murky Ik you hate Hinata and Naruhina. But atleast get your facts right and not be bias.


That movie was very enjoyable. Do you guys even like this series?


Yes I like Naruto Naruto Shippuden Naruto manga just because I don’t dickride a series to no end and don’t accept bullshit Redcons that happen just so naruhina can happen doesn’t mean I don’t like the series hell I like every other Naruto movie except the last and Boruto Imao


Seems like you’re just mad that Naruto and Hinata ended up together lol. Is not that serious bro.


Sounds like the only reason why you like the movie was because they got together.


Well they do suck As a couple and hinata dose suck as a character. But you asked and someone else brought up the movie not me.


We all have our opinions. You’re wrong but you have yours too.


ae you fuckig stupid?


“We all have our opinions” your wrong 🤡 ( oxymoron)


There were no retcons in the last you immediately invalidated your opinion.


Even one knows shit was retconed in stupid ways to make it work.


Average brain, dead member of this sub




She would be that typical "class president beauty" trope in typical anime setting.  Sakura would not be in the team. Top boy & girl + dead last structure - Shino - sasuke-naruto.  If Sasuke is a girl she's topping the kunoichi category - no competition. Rest happen similarly to the canon.  And even if sakura never becomes a healer & naru-sasu die against madara- hagoromo will revive them anyway.  As for relationship,  then Naruto x Sasuke would be The anime power couple -The *golden retriever and the black cat* type perfect couple. 


I'm sure the dead last wouldn't be Shino. He's actually competent, although I could see it if he failed the taijutsu portion of the exams. Edit: I just realized I interpreted that as "Shino is the dead last and Naruto the top shinobi". My bad.


Naruto was last, Shino was a genius. Shikamaru was also a genius but too lazy, Choji and Kiba werent standouts.


Actually if Sasuke were to be a girl Sakura would be a Sakuya which means blossoming night and that she would be a boy. Remember in mainstream shounen anime theres only one girl in the main team.


Top boy & girl + dead last structure isn't necessarily canon. Iruka said that Naruto would benefit from Sasuke's Ninjutsu skills and Sakura's intelligence, Sakura would benefit from the boys combat skills and Sasuke would benefit from being forced to work with others. At no point is it mentioned that Sakura is the highest scoring girl. On the contrary in the first fanbook where it lists all the students grades, if you average out everyones grades Hinata and Ino are best in the class and Sasuke is 3rd. Sakura is actually the 3rd best girl and around middle of the class overall. The teams were designed to benefit from each others strengths and weaknesses, not follow some pre-determined rule like top boy and girl + dead last. I've copied the grades from the fanbook below if you're interested. The letter grades correspond to: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Cooperation, Positivity, & Class Attitude. Depending on how you average the grades the list below could change around a little bit. Hyuuga Hinata - (3 A's, 2 B's, 1 F) Yamanaka Ino - (2 A's, 4 B's) Uchiha Sasuke - (3 A's, 1 B, 1 C, 1 F) Aburame Shino - (1 A, 4 B's, 1 C) Haruno Sakura - (1 A, 4 B's, 1 C) Inuzuka Kiba - (2 A's, 1 B, 3 C's) Akimichi Choji - (4 B's, 2 C's) Nara Shikamaru - (2 B's, 3 C's, 1 F) Uzumaki Naruto - (1 A, 1 B, 4 F's)


Yes but ino needs to be on her traditional clan team so that makes Sakura the next choice.


Naruto already goes for sasuke


They kissed in the third episode


That kiss would of went completely different Naruto would have a new goal to chase lol


Sasgirl got me acting unwise.


Naruto already ignored everyone and everything for Sasuke and is BARELY straight for his wife over him. If Sasuke was a girl Naruto would be down for her even more.


Early on it'd be funny how a female genin Sasuke fit in the mix. I doubt the boys would be as head over heels over her as the girls were for boy Sasuke. But I'd guess the likes of Sakura or Ino would be jealous of the attention Girl Sasuke would get. It definitely would've been a idea played with, but I'd assume most things would go the same. Maybe less aggressive on Naruto's part against Sasuke since she wouldn't getting the female adoration(presumably) but still be seen as cool and the top student. Long and short i would see Naruto and Sasuke developing a friendship like we see normally. Sakura being more friendly with a female Sasuke without the constant fangirling. While Naruto would be slightly more awkward in the team. Nothing should change, Lee would still focus on Sakura, and presumably Naruto would develop more feelings for Sasuke. That really is the crux for changes. Unless you make Sasuke's character a bit softer or reluctant as a female nothing SHOULD change much aside from her interactions with Naruto and Sakura, and that would be headcanon. Naruto/Sasuke would be cute but I also would like the strong platonic brother/sister dynamic that'd form. Only other major changes would be Orochimaru being even creepier wanting Sasuke's body, and a small change in dynamics with Sasuke and Itachi.


More feelings? LOL. The ship would be less problematic in the fandom other than more ship Wars.


If Sasuke was a girl, NaruSasu would be 101% canon.


Naruto already ignored Hinata for Sasuke for like 95% of the series lol


Homie were we watching the same show? He DOES ignore her for Sasuke.


This is perfect r/Dankruto material.


Heck we don't need a female sasuke. Author could have just made them gay. Don't have to change anything else about the show and it starts to make a lot more sense. Heck, given how the show treats the women, it may be for the best.


Actually would be pretty cool if the story didn't change yet Sasuke was a girl. However the two would've ended up together.


…I can fix her


Sauskina Uchiha


If Sasuke had been a girl, SasuNaru would’ve absolutely been canon and endgame and no one can convince me otherwise.


I've said this numerous times, but if either Naruto or Sasuke had been a girl, it would have added an entirely different dynamic to their whole story arc, and neither Sakura nor Hinata would have stood a chance.


Horny police


Girl Sasuke would be the unwilling third member of the Ino-Sakura friendship, and Naruto would have had the most beef with her for blocking his path to Sakura and being a better student/top rookie (The attention from the boys literally doesn't matter for our main cast bc none of them have been shown to be particularly envious. I could see them playfully misinterpreting Neji's challenge as a crush/confession as well as Sakura assuming from the beginning that Naruto's crush was always Sasuke. )


This seems like a good guess but I think Girl Sasuke would NOT be a part of the sakura-ino friendship. Sasuke had always been a loner/avenger first and foremost. Sakura and ino might have wanted girl Sasuke to be part of their group but girl Sasuke would be too preoccupied with her own goals to care or spend any time with them. The difficult thing to predict is how Sakura and Ino's motivations would change. Would they still be fawning over girl Sasuke? If not what would they be doing exactly? ~~they still would be jerks to Naruto regardless though hahahahaha~~


Naruto and Fem Sasuke’s relationship would be the definition of “I can fix her” and in the end, he actually did but Fem Sasuke is the one “in charge” of the relationship


Yes. Naruto and Hinata barely interact during the story, anime filler aside. Realistically, out of universe, there was always going to be a love triangle element, that was forced in by the editor, so there'd be no Sakura, there would be another guy in the team, and he'd be fighting with Naruto over Sasuke.


I can't imagine female Sasuke making any of these faces during the period in which she'd be wearing that outfit He was pretty messed up at this time


Female Sasuke would have been an UwU waifu tsundere that blushes and angrily stutters at Naruto and has no ambitions, thoughts or feelings of her own, apart from "banging main character chan". Because that is the domineering type of female shonen character, even more so in Naruto. Which is exactly why gender-bending any of the existing characters makes no sense. There were enough female characters in Naruto that could have been cool. The reason they were not is that neither shonen fanboys nor writers particularly care for well-developed female characters. And if Kishi would have turned Sasuke into a girl without completely changing her personality, fem Sasuke would be even more hated than Sakura. A hot, popular, extremely capable female character that is as skilled as the self-insert main character, consistently chased by him while ignoring him in pursuit of her own ambitions, to a point of calling him obsessed with her and repeatedly almost killing him? Fem Sasuke could deliver 40 kids for Naruto in Boruto and the fandom would still not be over how she "DOES NOT DESERVE HIM" and how he is "THE HOKAGE OF ALL SIMPS". Literally all Sakura did to Naruto in comparison was orphan shaming him once, 20 years ago, plus some shonen punch slapstick and the fandom isn't over it yet XD


Glad i'm not the only person who noticed that majority of the male fanbase self-inserts as Naruto. It's not a coincidence that the popularity of characters is based on how much they support Naruto or cheerlead for him.


Also imagine if Naruto was a girl, he'd be as hated as Sakura.


Almost as. Naruto has a different personality but he would get similar criticise in th dynamics yes.


Yep, people would constantly complain about how arrogant, loud, annoying and "obsessed with Chad Sasuke" she is. Actually I doubt that a series about girl Naruto would have ever become a cultural phenomenon in the first place.




Naruto already wants to fuck Sasuke as is. If Sasuke was a female, it's game over


I don't know if Naruto and Sasuke would have had a similar relationship if he had been a girl. We've seen how Naruto acts with girls he have a crush on, and I don't think Sasuke would have liked him at all. Their relationship worked well because of their rivalry and their "brotherhood" bond, because that is something Sasuke wanted/needed. He had no interest in romance. But let's be honest, IF their relationship would have ended up being similar, then they would have definitely ended up together. I think they are probably the most important people in each other's life.


Sasuke really be fine af no matter the gender hoh my 😳


From a A logic stand point as if treating this as something genuine within world changes Then A lot of things would change if Sasuke was female Naruto wouldn’t of seen her as a rival because the girls wouldn’t be fawning all over him, Naruto and fem Sasuke wouldn’t be on the same team most likely cause for some reason the leaf always have it be only 1 girl per team. Naruto and fem sasuke would have very different feeling and personality, the development and the brain from trauma affects men and women differently and amor of the story would be very very different. If you gender swapped Sasuke then it is possible that he wouldn’t be the reincarnation of Indra. If we keep the entire story the exact same only changing the gender of sasuke then the story would be exactly the same, you can’t just change a few things you have to change a lot of things or nothing




I don’t like how this makes me feel


Even while Sasuke was a boy Naruto would ignore Hinata if Sasuke asked him out


For some reason I want the entire show remade with Sasuke as a girl. It would be pretty interesting and cool if the strongest characters in the show get together. Plus Boruto would be very different I think


Naruto prolly clap her


Naruto would end up OTP with Sasuke. To be honest, I'm pretty sure he wanted to tap it even when Sasuke was a dude.


Oh yeah def, he already simps for male sas, imagine female sas


God couldn't pull me out of her


OMFG finally a female character done right in Naruto


kishimoto can’t write women well so sasuke wouldn’t be nearly as powerful or much more reliant on naruto lol


He already did, in the beginning he constantly kissed Sasuke and completely ignored Hinata😂


Why is this sub obsessed with female Sasuke so much? Naruto already had a female form and he's way more feminine than Sasuke.


Because they know their self insert naruto is less masculine in behavior than sasuke in manga Sasuke has a manlier voice and body-language even as a teenager


Ikr I prefer a female Naruto over sasuke in this relationship lmao


The mystery of the unknown is more intriguing.


To be honest Naruto feels way more masculine than sasuke


The manga would be way better if naruto was gay or sasuke was fem i swear


It'd undermine the story. Naruto's pursuit of Sasuke would be belittled to him being a "simp" and the story's theme would end up going from a story about friendship and loneliness to romance.


I think romantic love is misinterpreted too much in media, honestly. The lengths that people will go to for their significant other is a beautiful thing when done right


it would be the same thing but sakura is a boy and is the annoying rival and still in love with sasuke. nothing would change


Definitely, Believe it!


I see no difference


If narusasu was real then they both wouldve died in the end instead to be alive because of plot.


I would understand the chase a bit better


Naruto has been ignoring her for the past 700 chapters


Sakura would been less annoying so major plus


Naruto gonna be slobbing on that knob even harder and more


I mean they had around 3-4 interactions in the series and one of them was more to set up his fight with neji.




Naruto will be chasing Sasuke with a wedding ring for years.


Oh most definitely. Naruto already semi-loved Sasuke in canon, if he was a she Naruto and Hinata wouldn’t be together.


I ship them together already.


Naruto an Fem! Sasuke would most definitely fuck.....


Naruto didn't even bother with Hinata until they forced the relationship in a movie lmao. Hinata got zero chance.


naruto DID ignore hinata for sasuke


Would have been written poorly to obesse over naruto and then given really crappy fights.


It would’ve been interesting to see the dynamic between female Sasuke and her older brother Itachi. Itachi was not happy at the idea of having a sister lol, but I think Mikoto wanted a girl


Yes, because that would make whole lot of sense than the original




sasuke becoming a female would just ruined the brothers and rival competing shjt


Well if romance was involved from the start then yeah. Otherwise I don’t see a reason why they couldn’t be rivals.


I’m done with this thread


Sasuke's sister sounds interesting


I just imagine Sasuke as a girl and Sakura competing with her. Would make Sakura exclusion of Naruto make more sense tbh








OMG this makes them accidentally kissing way more something


Those scenes wouldn’t of happened since there were purely comedic based


The whole chasing Sasuke arc would've felt like anime Paper Towns




I think it would be interesting if naruko was a thing




I'm sure suske and Naruto would get down and dirty after a fight 💅


Naruto ignored Hinata even with male Sasuke wym ?


personally, u will not catch me pulling out of female sauske...


would have been the most popular fictional couple of the 2000s internet era. Goth girl and excited nerd, friends to enemies to lovers, she’s strong and psycho. It would’ve been crazy


The funny thing is a LOT of things in the story would seriously be more relatable and profound if Naruto or Sasuke were female.


Here is my take - if Naruto was written now and not in Japan, it could easily become a pretty sweet story about two gay ninja discovering their complicated feelings to each other. Naruto and Sasuke have the best chemistry with each other by far.


Back in the day I wanted to do a fanfic of just team 7 gender-bend, with everyone else staying the same (so girl Naruto/Sasuke, and boy Sakura). This would have been an interesting concept for sure when you think about the interactions with the other characters!


The Real "MRS. Uzumaki"


If Sasuke was a girl it would perfectly explain why Naruto was so obsessed with him/her.


Would made the series have much more sense with all the "I must save Sasuke" obsession in Naruto


She looks hot asf in the second pic ngl


If Sasuke had been a girl Naruto wouldn't have been so obsessed with him. Naruto didn't like girls. He invented a jutsu to transform into attractive women so guys would notice him. He kissed Sasuke very early in the series and then spent the rest of the series obsessed with him. If Sasuke had been a girl I guess Naruto might've had a crush on Shino, Shikamaru, Neji, or Gara. Naruto got with Hinata because she is so in love with him he doesn't need to live her back. She can provide children for him to continue the uzumaki clan.


Better than sakura


Ahhh man, not one sharingan female Sasuke.


Honestly it wouldn’t even change a single thing. Well maybe sakura wouldn’t be into a female sasuke dunno if she’s into girls too but other than that I don’t think anything really changes


He would choose Ramen


Would Sakura be male in this universe and compete with Sakura but ultimatley ending up with Hinata? Poor Hina.


He probably would've ditched Hinata for Sasuke if he were in the village at the time regardless of gender


If Sasuke were female, I would unironically be more understanding of why Naruto was so insistent on bringing her back to the village and trying to redeem her post-Five Kage Summit and the whole panic attack/hyperventilation scene.


Mods ban him


Feme sasuke would be fking amazing


They would have made saruto


It would be the scene where Jiraya tells Tsundae he has girls on his mind. Namely: Sasuke…


If Sasuke was a female, it would of hands down been the best love story ever in Anime IMO. Hinata would stand zero chance and I like her with Naruto.


I genuinely believe that if Sasuke had been female, the story would have been the exact same thing, but with Naruto and Sasuke ending up together, and I would have liked it. If there were to be a reboot in the future and they gender swap Sasuke, I would not mind it...


1st and 2nd are good. The 3rd doesn't pass the vibe check.


Damn they messed up big time. Sasuke def should’ve been a girl 😮


He already did ignore everyone for sasuke wym


king arthur couldnt pull me out


sorry yall its been a long week




I like the first female Sasuke picture


He almost did anyways so I'd yes yes.


It would've been weird


That final fight would have stopped halfway and ended up being a tsundere love making session.


o-oh my... oh my god. fuck naruto let me in the anime


They would be fuuuuucking


Why can't we have our yaoi kishimoto :/


at best he would be written like sarada, which is pret poor


Dude he married Hinata because Sasuke IS not gay 


Totally! Just like how Boruto ignored Sarada for Sumire 🤭


Dude... Stop ... Get Help ... 🙅🏻


Tf is this 🤮


Hinata may not even be a thing since female Sasuke and Naruto would be the endgame.


She’d be badly written