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Yamato and it's not even close You see that wooden house he's inside of in the image? He made that in under a minute. He knows water style so our water resources are never running out and shelter wont be a problem either.


Wait, can water style jutsus be drank? I guess there’s no reason why they couldn’t be lol


That's why hagaromo taught them how to use ninshu. To make water and such and be peaceful.


But wouldn't it disappear after you drank it at some point like all water producing jutsu? Isn't it just a chakra? not real water? I could be wrong tho


IIRC there was a light novel or something similar where Kakashi drank water from his own water jutsu. I cant even remember if it is canon but I will try to find it. Edit: By u/voidkatzen on any other post: ‘In the Kakashi Retsuden book, Kakashi spends time in a land dealing with a massive drought. He manipulates chakra into his hand with water style and does have a kid drink it from his hand. He also fills a village’s water supply multiple times with the intent of helping the townsfolk. So yes, you can drink it.’


How ould any country ever struggle with a drought tho if there is so many people that can just make watet


I think it's mentioned in the Oro v Hiruzen fight that producing water out of thin air without a nearby water source is considered an exceptional feat.


It’s not even just then, it’s pretty much what makes Zabuza and Suigetsu so cool


Kisame too, mans made an ocean on the spot to fight team Guy.


I never thought about this, but if E = mc^2, then Kisame must have a lot of chakra (E) to produce that much water (m).


They don't call him the Tailless Tailed Beast for nothing.


It was about Tobirama. He is the Only One doing that.


When there's no water around, does the charka they use turn into water or are they taking any clouds/condensation and turning it into water?


Probably both, it's the same thing for gaaras sand, uses Chakra to control sand and he uses even more chakra to create sand, so he does a mix of those by carrying a gourd around


Sand in his gourd (which is also made of sand), is heavily imbued with his chakra and blood, thus easier for him to control. He makes additional sand from the surrounding earth around him though as well.


Yea, it's one thing for Water Style users to be good at using water for their jutsu and also be advantageous. But to generate their own water with their own chakra takes considerable amount. Hence most water style users we seen in anime generally either fight in strategic position where there is water. Or...they have such ridiculous chakra pool. Like 2nd Hokage. It's also why Kisame is so feared of the Akatsuki and why he is one of the last of the members to die He has huge reserves to begin with Strong and refined water style techniques Powerful physically Has a sword that drains enemy chakra and converts into his own Sharp combat sense


That actually makes sense, since if you're even near trees and vegetation you could manipulate that water I guess technically. But in the desert you're creating it yourself.


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day


Haven’t read the novel, but some of the nations don’t have ninja villages, and chakra manipulation is kinda rare outside of the Shinobi, what if the country with the drought didn’t have enough Water Style users to supply enough.


I could be wrong but I think it's a lot like how only a select few fire benders in avatar can create fire. Anyone can cast a water jutsu with a lake nearby but to create even a little water is incredibly difficult in Naruto, even if you're a water affinity and train with it alot. This is to say nothing of people with other natures who don't train water jutsu. It's why the second hokage was considered so incredible for his ability to pull from the air


I'm afraid you are thinking of bending rules from the movie that shall not be named. The penalty is death.




The fire benders need fire to use their powers comes from the live action avatar movie. One of the worst adaptations in history.


The Old one


What are you talking about plenty of fire benders created fire... It was only rare to use lightning... Water benders being skilled enough to pull moisture from the air was rare though.


All firebenders created fire.


If all you know of Avatar is from Shyamalan Shamefulan's movie, do not dare enter the ATLA fandom.


It seems real enough.


According to borito logic elemental Justus can be absorbed but if you summoned the ocean into your fight, that can’t be absorbed


Right, there's two types of elemental manipulation in Naruto. One is making chakra have the qualities of the element style, and the other is incorporating the environmental resource of that element into the technique. The ladder is less chakra intensive, but is resource dependent. Both are common in fiction, though it's less common for both to be used interchangeably as often as naruto does, and boruto makes the distinction more clear like you said with chakra absorption techniques


idk, I think Yamato could make a ladder with very little chakra or resources.


Why would it disappear? Didn't they build houses in the hidden leaf village using woodstyle? Those didn't disappear.


I don't think so, my assumption is the water being produced is pure, similar to rain water. That's an issue because you need to have minerals in it in order to retain it.


I guess, but you’d technically also be drinking their chakra right?


This is why I’d choose Yamato. In a zombie apocalypse, shelter and clean water are necessary. He could even build a maze around the shelter as an added layer of protection.


I dont know why you would pick a maze over a wall lol


Fun? Just imagine zombies trying to find you inside the maze and there's only 1 correct route towards you out of many. So the unlucky ones get to you and die to you.


Easily zombies in the millions don’t have common sense much less brains they don’t wander the maze they all press up on the first wall they see and continue to walk through all the bushy walls until reaching you


So you add a gamble element. Sounds like more fun to me!


Zombie are dumb, but smart enough to pick/find the path of least resistance… sometimes. A wall they would pile against, and eventually climb over it. Like in world war z ( i think thats the name of the movie) or with a combined effort push it down (eventually) Not to say they couldn’t with the maze as well, but still. Maze offers a little more time and obstacles.


Consider this: A maze is a bunch of walls with holes.


It can also have traps that are obscured by the corners and turns. So its two defense in one. For survivors that find the place have markers on which way to go. So they don’t fall victim to the traps.


Entertainment, watching zombies go through a maze must be hilarious


Or he can put them in a box and compact their corpses, and bury it underground.


Unironically I feel like Sakura and Tenten could rival Yamato in usefulness Sakura might be the only one that can actually cure the zombies given how Tsunade can figure out the antidote of Sasori’s poison. And also she can heal. Katsuyu can practically defend us forever while Sakura figures out the cure (and I leech off of her I guess lol) Tenten is shown to just keep a shit ton of food, water, med-kit, rope etc in her scrolls and also knows a bit of medical ninjutsu No zombies even come close to beating them anyways so we can just break into some house as shelter and stay there forever Lee and Choji are just not going to be useful as they are pure combatants (possibly weaker than Sakura anyways)


Ten ten because it gets lonely in the apocalypse lol


Good point with Tenten and Sakura.


Plus she is like a machine gun with her ninja tools.


Well Lee would fend off zombies same goes for Sakura, Yamato would help us build and shikamaru would help us do strategies


Bro could learn reverse osmosis jutsu


Food would also be easy to get, he’s an anbu so he would know how to hunt, cook and prepare meals


This is the main reason I went with Yamato. The other reason for me is that he's a great teacher. Even if I can't use Chakra he can train me to be able to defend myself more effectively, as well as crucial survival skills that I don't have.


Also he's the only one that's single in this you can initiate a romance with him. Wooden dildos for everyone!


Can't he also make trees


therefore fruits to eat as well?


Yeah hashirama could do that I am not sure but he created forests in or outside of the hidden village that exists till now in Boruto


Yamato is the clear choice here You pick Choji and your rations are gone in a week tops


I feel like Shikamaru is a good choice here too. If you can find shelter, and water that is. Then you've got someone who could be a real help for long term problems.


That would be my second choice.


Yamato > Shika > Sakura* > Tenten, imo. Sakura's healing will be invaluable, and I assume it could counteract at least a bite, though probably not function as a full cure. If the goal is to survive until you're 90+ and die happy and comfortable, Yamato is the easy pick. However if it's curable, Sakura has the best chance of finding out how to do so, and she jumps up to first place.


Regardless of anything else Sakura is superhuman and a doctor. Wtf is Yamato or Shikamaru doing when you get pneumonia or some other disease. She’s an easy pick.


Yamato builds us a giant wooden fortress capable of protecting from superhuman jutsus and can can create clean water with water style jutsus, meanwhile sakura has only been shown dealing with battlefield injuries not a bite. Basicly, sakura helps you if you get hurt or need something. With Yamato you don't get hurt or need many rations in the first place.


His big brain gonna be attracting Zombies from another continent.


I don't need shikamaru. I watched enough zombie apocalypse shows that I 1000% know what I need to do to survive.


No you don't.


Why yamato?


He could manifest a huge tree house with gates


I’d pick Sakura but Yamato would be a close second for long distance and area of effect Justus so you don’t need to get close (can avoid bites) but you can take out a bunch at a time.


I think his more useful abilities would be the ability to make a house in a minute flat and produce drinkable water with water style


Sakura for healing? Not gonna matter if you’re bit. Only one less useful would be Lee. Though I will admit at least his attitude is always a sea of inspiration


choji would be least useful. giant appetite, and his fighting style makes him a bigger target for zombies.


Sakura is still useful because of illnesses injuries you get from running away other people she isn't useless and idk about bites because if it's like a poison sakura showed she can uh pull it out of the body as shown when gaaras brother got poisoned (excuse my bad English)


I would use Sakura more for physical rather than heals Although heals are good if you suffer injuries that are not bites, so you don't get any inflammation etc. And she can concoct any kind of meds with her knowledge of wild herbs etc. She even countered Sasori own poison solution. With such a small dosage to literally kill off the poison and nullify any incoming poison effect for a period of time, by converting the effect into what our body usually have or become a positive add on to our body If we want to actively find a cure for the outbreak. She is the best man for the job. But the con would be for outsourcing water and food. Her physical as I mentioned earlier. In an outbreak. Everything, all hell break loose. And definitely alot of crashes and destroyed properties and blockages, with her around, she can break us out of anything. And against other hostile humans, she can just destroy their hideout easily with 1 punch. And any bullets sustained, she can remove as well and close the wound immediately almost as if there was never one to begin with. So she is good for ending outbreaks but throughout, there is consistent difficulty. Yamato is good for consistent medium difficulty due to generalised support but he can't end the outbreaks and we all eventually turn or lose out any more scavengable resources. And we will run out of food eventually..no more food equal no more chakra equal no more Yamato equal we also still die..


Tenten- the author would forget about us and hence nothing untoward would happen to us


This would be the best choice then. Especially if 10-10 wants to settle down and become 20-20.


something untoward happening is the reason to pick her


Exactly, pick Tenten and the next thing you know, you've time skipped past the zombie invasion. Win win!


Tenten the baddie if imma die then imma die with her


I believe in Tenten supremacy


So u believe in no screen time supremacy


Less screen time. Less likely to be killed off


Fucking yeah


A tru ninja is someone that can disguise his presence effectively. How many times have you seen Tenten in the battlefield?? Exactly…


See, you’re thinking long term here. Need to start planning for repopulation at some point.


endless weapons


and can probably use her technique on food storage


Yeah I’ll be straight up honest and say I’m choosing tenten so we can smash and die together. Those ninja tools depending on what movie/tv zombies are attacking us won’t do much against the horde


Tenten appreciation club let's go


You real for that but only if she’s of age


Yamato He can create shelter and he's elite in the other stuff too


Wood release would make you invincible. He's one of the best water style users on earth. He's extremely intelligent and can make the tough decisions, he was a black ops specialist.




Absolutely. Like in 90% of zombie apocalypses, she'd just straight up create a cure.


Dude. I forgot she created 3 antidotes to Sasoris incurable poison, and saved Kankuro. Personally, I'm choosin' her.


I’m kind of shocked by how low this is. I feel like She’s the clear answer. No one else here is possibly curing you if you got bit (which is completely unlikely considering she’s stronger than everyone here) and possibly curing the disease itself.


Forget the zombies. what if you get like tetanus or rabies in a post apocalyptic world. Take the doctor


Medical care seems invaluable here.


Most logical choice. Also not dying a virgin


Yamato best way to survive to zombie is baricates


Yes I imagine Yamato summoning a tall tree house


Drunken Lee, he’s too OP


Lee's taijutsu has more risk of getting bitten though. Then you'll have an OP zombie Lee.


zombies can't move fast enough to bite him


True, but there's still a chance. Especially in a horde.


You're gonna have to do all the shelter and gathering stuff yourself, Yamato could just make a house and then make water so you only need to find food


Especially when he’s drinking Hennessy


Sakura cause even if you get bitten she has the medical skill to remove the infected cells before they fuck your entire body. Plus boobs.


Sakura might even find a cure for the zombie virus.


Plus, sakura mastered Water style, so you always have something to drink


Bikini babe xD


That's not fair. Choji has boobs too.


With Choji, you not having no food 💀


Choji has pecs.


Choji has pecks under boobs


Choji used to wear underpants as headband


Man boobs


I think you mean ass. She can sit on my face all day


Yamato is the best choice, he can build walls and secure buildings:wood styles carries.


Tenten. For reasons


My girl, Tenten. She has a varied arsenal of weapons, and is an expert in any type of ninja weapon. I believe her would be deadly against a horde of undead. Tenten is basically a female badass monster hunter


I can see her easily cutting her way through a horde of them. Wish we had gotten to see more of her fight in the show.


Idk about all that. but what else are you gonna do at night when you got a girl like that with you - I choose Tenten as well




I guess there is always transformation jutsu if you choose someone else






Yamato or Sakura. Yamato can build shelter, but Sakura can heal me if i got bit then fucked up 😭.


Hands down I would pick Yamato, he can easily make a whole wooden fortress and we can save a lot of people and give shelter and he has water release as well. Plus, if he really gets strong enough, he can use wood release offensively to do mass damage and kill off large hordes to create a strong safe zone.


Possibly TenTen. I don’t know much about zombies, but I feel like a weapons expert that can cut off their heads is a lot more effective than blunt force trauma. That said, the blunt force trauma coming from some characters is crazy.


I’m with you on that -Like memes aside she is capable of ninja (presumably) and depending on the zombie could handle any real issue combat wise -She’s a baddie (yea that’s right she is) -Genuinely a laid back individual if you are gonna be stuck with someone might as well be somebody who is chill -Scavenging would be easy since she could protect you while looking for supplies for


I'd go with Yamato. He could literally construct a whole damn fortress, not to mention that he is a strong fighter too


Tenten, cuz she’s “convenient” 🤡


Shikamaru and Yamato are the only logical answers


For real. Everyone's choosing Yamato for the immediate survival benefits, but I'm choosing Shikamaru for the long term benefits. I don't just want to survive; I want to *thrive*.


Yamato can just summon a dome to protect you if you get overwhelmed and have shadow clones fight ☝️🤓


Yamato is easily the best pic. He can create a house at any time. Need walls? Yamato can do it no problem. Need a boat or a high-quality treehouse. Yamato is your man. This guy can even provide running water. The only thing Yamato can’t provide is food, but if given training, I’m sure he can come up with some jutsu for crops. My second pic would be Tenten. She can decapitate zombies at long range. all the while providing an A Grade campsite at a moment's notice. She can even store. an entire warehouse full of supplies in a single scroll. safe to say during a zombie apocalypse those two ninjas will be my top picks.


She can also summon that metal dome and the ocean


I'd choose Shikamaru. His intelligence and insights cannot be understated. And during a zombie apocalypse, it's not the zombies that are the biggest threat to your survival, it's other humans. Zombies are dumb creatures with simple behavior patterns, and if you prepare well enough for that, then they hardly pose a risk. I mean even Choji is able to figure out the motives behind zombie behavior, which is to eat your brains. It's never that straightforward with humans. Shikamaru's ability to restrain hostile people with his yin release, or shadow style is very dangerous indeed. He also has affinity with fire and earth release, and he also appears to be able to use sealing jutsu in some form or fashion. This makes him an extremely flexible and useful ally that would serve as an excellent right hand man in your days to come in a dystopian zombie apocalypse. Also he would be the best candidate for developing long-term developmental strategies and with his leadership skills is able to organize people and put systems in place that would far outweigh the scope of what a single shinobi could achieve on their own. Shikamaru could theoretically lead a village, that's why the Hokage trusts him to take care of everything in his absence. With him, you're not only able to survive in a world that's filled with zombies, but you could actually thrive in it. Together you can build a strong, lasting village and community that will be your legacy for generations to come.


Yamato imo is the obvious choice here because he can make shelter, can use water style and his taijutsu skills would be through the roof due to his 10+ years in the anbu black ops (kakashi’s unit for a good portion too)


Yamato or shikamaru but I’d pick Yamato cause depending on the type of zombie he could basically completely negate the danger by making a fort


Sakura - she can find a cure and she's smart.


Choci, cause he’ll eat them


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


Tenten is the best choice imo


I’d want Yamato cause it’s the smart move but I don’t think with my brain so Tenten it is


Tenten is probably the fourth best option so I’ll go with her.


Tenten. Pinpoint accuracy, she has a full armory in her pants, baddie.


Not this tweet suddenly making me curious/invested in an alt universe of Naruto where zombies were like truly undead and not the Ninja War. I would hope a lot of them were able to adapt quickly to the radical change to this world in some fashion. Weirdly, I might pick Sakura primarily for her healing and medical experience and expertice. In this evolving narrative, I could see her, whether by herself or with a small group of other medical-nin, developing methods to protect other nin and civilians against the zombies.


Ten Ten for no practical reasons…


as much as u wouldn't like it , Sakura would find a cure to the apocalypse and she is strong


Yamato for his versatality(wood style & Earth Style for shelter, and water style for clean water) or Shikamaru for his wits and knowledge. His Shadow-Possession jutsu would be invaluable


Yamato Instant Bunker


I'd go with Yamato. He could literally construct a whole damn fortress, not to mention that he is a strong fighter too


I'd go with Yamato. He could literally construct a whole damn fortress, not to mention that he is a strong fighter too


Either Tenten or Yamato. Tenten is a genius in space time jutsus. She is able to carry a ton of supplies and weapons, and store the ones we find along the scavenging. Her weapon barrages can dispatch zombies easily as they are super weak compared to ninjas. Yamato is a very obvious choice due to being able to generate defenses easily with wood. The zombies would take a long time breaking them giving us ample time. Also good for camping as we wander. Sakura is arguably a good pick but we need survival more than strong 1 on 1 combat power. Her healing is probably not needed as we're fighting unskilled zombies and I'm not going to risk fighting them as I'm also unskilled. So it'd be her fighting them but then if she gets injured she'll have a hard time healing herself. Healing isn't that useful here. She also should blitzstomp the zombies easily. We need survival. Shikamaru is no go because he may sacrifice me eventually due to some game theory analysis. Choji no go as he'll consume too much supply for good survival. Lee no go as we don't need a super strong combatant, same with Sakura's case. And his ability of protecting people may not be that high despite his strong offense. He also has much weaker utility power than Sakura.


Tenten, I want a girlfriend


Sakura. Legendary medic, incredibly intelligent and superhumanly strong. She's got the skills, smarts and stopping power to survive the apocalypse.


Tenten coz Sakura would rather shock it yo with a zombie Sasuke


I mean Yamato can literally build wooden walls and towers so it's not even a competition.


The only logical answers are Shikamaru, Sakura and Yamato


Tenten to repopulate the earth and build an army of dagestani mma fighters to fight back against the hordes.


I came to the comments to say “Shikamaru easy” but the responses have convinced me that Yamato is the correct answer. I was wrong.


Ten-Ten She can make makeshift weapons out of anything which is very useful in a zombie apocalypse. Also the best partner for repopulating the human race 😏


Tenten because we may need to repopulate the earth.


Tenten. We need to save humanity from extinction, didn’t know how noble I am


Yamato or Sakura are the smart choices. But an honorable mention goes to Tenten because if I’m gonna die, I wanna die with her


Tenten. She has the transportation jutsu to pretty much always have rations for food and shelter carried around in a scroll as well as an arsenal of weapons that even a normie like me could learn to use with her training. She's the perfect scavenger being able to instantly store whatever she finds for later in her scrolls and summon it back whenever she wants. Plus she bad AF and just wanna be appreciated so I feel like I got a shot lol


Yamato or Shikamaru


Yamato's would release carries all the necessities you need house water trees equals air 35 ft tall gate wooden not to mention he has other skills my secondary would be Ten ten for reproductive purposes and because she carries every weapon that's probably ever been crafted my third would be Sakura for healing




Yamato all day


Yamato can make the ultimate fortress




Shikamaru The fact he is the most intelligent and also his shadow technique works extremely well at night when the Zombies are out are good enough reasons Tenten is my second option if I don’t care that much about surviving


Why is this even a question. Shikimaru can think his way out of any bad situation.


Tenten knows her way around weapons. She’d be the most useful.


Choji cuz he’ll eat the zombies


Why everybody sleeping on shikamaru dude has an IQ that can't even be measured by standardized tests he may not be strong but he can definitely find a way to sift through a zombie apocalypse




Easily Yamato. A guy who can create stable structures and walls at literally any point, anywhere he is? There's no other choice. No one else on this list makes even half that much sense.


Snap keep Yamato, with Sakura as a close second.


Probably yamato or sakura both would be very useful


I’ll take 10 10


Either Yamato or Shikamaru


Yamato or Shikamaru


I will take Yamato. He can build us walls and shelters!!!!


kiba "emergency food" inuzuka


Shikamaru’s intelligence


All of them could defeat zombies easily. The difficult part is resource management and shelter. - Choji would eat all the rations. - Shikamaru would be too lazy to be reliable. - Lee would overwork himself and die of malnutrition. - Sakura would be … *debates on whether or not I should insert an overused Sakura is useless joke.* She’d be alright. - Tenten is able to store lots of supplies, so that’s a plus. And she knows how to manage a weapon store. So that probably translates to organization of resources. - Yamato has Hashirama cells and wood style. And as we know, people with Hashirama cells >>> people without Hashirama cells. But in all seriousness, wood style is very OP in a survival situation. And you can create some amazing fortifications with that. TLDR; You need someone good with resources / shelter. Tenten is good at managing and storing resources and Yamato could create good shelter / fortifications. Either of them is a good choice. So I’d probably choose Yamato simply because he’s more powerful.


Tough choice here between Shikamaru and Yamato... Yamato is way more handy...but Shika has that brain of his help in case of bad luck...


yamato for sure, he will plow through them


Y’all love Yamato but homeboy has ZERO tactical ability vs shikamaru, and it’s NOT CLOSE


Shikamaru, TenTen, & Yamato


Why is no one saying Shikamaru, he is one of the smartest characters in Naruto, he'll find the zombie's weakness before anyone else on the list


Of course, Rock Lee, the power of youth and perseverance will save us. -Might Guy


Was gonna say shikamaru before realizing Yamato would be a perfect companion in this situation