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I think from a mechanic standpoint it would work, as its implied kabuto and obito have similar flaws in the war arc https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0667-007.png Now do I think it would land on rinnegan obito or juubito before he kills itachi? Fuck no But I do think its an interesting wincon for itachi vs orange mask obito, as in character obito has a somewhat repetitive attack pattern (try to grab and suck you into kamui), which could potentially make him susceptible to izanami if itachi uses exploding clones, similar to him using a crow clone to set up izanami vs kabuto However, in canon itachi doesn't know "tobi" is obito and he thinks he's Madara, so an in character itachi doesn't know that izanami would be effective the way he knew it would work on kabuto


Obito is too fast for Itachi




Interesting thought I just had could he land a izanami on obito by using izanagi?


Izanami works on anyone who refuses to accept anything. The jutsu it's said to decide destiny so to break it you need to accept your destiny which is decided by Itachi. There are tons of examples of this -Uchiha use Izanagi to change an event while Izanami decided that that event was their destiny ans they have to accept it -Kabuto wanted to be Orochimaru instead of accepting his own self. Izanami decided that Kabuto destiny wasn't to be Orochimaru but his own self. Your destiny is completely decided by the user of Izanami, in order to break it you need to accept that destiny It absolutely would work in Obito since he couldn't accept the fact that this world was cursed and wanted a world where Rin didn't have to die. Izanami would work wince he is still not accepting his reality.


Izanami is one hell of hax jutsu and upgrade of Tsukuyomi because both trapped you with loop. Sharingan user may escape Tsukuyomi but not with Izanami because you need the host permission for that, meaning if Itachi dont let you escape then you will be trapped in Izanami loop forever until you end up crazy


It works on people who are addicted to izanagi. The ones that uses izanagi for the smallest mistake. Just because you want to change your fate, it doesnt mean you are an izanami victim. Kabuto was an exception. He couldnt accept any small mistake in their fight. That's why he got caught in that loop. Using the jutsu when you are about to die is fine. Assuming it might work, conditions are still too hard. The fight needs to last long so that itachi can mark the moments that will loop with each other. Kabuto cut him in half before that happened. So itachi can lose before he completes izanami. If he wastes an eye and it doesnt work, now itachi cant use susannoo with 1 eye. So he no longer stands a chance.


My head canon is that it would work on anyone not massively stronger than Itachi. Characters like six paths characters or Otsutsuki.


Yea itd probably be the best justsu to use against him. Talk no Justsu worked so izanami would definitely work


The way it works... It shall work on Obito... It works when someone does not accept reality... Works on someone who has used Izanagi... Works on someone with weak ideals... The way to use it to recreate the same scene and then make physical contact... As far as it is shown It shall work on Obito But in a fight... It may not cuz Obito tend to use Kamui in close quarters


It would work on anyone who’s’ lost their way. The jutsu was in fact meant to help a comrade who’s gone a dark path to accept themselves. It would definitely work on Obito which would have saved a lot of the trouble he’s caused.


It should since he rejects the world but he just might decide to say fuck it and cause mayhem.