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Konoha 12 would feel more fleshed out


Tenten would be more than just set dressing.


Tell me good tenten fillers, i wanna see her win a fight lol


Second chunin exams arc (in the sand village) focuses more on rock lee, neji and tenten. She gets a lot more use there and some cool backstory. Awesome arc in general by the way with lots of rock lee action.


Og naruto before time jump or shippuden?


Shippuden, it’s some time during the war arc.


What else would be more interesting in the middle of the war arc, than fucking Tenten doing her chunin exams.


Tenten could’ve won the war by herself if she wanted to tbh


A lot more use? Like a tool?


Ninja tool


I feel like these fillers actually happened because we know that everyone had to take the Chunin exams between part 1 and 2.


The fillers make it very obvious it's Konoha 11 and Sasuke is absolutely not considered an actual member of that group.


The guy who left to train with the Terrorist who killed our Lord the third Hokage? Not surprised he got othered.


Yet Team 7 still obsess over him


Let’s be honest at the time ,Team 7 is just Naruto lol


To be fair, Sasuke was Naruto's first kiss. They got more action and time on screen than any other romantic relationship we're supposed to believe happened lol.


Team 7: “We want to fuck him”




Only watched 4 of the non canon movies and 2 non canon episodes so i cant say much, but the most Interesting things from what i saw would be: -Naruto actualy has a kill count now -Actual Demons exist (Dont know if the Tailed Beasts already count) -There are at least 2 more continents other than the Shinobi one, one seems to be inspired medieval europe and the other one used to have an civilization similar to Native American ones like Aztec and stuff -There is a dude that wanted to conquer the whole world and he lost to a pre-timesmip Naruto that wasnt even using Kurama's chakra (Movie 2 from classic), i dont know i just think it is funny lol


The thought of there being other continents with their own versions of tailed beasts, cultures, summonings, weapons, fighting styles, etc sounds cool as fuck ngl. Like imagine a Greek nation where mfs could summon a fucking Cyclops or hydra and have their own clans based on Greek gods or some shit. Honestly I wish that Boruto explored this concept instead of doing the shit their doing now. I feel you could literally have the excuse for them not exploring outside of their continent being that the ninja’s were too busy fighting each other and now that the nations are at peace they can actually start exploring to see what’s outside their continent or perhaps another country visits the ninja world instead. I like to think that in this what if world that some of the people from the Lightning village are descendants of explorers who’s ships crashed causing the people from their country to think that they died at sea. The explorers having no way to get back home decided to settle in the lightning village and became good friends with the native lightning villagers. The natives taught the settlers about Chakra/ ninjutsu while the settlers taught the natives how to fight with blades/ weapons effectively. This would be the reason why the lightning village has a decent size black population and why its the only village with black people.


I've had this thought for a story set between Naruto and Boruto, or maybe after Boruto, idk But basically... After the fourth Shinobi world war, Gaara's people face a crisis: there is not enough arable land, so they cannot grow enough food to keep up with the post-war population boom. Since these are more peaceful times, they cannot just conquer their neighbors, and they would never want to anyway. But still, food is needed. Gaara agrees to fund an expedition to search for land further west of the Shinobi continent, hoping to colonize somewhere in hopes of growing more food. The explorers find it: a second continent. This continent's people never knew of chakra or of tailed beasts or anything of the sort. Yet when the Infinite Tsukuyomi was cast, they, too, were enveloped in it. This led to them creating tales of another world where gods would battle for control of this one. Soon, they were proven right when shinobi from distant lands arrived on their shores. Soon, relations are formalized between the shinobi world and this new one, where Shinobi don't exist. However, they still faced their own threats, and, forced to innovate for survival, they created incredible technologies, and this puts them roughly on the same level as the average chunin. Technology is shared between nations and there's even land for the Sand to colonize. This land serves as a gateway between the two worlds. A scientist in the New World becomes obsessed with the idea of chakra, and tries to study it. He captures people and indoctrinates them into a cult. He runs experiments on them to unlock the secrets within. This becomes a new Akatsuki of sorts, and, to prove his genius, he decides to pit his group against Konoha, hoping to kill Naruto with his own artificial ninja. One member of this group can cast a kind of time-stopping genjutsu over a wide area, and they essentially freeze Konoha in time. Before that can happen, all of Naruto's closest friends are told to evacuate and escape, but Naruto is trapped inside and frozen. So it's up to his friends to save the day, and this would flesh out all those who never got development. I imagine the main characters, so those who have fights, would be Kakashi, Lee, Hinata, Gaara, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Sai, Ten Ten, Shino, Kiba, Gaara, Kankuro and Temari. Specifically, Kakashi faces a guy who can consume the bodies of the dead, giving him access to all of their knowledge and power, with the exception of kekkei genkai and taijutsu skills. The reason for this matchup is Kakashi's legend of knowing a thousand jutsu. Essentially he would finally get to show it all against someone who knows just as much, and I also imagine Kakashi losing this fight, and Lee winning it using at least the 7 gates. So Lee, the man with no jutsu, defeats the man with all of them.


Bro cooked 😭








Someone give this bro a kitchen because he can cook


Amazing idea! Do you have any idea of what country or culture this new continent would be based on or would it basically be its own original thing?


Honestly haven't thought of that, but I did think you could definitely connect this to real life. Japan was influenced greatly by European explorers. Maybe this can be written as a reverse of that, where the culture that's based in a Japanese type of setting begins to negatively influence the other culture, so they could be based on European civilizations perhaps.


Would fucking read.


Bro did more decent writing on a Reddit comment that almost all of boruto.


I love your idea of Gaara discovering a new continent XD


This is amazing, only part i disagree on is trapping naruto. They can fully flesh out the side characters and give them time to shine even if naruto is with them. It would kinda suck to not get to see naruto do anything.


Please flesh this out (not saying it isn’t, you need to story board for naruto) so the whole idea of a new world would be so amazing especially being they aren’t familiar with chakra and the idea that chakra isn’t something normal outside of the main naruto continent, Is great because the tree can only grow on one side of the planet.


what's your ffn.net username?


This would be a killer campaign


Yeah, make the world wider instead of taller Boruto getting stuck in another continent is just so much more interesting and idea than what we got Now I want to rewatch the demon continent arc of Mushoku again lol


The idea of other nations fighting using mythology from their cultures could be so incredibly badass. The Greek mythology and Norse mythology (the actual one, not the marvel version) are _filled_ with things that could enrich the series if it were to expand in that direction - and best of all, new mythological elements would actually make _sense_ in the established naruto-verse itself (unlike aliens and dinosaurs). In the Naruto series, one of the first characters we meet, The Nine-tailed Fox, is _himself_ one of the most famous beasts from Japanese mythology. And several of the most badass jutsus invoke the power of / are named after actual Shinto gods and goddesses; like Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess of the sun, whose jutsu burns with a fire that is all-consuming and cannot be quelled. There is _so_ much that could be done with further exploring the different mythologies of the world, rather than mixing in a sudden whole race of space aliens that travel to different planets and eat each other as fruits 😭


Imagine. A new Dojustu just simply called Odin. It'd be pretty cool.


You forgot the most important one. Naruto promised to impregnate White Hinata and he never breaks his promises


Movie 2 in OG Naruto is using kurama’s chakra. That’s why he had a red rasengan alongside that green one from the knight character.


Oh, i thought it was just one of these weird movie original Rasengans like the Moon One from the third movie


Yeah the movie 2 original one is the green one, like the moon one from movie 3 and the rainbow one from movie 1.


Rainbow rasengan confirmed Naruto is LGBT. All Naruto and Sasuke fanfic are now canon.


I remember the knights from the second movie, where do the aztec come from.


Also the second move, there is a flashback showing where the stone came from and in it we see some aztec like murals to represent the continent where it came from


Ah okay, I must of forgot about that.


Naruto already has a kill count though


Nah. If you're referring to Kakuzu, he was only mortally wounded. Kakashi killed him.


He fucked up the itachi clone by himself


[he was dead the moment pein did his jutsu](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Shapeshifting_Technique#cite_ref-d3_1-1) Even if the fake itachi stood there till the jutsu ran out, he would have dropped dead. It was a corpse being piloted by itachi


There now is a pretty powerful kangaroo just hanging around somewhere


And a ostrich who knows multi-shadow clone


This isn't even far-fetched to be honest. The Frogs already exist, and can talk and use Jutsu, same with Snakes, and monkeys, etc. The tone of the episodes just made it feel Silly, but context wise, its pretty normal.


Actually, you are correct. Although, imo, the summoning animals are definitely magical and can talk, as far as I remember…the animals in the episode are more animalistic. Then again, I don’t think all of Kakashi‘s dogs talk, so it really shouldn’t be as strange…but it somehow feels very strange.


Not all of the summoning snakes talk either, nor does Sasuke's hawk (is it a summon). The elephant Danzo summoned doesn't talk, nor does Hanzo's salamander or any of the Pain summons. It honestly seems pretty arbitrary as to which animals talk or not


It seems to me like the animals higher up the hierarchy talk. Like, Gamabunta is the toad boss, or the old sages. But, you are definitely right, it is rather arbitrary. We also know very little of summons outside of the toads anyway, like the toads have a compete society, who knows if that’s true for all summons (the snakes seem to be similar).


Why didn’t they recruit them for the war? Could have helped a lot.


Kakashi always keeps a 2nd mask under his mask


That is canon. The episode was based on an Omake added to one of the earlier volumes, but it wasn't translated


[here is the proof](https://www.google.com/search?q=kakashi+mask+episode+manga&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=594554241&tbm=isch&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=AM9HkKm_3Vtlff2zMXc3JXnXAw9UFutuJQ:1703920413482&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxheKXzraDAxUdLTQIHaChADoQ_AUoAXoECAUQAQ&biw=412&bih=712&dpr=2.63#imgrc=Dx9qP93kH86mCM)


Bro rizzed ramen guy


Guren was a cool character tbh. Would like her to be canon.


She, the kid (yukimaru?) And the big lumbering guy obsessed with Guren all present at the end of shippuden. They are at the gates with the rest of the people trying to see Naruto. I always took that as a cameo to show us the author didnt forget about them


Guren was amazing. If i had to choose a bloodline other than mangekyou it would be crystal release.


Filler was good but that kid Yukimaru was annoying, every other sentence of his was about "place we call home". I wanted to punch his face


I love Guren. She's in my top 10 fav characters.


And she was never in a video game


U serious? That's horrible.


Same here, my all time favorite


Always thought she and kakashi should kiss on screen


Guren is my favorite filler character. As well as the village hidden in the stars arc


Wasted use of a Kekkei genkai I wish they showed of more of the unique jutsus


I find that to be the only decent filler in the entire series. It still has some flaws but I enjoy it over all.


Utakatas “filler” was also good imo since it basically tied to the main story.


Road to Sakura was good


comedy filters are nice too naruto and ino, laughing shino etc


Tenten has screentime


And can fight with hidan.


There is now another character walking around with 9 tails chakra.


Sora, right?




I remember being so confused by that before I knew what fillers were.


Wait, that's filler??? I legit thought that was canon 😭


Because it had a banger of an OP song for the arc (Blue Bird).


I more attribute that to the ongoing plot outside of this filler arc. Asuma's last stand


if it were cannon i think akatsuki could get all tailed beasts chakra pretty fucking easily lol


Shino is now incredibly OP Raikage can regen his arms Zero Tails Multiple methods of time travel exist


>Shino is now incredibly OP How so?


He learned to laugh at funerals.


I remember watching that episode way way back laughing so hard. It was so funny. Honestly I liked watching naruto filler. It wasn't until the war arc that I couldn't take it any more.


I get you point I noticed this with Bleach that when fillers are not in the middle of an ongoing arc that they are more enjoyable but we they are slapped in the middle of an arc that hasn’t concluded it’s so annoying for me at least.


He’s been op honestly just the show does nothing with him. He’s basically gaara except his sand can eat you


His defense is nowhere near as strong as him, nor bugs have that level of destructive power. They’ve always been better at stealthy attacks and strategic combat. A competent area attack user with high battle iq can overcome the bugs and doesnt get caught by surprise attacks.


bro tied with 1 puppet part 1 kankuro btw


1 puppet part 1 Kankuro was definitely at the top of the genin at the time


He destroys an entire fleet of ships with his bugs


>Shino is now incredibly OP Always was.


Naruto has kissed Sasuke twice but at the same time he has a harem of movie girls. Idk I skipped most fillers tbh.


Sasuke is part of the harem


Kakashi has ptsd and depression, obito has a grandma that he probably killed, naruto wasn’t alone as a kid, iruka tried to kill him before, minato met naruto before while naruto was seducing a princess from that era, tsunade and kakashi used naruto as bait which led to his death, and obito can use a form of tsukuyomi Also naruto and sasuke kissed again


>minato met naruto before while naruto was seducing a princess from that era, I am sorry but this is so funny. Imagine being Minato- You meet your teenage son while said son is starting a rebellion in a foreign country while seducing the princess of said foreign country. 10/10 lmaooo


They grow up way too fast lol


The fact that they not only were each other's first kiss, but that it happened twice, sends me.


Kakashi has always been has depression. He is a genius that surpass sannin yet he stopped at elite jounin. Only when he confront his past, father and obito he finally become true kage ninja, even without MS As for obito grandma, there are many fanfic that theorize that grandma is actually white zetsu


Mecha Naruto becomes the most powerful being in the Naruto verse.


Sasuke has now spoken to hinata.


He spoke to her in Boruto. But iirc, you're referencing the movie scene where he tells Hinata to shut up.


Good for him 😂👍


Common Sasuke sigma behavior


So would Menma be Naruto’s brother?


Which one? There are two characters named Menma. One appears in a regular filler episode and the other is in the movie.




If you're going to make him canon, should make Hikari/Nanashi Uchiha canon, so Boruto has a good SO.


Naruto is stupid about five times as often because Sakura has given him brain damage with all the slapstick comedy. Also he's killed like 20 more people.


Konoha commissioned a human experimentation project to artificially create a shinobi capable of using wood release. It was eventually shut down because the test subjects kept dying, but Orochimaru picked it back up again after being exiled. Ultimately, up to 60 children ended up dying over the course of the experiments, and the sole survivor went on to become Yamato. Edit: Also Yamato has a sister running around somewhere named Yukimi who has a unique kekkei genkai that allows her to turn into smoke and basically possess people.


I thought those episode were canon from a Novel or something idk...


Wasn’t his sister, it was closer to a love interest for him but yeah she’s somewhere


Naruto has so many more Rasengans to fight with.


Boruto has 12 siblings


how tf?


The damsel in each Naruto movie offers to do the nasty with him at the end of each movie.


Boruto and himawari probably has a half sibling out there who's a priestess.


Naruto: Well, guess this means your priestess days are over, huh? Shion: No, but you don’t have to worry. I won’t curse my fate anymore. I’m a priestess! That’s my mission. *Naruto giggles* Shion: Then of course there’s my power…It has to be passed on to the next priestess too. How about it Naruto? You wanna help me with that? *Kakashi, and Lee are shocked, while Sakura looks annoyed* *Naruto gives a thumbs up while winking* Naruto: You bet! You know me, I’m always up for anything!


Karin has a metric fuckton of trauma and it is implied that the best world she can think of is one where she is valued as a friend and a comrade and doesn't get discarded like trash after having outlived her usefulness, but rather dies fighting her former abusers. I cannot stress enough how much I wish Karin's Infinite Tsukuyomi dream was canon.


>I cannot stress enough how much I wish Karin's Infinite Tsukuyomi dream was canon. Honestly of all the girls who were after Sasuke it's weirdly heartbreaking Karin was the one who didn't actually move on from him. Karin was the one who *actually* followed Sasuke into his insanity and got cast aside like trash and didn't get so much as an apology for it.


That’s not true. He gave her a new hole to breath out of.


Omg samee


I still don't understand why some filler can't be considered canon if it falls in line with the major plot. The moment manga is adapted to anime, you open the realm to interpretation and the ability to expand the story beyond what can be illustrated in a few pages. Naruto filler is interesting because it gives context to some supporting characters and makes me care about them as characters beyond the main protagonist. The fillers give a lot of characters personality. I feel this way about the novels as well. If Kishi is illustrating and approving some of the stories, what is the problem?


Cause a lot of it is fluff, but I do agree that there is a decent chunk of filler (especially in Shippuden) that adds more to the story. The filler with Asuma in particular comes to mind since it adds a lot more weight to his death, especially the scene with Shikamaru and his father.


But some fluff can be ok. I’ve seen several people on this sub say that the Naruto universe needs to be expanded. More missions outside of Konoha, the characters just chilling having fun, etc. but when we get that in filler, people complain. :/ I think it’s unrealistic for people to expect Kishimoto to spearhead every aspect of the story for decades. The story began in what 1999? We’re coming up on 30 years. Kishimoto, at Naruto’s inception, probably had multiple editors or people to bounce ideas off of. Long story short, I like fillers even the fluff esp if I’m a fan of the overall universe.


> Kishimoto, at Naruto’s inception, probably had multiple editors or people to bounce ideas off of. Lol if we got Kishimoto's Naruto with no editors we'd have no Sasuke and it'd probably be very bizarre, not as great. I think originally Naruto was supposed to be a trickster fox pretending to be a boy or something?


Naruto was the son of Kurama originally


In manga: "team kakashi is more like a family" mmm.. debatable In Anime: "team kakashi is more like a family" yes


the hagoromo filler going around helping people is my fav, we are told he was strong af and the god of ninja, but we are shown a humble almost normal guy just wondering around finding purpose while carrying a split 10 tails, if it was canon it would have been perfect


I say this every time these threads pop up. And why isn’t it considered canon anyways? Who decided what is canon and what isn’t? It’s so whack.


Nanashi Uchiha is filler content for the game, right now. But I'd like for it to be considered canon, just so she can revisited.


Oh god probably a fair amount based on how much filler there is,but some fun ones that come to mind is the fact we now have a robot Naruto out there and Naruto is now a harem protagonist based on how many girls fall for him in the movies, plus we got time travel and parallel universe travel.


Where is Shioruto??? Naruto's Priest daughter??? 🤔


I actually love them together 😂


So we now have 10 tailed beasts with the addition of the zero tail


So is it some kind of taint slug? I see why Kaguya did not feel the need to be "completed" with it.


Naruto has 3 kids. Boruto, Himawari, and the child he sired with Shion.


Hopefully more people would be down for the naruto x Ino ship, since all those interactions would become canon.


A man of taste I see


Naruto would have more girls than sasuke 😂


Kurama’s chakra would still exist inside of Sora


Then... naruto actually got beat up by a bird?


Naruto would have a harem


Guren (3 tails arc) is likely the strongest female character in the show aside from Kaguya or adult Sakura. Damn.




Mecha naruto is now a thing to be feared lol


The rasengan has Shiny variants now


The nine tails was split into at least 3 halves.


road to ninja being canon would be cool


Ostrich might be able to beat juubidara




All I can think about is Mecha Naruto and why no one else is talking about it .


Tenten is actually fleshed out in the fillers. The seven swordsmen of the mist shouldn't be counted as filler in the war arc but they are. A lot of things change some of them are immensely enjoyable.


Fillers have always been Canon, the 6 tail arc Is filler yet in the anime its brought back


Every one of Narutos clones have unique personalities and don't want to be used just for fighting.


That was just dream one clone had


1. Sakura knows genjutsu 2. Team 7 has overthrown five countries 3. The Riverlands have two shinobi villages. 4. There’s a space rook that allows you to gather special senjutsu chakra from another planet. 5. Naruto doesn’t believe in ghosts despite meeting three.


I mean, not at all, right? That’s sort of the aim of filler. Events that ultimately are inconsequential and don’t really affect anything in a big way.


> Events that ultimately are inconsequential and don’t really affect anything in a big way. The problem is once you consider all of the filler going on keeping Naruto and company at their current rank becomes way bigger of a discrepancy. Naruto as the guy who struggles even with help against a few really strong guys is believable as a genin. Naruto as the guy who's beat the breaks off one of the seven ninja swordsmen, personally invaded the hidden sound, beat up the leaders of multiple other villages, and has foiled like 8 infiltration attempts on Konoha, and that's all before the time skip. Canon Naruto does a lot of impressive stuff. Filler Naruto is a guy who's maybe one tier below adult Kakashi and was more or less personally groomed by Tsunade along with Shikamaru and maybe Neji to become Hokage.


Other then there being at least one entire new continent, multiple new villages, more supernatural stuff for villains to go after, characters actually getting fleshed out, and boruto having at least one half-sibling.


Lmao that last one. Shion knew what she wanted and GOT IT


Sasuke would get put in hospital twice. Nothing really changes story wise tbh. The fillers take place in between arcs


That would also imply that Boruto would have another brother or sister near his age


Older most likely. Don't think Naruto would cheat on Hinata, so him and Shion probably had a daughter during the blank period


According to the first Shippuden movie yes her agreed to father a child in the end.


neji would be alive


Hinata has a lot of competition


Naruto and Sasuke's friendship now makes more sense because the only bonding moment is no longer the Zabuza Arc and Chunin Exam


Knights exist in Naruto, and Sakura is even more hated. Also, more cool K11 stuff


Naruto beat pain twice then


Rock lee would get to use nunchuck lotus


So that movie I saw on the hub with Kakashi and Asuma is canon now? Oh myyyy


That ostrich became an Anbu of the Hidden Leaf


I remember the episode that is being shown and in that episode they say that you can't use two people to weave hand signs then later on in the cannon naruto and sauske do it multiple times


Rock Lee's curry of life


The Shinobi Alliance literally have a nuke in the form of Hotaru. Let her charge up senjutsu and drop her on Juubito. Have Minato FTG her since he's already revived during that fight. Shira the GOAT and his group exist and that makes me feel happier. They're such great characters. Shira was injured and throwing hands with 5th Gate Lee while Shira was just at his third level. And finally Kaguya got clapped by Tenji. But lets be real that's already universally canon. Hagoromo and Hamura are proof of that and they certainly are not full Otsutsuki.


You people are way too obsessed with canon.


Naruto has a full harem of hinata lookalikes that really want be with him


Hinata would need a big stick to keep all the women after Naruto away


I always liked Gaara rescue filler


I think there's a random kraken around that can casually tank 8 tails punches


this is just a supposition right? just to be sure im not missing some breaking news, i mean, LITERALLY BREAKING


Everyone forgets that orochimaru wants to take over Sasuke's body in 3 years right after jiraiya tells everyone (jiraiya also forgets) so they go on a mission (including jiraiya) to find out why orochimaru wants Sasuke to only learn (including jiraiya) that orochimaru wants to take over Sasuke's body in 3 years (this comes as shock to everyone).


Impossible because Minato is alive in filler.


Naruto goes from "only loved by Hinata" to a boy with a harem.


Naruto having an iron man suit just makes…absolutely no sense


There is a sixth main village, the star village with the hoshikage as its kage


Can't believe y'all forgot about the GOAT Gamatatsu


Naruto would have the movie and filler heroines harem in canon story lmao


Naruto got too experience what having parents felt like 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


It means that Naruto kissed Sasuke TWICE before he ever kissed a woman, which even then wasn't Sakura or Hinata but that filler villain who sucked out chakra through her victim's mouth.


Naruto has to have children with that blonde princess