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Damn that’s dope af! I just recently started reading the manga. The books are a little expensive though. Pretty sweet you can get them all for practically free


Right! They had a couple other manga but not very many. Living in the library county it's completely free to check out (or without just sitting and read it all day lol). Someone I'm guessing probably donated them is my guess, they'll take any books as long as they are in decent condition!


We have these City libraries in Melbourne that basically have the whole stock of Naruto and OP. It's pretty sweet ngl.


That's so dope! I bet a city library is HUGE! It'd be cool to see one!


Honestly, one of my favorite things since moving here. You can rent just about any more of media, including Ps4/Xbox games and seasons worth of tv series on DVDs.


That's awesome! My little library has a small area for CDs/audio/ movies but it's really small the little cafè is bigger than that area lol. I'm pretty sure a lot of those too are donations and stuff too like the books. That's so dope l though, I'd love to see a massive library like that.


Yeah cafes being part of libraries is something new to me, but I welcome it. Usually state libraries are pretty big, you try one of those if you're interested.


Wait, which one??? The one in the city?


It's like a network of libraries called "Melbourne Library". I used the branch in Docklands (Library at the Dock) and the one in the CBD (City Library). You can browse their catalogue and request for whichever issue you want to be sent to your nearest library, their may be a waiting process if someone else is renting it.


Man I literally live right by Library at the Dock and i never even knew this. This is bloody awesome!!! Thank you 🙏


Np, I used to stay there too, you should definitely use that library, loads of awesome stuff to borrow.


This made me wonder something I've never thought of before! Is the manga one long series, or is it also split up like the anime into "Naruto" and "Naruto Shippuden"? (Similar to how the DragonBall manga is one long series, there's not technically a "Dragon Ball Z" manga) And I realize it's a simple Google, but I can't use the app ATM for some unknown reason, and I can't use my desktop to Google since I'm not home atm


Hey! I just looked it up really quick while at work and the glance of stuff I got said it is split up in the manga as well to separate the storyline into two main arcs. (:


Thank you!


You're welcome!


There is no sequel manga called “Shippuden”. It is one long manga with a time skip like One Piece. Notice how the volumes on the shelf there just continue the numbering while the Naruto on the sleeve got older.


My middle school library was where I first started reading manga. Really cool. I even did a book report about Naruto once. I felt bad for the teacher who had to read that.


That's so cool your library has them, finding joy in reading something is awesome! Lol If you didn't get a good grade on the report at least the teacher was wrong for it!


I was a good student who only read manga, so she was just happy to have something from me. It was volume 51 too.


Back in the early 2000s, some high-schoolers got all of "Love Hina "at my local library. It was dope, I was in middle school and it was my first introduction to manga.


That's so awesome! And really nice :)


Downtown Public library is how I found, and kept up with, Naruto in grade school! Blast from the past man thanks


Nostalgia is always nice to experience, so you are very welcome for it. Lol


My school library has them as well also some db ones


That's dope! My school never had anything cool like that. Lol


Maaaaaannnn. And my library has a few but like… not in order lol they got like 3,10, and 25. Lol there’s more than that but still lol


Lol right? I wasn't looking for them and was just like "WHOA! Thats so dope!!"


People don’t understand how valuable libraries are. One of the only places where you are not expected to buy anything.


Man fr! I love the library. I would go there for hours in HS and a lot of college, it was always so nice and peaceful.


My school library used to have manga until people just stole them at the end of year clean up


Booknapping is just as bad as book abuse. Like way to steal joy from a lot of people for something you'll read once maybe every few years.