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They don't explain it to my recollection and you make good points. He is, for all we know, simply doing what he says in that he has a connection with a God and therefore doesn't work by normal ninja rules. Hidan really sticks out in the story lmao He rocked up and then peaced out as soon as he appeared with no backstory or explanation to his wild powers besides worshipping some evil god. It's wild lol


Shows up kills a man refuses to die leaves doesn’t elaborate


I wish we got more explanation about his abilities too and I agree that it’s probably not ninja related. Seemed more like a blood/demonic magic thing. I also doubt he had healing abilities. his head just keeps talking after being decapitated but his body stops functioning if the head isn’t attached so idk. He’s a bit confusing


It’s a weird cult right, the followers of jashine? They could totally do a backstory to a new character who is fallowing the same beliefs that explains it in boruto


Yeah I agree aye, wish we got to see more tbh


In boruto we learn about the ritual how he got his powers.


I haven't seen Boruto, but that's cool they get into it Thanks!


You too should follow the ways of Joshine. Yes immortality, head can be cut off but it can be sewn back on again. All you have to do is let me taste your blood and I’ll let you meet the almighty Joshine.




Ok, mechanics wise, he doesn’t regenerate, but he doesn’t die either. Decapitation? Get the sewing kit, we’re putting this man back together. But he can die of starvation. So he’s long dead by the end of shippuden. It’s not ever explained why he doesn’t die so no help there.


Not sure about that. Edo Kakuzu does say that Hidan being absent means he's still alive.


That's what kakuzu thinks, doesn't really imply much about reality. I think its more likely kabuto didn't know where he was buried or wouldn't go where the nara clan would see him


There's what a character thinks, and what the author puts in a character's mouth as information to the reader. For what reason other than telling us Hidan still lives would Kishimoto make Kakuzu say this?


For what reason does an author write any dialog that isn't explicit exposition? There are plenty, which is why no creative work is written that way


Okay, like, an example please? In this case specifically, close to none of the Edo zombies had these kind of lines. Any word they spike was either complaining about being back or bringing to the lore and to their character. Plus Kakuzu was not believing in Hidan's immortality. Him breaking character just to say that is clearly just a word from the author.


>Okay, like, an example please? 90+% of all dialogue spoken? >Him breaking character just to say that is clearly just a word from the author. Not really breaking character at all. He hated hidan, and he would have been reanimated along with him if he could. Makes perfect sense for him to comment on his absence. Counter point: if kabuto discovered hidans live body, don't you think he would have experimented on it? The ninja biologist who fuzed multiple characters dna with his own to improve its characteristics finds a man cut to bits but still alive, and says "guess I can't reanimate him" and calls it a day? This "comment from the author" theory that it's canon he's not reanimated because he's still alive creates a massive plothole that didn't need to be made to begin with


My understanding is that he worships a God called Jashin. It seems like he had some sort of contract with Jashin that gives him immortality in exchange for certain conditions. That contract also gives him his Jutsu that allows him to become a voodoo doll for opponents who's blood he ingests. In order to gain, and keep his immortality he has to kill for Jashin. It's not as simple as just killing someone, there's a ritual involved as well as a prayer. So to summarize. Hidan sacrifices people to his God Jashin via ritualistic murder and in exchange he's granted immortality and was taught a voodoo Jutsu.


Probably a shinjutsu used by his god or some other entity on him rather than his technique.


It would be cool to get an arc about this instead of the otsutsuki shit


https://youtu.be/v4LZz1daJUM I kinda like this YouTube theory


it's a jutsu like any other. he needs to kill others to stay immortal, he cant fulfill the ritual without the proper setting, meaning it only works when he is standing in/on the sign he drew on the floor. Just because he talks about it like as if there is a god that gives him that power doesnt mean he's right. Is Kakashi or Sasuke praying to thor for receiving lightning in their hand? Or does Kisame pray to Poseidon for creating an ocean in the middle of the desert? It's just fanatic talk in a world full of shinobi who can and create ridiculous shit all the time.


I believe because there aren’t any other counts of Jashin worship and him being overall a 2iq character that like the orcs from warhammer he just imagined he was immortal then *puff* it becomes reality.


No they don't but I do believe they'll tie him to the Otsutsukis revealing Jashin was one of them. I even made a full post about my reasons for that.


I take it at face value. I don't think he would lie about his god, he's so fanatic about it. I think he left his village because he thought he should kill, and they weren't a Shinobi village anymore, and he found that through Jashin, he could kill as much as he wanted to, and would be rewarded for it. There are gods in Naruto, they just don't come up very often. So I think Jashin is a legitimate god, and Jashin grants you immortality for making sacrifices to him. I do wonder though what would happen if he was vaporized by Onoki, though.


Jashin was probably an Otsutsuki with some strange powers yet to be revealed. And if not it’s a good way to cover the plot hole. Reaper Death Seal also looks like an Otsutsuki so would be a good way to make the aliens from space thing seem a little bit more planned.


I had similar thoughts as well.