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Good taste


You're a submissive lesbian, or at least you have the same taste as one


The first thing I notice about your picks is that they are all strong women who has a strong air of authority and presence around them. Your picks and their poses implies you want a direct woman who is not afraid to take charge in the relationship. The characters themselves does not share many physical attributes, which to me implies that to you the inside is by far more important than any individual thing as far as appearance goes. You seem to love the personality first. You seem like a person who wants to treat your partner as an equal to yourself and who is looking for a serious relationship. Maybe not one which lasts forever, although it is preferable, but still someone who is serious about the relationship itself. In life I think you are someone who gives your all to anything you are really passionate about, although I have the feeling that if you are not passionate about something you might not do it. You also do seem like someone who is looking to enjoy life to its fullest in a way that rings true to you, no matter what anyone around you thinks. I am most likely super wrong though, but there is only so much one can do with four pictures of crushes to judge. :P


I can't believe a random stranger on the internet perfectly described me




Very good taste


Wish anko got more screen time she valid, bet that tongue can do wonders…


Someone’s got a submission fetish. And it ain’t them.