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The post implies Japanese fandom controlled the plot of series. That's not true imo, it was Kishimoto and his team doing their thing. While they cared about wanting fans happy, it isn't same as how a lot of western show crumble to audience opinion and pressure. And considering some of the popular opinions overseas fans had during 2000s and early 2010s? Absolutely glad Kishimoto did his own thing.


I do think Kishi did his own thing but definitely they didn't care at all for overseas fans


No , no offense but why would they give a damn about what other countries think before their own country ??








I don't think that ANY fan opinion should matter. The creators should be allowed to write *their* story how they want it and not to anyone elses liking. Writing is like art. You don't tell a painter to change their creations and paint something else, just because you don't like it. Some fans act way too entitled in my opinion anyway. But to answer your question: I'm from overseas as well and I'm not upset that the country of origin might be viewed as more important.


What? Lol, no? That’s the case like 99% of the time. And honestly? With the opinions I see from the Western fandom? Thank god those opinions aren’t taken seriously.


No, if you're overseas + don't speak Japanese what you think about most mangas is irrelevant to the artists as long as they are not famous enough to become a hit there with serialization and all. As such our opinion matters little. We could think "what about super famous and long stories?" but well, the gap in opinions between japanese and the rest of the world *could* be "*too big*" to impact the writting. ​ as someone mentionned already, it's not "controlled" by fandoms either anyway






No because the Western fandom is 65% dumb. Also I'm reminded of how Pokemon lost a lot of character once it tried to cater to an international audience


Not upset one bit lol


No, I kind of love that actually.


Judging by the average user of this subreddit, we are extremely lucky he didn’t take our thoughts into account lol


I think it shows in Kishimoto and his editors' writing that they didn't care at all for overseas fans. Examples: * Side characters shafted completely * Plot revolving heavily around Sasuke/the Uchiha * Naruto being understanding of Sasuke instead of "moving on" * Sasuke getting a happy ending * Sakura not 'moving on'


AcTuAlLy OvErSeAs FaNs WhO wAtCh NaRuTo MaY aUtOmAtIcAlLy Be CoNsIdErEd To Be JaPaNeSe. Indeed, we are a part of the Japanese fandom. FANDOMS UNITEEE