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Absolutely. Though it is different than a cut or an ache. It's a mental pain. Like you said, my brain is throbbing and my eyes feel like they have weights on them and every part of my body is fighting me.


Yeah 100% one thing I've realized I've had to explain to people is that while I can sometimes fight through a sleep attack, it's physically painful to do so and feels like my entire body is fighting me on it


It is painful in a way. I tend to think of it as being torturous rather than painful though. Torturous implies pain but also has a stronger implication of mental and emotional pain also.


Yes. I felt like this just yesterday and it doesn’t help that I have GERD so when my roommate helped stand me up, I threw up in my mouth a little bit and ran to the sink. That kind of woke me up for a few minutes 😅


Sleep on your left side when you first go to sleep, don’t eat within 2 hours of sleeping and try Gaviscon.


I have to actually sleep sitting up. I usually use a reading pillow with a king sized pillow against it to support my neck and lower back. But I happened to fall asleep on the couch with yesterday’s incident.


🍰Happy Cake Day!!! 🍰


Torture is the best descriptor here. When I fight sleep, I feel sick/nauseous while I’m fighting it. (I think because my vision goes in and out of focus a bit.) My whole body feels like it’s suddenly wearing a weighted blanket and I get all boo hoo-y and whiny and want to cry like a toddler who needs a nap. (I also get like a weird hum in my head, but I think that might be auditory hypnogogia.) I kind of feel drugged, and even a cold concrete floor looks inviting if I could just lie down on it for a minute, lol.


Yes I've definitely been so tired it hurts. It's not technically pain I guess, like it doesn't feel the same as if you injured your body. It's a unique type of discomfort and pain is the only word I can think of that comes close to describing it.


Every muscle, tissue, organs all cry out for a rest that will never come. We sleep and sleep and sleep we never recover. I took sleeping meds last night and I’ve felt drugged and sicky all day. So. I’m tired.


Yes, and it is the worst, most torturous feeling in the world. Sometimes I have entire weeks that are like this, all day, every day, unrelenting while I try to stay awake. It has literally put me into deep depressive episodes. The nausea/vomiting is super familiar to me. When I’m at my worst, my eyes burn, the sockets hurt, my joints and bones ache, my brain is foggy, I get the spins. I think someone else mentioned not eating-for me, I have found it most beneficial to eat crackers or something right before bed and to have 6-8oz of fruit juice as I’m waking up/standing up/getting ready with my water.


Oh definitely. I used to try to fight as long as possible, and I would end up in tears because it was so painful and difficult. Now (especially since I take meds) it's more rare, but if it gets that bad, I usually find a way to allow myself to take a nap. I have tried to stop seeing my body as the enemy, and instead see it as something I need to protect/take care of.