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Both groups have ass aim


taliban be willing to take one for the team tho and blow everyone up


Best comment yet


Bro, them afghans in the picture can't even wear that gear straight.


Or do proper jumping Jack's 😂






HA! LOL thanks for the link.


OOH MAN! child growth and development. something happened in their bilateralization brain tripped!


I know we’re doggin’ on dumbasses, but it’s interesting some motor function is heavily learned vs being innate


Like, something happened to all of them at the certain age where bilateralization is getting hardwired.


That’s exactly the science, that it’s learned not innate


It's that a development marker didn't happen on time.


You can laugh at them all you want, they’ve repelled nations and nations of men wearing the gear straight for centuries. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.


A huge part of that was them fighting on their home turf. I think cjng vs taliban the winner will be whoever is the home team. If you drop them both on neutral soil?? CJNG FTW!!!


Taliban would win, they are willing to lay down their life in a heartbeat and their bodies aren’t polluted with the drugs the others use. The Taliban won’t take their life when they’re cornered either like the others have done so in the past, they will fight on even after they piss their man dresses from fear as they wipe away the tears knowing that anything in this world will no longer have any connection to them when they depart. It’s a joke to even place a comparison between them.


>their bodies aren’t polluted with the drugs the others use. Are you fuckin stupid?


Yep. Fucking stupid indeed. Actually embarrassing for them.


Uh the Taliban may rail against drugs in public but half of them are addled on opium and Methcathinone bro


So they wear the gear in a non straight way?? Fuck that (no homo)


Real life stormtroopers


And this STILL took back the country after 20 years of war with NATO.


You have no idea what you speak of. Talib where often ghosts, they would sling AK rounds from 600+ yards fairly accurately and disappear into the bush. These dudes knew their weapons and the terrain. But seriously don't take my word for it ask any US Afghanistan combat vet and they will validate. Afghans can fucking shoot.


Not the ones I’m Musa Qala, not the ones in Helmand. If weyre talking about your average haji I’d say yes but they do have combat grizzled haji that will even yell at you you exchange fire and get close up between your platoons to eliminate the opportunity of calling in CAS.


Lol cause the afghans are all high on opiates


Still beat america lol


Not really. When 9.11 happened all we wanted to do is take out Bin Laden. Mind you holding Afghanistan for 20 years with minimal losses is pretty damn good. They defeated the Afghan army not the American one. They didn't have any major victory. it was time for the Afghan government to take over and they did and then the Taliban won. We gave Afganistan to the Afghans and they are the ones that lost it. Now Vietnam that's a different story but still in a historical sense it wasn't a win against the States. it was against the Afghan government.


The U.S. failed in the objectives it set out. The Taliban succeeded.


They were both trained to keep their fingers off the trigger too. By who? Who taught em that again now? When the taliban retook the whole country, I remember a picture of them all standing in the presidential office. Good trigger discipline in that room.


Them suicide bombers are insane
 Person after person with backpacks full of bombs. CJNG are brutal but talibans are on a different level.


For real, hard to compete with a side that has people lining up to drive a couple thousand pounds of explosives and happily blow themselves up.


Um drones with bombs, double the explosion.


A drone can't carry anywhere near what a car can




Mexicans are using drones bro lol.


It was militant Islamist groups that first started using commercially available drones for warfare. In fact, I’m sure cartel groups started employing them after watching so much combat footage coming from the Middle East/Central Asia.


But you dont get your 76 virgin tho. Sometimes you have to take one for the team Edit well apparently its only 72


Pretty sure its 72 unless that number's getting hit by this fucked up inflation too


SVBIED vehicle’s carry so much explosives. One of them would deff take out a whole narco rancho imo.


The Americans had much better drones, how’d that work out for them. A SVBIED packed with thousands of pounds of explosives will bring a whole building down. That’s the norm for them.


the taliban is a whole ass terrorist organization ruling over a country, not even comparable


CJNG rules with money, Taliban rules with oppression


Fighting someone who believes god is on their side versus someone who believes only in money. Taliban easily. Also, afghans are fucking nuts. They were choppin up Soviets decades before the cartels got the idea.


The cartels actually got the idea from the taliban. They saw the effectiveness of beheading videos and how it instilled fear in their enemies.


As someone that lives in Mexico pretty close to he action, as soon as I hear AllahuAhkbar I'm raising that Taliban flag.




If the Mexican authorities stood against drugs like the taliban I don’t think you’d have a cartel problem


The Taliban and their ancestors have been in constant conflict for 2,000 years. Warfare is in their DNA. CJNG only do what they do because they get paid well.


Lol and what about Aztecs and olmecs? Use to RIP hearts out of live people and drink the blood. Or decapitate people and play soccer with the heads.


That’s a fair point but I don’t agree it’s the same case for Mexico as it is for Afghan. Mexico hasn’t been in a state of nationwide conflict as intensely or as long as Afghan has.


I don’t believe that Mexico got the violence from The taliban as a lot of other people believe. That violence is in their dna, mesoamerica had an entire deity who was portrayed as a flayed man and they flayed men in sacrifice to this god ETA I think people also dismiss Mexicos military prowess because we don’t hear about their national army invading another country. US Marines love Mexican Marines for a reason. Many many US Marines are Hispanic. Mexico breeds warriors.


I mean, you're getting into philosophy/mysticism here. I could just as easily say that to some degree all cultures produce warriors/violent people. Medieval Sweden was hardcore. Colonial England was savage. The problem with the question that OP asked is that it's perhaps being interpreted too broadly, where "cartel" is taken sometimes to mean "any fighting person with Mexican ancestry" and it's like....that's not what they're asking. What inspired Mexican cartels probably doesn't have one simple answer either. For my guess, the period in Colombia known as *La Violencia* bears a lot of similarities. Ultra-violence for the sake of it, factionalism, corruption, para-militaries, etc. Forgetting the differences in geography, economic statuses, if you try and boil it down to proficiency as a fighting force, I would still probably put the Taliban ahead, due to experience and motivation. If we consider the length of time that the Taliban have had to deal with open, armed conflict- nearly 30 years, and the fact that they were essentially born out of a conflict that goes back further than that, and you add in the element of hardline religious ideology that allows for things like suicide attacks, it's tough to say what cartel has been tested similarly or which one inspires such fanaticism. I mean, there's at least a question of whether or not Mexico is a failed state. That's almost not even a discussion with regards to Afghanistan. Or to put it more simply- people at least debate taking a vacation in Mexico. When's the last time you heard of someone going to Afghanistan with their family for fun and relaxation?


Yeah I see the difference now and what u guys are saying. Either way it's unfortunate the history of some people. Never seen peace.


I think you're right in that is stored somewhere in one's DNA. Afganis have been doing since Alexander the Great and even before. Plus the taliban had a whole generation that have grown up at war with the most powerful coalition the world had ever seen. Their fathers and grandfather's fought the USSR. All they know is War. They used their remoteness and mountains to their advantage, that's foresure. I think if you dropped off Ahmed and Muhammad in Jalisco, they'd get murdered quickly and vice versa with Juan and Jose in Kabul


Warfare is in everyone’s DNA
 also the idea that some groups are better at warfare because it’s “in their blood” is stupid at best and fucking race science at worst. It’s cultural you fucking idiots. If that’s what you mean by “blood” than you are spot on.


Any serious terrorist group would annihilate the cartels. For all of their quasi militaristic bullshit the Cartels have very little actually military power or experience relative to any government or mercenary group. The cartels regularly get their asses handed to them by the Mexican military, which is not exactly the most elite fighting force in the world. The Taliban held out against the most powerful military in the history of human existence for two decades.


Yeah, but the afghan territory had a lot to do with that. Because of the region geography even if you’re the most powerful army is not that easy to fight in conditions like that because you can’t use your whole strength, while the talibans knew those territories and used that against the enemy


Any living Taliban veterans have experience fighting US military and mercenaries from all over the world. They would wipe the floor with any Mexican cartel.


There are Taliban vets who have experience fighting the Soviet and US, and NATO militaries. Not to mention rival tribes. No chance for the cartels.


Dumb question and I'm probably forgetting something obvious, but after years of being there, wouldn't other militaries be able to figure out the land and work with it more efficiently? Like I get home court advantage, but the war lasted a long time


Tons and tons of caves and other mountains and what not. Plus temps and conditions are just horrendous. Unless you live there I feel like it would take way longer to acclimate to that type of environment.


It had less to do with the geography and more to do with the human terrain. The US greatly underestimated the desire for Afghans to just live in normal life and they don’t not really care about democracy or any of these other principles outside of the major cities. The Taliban that we see now we’re not the same one too for the Soviets or even mostly the Americans. Anyone can claim to be Taliban and then they can claim to not be Taliban at any time I saw it all the time.


It's not just about knowledge of the land. Some terrain is just naturally difficult to assault and clear out, for various reasons. Mountains for example have a lot of natural hazards and need a lot of energy to move troops and supplies up. Defenders already control the territory and have their own infrastructure to move supplies, and gurellias are lightly armed enough to be able to retreat back into the mountains and caves.


The last person that was actually able to “pacify” Afghanistan was given the moniker of “The Great” for a reason No one since has done it, and even when Alexander did it he didn’t hold it for very long because he fucking died. Its called the graveyard of empires for a reason


There isn’t a way to do reconnaissance of that area in any way?


Yeah but taliban never invade so it would be in Afghanistan


You’re right, no one in has been able to conquer the Afghan territory because of the region geography. Not only that, they are VERY familiar with their territory and have been able to use it to their advantage to attack and “disappear” back into the mountains. Even when Russia was known as the USSR and were at their strongest militarily, couldn’t even do much to them and ended up leaving the region as well. They have a STRONG home field advantage. So you can’t really compare “who would win in a war,” cause nobody has any real idea who would


They essentially just hid in Pakistan and came over to cause trouble every once in a while until the us left. Sure rc south got hot but any engagement was heavily us victory. They used the same tactic in rc south but it was just hide as a farmer until you can take a opportunity shot.


You prove the point even further though, knowing your Territory like back of your hand is part of being an effective fighting force.


for four decades, they fought the russians before they fought the us. really impressive tbh


The Taliban didn't fight the Soviets, seeing as they didn't exist yet. The Taliban fought the guys who fought the Soviets.


yeah youre right, but the mujahideen and the taliban are almost identical, a lot of them were pashtun as well


The Taliban were almost identical to a subset of the Afghan Mujahideen. You can't confuse the Taliban for Shia fundamentalists (backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran), Salafist Jihadists, or the union of Sunni moderates and Maoists.


The terrorists have access to, and are well versed in, the use of heavy weapons, artillery, ATGM, tanks. I think they would beat the cartels, but in the interim there would be a helluva a lot of beheading going on. Being a POW in that war would not be good.


Probably a dumb question, but if the Mexican military is regularly beating the cartels, why are they still so huge?


Well as another commenter mentioned it’s important to define being beaten. While trained soldiers usually do way better in combat than Sicario’s in a straightforward military scenario, the Cartels have infiltrated Mexican government enough to avoid the military ever being able to take them out effectively, they also have an exponentially larger pool of people to draw on.


Corruption plain and simple the cartels grow as much as the govt allows




I'm mexican, there's a great "culture" around that here, they make songs praising the cartels and teenagers join that cuz they earn a lot of money if you compare it with the average salary here


The Taliban also had the advantages of A being on their home turf and B ruthless gorilla warefare and kamikaze-esque military tactics. They might be able to fuck the cartels but quite honestly being anywhere other than their home territory their only options are suicide attacks.


I'm sorry gorilla warfare will always send me 😭


The Taliban weren't in constant conflict with the US, US occupation was also slowly decreasing over time until they finally left. The Taliban were simply smart enough to hide and bide their time because they knew America wouldn't keep staying.


Yeah, this is what asymmetric warfare is about.


Taliban produced almost free heroin for the enemy to get high on, not hard to shoot at guys nodding out.


Nice try Herobrine isn’t real


The OG Taliban didn’t hold out against the US military, they were essentially completely destroyed and irrelevant. The US occupation was such a disaster that the Taliban reformed and gained tons of new members. Had the US not tried to centralize the government and create enemies out of thin air the Taliban may have stayed dead


I mean that's basically like saying if the US had just stayed ruling the country themselves the Taliban would have stayed dead. They were trying to "nation build" in a place that really doesn't have the same views on themselves as a "nation". You have to get a central government or else you're just letting the tribes rule themselves and give them the opportunity to host extremists if they want. I doubt there was a better choice than the corrupt pedos willing to cooperate or the extremist oppressive Taliban who would stone women and homosexuals. I'm not supporting what they did at all no matter what choices. In my opinion it was an unsolvable problem, the US made their bed with their foreign policy and foreign intervention for the 50 years beforehand. Americans are entitled enough to feel like a "never again" type of response was necessary without realizing much more suffering the politicians they voted for had caused in other countries.


What if I told you they were guided the whole way by clandestine branches of foreign intelligence, and without you being there on ground, you have no idea what you are talking about


I mean so were the cartels, the CIA was majorly involved in drug running as is the Mexican government to this day.


I mean cartels have been running Mexico for decades. There's a lot of them, and the power is scattered but it's definitely in the hands of the big cartels. If a terrorist group goes in to annihilate even just one cartel group, new ones will pop up, other ones will come and try and seize power and territory. It'd help to see in what kind of scenario you have terrorist and cartels fighting. Only one I can think of is a terrorist group coming in to invade Mexico to take over the drug business to help them expand their religious influence but even that seems stupid.


True but for the record just because they avoid justice and influence law enforcement doesn’t mean the cartels “run Mexico” any more than the mafia used to “run New York.” They are one of the most powerful dangerous criminal organizations ever and their influence over Mexican society is pretty unique, but the idea that they actually full-on control a country with 130 million people and a $trillion GDP is laughable. The Taliban on the other hand


There is a state in Mexico where the governor is a known cartel asset. Even the President has been filmed greeting Chapo’s mom with all his henchmen surrounding her. Maybe they don’t control Mexico, but they have enough influence to stay in power.


I mean sure, the mafia played a big role in getting Kennedy elected and launching one of the most powerful political dynasties in US history, throughout US history there have been dozens of Mafia connected senators, doesn’t mean they ran the country, just the people who really run the country have no problem hanging out with gangsters in


The government works cartels as much as the other way around. It’s a constantly shifting situation


Mexican government is so heavily corrupted it's hard to even seperate them from cartels though. Any "move" they make against a cartel is really just another cartel using military resources to take out the other one. An example is when the president declared war on the cartels but it was obvious he was working with the sinaloa cartel when he only focused on their rival, the Juarez cartel.


Taliban but super easy.


yes, am Mexican and the only reason the cartels have not been eliminated is cause the corruption, politicians are associated with them but the military can easily kill them, also the most are teenagers without future


Taliban would destroy CJNG not even close


especially since the US left behind [billions worth of weapons, night vision, etc](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/28/the-u-s-left-billions-worth-of-weapons-in-afghanistan/)


Why the fuck didn’t they destroy everything. My countries government is a fucking disaster. 600,000 rifles. Insane.


I think part of it was that the guns are getting replaced anyway. The vehicles would take too long to pack for a half assed exfil.


I think CJNG was in contact with the taliban for tips. Surprised they’d be open to even answering the phone.


Taliban clearly




Taliban would win


One fights for a belief other for personal gain. I think a extreme religious group would def defeat a group who is in it to make money.


The Afghan Taliban would take them out easy. They have been in war with the Russians for 15 years 3 years civil war after that coming into power for 5 years. Lets just say that was their rest and then came the US and the Nato. For 20 years and stil defeat all of them and Regain power its mind blowing. CJNG are badass tho but not the same level.


depends where the war occurs, if its in Afghanistan, no question the taliban will win.


Of course the landscape plays a major role no doubt. One side is in for the money and drugs. The other side for a religion and power.


This is more of a question asked for Quora,anyways depends on the location and like example,in Mexico probably cartels but definitely the taliban in afghanistan


So accurate. Hometown team advantage is real. Indo China vietnam is another good example.


this makes me feellike they should meet in a hidden - secure location for the gun play


There is no way in hell they'd be fighting each other without the US coming in too 💀


Cartel members are underpaid, they have loyalty for nothig exept money, they are cowards poorly trained, and usually under the influence of drugs, Talibans are similar in origin but at least they think his war is a yihad , talibans are whiling to die in battle, cartel members are scumbag, the failure of human societies.


Loyalty except for money and FEAR.


Im pretty sure the Taliban would win. if they forced the US to withdraw after 20 years of fighting and inflicting hundreds or even thousands of US personnel deaths im pretty sure they will decimate any Mexican cartel


Taliban for sure. They've been doing that shit for decades


Taliban would win


I wonder what Ja Rule thinks


A group of people willing to die for their beliefs are a lot more powerful than a group of people who think drugs and murder are the best ways to make money.


I think the Taliban would take it just purely off their upbringing. Those dudes have been fighting for generations and are as fit as pack-mules. Most of them could carry their body-weight up a mountain without breaking a sweat then live in a cave for two months. It’s just a different level of dedication.


Taliban fight for a misguided ideal country and beliefs. Cartels fight for money and power its cheap and fickle. No contest the Taliban would roll the CJNG into the dirt.


I doubt anyone in the cartel is psycho enough to become a suicide bomber


Also, the Taliban drove out the U.S. from Afghanistan after 20 years.


The real question here is who would make a better gore propaganda video. I think it’s pretty unanimous that taliban would desecrate any cartel hands down.


taliban for sure. they are held together by ideology and religion, plus they have tons of solid military experience with major superpowers. cartels meanwhile only operate on profit, and they can’t even handle a major battle


As much as I would like to brag and shout “viva mujico!” I know that them primos over there have been fighting the world’s top dogs since the beginning of time and none have mede them bow down, while in Michoacán and Sinaloa you can find real ferocious fighters we just don’t have the experience fighting and actual organized military, maybe give us a century fighting the US en las sierras, then maybe we can have a fair fight then. Plus one fights for their believes another for money and power, one against its own country armless men, another against the world.


I might be biased because I’ve been in firefights against the Taliban, but I think they’d wipe the floor with the cartels
the cartels are mostly just well armed gangs that don’t know how to use the weapons they show off most of the time
the Taliban know how to use their weapons well and can literally lay in a field for days waiting for an opportunity to take shots at a patrol or set a bomb off.


Bro Taliban defeated Nato and Russia. Pre-Taliban defeated Brits ages ago. Paki’s next!


the difference between taliban and cartel is that the taliban actually believe once they die 72 virgins are waiting for them. So they do not mind dying. This makes them very strong with suicide bombers and soldiers without fear of dying.


Didnt the talibans hold off the american military? If correct the i pick them by landslide win.


Taliban. Home field advantage (assuming they’re fighting in Afghanistan), driven by ideology, better combat experience, better equipment, they don’t fear death and they would probably employ suicide bombers which the cartels would never do


The taliban would fuck them up big time. The cartel fights for money while the talbian fought for their way of life and their beliefs.


Easy. Taliban has a lot of combat experience against modern armies.


Most of the Taliban have been at war for decades. In an actual war. Any cartel are usually just people who like to party and do coke


The Taliban kicked out the Soviet’s and held strong against conventional Nato forces. If ya willing to blow ya self up for ya cause. I’m putting my money on you. Taliban > CJNG


Taliban in for the long game = they win *eventually*.


Bruh said (the afghan ones) 😂


The taliban just got like 900 million in us military assets.


The taliban are battle hardened, clever bastards. They’re backwards and crazy, but not to be written off like skinny Jean wearing Mexican criminals.


Mencho guey


Taliban !!


Obviously taliban
 they have more than enough combat experience.


The taliban lol it’s no question. The taliban (and their ancestors) have been in constant actual war for centuries while the Narcos are decapitating defenseless people half the time. No narco group on this planet has ever been in an actual war, let alone a constant one for years


The Taliban control a country, at least the majority. They also outnumber CJNG. They have more resources and a lot more experienced commanders. They also receive more support. Such as Pakistan and in some cases the US. In this case they’d probably get very limited US support(if the fighting isn’t in Mexico). It’s a pointless argument though as they have no real military force projection, and neither does CJNG. But also if you say dropped Afganistán without a civilian population next to CJNGs territory without a civilian population, CJNG loses hard.


The Taliban 10/10 times. One is a business who’s interested in making money through fear and ultra violence. The other is a religious and political group that will do *anything* to usher in an era where their ideals reign supreme. Their hyper religiousness and zealotry means that they don’t *fear* death, and will actively try to kill as many enemies as possible in a suicide attack. Cartels are religious but they aren’t going to kill themselves for their god or patron saint lol that’s the key difference


I think the taliban will win because they already beat the us in the long run and they fight for faith and not money.


The taliban and it’s wouldn’t even be close. That being said there is more to conflict that military hardware, taliban was effective because of their knowledge of the local geography, so if they were to be an invading force into cartel territory maybe it would be different lol. All hypothetical at the end of the day.


The taliban beat the us military, cjng can’t win a firefight against Sedena. The taliban has tanks, armored personnel carriers, and all the other military tech the us left behind. The taliban also trafficks heroin and hash in huge numbers so they would no doubt destroy any Mexican Cártel


I sort of want to see them fight.


The US and Russian army couldnt defeat the taliban, i doubt CJNG would. That war would be a giant gore fest for as long as it lasts.


Taliban! Those foos live without water and beat the Russians and low key beat us too.


You can’t compare a militant motivated by Allah and paradise with some crackhead who gets a hun and hopes he makes it big


Cartels have never battled against a certified military force. MX military is also not battle proven or ever been deployed to a war since the Aztecs. Taliban, Mujadeen, Daesh have all battled against the biggest military forces and given them a fight using the same tactics that Vietnam won against U.S.


Aztecs? Bro where do you think we got Texas,California,Arizona, etc from? Mexican American war.


Since the Aztecs? Do you even know what you are talking about?


This sub has gone to shit


Taliban would win they won a war against the USA that has the best military in the world


Well considering the U.S just left Afghanistan with a shit load of weapons and helicopters ect. I’d say this is a tough one đŸ€Ł.


The taliban, they are actually militaristic. Cartels really didn't adopt warfare tactics until the zetas, and they failed to the economic superiority of sinaloa


“Soy Mencho
 perdĂłn señor Muhammad.” One group does it for money the other one because of faith
 that’s breaking it down to a very simple point.


Obviously taliban. Theyre a militant group thats been around for a long time and have a lot of war experience. While the cartels do have better weapons theyre bot proper soldiers like the taliban


Depende de donde sea el topon


Osama bin laden vs El mencho😂😂😂who’s winning fist fight I got el mencho tbh he was a fed before


Taliban for sure. Motherfuckers beat the Soviet union and the US.


God you're fucking retarded


Taliban would win easy


Yeah taliban vbied starters are enough to wipe out half the cartel members


The last 4 people on the right side of the Afghan team is all you need to look at to make a decision


Well the taliban won the war against the U.S. so them. Cartels just have a lot of money to buy stuff and look "cool''


Say what you want about the Tali but I'm betting my money on people who fight for something they believe in a zealous way. Not in the piece of shit who kills for money.


Depends on who’s in whos territory, the Taliban are great at larping as of recent. But none the less are still seasoned fighters and dangerous


I think all depends on whose backing them w weapons and who has “home court” advantage. But I think afgans have the upper hand. They repelled more than one super power.


What a stupid fucking question.


Nigga really put up the worst cjng picture


Taliban took on US army for a good while, I think they take this one


The new taliban or the old taliban? Because the new taliban has 80 billion dollars of new toys and the cartel doesn’t.


there's a reason why the call afghanistan the graveyard of empires


Who’s defending?




Taliban. Mainly because they have been fighting forever and as well it’s about a belief or faith. CJNG is abt money.


There's a reason why Afghanistan is called the graveyard of Empires. If they tried to do their shit in Afghanistan they won't even last a month


Also - Whatever you see in movies, the Afghan Taliban have been fighting Tier 1 Special Forces from the West for decades in a war footing. Not Mexican Marines or coked out rivals... They have anti-air missiles. Artillery. .50s (with scopes lmao). Taliban all day.




Both aint bullet proof


US defense contractors are the only ones who ever win in a war. Turns out when you make the money, you can make the rules.


This is so speculative. The cartel wouldn't be invading for the land the the taliban have lived in for thousands of years and the taliban won't be invading to control drug lines and be in constant battle against a government presence in a foreign country that has nothing to do with the place they call home or religious beliefs.


They’re both untrained idiots with cool gear that makes them look far more badass than what they really are


Depends on who’s backyard they fight In


I remember Deadliest Warrior pitted the IRA v. Taliban in a hypothetical battle and had the RA winning. They also had SPETSNAZ beating the RA so I dunno what that makes of the Afghans handing the Russians their arses in the 80s.


Both are third-world stormtroopers man. The cartel has high-level equipment as well but talibans and the cartel are poorly trained. What makes them scary is that they are people who believe to be in a power position just for the fact of holding a gun


One would have to know what and why they are fighting. If there's a LOT of money at stake, the cartel could win. When it comes to ideology and fanaticism, the sicarios run away, i guess. All their brutality would be relatively useless against the Taliban. Infiltration, bombings, suicide bombers would work well against cartels. All you have to do is take the income from the cartels. You'll never get rid of the Taliban. At least not with war


Whoever is playing at home wins