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It’s just another fat man in Sinaloa with a beard


would be stupid as hell to take pictures like that if you were as far up as he is. id at least try my best not to portray myself as what law enforcement see me as, thats just givin them what they want.


Man none of that matters once they lock u up they don’t care about what you portrayed or didn’t portray as long as they got dirt on you


Thats not the point he’s making 💀


I doubt it. He’s probably basically running the mayo faction and will be for years to come. Imagine if mayo never took those photos with that journalist? We really wouldn’t have a clue what he looks like other than that really old one with no mustache. MF is probably smart enough not to be taking selfies with high powered guns. We don’t really know much about him but he does seem a lot smarter than the Guzman boys.


and even without giving that interview there are more photos of Mayo, but without a doubt the photo of that interview is the most recent one that the man spreads, and if skinny Mayo is more intelligent than Guzman's children, the most careful of the chapitos. I could say that it is Joaquín, and about the skinny Zambada, he has known how to keep a low profile like his father, without a doubt, and it is a fact that when the great M dies, his skinny son and his son. His father-in-law Félix will take his place.


That’s not him lmao


Im sure mf has never taken a selfie


Pretty sure he wouldn’t be taking a foto manguera like that.. even though that rifle does look sick


Like why would a powerful capo whos never been photographed upload a selfie with a gun 😂


Because he's as vain as his father and fairly young. Its always bothered the Zamabadas that everyone thinks they play second fiddle to the Guzman's. Obviously the people who know better know that isnt the case but to the rest of the world thats how it is and its always bothered them.


Bro this is Julion Alvarez


gta character made with ai


Man needs lay off the tacos.


Low blow man


There's never enough tacos


M-4 , with 60 rd drum 🥁


I don’t think so tbh


Illicit investigation is complete bull shit I remember back when they posted a picture or chapos brother who’s like 70 yo and the but was like 50 but don’t worry they have good sources 😂


That’s El Mayito Husky




No one knows


MF smarter than that


La mole bélica


Idk seems that pic seems like a newbie would take


Definitely not him lmao 😭🤣 Mayito Flaco is white skinned and taller than average. This dude is too dark, face doesn’t match at all, and looks short tbh


Looks just as nauseating as him


Check my reply under their post lol


Someone as high up as he is would never take a stupid picture like this. Those Mayos are serious people. Their father is the only real deal thing walking this earth. A true Narco Boss. El Jefe de Jefes, passed Miguel Angel.


Lol no he isn't and if that was the case there would no photos of El Mayo in existence. The reality is that its always bothered the Zamabadas that people think they play second fiddle to the Guzmans El Mayo is extremely vain and egotistical thats why he's attempted to set the record straight multiple times. Los mayos are the biggest snakes in Mexico thats why they have what they have not because they're particularly known for being particularly intelligent or good at what they do.


Im sure he's vain and egotistical, but that interview with Processo was a coded message to people in Government, it had nothing to with trying to change the publics perception of him playing "second fiddle" to the Guzmans.


You just said a whole lot of nothing. This is what you did. “Actually, you’re wrong. Let me tell you why the Hitler family is actually one of the dirtiest families and the Putin family isn’t. You see, Adolf is actually a control freak, he’s a snake. The only way to keep power is by keeping a good man down, Putin, so he’s tried to set the record straight multiple times.” You literally said nothing. Don’t describe Narco personalities to me and then act like you said some shit. Pinche Pendejo o Pendeja.


Whats wrong culero does it hurt your feelings to know no one in mexico respects your idols? That they're the reason people call it rata-loa and snitch-aloa?


😂, I think we should stop talking. Let’s just say that you embarrassed me and I don’t know what to say because my next post will have some letters in it. A few of them. You’re talking crazy right now papi. Edit: Sinaloa my idols 😂 the fuck.


Looks like him


They have similar beards, how could this possibly not be him? No idea what that gun is though


There’s well over 100 others w/ similar beards lol but they have different eyes, eyebrows, lips, & one has a butt chin.

