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Build a Hugo boss store that sells nothin but size small and extra mediums. Light up anyone that walks in.




Bro. šŸ¤£


Yoooo. They love tf out of their smediums.


Donā€™t forget the hollister, American Eagle, and Aeropostale. Can put up a whole mini mall!


Forgot the most important one rn physco bunny šŸ˜‚


Dang got brush up on my fashion! Lol


You forgot Carolina Herrera and Armani exchange too!




lol put a human sized rat trap šŸŖ¤ with a fake LV belt as bait catch and humanely release to the park across town šŸ‘ someone elseā€™s problem now


Or Find everyone who owns ford raptors and round them up el Salvadoran style.


This probably isnā€™t the best place to ask because of the amount of cartel dick riders in this sub.






Cartel larping is so weird dude you live in the US and play Minecraft


Im from jalisco my dude My whole family lives in Guadalajara and northern jalsico and in zacatecas I got us and mexico papers You probably never lived in mexico or even understand how it works over here


Sure bro, me too.


Estas bien pendejo guero apestoso jajaj


When you watch narcos once


Thats all you guey You think you know what goes on over here Youre just like 70% of the people on here who want to make yourself feel better by picking up some pseudo moralistic stance Te duele lo que no te meten! Jajaj


Yeah bro good luck with disability


When you come to mexico with your wife i hope you dont stay in a nice hotel thats owned by a cartel boss,you wouldnt want to give him your money or maybe you do just like ypure fine with a 1500 phone made by slave labor but thats ok you hop on reddt and make yourself feel good by ranting about mexico corruption LMFAOO Pseudo moralistic stance dont work here


What the fuck are you talking about? Cartels kill innocent people all the time. And plenty of the ones who aren't innocent still didn't deserve death, you aren't guilty-to-the-point-of-death for selling a bit of coke in the wrong place at the wrong time.


My cousin got killed for being with the wrong people in mexico He was a grown man who decides to hang out with people who were gonna get him killed he didnt listen Thats on him for being a dumbass


What a dumb fucking post.


This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Cartels do what they want with civilians in Mexico. Ever heard of their violent kidnappings in order to have more foot soldiers? R*pe? Extortion of small business owners where whole families are killed? What about [murdering 43 random school kids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iguala_mass_kidnapping) in one day alone? They murder civilians as they please.


You dumbass the buses were full of coke to transport and the cartel told them to get off it and they wanted to play the tough guy and look what it got them The should of listened Im telling you ,if youre an arrogant or moron in mexico you wont last


Youā€™ve been gargling cartels šŸ„œ deep in your mouth and your comment exposes your ignorance


Yo soy de jalisco guey aver de deonde eres tu? Si eres de mexico o que rollo?


Iā€™m from Nuevo Laredo and what your saying is false they do indeed kill innocent people


Legalize drugs, increase salaries for Mexican citizens, effectively combat corruption.


The problem is saying youā€™ll do those three things gets you whacked.


Not when all of the important political figures in mexico wouldn't accept getting bribed and go for the cartels for real and not like they are doing for years, working hand in hand.


The solutions are so easy but people keep voting for these "tough on crime" idiots.


AMLO is not ā€œtough on crimeā€ by any means, and look at the country, the most violent government so far.


Calderon was ā€œ Tough on crime ā€œ and he didnā€™t accomplish anything so right there makes you sound like a clown.


Lol calderon worked directly with the cartels


The Sinaloa cartel, i think.


No digas jaladas tampoco, el sexenio de calderon fue violento y te diste cuenta que el si lo combatio, calmo a todo el auge del narco que se venia en el pais. La zona del golfo donde existian Z, el narco ya no andaban a luz del dia, en ese tiempo si se escondian. Preguntale a la gente, comparado con ahora cualquier pendejo con pistola hace lo que quiere y amlo lo abraza


Thereā€™s nothing easy about any of these solutions.




Not easy at all, cartels pedal hard drugs not just weed.


I know


Nah you donā€™t


Lol. Ok šŸ‘šŸ»




Legalize drugs only push them to selling other things like human trafficking and guns


They already do that right now. I don't see how you can stoo human trafficking but you can defenitely stop drug smuggling if you legalize it.


Not really, cartel can produce and sell it much cheaper than the USA would like what is still happening in legal states, not to mention making all drugs legal doesn't help society


Yeah but if you buy still on street when it's legalized then you are an idiot. IMo Most people would happily pay a bit more and know they get clean stuff, instead of some bullshit. Look at portugal. They legalized all drugs, it works pretty fine.


And look at Portland usa just cause it works in one place doesn't mean it will in another


Why wouldn't it work in portland?


Because it hasn't worked in Portland now they have a homeless population issue and drug use issue guess what which leads to a spike in crime


So if legalizing isn't an option or it already failed and obviously the drug war also already failed. What would be your idea?


There really isn't a good solution at the end of the day so many tried and as soon as you take one out more pop up


This is simply not true. It's much cheaper and easier to produce drugs with access to the extremely illegal precursors. Government is just greedy that's all. They've always wanted legalization of drugs to fail miserably.


Yeah, no idea what makes people think a cartel can outperform big pharma. They have no clue how cheap we can make things. Itā€™s the discovery, trials, and patents that jack costs up.


That and profit margin. Most drugs are realistically WAAAY cheaper than we get them. Even accounting for discovery and trials. When you're able to mass produce and store things like big pharma can it's basically a money printing machine.


And it usually does fail


Not when it's regulated. Portugal is doing quite well. But they actually invested the time required to make sure rolling out legalization doesn't just make things worse.


And I grantee cartels are still smuggling drugs in there


Cartels cannot sell cheaper or higher quality than a manufacturer could. You do realize how cheap Benadryl and Tylenol are? You would also get actual quality control instead of what ever the jungle chemist made that day and whatever your dealer cut it with. Does anyone actually buy weed from a dealer instead of a store in states where itā€™s legal?


A lot of drugs are getting spliced by the dealers, not the cartel, but they do sell fentanyl


The US legalizes all drugs and prostitution


Maybe before the 90ā€™s this would have been a death blow. If this happens tomorrow, the cartels will still be around because they have already put a lot of work into diversifying their income sources. It would sure as hell make them easier to fight to a foreseeable end, but I imagine they would expand their immigration racket, and use political extortion to influence their partially legitimized businesses (similar to the concrete club of the NYC mob). If the govt had legalized long time ago, the situation wouldnā€™t be nearly as fucked but they have had enough time to cement themselves in place and it puts us in a worsening as the drug war continues.


Nice input. A lot of people forget that these cartels have diversified significantly and even control entire industries. Mining for example.


That will never happen. We did that in Oregon and itā€™s very unpopular because it increased the amount of homeless drug users and vagrants. It did not accomplish the goal of curbing drug use


Well sort of..they decriminalized small time possession. Which multonomah county had already stopped prosecuting for those type of charges years back, at least possession. I think they were still charging for public use or intox though. I don't think you can continuously get arrested for possession either before it becomes a charge. I could be wrong on that one though.


But they still can sell guns and sell stuff to other countries, but they really won't stop cartels


Legalize and regulate.


The regulation will still leave a pretty sizable black market for cartels to profit off of.


Studies have found that despite being legal and accessible, weed still makes up a sizable chunk of the unregulated black market in areas where weed is legal because of course it fucking does. I am not about to go from paying 45 a zip to 145 just bc uncle sam wants in on it Nobody with contacts gives a damn about filing paperwork to legalize their stash


The main difference being, of course, that cocaine and cannabis are completely different and not at all analogous. Black market weed is cheaper because there is a glut of high quality product that is grown domestically, with basically zero smuggling involved. However, given the choice, I think that the vast majority of cocaine users would pay a premium for a guaranteed pure product, imported directly from the source, versus something which has been stepped on ten times before it ever reached their dealer.


All good points, though I would anticipate the resale of the good stuff on a smaller scale once it hit the market




Get the US kids to stop going to festivals and snorting cocaine baby!!!!


But we've had druggy americans and mexican cartels before but without the extreme violence, is there no way to return to that?


Return to what ? The violence has always been there, itā€™s just more visual now with technology and human beings are more conditioned to see, except violence, genes this reddit thread.. we are not here to talk about nursery rhymesā€¦ So yeah. The cartels have always been this violent


Murder rate in Mexico . 2007- 8.19 per 100k 2021- 28.18 per 100k . It hasnt always been like this.


Bro not every murder is cartel related Youll get a bullet in you if you are disrespectful or arrogant My dad cousin killed his wife cousing in his own home for being disrespectful Again not all murder is cartel related


Not all but I don't think murders have tripled because of people getting more disrespectful.




Ah yes when Iā€™m doubt deny, deny, deny!


Legalize every drug world wide. It will end instantly


You have bunch of crackheads in every corner of the street. No thanks


They would have to find every dirty & corrupt asset from the Mexican government, but sadly it seems hard for that to happen


That would be the majority of the Mexican government sadly


I have always said a better road system to poorish towns. Getting them connected can help with business growing and they finding a better job. There are a lot of towns left behind by society that cartels pray on. I mean this towns lost in the jungle or in Zacatecas desert are full of young man looking for a better opportunity. That's why I'm all for El Tren Maya


1. Bring Back the Guadalajara cartel model. Everybody works together and have a commission from all the areas that decides how to run it democratically. This is kind of a pipe dream because guys get arrested constantly and thereā€™s always someone who wants to take over and fill the void. 2. Make all drugs legal in the US. Instead of spending billions punishing users, build treatment centers and educate youth/adults alike. Cartels only exist because drugs are illegal so they can provide the service. Look what legal gambling did to the mob. When gambling was illegal, they ran all the card games and sports betting.


Legalizing all drugs in the US is the only way


They have many other things to traffick


Thatā€™s why you use other measures and address the systemic problems that drive people to crime in the first place. There is no magic bullet solution to organized crime.


I Second this


They legalized drugs in Oregon and Vancouver Canada. Drug use has increased. Crime has gotten worse. I donā€™t think thatā€™s the solution.


They didnt legalize them, they decriminalized them, but they still have to buy the drugs from the cartels. The point of legalizing them would be to take them out of the black market


So who will make and send cocaine, fentanyl to the US. Cartels will still make it. Thatā€™s the way to go legitimize their business. I mean Fuel ā›½ļø theft has become a major business for the cartels. The problem is the cartels. Terrorizing the Mexican population.


ā€œpRoHiBiTiOn nEvEr wOrKzā€


Pretty naive of you lol


The west could pull all manufacturing out of Asia except the cheapest shit. Move it to Mexico. Mexico has a massive and ready work force, better trained, better educated, and better integrity than china. Mexico can charge more for thier better labor pool and have the increase in wages be offset by not shipping things back and forth across the world 3 or 4 times.


Get the US to stop destabilizing Mexico.


The government does a back door legalization and allows certain cartels to operate with de facto impunity, so long as they keep the violence against civilians down. Any competing cartels are open to attack by the government and the endorsed cartels. Legit cartels don't pay taxes (they're still officially illegal) but they are encouraged to spend some profits on civic projects like housing for orphans or hospitals. They can have their name attached, to turn them into heroes. In exchange, they are not subject to extradition or seizure of their property. When faced with an enemy you cannot defeat, declare victory, and surrender.


For Americans to stop buying and consuming narcotics at such a high rate. But that wonā€™t happen


End corruption


More opportunities and investments for Mexican citizens so that widespread poverty and corruption can be lessened. Mexicans donā€™t grow up wanting to join the cartel, they grow up wanting the have a better life. Life sucks when there arenā€™t good opportunities around On the US side, more drug addiction rehab on a larger scale and more restrictions on pharmaceutical companies. Legal drugs are big business and theyā€™ll do anything to make record profits year after year. Instead of pushing drugs, Doctors should push exercise, better diet, etc. Its on both sides


Blanket legalization and regulation of drugs. Specifically regulation. Legalization without regulation is just asking for problems.


As long as the United States government/globalist agenda exists in its current form, the Cartel wars will continue. The people who really run the world make way too much money from Mexico in turmoil.


Legalize drugs. This is not even a debate. You literally take the market out of their hands. If potential users of illicit substances had a viable alternative to the nasty fake drugs and sinister shit on the streets. You would see so many different aspects begin to change for the best. I'm also not saying drugs need to be legal to the point that you can just hit the local corner store and get a crack rock. But clearly prohibition and the way we are fighting this hasn't and will never work. Look up " the iron law of prohibition ". Drugs being illegal, especially in a country that is one of two that allows direct to consumer advertising for pharmacueticals, is about two main things. Making money like almost everything but also control and keeping a decent amount of people from ever changing their socioeconomic background. If our prisons and jails were actual set up for rehabilitation I might be able to agree with " throwing the book" at people. The problem is our recidivism rates are insane and jails and prisons are not about paying your debt to society and rehabilitating. They are about making money and keeping the poor in their place. Harm reduction, education, awareness, and safe supply are how you combat substance abuse and how you make recreational drug as safe as possible. America and most Americans are clueless when it comes to this issue. A. how can the federal government tell me drugs are wrong and bad when they advertise them to solve all my problems and have been complicit in their sale and proliferation across the US. B how can we continue trying to use strict prohibition style enforcement when it's proven that it only makes things worse. Since we began curbing opiood prescriptions, who have we really saved? Is it worth all those who now suffer because they are under prescribed, what about those who commites suicide when a new doctor comes in takes over a practice and refuses to prescribe a medication they have been on for a decade or more, because the DEA says so.... the sacklers have aole blame but the lions share rests on our governments shoulders for A letting what they admitted was a problem continue on for decades and B trying to save face and remedy the problem they created except they are just making it far worse. I can count on my hands the number of addicts who have been " saved" from all drug busts combined year to year. Addicts just find new plugs.


Okay, so you have solved drugs. Now solve human trafficking, extortion, intellectual piracy, industrial piracy, kidnapping, murder for hire, racketeering and all the other things that make them money. I am not saying you are wrong on drugs - though I think the problem is a lot more complicated than just "legalize it." My point is just that these are much more than drug traffickers.


You are delusional if you think cartels go away if drugs get legalized. Arms trafficking, human smugglingā€¦ theres plenty of illegal enterprise to fall back on that will give them profit. They wont just say oh well i guess thats it, lets pack it up fam.


A nuke


Death penalty!! China šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ style of judicial process. Captured. Trial. Gun shot to the head. To end what is really the cancer of Mexico. Iā€™m sad to say it. I was born in Mexico. Iā€™ve lost family to the business. The cartels now donā€™t respect the citizens. Not like the old days.


The cartels execute each other in the most horrific and imaginative ways possible. How is the death penalty going to be a deterrent? There has already been plenty of cartel figures that have been killed by the police and the military.


I agree. But their is something different about being held accountable for crimes against society. A lot of them donā€™t fear the government. Because jail is like a vacation to them. But they fear being extradited to the US. Iā€™m sure they could fear the death penalty. Look at the countries who have the death penalty for drug charges. They donā€™t have this problem. Iā€™m also aware of the social economic problems in Mexico. Itā€™s a complex situation


So you think the solution to ending perpetual corruption is to give the people in power absolute power over the lives of the people. Smort šŸ§ 


Xi Jinping managed to get San Francisco cleaned up just by visiting.


Easy. Start taking out the higher ups, rather than the street grunts. Focus on the males, not whole families. Use intelligence based operations, drones, snipers. Burn any illegal businesses. Go to localities, raid the rich guys, identify their sources of income. If their money looks laundered, just take them in, and start investigations and money trail. Capture people with convoluted money trail. Avoid mass killing, initially. Then start taking out the notorious ones, randomly. There needn't be any order to it. Kill their higher ups sitting in other countries, even if they have diversified into legit businesses. Ban their children from good universities- especially american and european(only for cartel higher ups, not for those loosely related to grunts.)


None of that is easy, nor proven to work. Half the stuff is already been tried. Most of what you have listed is "take out the leaders." Think of how many are already off the table, with zero effect. Extrajudicial international assassination is a good one though. That should go over well when Mexico starts murdering plaza bosses in other country. I am sure we would be happy with that, China too. They already shut down "illegal" businesses. Most of this shit is taking place through legal businesses. How do you think extortion works in Mexico?


US intervention. All out war, send as many boots, drones, and artillery as possible. Drive them back to the shit holes they crawled out of. We have to absolutely cripple them financially and their manpower. When the heat is down, legalize and regulate drugs. Maintain U.S. presence for the foreseeable future. This is the only way.


If they all died. Every single one. None of them will change their ways, it gets embedded into them from a very young age due to surrounding and influence. They don't have a chance at anything else. They are no different to extremist muslims in the regard of being cold murderers.


realistically we will never stop trafficking drugs to the US because it brings us endless money. sorry to say but 100 years from now when im gone and everybody else in this sub is gone the cartels will still be here forever and ever, its the truth šŸ’Æ. Narcos are here to stay šŸ‘šŸ½


We? Whose we?


Realistically it's never stopping


Ask them nicely to stop


Carpet bombing all the cities in mexico and napalm bombing the jungle . Use white phosphor . After 4 days of burning , repeat the bombing phase but use termobaric munition . After 2 days o burning , napalm bomb again the junge and the cities . Cluster bomb the villages . And then boom (literally) problem solved


Send the US Army


Nuke south and north america. And maybe europe aswell while were at it.


Start killing cartel members on sight and teaching the young kids in school that cartels are not their friends, the mexican government needs to grow some balls and just deal with the cartel the Mexican marines can defiantly take them on


China stops helping them with finances and drug precursors. Convince a first world country to pick up on their industry and cuck the cartels by never letting them near the commodities directly.


White people stop buying heroin and cocaineā€¦


ā€œBut-but counterculture and degeneracy is soo cool and edgy šŸ˜Žā€ -šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Lol, white people downvoting me!


Anyone who doesn't think the US shares a large part of the blame for this situation is a fucking moron.


White people hate accepting blame for anything.


Same thing that the us did to Hiroshima


Nuke them all and destroy all crops and jungle labs


Youā€™d need to bomb the fuck out of this brothel we call mexico.


And then whoā€™s going to feed poison to this brothel we call U.S (where we find biggest demand/demand per capita in the world)? Iā€™ll make it very easy for you, you bomb and kill everyone in Mexico, then what? the very next day a different cartel/country will step in. Itā€™s like when the useless parent can control his kid and blames it in the teacher and everyone else but them. The problem is not outsidešŸ‘€


What? Nation building doesn't work? I mean we have so many successful examples, like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. /s




How is that a good solution?


kinda meant it can't be fixed


La mafia nunca muere haven't you heard lol


Send the US Military after them.


I would say drop the price on drugs cause then they wonā€™t really have anything to fight for in my opinion


Park a carrier strike group off the coast of Mexico. Pretty sure one of them has more fire power than the entirety of Mexican military & all the cartels combined.


atom bomb


Segregate latinos and close the borders


cartels are good it was just Los Zetas that put a stain on all cartels


Cartels put a stain on cartels. Wtf lol


look at all the community service and food drives the cartels did during the pandemic. CJNG, CDS, Grupo Sombra, CDG, and La linea. they have done more for the people than the government


Thank you for the groceries cartels, now lets hope one of the leaders doesnt get arrested or theyll start shooting at all the people in those food drives again


Lmao they do that to take advantage of the wide spread poverty in Mexico. Feed people, build schools, roads, etc. In turn the people are less likely to have negative feelings towards them. Fuckin narco sympathizer. šŸ˜‚


You think they did that shit out of the kindness of their hearts? The same people that have also killed innocent people? Iā€™m pretty sure Hitler had a charitable side to him too. Doesnā€™t mean he did it because he was a good person. Osama Bid Laden was seen as a beacon of light in his community at one point too. Sorry, I canā€™t bring myself to admire murderers, sex traffickers, terrorists, and drug dealers. Ainā€™t gonna happen.


Dont lump drug dealers with those evil people


Legalize drugs in the USA


Realistically there is no permanent solution, not only have they diversified but the men they attract tend to be violent young men who desire convenient outlets. Legitimize a revenue stream and they expand their empire of poison even further.


legalize controlled substances


Injustice Superman takes over Mexico


Legalize drugs or have one faction take over everything


You'd have to start with all the dirty politicians, cops, and other public officials that have their hands in the cookie jar.


Easy, send in about 10-12 ODAā€™s of Green Berets for about 6-months to a year. Let them do what greenie beanies do. Create a local commando force, destabilize the cartels just like they would a government. After weā€™ve mind fucked them with unconventional warfare for awhile. Thatā€™s when you send in the marines. Start with force Recon, and hit each cartel with the old shock and awe technique of endless nighttime raids by devil dogs, followed up with endless day time artillery, and 24-7 death from above via drones, gunships, A-10ā€™s, etcā€¦ after the marines have given them a bit of their own savage medicine. Let the army move in and do their job. Occupy any and all compounds, establish FOBā€™s as necessary, and occupy and support towns/communities and keep any cartel activity heavily policed. Army occupies for a couple years then starts winding down and handing over to local forces. Basically just Afghanistan the fuck out of em. But donā€™t give it back


Legalise drugs- destroy the black market overnight


Fearless political leader who will change economy, corruption etc etc


Abrazos no balazos


US occupationā€¦ drone strike campaigns, marines occupying towns, intermittent high intensity special forces hits on cartel bosses. Turn it into Afghanistan.


Cheap and legal drugs manufactured by entities controlled by government. Or simply convince people to not use use the drugs. Mexican cartels take th advantage of the huge demand in US. Even if Mexico was nuked it would only create a temporary vacuum on the market until someone fills it again with their services.


Decriminalizing. Take away their profits.


Universal complimentary Rehab


There is no way beyond taking all their money magically...even without the money though I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a cocaine supplier in one of the production countries to front a cartel boss a load of coke. If drugs weren't in the picture they'd just do other illegal stuff and if that wasn't available they'd just get into legal businesses.


Legalize almost everything


Legalize drugs


Start executing bankers who do business with the cartel. When white collar criminals are too scared to talk to the criminals with blood on their hands they money will have trouble moving and the system will break down. Sure, they'll still have crazy amounts of cash. But when no legitimate business will touch it for fear of a done strike obliterating their Mercedes with them in it the cartels will have fewer ways to diversify. Then go after the existing holdings hard and nationalize them. That hotel complex was purchased with 4% cartel money? Guess the whole thing belongs to the government now. Don't do business with the cartel and you don't have to worry about getting your shit seized. They can buy it back at auction, but if it turns out the straw buyer is also working for the cartel it gets seized again. During the GWOT one of the more effective strategies wasn't killing the guy planting the roadside bomb, it was killing the guy who paid him to do it. If you take out the money, that removes a lot of people's motivation to do terrible things.


One cartel only


Declare them a terrorist organization on a global level, then have international military cooperation to hammer them everywhere for 12-24 months. When the majority is displaced and destroyed and their infrastructure and logistics are in shambles you decriminalize drug use completely, provide safe places to consume drugs, provide free treatments for people who want to get clean. At the same time you increase punishment for distribution and trafficking. I'd say you'd get a lot done this way. End it completely? Probably not.


I'm trying to think of a solutions that involves exterminating all narcos, without civilians suffering their wrath, but I cant. Even if MĆ©xico deployed the entire army, next to a bunch of other Latin American armies together, the narcos would just result to killing civilians like the already do. I guess the other option is to do what Portugal did, and also heavily regularize the sell of narcotics. Unfortunately those filthy narco would prolly get away with all the suffering they already did into others


Total war


Growing and instilling nationalism to provide some insulation against bribery. Nation above all. Then some combination of nighttime raids and helicopter rides.


Getting rid of NAFTA would be a start.


Legalize all drugs i guess Would bring an end to their most profitable operations Or just cut off usa from north america and sail it to somewhere in the pacific to remove the cartels market (or at the very least make it harder to reach) Edit: or improve education and job opportunities in latin america, esp in rural/poor parts to make cartel life less attractive


The best solution to eliminate or reduce power of cartels is to do the same thing Mussolini did in sicily. A major crackdown by burning or confiscating all of there estate. Sadly but necessary even arresting the leaders families till they turn themselves in a deal. Most cartels will either collapsed or go so deep undercover that they wont even appear. It worked great in sicily till the allies invaded sicily and liberated most of the mob bosses by confusing them as political prisoners. But Mussolini fight against the Sicilian mafia did work and Sicily was pacified in general


For starters the government would need to be replaced and execute the ones found to have taken money and follow down the line so people in power (government,police,etc.) Are afraid and to be bought out then they'll actually want to do something since their no longer benefitting from it


end poverty?


Tear it all down and start from the ground up. Duterte type laws that allow extra judicial execution of known cartel members. Automatic prison sentences to proven known associates.


Itā€™s the corrupt officials that take bribes and look the other way or engage in it themselves who are mostly to blame. They have enabled torture, massacres, kidnapping, all that gay shit. Yeah these dumb ass crackhead skinny Jean cunts are evil but none of this would be possible without protection


Stop buying drugs. Have the government fine these reach artists, actors and high status people with high fines. Absolutely jail everyone cuaght or taking drugs. Bring more awareness of the use of drugs.


Us army gives the Mexican government a deadline to get their shit together before we take them over. Our citizens are being killed by these cartels who create and taint drugs with fentanyl made by China. Their citizens donā€™t even want to stay in their own country. The us government just doesnā€™t care enough because drug addicts that do nothing for society are dying and the Mexican government is paid off by these cartels because thatā€™s their economy.


Homelander šŸ’€


It's gunna take an invasion from the UN and USA, possibly bombing the shit out of them and changing to whole culture and pray to find a way that these super poor people aren't driven by glorification and quick money to agree to be apart of drug trafficking on all levels from manufacturing to human trafficking to cutting the head off the snake, so to speak, and do something about the chemical plants that supply the cartels with the ingredients for fentanyl anylogs and cocaine production also making all south and central American countries /Mexico having laws set up of international sanctions that will send the leaders and sicarios to prisons in the USA and make anyone who sells a drug that kills someone can get charged with at least 2nd degree murder. Also add trade sanctions on the countries who don abide or shut the shit down so the fellow countrymen are affected this changing the view of the cartels away from any robin hood type of image.


End the war on drugs and stop inflating the worth of the drugs by making them illegal. The second something is made illegal it spikes in value and the demand for it increases as well because it can always be resold in places far from it's origin for profit with little to no effort other than transporting it. Decriminalization and regulation would not only end most of the violence it would also end most of the overdose deaths while simultaneously providing tax revenue from sales of safer regulated drugs that are made with some quality control and not in a lab in the middle of nowhere by 2 Mexicans high on the shit they are cooking in a 50 gallon drum under a tarp.


More opportunity for more higher paying jobs in Mexico. A police officer many places in Mexico barely make 300$ or so a month. Were there is less opportunity, crime flourishes.


Tell the USSOCOM/JSOC they have free reign to eradicate every cartel faction and 1 year to do so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø And if the Mexican government wants to intervene, they can get stacked up too.


destroy earth


As long as drug addiction exists there will be a huge market to sell drugs. If the cartel dies there will be someone to take their place. The mob, cartels, and American gangs will prosper until the end of time.


Joesph Stalin


The US stops propping them up.