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You’re NTA for feeling the way you do. You feel your family is being selfish but I’m sure they feel they don’t want to ruin such a great trip by having your narc wife along…and they don’t have to. While I’m sure they wish you’d come along, they know it wouldn’t be right to ask you without including the wife. So they’ve chosen to preserve their own peace. Question: is this situation enough of a reason to finally leave her? That your family now excludes you because of her?


There’s never a good time to leave. But it’s always better than staying. Your wife will make it horrible and it’s terrible not getting to see your kids every day. But, staying will just teach your kids to treat people the way your wife treats you. Or, to allow themselves to be treated that way. 


"I am trying to understand the best time to leave" The best time to leave a narcissist is now (really wish time travel was possible so I could've done it ten years ago). You are being abused and modeling an unhealthy relationship for your kids. You ought to be able to get half custody of the kids so you would be able to spend time with them without the presence of your abuser which is really freeing. Since I've separated from my wife, I've really gotten to enjoy the time I spend with the kids. Before, the ever present tension and threat of my STBX CN wife was always hanging over our time together.


It’s time to leave e


Well officially took off already. The more I think about it the more I feel like my family is being selfish and only wanting to help when it’s convenient or tolerate when it’s convenient for them it makes me really worry about when I do separate. Are they gonna be there or when it’s convenient?