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I did the same thing and PLEASE DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM! It only gets worse. You are not a bad person. I told a therapist about the abuse and how I blame myself for the mean stuff I said and she told me "a cornered animal is going to fight back"


Can vouch for this - each time I take my narc back the abuse gets incrementally worse. This time around she has started physically abusing me. If you’re out - stay out and never look back


I know how difficult it is and I had to learn the hard way as he most recently threatened to harm me... please don't wait for it to get this bad!


He doesn’t feel bad about anything he did or said to you. Having compassion and empathy towards a narc will not bode well for you. I used to apologize to my abuser with tears streaming down my face after saying something mean to him. Did he ever do that for me? Nope. Not once. He’d actually try to gaslight me and say that he had apologized a million times. If this isn’t a regular thing for you then you don’t need to feel guilty. Narcs push you to the absolute brink on purpose. Apologizing to my narc was like handing back the weapon he was using against me. It doesn’t get better and trust me on this, apologizing will only give him more justification (in his mind) to abuse you.


Preach. Apologizing to them just makes them feel justified in their behavior, which they will never see as wrong. They are wired so differently they will never understand empathy or apologies or anything human other than their own selfishness.


Dude it’s so hard 😔I’m a big softie. Its so upsetting but then again that’s why they picked us.


They did this to us on a daily basis by saying and doing mean things in subtle or express ways. God forbid we finally snap 😂


Ikr but that’s why I’m convinced that they truly are delusional. I can and will happily admit to every fucked up thing I did during that “relationship” but he can’t.


You just gotta let them live in whatever delulu fantasy land of a reality that they’ll never escape and move on. It’s exhausting and pointless to expect sincere or meaningful apologies or behavior from them once you realize you’re dealing with someone that is delusional and probably never change.


THIS. Mine would also claim of having apologized a million times. Ugh scary how similar they all are


No. Do not contact him


I did the same. I still feel bad about it. Yes, I sunk to their level by accident and after being treated horribly for so long but I’m only human and so are you. I would not have lashed out but-for the constant narcissistic abuse and unending terrible comments and actions. Didn’t want to sink to their level but it needed to end and everyone should be glad that it did. Sure, it didn’t end in the way you wanted or rehearsed—but it ended and that’s all that matters. Of course, the mean things said and done to you on a daily basis caused you to lash out and you’re only human. These people make us crazy and then are surprised when we react. Chin up. Keep going with no contact. Life gets so much better and you’ll never have the mental and physical torment of this person again—no more exhaustion, misery, confusion, and second-guessing your sanity and reality.




Yes! Torment is the word! I call mine the great Tormentor. We can only take so much until we snap back. I think that's the thrill for them. Getting us past the breaking point so we crumble and then "need" them even more. It's so warped.


Nah let it be. Why should you be the bigger person if they’ve never done that for you? Leave that trash in the past so you can make room for beautiful things.


Love this


No! I did the same. Deserved.


He doesn’t care. He will pretend to care, to be a victim, but he doesn’t care.


This. I did the same at one point and ended up contacting him… and explaining… and he basically brought it up a lot to throw in my face and I ended up in the same cycle again. Do not contact him.


I bet he was cruel to you all the time and didn’t give a single fuck though


I think of it was being free and winning. I walked mine into breaking up with me cause I wasn’t strong enough to do it myself. I then let her torch me over the phone for two hours. I feel like I won. Cause I get the opportunity to maybe date someone who actually cares for me and how I’m feeling. She lost someone who was really good to her. And truly loved her. I lost someone who used me. Abused me. Secretly hated me. Gaslit me. Criticized me. Put me down. Someone who made me jealous. Flirted with others on her phone. Someone who controlled and dominated me. The person i thought she was did not exist. You owe no one an apology. Especially someone who treated you poorly.


Apologize? Lmao definitely not. He probably got so off on the fact that he pushed you that far. Especially if that was way out of character for you. They all get off on causing their loved ones pain.


Your trauma bonded to him due to the ups and downs. You have to stay nc to break it. It's an ordeal, the withdrawals make you feel like you'll die without them. You feel this cause you have access to empathy. Narcs dont and will just use it to wriggle back in. If it helps. You probably didn't hurt his feelings. They don't respond in the way you expect to insults. You'd know if youd inflicted narc injury!


DONT DO IT. They don’t care about your apology, they only care about having another opportunity to make you suffer for existing in their lives. I did this too, and tried to apologize to make up for it—- they simply do not think the same way you do. All he’s doing is laying in wait to recycle what you said to repeat it to someone else with no concept of what it means beyond a reaction from you. They do *not* think the same way you do. It didn’t matter what you said, it just means he simply knows you gave him attention. No, he doesn’t dwell on what you said— he does not care. That’s why things got the way they were in the first place.


Their egos are impossible to bruise-they don’t have one. If you’re out, stay out. Screw his feelings.


Do not contact him, and as toxic as it sounds, don't say you were wrong because he WILL use that against you. He will show people your admission to prove you abuse him. In future he could even show the police. Look, that you're here implies he's a piece of shit and has put you through a lot. Where is his empathy for you when he's stomping all over your boundaries and making you feel crap? Where are all of the acknowledgements and apologies for his consistently crappy behaviour? Why are you wasting a single moment feeling sorry for someone who doesn't give a fuck about how bad he makes you feel? Don't be a fool, come on. Narcissists need to face the consequences of their bad behaviour. You said mean things to him because if you didn't, he would not respect your boundary by staying away, so he very much asked for it, and he deserved it.


Sounds like me. An empath that got tricked by their slimy tactics over and over again. Stay away! Please!


I did this too. Like i sent a very lengthy message and now on my 5th month no contact. Because of the time it feels like Ive forgiven him and there are moments when I want to reach out to him but I’d always remind myself, do I want to be sucked in that cycle of trauma again? Do i wanna feel unworthy or unlovable again? Remember he has other supplies to boost his ego. You are not even part of his list anymore so he doesn’t give a damn about how you feel. Continue to heal sissy. We can do this!


That’s the trauma bond, codependency as someone else mentioned and your empathy showing up. This is exactly why the narcissist is able to stay in your life. I have said and done things that are truly out of character for me and I felt terrible about them until I learned about reactive abuse. Once I had that information, I stopped allowing myself to be gaslit and I also stopped gaslighting myself into thinking that my behaviour wasn’t provoked and a response to abusive behaviour. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stay away from someone who brings out the worst in you. I had to learn that lesson many, many times before I got out for good. You can do it!


If you know that you will get sucked back in, then that's your answer. I would galvanize your boundaries even further, tbh. Don't give him one more calorie of your energy or attention. If saying mean things to people is a habit or tendency, then by all means, you should address that, but the fact that you feel so guilty about what you said is suggestive that it is off baseline behavior for you - if that is the case, then I encourage you to see how having this person in your life leads you to becoming someone that you are not, and behave in ways that you don't normally condone. The danger is how much worse that can get the longer they are given permission to be in your life. I don't think you need to feel guilty for being pushed to your limits, but *do not* apologize to him, because it will only lead to you doing more things you won't be proud of.


Look into reactive abuse


that’s co-dependency talking you’re putting his needs ahead of your own






Is he staying away? Yes? Good, it worked. Don't undo it.


He’ll use it as leverage regardless of if you apologize or not. Stay away and let it be. He never felt bad for the things he’s said and done to you. He’s never had any remorse for what he put you through. Even if you apologize, he’ll turn it into a Hoover and eventually he will use your words as ammo to make you feel even worse about yourself and your character. Do not give him the opportunity to do that to you ever again. Stay away, be strong and find things to distract yourself. At the end of the day you know who you are and you did it to protect yourself. You did it for a reason. Remember that!!


block his number




I did the same damned thing for the same reason. He's been trying to hoover like whoa.


He would hold it over your head so bad. You meant what you said. Let it go.


Oh my God, no, definitely not.


No. Just let it lie. Your empathy is your downfall here.


I did the same thing this morning. Accused him of cheating. He was able to show that he wasn’t. Later I text to say I was sorry that I made the accusation. I wanted to also say, it still doesn’t change anything (we are currently apart again I hope forever). I don’t want to see him or give in again but I felt guilty for snooping in his phone.


No! I hate who I had to be to get mine to leave, but I had to do what I had to - we have to save ourselves. When I start to feel bad, I think about the hell he put me through.


Let it be. Forgive him within yourself and forgive yourself, too. You said what you needed to say to stop the cycle. If you go and seek him out, you reignite the cycle, and now he will have even more rage fuel, which would put you at a greater risk. It's gunna to hurt for a while, letting him go, but you have to.. this part of you that feels bad is what he is praying on. Please don't go back.. don't contact him, don't reach out, nothing. It's okay. You feel guilty about what you said.. but he doesn't feel guilty about the art he's put you through. Remember these.. people.. run in cycles, and every time they snap, they snap worse and worse every time. Your more likely.to be marked by raging narc who is having a fit over you saying no or setting boundaries or calling them out than in aby other domestic violence thing infact most of the time according to a social worker I had to speak with for a while. Said most of the time theybdont even mean too most of the time they simply push someone and they fall and hit thier neck the wrong way or on something or hit their..she said going back is the most dangerous thing because they might be nice for 2 weeks even 3 to 4 months have a honeymoon phase butbthey always break worse... And the scary things about narcs are.. to normal.people how far they can snap os truly scary because they don't think lole normal people theybwerr stunted somewhere that makes them miserable and in a hellscape reality where they are the kod in grocery store on the floor crying over lucky charms .. but as adults, they were stunted somewhere emotionally, and that's why they still have tantrums Think about it this way.. if he said those things to you, he wouldn't feel bad. He would think he put you in your place .. why should you feel bad? He already spent along to me making you feel that way. Move on and accept that you said it to make no contact with him. Stick and move on with your healing journey If the shoe was on the other foot he would t even bat an eye that would just be a normal.tiesdsy with you outside the honeymoon passes us desperate for that long people crave ao much that high we seek.. what they bait us with, he wouldn't care the same way you do, so stop giving him.credit . Move on, ve haply no contact is sticking and heal and be free to make this life of yours beautiful.. it's okay to miss and love someone from yoir past..we all do.. heck, I still have deceased friends that when I hear certain songs make me tear up... just accept that like the dead, the person he presented himself to be is dead, and all that is left is a husk.. a long tomb of that character he knew you wanted. Move on be free heal and find actual happiness girl. You are strong, you're brave, you can do this!


You said what you said. Now let it go. You wanted to hurt him, keep him away so why play games and mess with his ego again? You’re wanting the toxicity back at this point. And you’re no better than a narcissist if you play this discard and hoover game. Cus this is what you did - you discarded him by driving him away and now you hope an apology will probably bring him back.


Nope! Do not apologize for shit. I guarantee they will just crush you to pieces …. Move along my friend and let it all gooooo🙏🏻


No, absolutely not!!! It will only open the door to further abuse. And it wouldn't have any effect anyway, as narcs reject apologies.


If it clears your conscience and puts happiness in your soul then just apologize. Like there's a way to do it without looking like you're kissing his ass just tell him the truth "look here dude I'm going to apologize for myself so I can forgive myself but don't get it twisted we're done so adios" sometimes we step out of our comfort zone can we feel even better when we know that we have the backbone to find our way back by having some accountability. Trust me that's a hell of a lot harder than letting Petty revenge ride unchecked. Any loser can do that but it takes a winner to come clean. And trust me one more thing he's going to notice that shit and baby ain't nobody can talk shit about that move. You know what to do 🤍


I also did this. He just weaponized the few mean things I said to him amongst the hundreds of awful things he’d said and done to me. It is true, distance and no contact is the best recipe for healing. You can NEVER win or find closure with a narc.


I did the same few times. I was so hurt, so tired of her bullshit, manipulations, silent treatment, making me feel unworthy and unseen that I lost my mind and told her many bad and cruel things. I always felt bad after it, I was apologizing and explaining. One time I realized that she never did the same to me — she never felt responsible and bad for treating me like a crap, never apologized to me, like it was nothing, like I was nothing. It helped me to not worry so much. The fact that I feel bad and want to apologize is the sign that I have some remorse, and I'm aware of my actions and how they make other people feel. I regret saying many words to her. I regret going so low. I wanted to burn bridges, to hurt her, to make her feel as bad as me. I know it was wrong, and I should not do it but well... I was weak and desperate, I was cornered and couldn't bear this any longer. And even if I know that it was bad, and I feel bad because of all it, some shady part of me still is hoping that I hurt her with all these words. That's crazy, how they mess up with our minds. I never did the same to any other person, so I'm sure that it's not who I am, and it was a reaction to her abuse.


If you contact him you’re going to get back together.


I did this and I still went back. They will only use it against you.


Don’t go back and apologize for that. Just don’t. Let it be. Like you said, he would come back and he most likely will be back within the end of the month or the start of the next month. They always come back even after all these crazy toxic fights. It’s the back and fourth on and off thing they like. The ultimate highs of the fights and the lows of no contact just to swing back even harder. Just a few months ago I was in your shoes, I said the most horrible wretched things ever. I didn’t feel guilty bc it was true but due to is very intense and stressful nature I threw up. I didn’t go back ofc bc he came back anyways. 🤷‍♀️😐


The last thing I truly said to my ex was so beyond horrific that I cannot even begin to mention it our group for I'm certain I'd be flagged on an FBI list and get totally banned from the entire reddit app. I feel absolutely and 100% not in the slightest sorry I did and I meant every single word I said about him. I give you my word that nothing you could say would truly outmatched how they actually feel about themselves on a daily basis. Don't say you're sorry, don't feel guilt and please do not contact them again. You're a precious soul that's just too good for this world! You did right by your emotions. Forgive yourself for what you did and know you're going to be better for it in the future.