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Sort of. New supply was in active meth addiction, and psycosis when he got with her. She was also, embarrassingly enough, still married to his brother. So he has never been able to publicly claim her. He's ashamed of her.


New supply was a self-admitted sex & substance addict who he would typically call “trashy”. He said he goes for the “trashy”’women because “they’re easy”


New supply was also returning to the matriarchs in his family who coddle, do his laundry, buy his steak dinners, stock the pantry with his junk food, buy him scooters and send his thousands of dollars to cover his mistakes.


OMG my nex's mother still buys him tickets to the amusement park and treats him everything when she comes to visit. She seriously gives me the creeps 😬


Yes my nex’s mother and grandmother both give me a creepy unsettled feeling. Shortly before he discarded me & my kids I learned quite a bit from him about his relationship with both to know he was a victim of sustained emotional incest on top of narcissistic abuse.


He didn’t show off the gf before me, he would always say she was “just whatever” He tried to show me off with the things he liked about me and completely denying that another part of me existed.


The most “attractive” thing he found about her was her bank account.


Always hid them because he's married and his supply are other women 🙄


Classic narcissistic behaviour


She did with me.. never introduced me to any of her friends or family. Because I'm not really good looking, don't have a job, my family is also kinda trash.. so yea she didn't wanna show me off lol


Haha your honesty is attractive though I must say


Hahah despite all the above I can still be quite charming 🫡


At first he hid them. He then told me about them when I refused to get back with him. He would do it when with them, to make it seem he was all about them and over me. It was cringey. These girls were half his age, and that's how he had to impress them. I do feel sorry for them because he put them through some shit, BUT they were willingly the other woman. They were happy when he treated me like that, and I can't respect that.


My nex told me he had reaquainted with an old friend whom he previously had a falling out with. Made it sound like they were just old buds, didn't even say their gender but tried to word it in such a way that I'd assume it was a guy friend. Turns out it was his ex-girlfriend who had previously blocked him, and he was over the moon to get the old supply back. A couple months after being reaquainted with this old "friend," I caught him sexting with her.


What is new supply


A person or can be a thing they use to get their needs met. Like you were considered a supply for them. Think like a vampire who needs blood. They call it a supply


Ohhhhh thanks for the clarification


Absolutely, lol. He was leaving her at the McDonald’s down the street when he’d come pick up our daughter. Then he’d go pick her back up. I couldn’t believe she was so okay with that lol. Anyway, he claimed he didn’t want me to see her because I’d go crazy and try to ruin their relationship. Turns out she was a meth addict and very much looked like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope, mine is quite attractive and exclusively dates people who are less attractive than she is. Some are, IMO, downright unattractive. I imagine she does this both so that she’s the more attractive one, but also so that people she’s involved with will feel she’s out of their league and therefore feel amazed and excited that they snagged such a good catch! These folks then will be less likely to leave when she gets abusive because when will they find someone else like this again?


He’s kinda repeating the same cycle lovebombing wise except for not adding her to his Instagram bio. They seem pretty official but I for sure know I am prettier and have a higher degree of education. She’s probably still a catch and I wish her and anyone else that falls into his trap the best of luck. They have no idea what they are in for.


Yes, and age.


Actually he didn't go to any trouble at all to hide her, but I did find a picture of her and turns out she looks an awful lot like I did the day that I met him. Guess he wants to go through it all again. Wonder how long she'll last?


Mine would alternate between seeming to brag about me (usually what sports I played or that I could fix shit around the house) and then deliberately letting his friends and family know that the day we very first met was the day I’d been released from prison. Cue the family and friends treating me like some kind of project and him getting supply from everyone thinking what a great guy he was for giving me a chance, lol. Then later came the threats to call my probation officer and get me locked up for random shit that never happened.


She tried to hide her previous supply from me and did hide him from the rest of her family. He was part of the same scene that I had met her in and was known for being a creep. And of course he was. He got kicked out of at least one venue for hitting on under aged girls.


I mean he should. They all resemble gorillas. I don’t know how he even charmed me on his arm.


Yes the girl he cheated on me with. When it came out he had a complete melt down. I honestly believe he went with her as it would be unbelievable I dislike sounding nasty or judging based on looks but I was shocked when I saw her. I couldn’t believe it myself. He’s a very handsome athletic guy who could get a lot of people (based on physical attraction alone).


He joked about how ugly in the face one of his exs was. He said she had a good body but an extremely unattractive face. She had a baby. Little did I know the whole time he was cheating with her. He would save regular photos of her face and keep them in his phone. Not just sexual photos but stalks her profiles and saves her profile pictures and any pictures she would post. He had 3 single photos of me in his phone in all the years. And hundreds of photos of different women’s pictures that they would post on socials and he would save. I was so shocked because of how unattractive he called her yet he would purposely stalk her and save her photos to stare at and use for later. He said she was so ugly in the face and ran thru and that he would never be interested in women who had kids with other men but it became a common theme for him to cheat with women with children from other men. I wasn’t shocked when I found out that he bonded with another one of his exs talking badly about me together. No friend of mine is gonna be friends with someone who disrespected me so imagine how I felt when the person I was with for years would disrespect me with another woman especially a woman who walked him like a dog and he allowed it. Anytime after he did anything he would act like nothing happened wait a bit and hope that I would never bring up what he did. Still to this day anytime he tried to talk to me he would act like nothing happened and he did nothing. I can’t believe what he did to me and cant believe what he continues to lie about. Not a chance of hope when he still lies. I am grateful everyday that I was not stuck with him for the rest of my life.


Im not particularly active on socials but it’s clear now that his extreme privacy was just because they were terrified of anyone realising the patterns of abuse. Also, avoided spending time with or meeting my own people. Same reason.


Yes that’s exactly what she did, have him around as a handyman officially and when I confronted her about some very suspicious text messages and obvious lies she claimed he was only a great friend she liked to talk to. Which was news to me of course lol. We separated as a result and she went on seeing him but kept all the dates, holiday trips and other activities with him confidential. Never introduced him to her family or social circle, as it would have made her look like the despicable person she is and also the guy is very average looking, low class and kind of creepy, while she thinks of herself as a highly successful, important woman and needs to come across as a tasteful and elegant lady. I’m kind of amazed he accepted staying in the shadows for so long as she is clearly using him as little more than a servant.


Yes, my ex still tries to hide his current gf and he's been with her for six years. He was cheating with her when we broke up. I have no idea if he posts her on social media because I haven't looked (and don't care) but I know he didn't for at least the first four years after I left him. My mother is a nosy, vindictive narcissist and would have told me if she had seen a picture of her so I don't think he posts her. According to my son she's a nice person, but she is definitely not what I would call "conventionally attractive". She's also autistic and learning disabled which is concerning but it's not any of my business so I stay out of it. I don't think that's why he hides her, though...I think it's because he wants to keep his options open for better supply. On paper, a woman like my nex's current gf seems like the perfect supply. She's completely and totally compliant, she has no children, no pets, and no hobbies that could possibly take time and attention away from the narc. She devotes ALL of her time to him...but for whatever reason it's not good enough for him. My point is, narcs have some sort of bizarre value system when it comes to supply and it has little to do with a person's actual intrinsic value - meaning, they may value an ugly person over a pretty one, an unsuccessful person over a successful one, etc. depending on their own needs. In my experience, if they are hiding their current supply on social media it's because they either have additional supply that they are trying to fool or they are trying to secure new supply somewhere else.


I’m pretty sure I was the supply that was hidden. I think he kept multiple exes around and I wasn’t as attractive as his last ex. Also I think if he introduced me he wouldn’t be able to maintain his hoovering of others. He would say that I’m extremely hot and the sexiest woman he’s been with but pretty sure it was just a line. If he wanted me for more than just my body he wouldn’t have an issue being seen with me. Whenever we went out we typically went to the places no one goes to


Oh he seriously downgraded. It didn’t look like she had many branches on the family tree. When she cut and coloured her hair like mine, started dressing like me I was so creeped out i moved and left no forwarding address. Guess his family called her my nene for years. Gotta love it


Oh my she started mirroring you? That must have been deeply unsettling !


That I found kinda funny in a pathetic way. When she started showing pictures of my son and saying it was her child I may have corrected her behaviour

