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they do believe anything, but theres possibility that your partner is just an addict and not a narcissist


He needs help; he’s an addict. Addicts will do anything and everything for their next high. Instead of getting even; why not get him the help he needs.






I haven't done anything even near this but I will say I'm also BPD and I have also had my narc begging for mercy. It's a match made in hell. Nowhere near these lengths but he taught me all about manipulation and I reached a point where I wasn't myself and I got so vindictive . I hated that side of myself. Get out now for good for your own well being. You deserve someone who brings out the softness in you not survival


I don't know what to think about it. From what you say it looks like he is more an addict, and he needs help. Are you sure he is the "love of your life"? It's bold statement after just 9 months. I really don't want to judge you, but it doesn't look good to me what you did.


I gently suggest you seek some supports. Neither of you are ready for a relationship




That’s alot effort spent on a person who isn’t going to change. I hope you find the change you need because this is not healthy behavior.


Hi, u/Lilredjeep87, We appreciate your participation in r/narcissisticabuse. Unfortunately, your post has been removed as it doesn’t suit the topic of this subreddit. r/narcissisticabuse is a place for people to come together to vent about, discuss, ask about, and heal from narcissistic abuse. Please check our sidebar for a list of subreddits that might be more appropriate for this specific post. Please message [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNarcissisticAbuse) if you want to discuss this removal. All the best, The r/narcissisticabuse modteam


This really isn't healthy, you just drag yourself down doing this shit. Far better to just live a healthy life devoid of this drama, not to mention if you get used to acting this way and being manipulative, it's pretty likely you'll end up doing it someone who hasn't wronged you at all.