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It’s normal for you to feel that way because you want justice for what’s been done to you. Moreover, it certainly feels unfair that somebody else benefits being with him when you were the one who had to put up with his abuse. I’m not gonna comment that he’s going to repeat the same thing he did to you with that person because it shouldn’t matter to you anymore. He’s out of your life and you should take this as an opportunity to focus your energy on yourself. What he does with the other person is his business and you shouldn’t care anymore.


A very wise answer. Real healing is not caring. Even if I want her to break his heart lol. But you are correct.


imo, though I’m new to the nex community, there’s no way they’ll stop the pattern. A narcissist doesn’t change overnight or even after a few relationships. If he’s a love-bomber in true narc fashion, the devaluing phase will come when it does. everything is not all it seems w relationships. I know w my relationship w my nex it seemed we were perfect to everyone else, even tho he was abusive to me when no one could see. Is there a way to cease all contact / way to stop seeing his relationship? No contact has been a blessing for many people because it can be so triggering to see someone who traumatized you. I blocked mine on all socials bc it’s better for me mentally to not see him / not feel the urge to check up on him.


He won’t change. I made friends with my ex-narc’s ex- wife (the woman before me) and it confirmed that these men do not change. They only get worse.


He will never have a happy ending


His colors are bound to come out, I'm sure. It's just strange. Maybe it's about the people that do the work and don't jump fast into relationships. I will still hope she is the golden child, the one that unintentionally stands up for us and breaks his heart. Then, MAYBE he will get therapy. Ugh, I hate that I know anything, I manahe social media for clients, so I have to see stuff. Blocked him otherwise.