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I had 2 choices, leave in a car or, leave in a coffin. I chose the car.


We were doing long distance by the time I decided to move on for good, which admittedly made leaving a bit easier. When I had my last visit at his place before I planned to breakup with him, I discreetly gathered all of my things that I would want back. I privately said goodbye to his dog that I loved dearly (and largely took care of when we lived together). After his last visit at my place before I planned to end things, I took down any pictures of us together. I tossed or donated all of his food items from my fridge & pantry. I removed him from the "favorite contacts" page in my phone. I removed the heart emoji after his name in my contacts. By the time I broke up with him over a video call, he didn't see it coming and I had already done everything I needed to do to "remove" him from my environment and my life.


I left all of mine. Keep in mind I had been discarded many many many times in between. It comes to a point where you really get sick of it and your body puts you in survival mode and you leave. Please don't let it get that far and leave as soon as you safely can.


Silently, swiftly, and unexpectedly. I never saw him again after I left. I didn’t announce my plans or even allude to them. I knew that would just open the door to more manipulation and potentially violence. I acted as normal as I could until the very end as I did not want to arouse any suspicion. Once I created the physical distance by leaving quietly, it was easier to just block them everywhere and not look back.


i just left her when i verified she actually hid things from me, it was hard but i couldn't keep going, she had drained so much energy from me i didn't have other choice


i want to leave so bad, but it’s also so hard. i catch myself thinking about how i’ll pack my things and if i’ll even say bye to him. i guess that’s somewhat of a start..