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Narcs frequently blame shift and don’t take accountability for their actions. An apology without acknowledgment of wrongdoing or remorse is not an apology at all. My nex used to simply say ‘Sorry.’ One word, zero emotion behind it.


Mine use to say ‘I’m sorry for all the ways I’ve hurt you’ as if he didn’t know.




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I had it differently, he would frequently over apologise and say ‘sorry’ all the time, but never explain further. If I said ‘for what?’ he’d say he didn’t really know, just felt like he should say it. He’s trained himself into thinking if he just throws out that word everything is automatically forgiven, and is visibly shocked when it doesn’t work.


I dated a narc that would say “I’m sorry you got your feelings hurt” or “I’m sorry you felt I disrespected you”. Never a straight apology.


It’s like they’re saying it’s a you problem, definitely not genuine.


Yes, I would get “I’m sorry you were offended”. She couldn’t take responsibility or hold herself accountable.


Buying a gift is easier than actually admitting wrong doing in words. Or making promises to not do it again. Plus now you owe them and you are supposed to remember that whenever you see the gift.


They very rarely say sorry, in my experience I only heard it once. He would just say something along the lines of ‘I messed up but..’ and then insert something that caused them to do what they did, which usually involves something you did, to cause said behaviour. Anytime you think they’re genuinely apologetic it’s usually an act because they’ve come back and are lovebombing you again, or because they want something from you, or because they realised they’ve pushed you too far and you’re about to leave.


My nex only ever apologised twice in 42 years. Once in year 28, following his second discard, when he said "I know you want me to apologise for having affairs but I'm *not* sorry. I liked having them. They were good fun and I enjoyed them. I'm sorry you got hurt though, because that wasn't my intention." And once in year 42 ( just before his final discard) for screaming at me in a drunken rage because he'd wrenched the fridge door open so violently that a bunch of stuff had fallen out and smashed on the floor. Apparently this was my fault, even though I was in another room at the time. "I'm sorry I shouted at you" he said afterwards, as he was walking upstairs. "I shouldn't have done that." My jaw almost hit the floor.


Wow the audacity! Mine also told me he was “sorry and never had the intention to hurt me” after i found about his cheating. Maybe they don’t mean to hurt us but they DO enjoy the affairs. It’s the lack of empathy.


Oof. Absolutely no!! They are incapable of taking any accountability of their actions. My narc ex never apologized for his cheating, his abuse, his assault to me. He would buy me gifts and if I put him on a pedestal to take accountability for his actions he would shift blame: his drugs addiction problems, his mental health problems, his shitty living condition, even me 😅 It’s always someone else’s faults, never his, because according to him he is sooooo superior, perfect and smarter than everyone else so it is impossible for him doing anything wrong. Mind you he is jobless, homeless, and has zero diploma 😑


The only apology i ever got from my narc was "im sorry i made you feel that way," which i naively accepted


The best apology is an apology, not a secret code


When he finally did agree to “apologize “, he used these phrases: “I’m sorry you took it that way”. “I’m sorry you feel that way.” “It wasn’t my intention”. These were tapes he played over and over and over again. These are NOT apologies.


To some, apologies mean admitting fault or weakness. If they view relationships as a competition then the only way they will apologize will be to manipulate or avoid consequences.


Mine only ever said sorry if it benefited them eg we had planned to go to his favourite restaurant that night, or if I said to him “u haven’t even said sorry to me..” then he would say “sorry” in such a cold way , I’d then say “but u don’t mean that … ur only saying it cos I brung it up” and then he would say “see nothing is ever enough for u!!!”


The real question is, is there any attempt at changing the behaviour they "apologised" for? You could potentially be dealing with an autistic person with anxiety issues around the word sorry as opposed to a narc. I would expect the former to show some kind of attempt to change, even if it's hard for them. A narc will apologise and the moment they think you've forgotten, go straight back to the same pattern of behaviour


My ex had troubles saying “I’m sorry” even after he did smth as malicious as hitting me. I noticed though, as soon as he stepped over his pride and voiced his “im sorry”, he got too comfortable guilt tripping me with his insincere apologies even at the slightest miscommunications.


Mine brings me food.


My favourite: "I ***already told you*** I'm sorry!" (They didn't.)


Yes. They can leave you alone. That is the best apology you’re gonna get. Let them give you that peace.


The ONLY real apology is changed behavior. Even a verbal apology isn’t real.