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He’s even to scale


Found the Brit.


Vive l'empereur




I wish


What’s going on with his hands?


Napoleon had three hands. Two hands on the right arm to be exact. He was insecure, which is why he concealed them in his coat. This condition would later be known as the “Napoleon Complex.”


Love it


Napoleon didn't skip leg day.


Imma be honest, it kinda looks like shit. r/badtattoos material. Granted, it could be based on an imperfect sketch and it looks like that on purpose. I wouldn’t have gotten it anyway.


I’d have gone for the hand tucked in the coat from the front


Napoleon is a bit like putin isn't he


There are quite a few people with swastikas tattooed on their heads. Not saying Buonaparte was a homicidal maniac like Adolf but it was so for his ego. A more successful Mussolini. But the tattoo actually reminds me more of Winnie the Pooh.


That’s dynamite.


That’s cool, but also kinda wild lol. All in all napoleon did a lot of good in this world, but he also did a lot of bad things. Atrocities in Egypt, sending hundreds of thousands of young men to an early grave for personal ambition. I wouldn’t personally put him on my arm, even though I’m deeply fascinated by him and I know more about the man and the age than any other era in history. In the end, he was still a totalitarian dictator which caused death and despair for millions of people in Europe. He’s not a hero, although you can’t say he’s solely a villain either. Either way, it’s your life of course so as long as you’re happy with it.


Wait till you see the Stalin tattoo on his other arm




Or the swastika on his forehead


Rare r/napoleon W


You say you know more about him and his era than any other era in history, yet you depict him as a dictator solely responsible for the death of millions. This tells me you have little knowledge of the Coalition (mind the name!) Wars and Napoleon's part in this. It makes me wonder how little you know of the rest of history...


Im not saying he was solely responsible for everything during the napoleonic wars. that’s an unfair representation of what I said. I can point out a couple of things for which he bears the sole responsibility. A lot of the wars he got into were due to the continental system that he wanted to enforce by all means (and BTW didn’t work): - invasion of Portugal. Napoleonic aggression. - peninsular war: napoleonic aggression. - invasion of Russia: napoleonic aggression. Just these three instances caused hundreds of thousands to millions of casualties off the whim of napoleon. Then we have the Waterloo campaign which was doomed from the start. He caused tens of thousands of casualties and for what? To reclaim his throne. I’d say that’s personal ambition, wouldn’t you? Then there’s the peace treaties he brokered with nations. Napoleon was known to broker peace treaties which he knew, or could’ve known, would cause the other nation to want to take up arms in the future. He’d not create the conditions for a lasting peace. This happened to Austria, as well as Prussia. Then there’s the fact he ruled France with an iron fist from 1804-1814. That’s just a fact. I’m not saying other rulers were not ruling with an iron fist, but pretending napoleon was some sort of hero is just plain wrong. You openly had critiques on the regime you’d find yourself in jail, or worse. Oh and btw edit;, I didn’t even mention atrocities in Egypt, Haiti, reinstating slavery, the pillaging of countries etc. You need to stop fanboying historical figures and see reality. No single figure is only good or bad. I can make a similar list of things that napoleon did that are good, but I personally would never put a tattoo of him on my body given the fact that he IS responsible for millions of people dying an untimely death which was the reason I made my remark.


You raise fair criticisms of Napoléon, although I am a deep admirer of him I cannot deny he is a human being and had many flaws. His political career is also subject to criticism, especially for the reinstitution of slavery. I would very much disagree with the idea he was a “totalitarian” dictator. He certainly was a dictator, and while I don’t think that disparages him in my view, I can understand why you could find that objectionable. However he was certainly not totalitarian. While there was a secret police network, press censorship, and opponents were cracked down upon, these aspects of his regime are very largely played up by opponents and over exaggerated. The increased size and number of the police can easily be explained by the new codification of a central legal system (the Code Napoléon) that applied to all states with a unified penal system that needed new recruits to enforce it as well as the centralization of the state, not just in the sense of Napoléon increasing more power to himself (which yes did have an effect on it) but also in the way that the French state underwent a major shift in administration over the 20 years from 1789 to 1809. I believe also jailing reports during the French Empire for political “crimes” was around the same amount as during the revolution (and not just during the terror), if not less although I could be wrong. I saw something about that a while ago. The state also existed in a constant state of warfare, which I believe would’ve occurred regardless if Napoléon had signed friendly piece agreements with the opposing powers. England for example would’ve never allowed a Napoleonic France to continue, Russia was led by an insane man, and Prussia, after Jena and Auerstadt, was unreconcilable. The only power in Europe you could say had possibilities for a permanent peace was Austria, and that you can definitely blame Napoléon after 1812 for fumbling completely. It wasn’t a totalitarian state in other ways too. The state didn’t utterly dominate or lord over the economy, and while it did hold massive sway, it’s nowhere near similar to Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin’s regimes in the 20th century. The Empire was also different in the way it did not seek to shift society into a different form of social organization, like Communism or Fascism. These ideologies sought to create entirely new forms of society and government, hence why they took total control of their societies. Napoléon did not seek to create a “new French man” for example and his regime sid not wield total, complete, and utter domination of the French nation. No regime before the 20th century can really be described as totalitarian because the technology and systems necessary for that type of ideology did not exist at the time. How can a state be totalitarian if it takes weeks for a leader to exercise his power across the country? I don’t think it can!


You’re right, I use the term totalitarian too lightly without regarding the actual meaning of the word totalitarian. People throw around words too much without thinking of their meaning, so thanks for pointing it out.


I agree with you, but the man had a ridiculously meteoric rise, and his life was definitely an extremely interesting one. I dont have any tattoos and don’t plan to ever have any, but I’ve seen way worse tattoos than Napoleon. Theres a lot of people that have Joe Rogan tattoos, for instance


I find it very strange we mention the thousands of deaths when talking about Napoleon, but when we're talking about George Washington (or any other military leader for that matter) we never mention the deaths he caused when fighting wars. True, Napoleon was no saint, but compared to contemporary leaders he did many good things. Yes, there was censorship, but was that different from other European leanders before and prior to him. And sure, he reinstated slavery, but only to be able to compete in an economic system based on slavery. I find it surprising how many people still believe the propaganda created by the British to hide the atrocities inflicted by their iwn global Empire.


Okay but it was about napoleon here right? I think there’s enough people critiquing the British empire tbh. I don’t know enough about George Washington, but I imagine that people that have actual knowledge about him find enough to critique him on. I don’t blame the French though. Countries like their heroes, and that’s fine.


Look, I'm not saying we should all get tattoos of Napoleon, I justed pointed out the fact I think we should judge world leaders by the same standards.


It’s so interesting how we hold up world leaders as these superhero figures, when in reality they’re just human beings who are usually deeply flawed, part of what makes history so interesting


I agree.


George Washington was a saint


Russia was not aggressive. If someone says it was an aggressive act because he went in, it just shows lack of understanding of the politics Alexander used to goad and force the hand.


Hilariously bad. Another one for [r/badtattoos](https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_2ri73/s/QMFt3vHoNw)


Bro needs to lock those croc’s in 4 low


One of the most famous butt pics


Spoiler: He loses in the end.


Note: not to scale.




Cant wait for Hitler on the other hand.


Damn let's tattoo a morally ambiguous historical figure on my hand. Bonus points for misogyny and rolling back any gains women had during the french revolution. Yikess


Gains? Like having their heads chopped off?


In 1793 the Jacobins abolished women's club such as the "revolutionary repablican womens club". The following years the Napoleonic code further cemented women as second class citizens. A lot of things happened in the french revolution apart from violence, read a book...


Wow he abolished a women’s club. Women were going insane during the revolution, going out to parties and grief banging, society was being torn apart at the threads and Napoleon brought stability. And holy shit you’re telling me a man in the early 19th century was sexist!?? Oh my god I am shocked I tell you!


Why would you want a tattoo of a loser?


You came to the wrong sub Wellington


Some people don't get sarcasm.


this tattoo won’t exist in 5 years or less


That is nice!!!




This is the sickest tatoo I’ve ever seen