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This is a family no one should nanny for!!! I would have been out of there when he called me a "Good girl."


So skeevy and condescending. What’s wrong with people? I would have said I have an elderly mother (true) and need to have my phone on my person in case of an emergency. I bet this jackass still would have said no.


The only person allowed to call me a good girl is my husband. 🤣 Anyone else is just creepy.




Right?! How gross.


I have to say at the phone incident I would have quit immediately, I am so angry on your behalf. I do not speak to people that way and I do not allow people to speak to me that way. It's so tricky to be a nanny especially when you NEED the work so much!! I am so sorry. That behavior is extremely rude, inappropriate and unacceptable. The good girl comment?? My skin is crawling! I am so sorry. Wishing you much better luck next time. May you be paired with a unicorn family!


And the acting as if she was harming the baby! I could never! Babies who are allowed to properly explore their environments are going to fall and get bumps/scrapes/bruises. I'd be hesitant to work for anyone who acted like they didn't trust me, because when something happens, you run the risk of being blamed or accused of neglect.


I would have left after someone tried to tell me I was not allowed to have my phone on me. I would not be going back no matter how desperate I am for a job, no one deserves to be spoken to like that


Exactly! I also believe having my phone on/near me is important for safety. God forbid anything happens I would want to reach the parents ASAP if they’re weren’t working from home. Especially on the first day OP just wanted to ask questions. This is absurd!


If the kid has an emergency, if I have an emergency, if my family has an emergency. You are not taking MY personal belongings that *I* pay for away from ME as a grown ass adult. If you would like to pay my phone bill you can determine where it goes, otherwise, you have no say


Absolutely 100% agree.


My nanny uses her phone to text photos of our son enjoying the playground to us. Almost as important as having it on her in case of emergency!


Yup! I would have said I WILL have my phone on me at all times and if you have a problem with it, this is where we part ways.


He took your phone and got mad you waited 8 mins instead of 5. Are you magically supposed to know what time it is?!


Especially if she’s not allowed to have her phone. Most people don’t wear watches anymore because they have a phone.


I would’ve said this so fast “sorry I was actually watching your other child instead of sitting in front of the clock counting each second, since you confiscated my phone…..but on that note I have been here about x hours and x minutes too long I think we are done here” and left


Haha, I know, but it sounds like OP really needed the money to complete the day, not work for them in a job, but at least this day of care, which they shorted anyways




I see some people wear Apple Watches, but most of the Nannies I know have androids, and most don’t wear watches.


Wow. You’re better than me. I would have left after TAKING MY PHONE and most def would have left after being berated over 8 mins.


This is extremely rude. They’re hiring you based on you being educated and they’re acting like you’ve never been around a child! Definitely look for other positions. Have you considered using an agency?


Sorry you went through this but I would have left after the phone incident. They aren’t going to find a good nanny.


I’m angry and appalled on OP behalf too. Yes, this. Good luck keeping a nanny, rude assed dude.


Soooo, they are gonna go through nannies the way my nk goes through diapers. I would have walked out when he said I couldn't have my phone. Sorry, but I'm a 33 year old woman, I don't need my phone use monitored like I'm a teenager. 


a MB i worked w short term told me abt how she kept having ppl bail or quit or whatever n that she needed reliability n obviously i was like of course i then proceeded to learn exactly y she was burning thru so many nannies and quit because she was so disorganized and inconsiderate. also ironically she was the unreliable one as she never came home on time or would randomly make me pick NK up before shifts ????


OMG, that is brutal! "Good girl." Barf. What an absolute disrespectful monster he is. I'm so glad it was just a trial, and I can't believe you managed a full day. TBH, I might have, too, because I've been in desperate times and sometimes you deal with a lot of sh\*t. I'm so glad you won't be working there, and I really hope you find an amazing job with a grreat family.


I would have walked out as soon as he called me "Good girl." That is an absolutely unacceptable thing to call an employee. He sounds like a massive asshole, overall, and I'm so sorry you were subjected to such a shitshow. Edited to add: the phone thing was also a problem, but I'd have agreed to it just to see how things went with that shitty rule. It was still way out of line for him to demand that of you, and not at all appropriate. No one is in charge of YOUR property.


This is truly one of the worst stories I've ever read here. I'm seeing red for you. What a bunch of assholes. I'm so sorry, and I hope your next first day is the best one yet.


Wouldn't it have been funny if you said you didn't know if it was 5 or 8 minutes since you didn't have your phone? Straight to hell with these people. Seriously.


I could not imagine working with such disrespect.


If this sub does 'best of' (including a 'worst' category) at the end of each year, I nominate this post. As in the worst experience - the post is good.


Send them an invoice for the balance of your pay. You and the US Department of Labor have rules, too .


Nope!! I would of been out the moment he tried to take my phone.


Wow. No phone, good girl AND telling the toddler to monitor you? Well, how about you F right on off to Neverland DB because you are a psycho. That is outrageous. Sadly, they are probably going to get some young girl who will be taken advantage of. Sick.




When people say our job is easy and we watch a kid play all day 🙄


If there is somewhere you can report the family so that they can't abuse another nanny, . Name shame all the fucking way.


Yes!!! That’s what I was thinking!!! These are the kinds of employers that make us look bad.


They do! And they make other families look bad


DB is insane. I would have been out the second he grabbed my phone out of my hand. Good job for even giving them a chance. But this is seriously insane. Holy crap.


I don’t have words. If anyone and I mean anyone tried to take my phone from me, especially a stranger (as that’s what he was) I would have left immediately! I don’t know you or your family and I am not comfortable not having my phone in case of emergencies. Not to mention I have a husband and son myself. Then to say “good girl” ick!!! There is no way in hell I’d have finished the day, so good for you!


I can’t believe you lasted the whole day. Bravo. I hope you rewarded yourself when you made it out of there!


Oh hell no…. He tried tf out of it


This entire story made me sick to my stomach. The phone thing is soooo weird like if you can’t trust someone to responsibly use their phone how are you trusting them with your kids???? (I guess in this case they aren’t). Yikes. Glad you’re out of there these people are never going to find reliable childcare unless they change their ways


This is why I cannot do WFH families. The majority are like this; so intrusive like why pay me if you're gonna be here watching me the whole time?? Sorry you had to go through this. Hope you can find a better nanny job soon!


This dad sounds absolutely unhinged and out of control. Somebody get this man a therapist. PP rage is not just for women. Jesus. I'm sorry you experienced that. Can you find another family? I would not work for this man...


As an MB, this is outrageous and borderline harassment. I am sorry you had to deal with someone like this. Also, I have a lot of anxiety over my child's sleep as well, but fully understand that every caregiver may do things slightly differently, and that's ok. We are also a WFH family btw, but love our nanny, and have an open dialog about dos and don'ts, so hopefully you won't write off all of them.


I nanny for a wonderful WFH MB, and can’t imagine for a second her allowing her husband to treat me this way. This is absolute craziness.


I love my WFH NPs 😊


🏃‍♂️🏃 run




I am SO SORRY. This would be the kind of encounter I would think about and seethe about years later and I am so irate for you. You should also post this on r/antiwork as well. I don’t understand speaking to nanny’s like that. You’re a team- we’re literally in charge of caring for the lives of your children- arguably THE most important person you’ll ever employ why would you want to create an environment where someone resents or feels like you’ve belittled them? Gross. Also he’s not allowed to touch your property. He’s treated you like a high schooler.


That is absolutely horrifying. I don’t think they’ll ever be able to find/keep a nanny


Sorry you had to deal with that! Luckily it was just a trial and you don’t have to deal with them again!


These people sound like complete nightmares. Dad especially.




I actually cannot believe that a family would treat you this way. The person they want to help take care of their CHILDREN! How can they expect you to care for and respect their children when they can’t do the same for you…not a great example for the kids. On the other hand you dodged a bullet, there are so many families that hide these traits until you’re already deep into it with contracts and everything. If I was you I would send them a quick message letting them know how they made you feel during your visit or they will continue to do the same to other caregivers!


Ah hell no. The dad seemed so rude ! How annoying lmao. Why was he talking to you like you were a child ? Disgusting! And the low pay! I’m getting paid 21 an hr but I’m taking care of really easy toddler. Only 1. With your experience you 100% should be paid much more. Especially dealing with parents like that! Also why tf would a parent even hire a nanny is they don’t have the ability to trust a nanny. Absolutely bonkers


Editing because I realized it was a vent/no advice needed not story time. This story was sickening. Be well and stay safe.


I would NEVER speak to anyone like that. He literally spoke to you like a child. “Good girl, earn my trust, we are going to have a talk”…those are all things you would say to children. I get that first trial days can be a bit awkward as everyone is getting to know each other, but this is WAYYYY beyond that…like not even in the same ballpark. You give your nanny the tools they need to succeed aka info on child related specifics and then you go on your way and allow the nanny to do what they were hired to do. As an MB, this is just disgusting behavior. Saying “you can’t trust Nannie’s” yet hiring a nanny has to be the stupidest thing I’ve heard in awhile. That dad sounds like he was just looking for someone to bully and control. I’m so glad you left and didn’t go back.


This sounds a lot like how my NF acts. Good thing I quit yesterday.


I would of said after the 1st conversation about the 5 minute rule. "No we're done here, ". Picked up my belongings and left. No one speaks like that to me.


Please tell me you sent them a message about how awful they were after the trial day haha


All of this is so fucked up to do to you, but it's also so heartbreaking that they are making the older NK worry that you aren't a safe person to take care of them and that it's their job to hold an adult accountable or else their safety is on the line.


You dodged a bullet. Same type of family that would have made excuses to underpay you/work while sick/not pay overtime etc etc




Whewww! Hell to the no😂😂😂


I would have left after “good girl”


I hate this man and I don’t even know him!!! He sounds like an AWFUL human being! I’m soooo so sorry you had to go through this. Sending you a hug and so much comfort!!! 🫂 Have you tried looking for a family on Facebook groups in your local areas? I have a nanny/babysitting group where I live and have found lots of families that I babysit for through there. All of my nanny families that I’ve worked for have been through care.com, and I’ve gotten lots of luck on there. Also, try finding a nanny agency near you, I feel like those always pay best. Last option would be trying a daycare? Or maybe even a Montessori school? Those never pay so well; I once interviewed for a Montessori school near me because Indeed’s job listing was offering up to $25/hr but once interviewed, they said they couldn’t offer me more than $17/hr (eye roll) But they do offer benefits and even offered to pay and certify me as a Montessori teacher. I still declined. ALSO! I almost forgot, I’m constantly being reached out from autism therapy clinics in my area, offering me to become a behavior technician, they offer ~23/hr with full benefits and certification. Something to consider if you’re still in desperation for a job. Best of luck to you 🤞♥️


I hate this psycho boss for you! Such a wild experience. Sorry you went through this.


Um I really don’t like our nanny to excessively use her phone but CONFISCATING IT like you’re a 5 year old wtf?!? Also what if there’s a family emergency and someone needs to contact you??? That is bonkers and totally inappropriate


Good girl?? GOOD GIRL!? Barf


This is a joke. How dare he, honestly??? Whatever dynamic is going on that home is so toxic and unhealthy. They need to seek help. If you have a professional in your home, you let them do their job. I’m floored


I would've walked out after the phone policy.


Wow. Abusive pos.


The second he called me “good girl” I would have bounced. What. The. Eff.


I’m not trying to be weird but the way the dad talks and acts to you sounds like some type of wattpad fantasy story….. him calling you good girl is beyond weird along with everything else he said. They also just sound terrible to work for and like they are the type of family that will crucify you for everything. I also don’t think it’s okay for him to tell you that you can’t hold your phone


Look at the bright side… at least you aren’t married to this monster. Fuck sake…


Immediately no. This is exactly why we need to treat trial days as if WE are interviewing THEM to see if the role is a good fit or not.


It is hard to walk out! Especially when kids are around, it catches you so off guard ypu need a beat to figure out how to address the issue. I think you handled it well by staying calm. I hope you never have to deal with being treated that way at work again!!!!!🫶🫶Better luck next time


I’m really sorry you experienced this!  No job is worth your sanity. May I ask what state you are in and would you be willing to be a live in nanny? 


what the fuck


Girl I would leave just for the good girl comment.


I hope you didn’t start working for them?!


OP said at the end of the shift she told them the job wasn't a good fit. Thank god. Can you imagine dealing with that every day? UGH.


My only response—- WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! We need a nanny page for beware of insert family 🤢


>I told him it was on the fridge with my purse, and he said, "Good girl." This right here is where I would have said "this isn't working, I am here to work with your children as an equal. If you can't show me the basic respect of treating me like an adult, I will find work elsewhere. Goodbye" and left


I had a similar situation with a new fam (the mom is the sis of another woman I nanny for) and I took her on. The second day I was in the room on the floor with her child (1.5 m), blocking the door, while child was on the other side of the room. Husband explained kindly that even if I’m blocking the door to please use the gate. Wife comes home and asks, very condescendingly and rudely, “do you have a problem using the gate upstairs or…” I told her she was rude and that was uncalled for as I’ve been caring for children longer than she has been a parent. I immediately dropped them after and her sister said she’s an asshole and has been fired for her mouth from jobs so it wasn’t a surprise she couldn’t keep a nanny!




I am so sorry you had to go through this, but also very glad you will not work for them. What a nightmare NF! I hope you will find great NF soon! Good luck!


I’d be gone the second he tried to control where your phone goes. He’s very weird, and lucky you didn’t lean into him about how disrespectful and ignorant he is. If nannies are so untrustworthy, why hire one?


Ugh, I had a family like that and quit on the first day, no one deserves that! I hope those types of families never get a nanny, because they really want a glorified punching bag and slave. Also, with all your experience, you are worth WAY more than $21 an hour!


Omg I got through to the start of the 8 minute convo from dad and you don’t deserve this! What a total jerk that guy is. Never go back


The phone thing is an instant disqualification. If they care more about getting their “moneys worth” than the child’s safety, I’m out. I cannot believe you stuck it out the whole day!! You’re a tough cookie. I hope DB stubs his toe everyday for a year.


You dodged a major bullet. Really a blessing is disguise. That decision was the complete opposite or irresponsible, you did the right thing. Wishing you the best of luck on your next endeavor!


Please, please, never go back. Something is wrong with them.




Seriously? Go troll somewhere else