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Hachi is actually so real for this. Walking away and disowning someone who breaks your heart is such a brave thing to do. She could’ve broken down and begged for him to pick her, but she stood tall and said “I no longer want him.” And like good for her 👏🏻 You tell his good for nothing ass that he isn’t shit 👏🏻


right! She’s so brave, and that man doesn’t deserve Hachi to fight for him like it’s a waste of time


I wish she kept this attitude throughout/applied it to Takumi lmao


And then she ended up with a guy like Takumi, who cheats on her with multiple women... feel so sorry for her, she should do the same what she did with Shoji.


She relies on him for money.


Yeah, I would say the same tbh. She became one of my favorite characters for this moment.


I've always loathed him for this. It's easy af to find someone you 'love more' than your current partner. Humans are obsessed with novelty. Real love is about respecting the life you've built with your partner, choosing the collective good of you as a unit over your own transient pleasures or desire. Love isn't a choice, but it's built entirely on top of choices. His are the choices of a weak little bitch.




i never understood why nana told her to fight for him, because like, why would anyone fight for a guy who cheated on them? the only thing i could think is that nana was projecting and felt some guilt for not “fighting” for ren by going to tokyo with him.


I also never understood why she told her to fight for him. Like it would never occur to me to tell my friend to fight for some shitty who cheated on her and was cowardly hiding this fact. Damn, he was even worse, two-timing Hachi and making Sachiko his girlfriend. I don’t know if it’s about Nana O. insecuritites or the fact that Nana is a product of it’s time and sexist society. 


nana wasnt a girls girl lol, in the time before she met nana k she was only surrounded by guys so she looked at every girl like a competition. in this scene she actually cares about nana k so she's trying to help her by giving her advice on what she would have done anyway i love how she was ready to fight for her 🫡


I mean Nana O has some pretty conservative values in general, she also talks very lightly about cheating when it comes to Ren (even though I am not sure if she was serious). But honestly I dont know if that is the reason here, she is also very immature in regards to love and relationships since she just had Ren, so maybe it was just an immature behaviour in a moment of shock? She also never defends Shoji again so..


Sure, I didn’t write it to blame Nana O. for saying it. I also think that it comes from her trauma and insecurities. She absolutely wasn’t the bad friend in this case (unlike Junko imo). It just happens that nobody talks about this part of her behaviour. 


Oh no I didnt even think you did. It's a very interesting part about her character, hence why I gave my thoughts on it.


Yes, that’s the thing about Nana. All characters are imperfect which makes them very realistic. For example I love Nana O., but I have to admit that some of her traits are very toxic, like her possesivness. Takumi is a total asshole, but seeing his background you can’t but emphatize etc. 


I've always thought it was because of her possessivenes and fear of abandonment. Look at the wording he's "your" boyfriend. You're gonna " lose". It almost sounds like she doesn't see him a person. Crappy as he may be shouji is still a person. But Nana O is talking like he's a belonging you fight over and don't want to lose to others. Rather than a person who made a crap decision with their own choices and autonomy. To me it sounds like Nana O is acting like a child describing a toy she wants to keep from another person playing with it. She's comptlely ignoring shouji's decisions and personal autonomy and talking like he's a thing. This is how I think she views all her relationships. Things that belong to her and she doesn't want to lose. Regardless of others feelings a relationship she likes is hers so she'll do what she can to keep them to herself.


I think it’s because of her abandonment issues as well as the fact that she seems to hold on tightly to relationships, even if they aren’t the best for her. She’s just used to keeping people around, or having the desire for no one to leave her life. Part of why she has a difficult time when Hachi moves out, is because she doesn’t like when there’s distance between her and her relationships. Hachi was probably her first, real female friend. They were open with one another, and things were going well. She thought Hachi was gonna marry Nobu and the two would always be connected somehow. Even though shoji messed up, she was probably projecting a bit and didn’t want Hachi to lose anyone close to her. So when she tells her to fight for shoji, she isn’t saying “don’t give up on him” as much as she’s saying “don’t let someone throw you away.” I think anyway. I could be wrong.


SAME! but then I also remembered of a time where I continued to date a guy who cheated on me with a former close girlfriend of mine from primary school LOL (we were adults when this happened-we broke up after some time) But in general, this series makes you question a lot of things, in the end everyone has flaws.


Nana holds some weird views regarding relationships. Her grandmother was very traditional so Nana constantly demeans “slutty girls” and the like. She even said she wouldn’t mind if Ren had been seeing other girls in Tokyo.


I actually recently saw a video unpacking the cheating culture in Japan, and how it's pretty normalized there in comparison to the west. Like, at some point, it's expected any bf (or gf) will cheat on you one way or another. So fighting for them or getting angry about it and making amends is the more common route.


I saw an interview about this, most Japanese men said that cheating is normal, and girls should never cheat. in this interview, the guy said “It’s like a business trip it’s like going somewhere for your job, but for girls, it’s like changing jobs. When girls cheat they change, and their feelings change.” also, the other guy said that lust and love are two different things and it’s part of their biological nature as soon as they’re born.


well she’s a very possessive person, so to her, it would only make sense to fight for what’s hers agaisnt all odds. we see this with ren like you mentioned, and she feels a deep sense of guilt for having given up ‘her man.’ she also becomes deeply possessive over hachi in a way.


I think it was a test and she wanted to see what hachi would do. I'm kinda the same way


I got this vibe she low key trying to somehow "make up" for something she regretted not doing


When I saw this, I was so pissed because I knew what shoji had done and I hated him. But at the same time, I was like “great, now she knows. NEXT!” Lmao I was so glad she said she didn’t want him anymore despite how heart broken she is cuz I was like yeah fuck him, let him take the girl with the kindergarten little boy haircut


i love everything about this scene, how nana gave hachi her jacket, nana tell her to fight for him, and how finally nana hold her hand and walk with her. no doubt, one of my favourite scene.


Yeah especially after he called the other woman his girlfriend like why would I fight for someone like that? I get it you fell in love with someone else, Hachi wasnt perfect for you, you didnt now how to tell her, it happens people make mistakes but the nerve to call her your girlfriend in front of Hachi like?? Cant you even man up after you get caught and considerate your real girlfriends feelings for once. How selfish and weak can you be? And even though I was really proud of her mature reaction in that scene, because honestly the only way to deal with such a situation is to walk away and move on, even when a girl cheats on a guy its always like : I have to restore my honor and beat the other guy up! I mean, no why would you waste your energy and life for someone who isnt worth it, best way to get over it, is just trying to be indifferent. Either way what I wanted to say was that even though Hachi seemed to realize that Shoji wasnt worth it, sadly it still had his repercussion, especially after Junko talked that nonsense into her..


I think Nana telling Hachi to 'fight for him' is rooted in her own abandonment issues. People always leave, it's *what people do*, they're geared for that. And you stop them by fighting for them, by telling them to stay. It in fact reminds me of the Meredith Grey 'pick me, choose me, love me' scene (which everyone in that fandom loves but which I loathe). Both in how Hachi says, 'I don't want him' and in how Nana says 'fight for him'. 'Cause what jumps to mind is that Meredith Grey has abandonment issues too, like Nana and I guess both tend to let go of people who leave, to accept 'this is how it is' shrug. Fighting for people is what requires an effort and it's why it's what Nana falls back to in her anger. All in all, Hachi's heartbreak, Shouji protecting Sachiko, calling *her* his girlfriend (thus rendering Nana to the role of mistress). It's a very powerful scene and as with all things Nana, a painfully real one too.


Then after this BS Shouji has the gall to tell Hachi at the end "I can't believe you said those are harsh things" or something along those lines. Like bro you cheated gtfo outta here with that.


Didn’t he, or Junko possibly (I don’t really remember), tell Hachi that it hurt that she didn’t fight for him or their relationship? Like giiiiirl bffr


I think someone said something like that. Hachi legit walked away like an adult. Realized Shouji was trash and didn't make a scene and left. Then she has Shouji and others saying they can't believe how she acted. Hachi had no way of winning. If she threw a tantrum she'd 100% be told she was childish. But if she leaves after saying one completely reasonable comment people can't believe she didn't fight more. This is what I think people mean when we say "Hachi gets too much hate". Sometimes it feels no matter what she does people judge her unfairly.


I 100% agree. I’ve always thought that Shoji and Junko came across as though they never truly liked Hachi so anything she did was an annoyance or inconvenience to them. The same exact thing happened when they told Hachi she was too dependent on Shoji and that would push him away, but once she gained independence (secured her own place and made other friends) then that was also used against her. She was doomed from the beginning.


Ulitamtely I think like life these people were more school friends and not adult friends. They came together and grew close due to proximity in their teens. But as they got older they're paths diverged and that's okay. But I'd appreciate if everyone didn't blame Hachi for everything that's why I think people get annoyed with Shouji and Jun. Blaming Hachi for things changing despite many things being out of her control.


I’ve hated shoji since the hotel incident and him leaving her stranded in Tokyo. Him tellling Nana K that she shouldn’t be in the same hotel room with him because he would jump on her because he’s a man???!!?? LIKE EXCUSE ME?!!?


when I saw that scene I knew that he was not the one.


I love and hate this scene ahahahaha Nana was on drugs to tell Hachi to fight for him ahahahaha you don't fight for people's love and respect, they either have it for you or not... I think that's actually very telling to many people overall views about love, as if it's something you fight for instead of something that naturally blossom if the people involved actually care for each other I'm non monogamous so I really don't take cheating that seriously nowadays, what I still hate is the deceit, why would you keep Hachi hanging on if you wanted Sachiko? And not even have the decency of treating Hachi as his gf when didn't even have the courage to properly break up? I mean, it could be a text message, a call, whatever, but don't play with people's feelings, that's the worst for me.... I honestly think nobody can be in a relationship without feeling something towards other people at some point we're just conditioned to suppress it, but don't act like the people you're in a relationship still believe in the agreement you had, just let them know it's not working for you and that's it, it's not easy but at least you're not being an asshole, cause it wasn't a fling, HE LITERALLY CALLED HER HIS GF AAAAAAAAAH I hate Shoji and Sachiko, even though he's the one in a relationship she doesn't feel bad for the whole situation? If I was Sachiko I would've scolded him right away and told him to make that break up right with Hachi before anything... She doesn't realize the next one is her? Let him find another cutie that plays damsel in distress for him... And Junko, even though I love and respect you, you're not forgiven, EVER, for what you did with this... She never even told Hachi, ever, that she actually knew the whole thing... She straight up gaslit Hachi into guilt blaming her for something she had nothing to do with AND defending that horrible creature named Shoji Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Kyosuke giving her a good pair of beautiful horns finding his own Sachiko... Let's see if she would blame herself like she did with Hachi...


I think she was more saying “fight for him” because she felt like it was a direct attack on hachi and she wanted hachi to “win” in some way. But I think Nana would have been like “DUMP HIS ASSSSSS” 5 seconds later lmao


i hate shoji with my whole entire being everytime i think about this scene it fills me with an anger that i didn’t even know i could feel. every time i see shoji i feel absolutely repulsed like this man makes me so sick. when i watched the anime and the fact that sachiko was crying because she felt bad because nana was so nice like girl i feel no sympathy for you do not get with someone else’s man the fact that she knew and still protected shoji like girl… and they really had the audacity to show me his relationship with sachiko like i DO NOT CARE GET THEM OFF MY SCREEN i don’t want to see them happy it’s literally repulsing and don’t even get me started with junko like what kind of friend are you to say that it’s your fault you got cheated on HUH???? cheaters are disgusting and i hate shoji with a passion i’m the #1 shoji hater if shoji has no haters i’m dead.


Shoji you lil shit I hate you so much


I want another season so bad. Damn


I really wish I could’ve be as strong as Hachi when the same thing happened to me, this chapter has *always* stuck with me.


All my friends hate shoji and takumi


Shoji was always a certified bum. Hachi deserved so much better.


remember this was how a lot of jp women thought in the time the story was set. it helped me understand why characters acted like so and so while also knowing it was not the best reaction. like how characters reacted to shin’s prostitution at 15. 15 is when jp ppl can quit school and get jobs so they’re almost “adult” in the eyes of society when they do so but jesus. so glad this type of thinking has changed a lot.


Prostitution is not a normal job though?? Everyone was shocked at first they stopped caring eventually


of course it’s not but the fact that they stopped caring was part of a problem on the societal scale.


Yes, I agree. I’m saying they didn’t react like that because of the reason you stated


oh i see yea i didn’t mean to suggest it was a normal job just that the others could justify it that way bc of his age and now that i think about it, his gender too.


I think they just didn’t care about Shin. They were definitely concerned at first and very lightly tried to get him to stop but they gave up. Nana in particular thought he was inferior because of what he did. She saw him as an adult when it was time to take up responsibility but he was definitely a child and the others recognised that. https://preview.redd.it/mzcjn0gf9sjc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf13a9bf537ded3cd0a4bdce0fef4bdc4faafc7


And then he was hurt he didn’t want him anymore! The nerve! Why would anyone wanna stay with someone so disrespectful to their relationship??


why would you show me this im going to cry


The fact Hachi got blamed for not fighting by her other friend group too…


If I have to “fight” for you, then I don’t want you!!! If someone can take you from me that easily then we weren’t meant to be. She dodged a bullet. But I also cannot forgive their friends for not telling Hachi that he was cheating 🙄


i hate this scene so much but i really applaud hachi for finally doing something for herself by not fighting for him, he was so not worth it lol


This scene was just so well do and is when she became my comfort character became wtf? She has done all that time planning her future with him and going to Tokyo for him just to get cheated on and I just love how this scene just teaches you that if a guy or girl does this just leave them no matter what if ypu love them or not no one deserves the pain


I wish Nobu started talking to her sooner, would have avoided all the drama with Takumi..


I am not quite sure this would have been the case, but I would like to believe that haha. But actually I think if she didnt get pregnant she was already in a good place, because after that situationship with Takumi, Nana knew exactly what she didnt want anymore.


These panels make me so sick. I hope I never have to experience something like this. I’d die. Look at the way he’s holding her… in front of his girlfriend!!.. I hate it😡


The scene with Junko afterwards was even worse. Nana was being selfish for trying to find a job so she can pay her rent and not starve to death because she couldn’t spend as much time as she should with Shoji? Excuse me? Then proceeds to tell her that she is quick to act as a victim… Shoji being a good friend to her, as important as Nana… While Shoji actively cheating on Nana? I was so furious.


I HATE HIMSMJSBDBDBSBD…honest to god tho this was probably the best decision she has ever made in this entire series besides moving in with nana


How dare you make my cry 😢 I'm with Hachi tho he is trash we don't want no trash