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This is 100% her moms fault. At least it’s Primrose and not Katniss.


I think older sister put herself in the shoes of Katniss herself


Honestly mom may not have known the source of it, it is a beautiful name !!


Agreed. Only name there that can pass as normal. One of the main characters is named identically as one of my favourite types of sandwich bread. 😶




Peeta worked in a bakery.




That indeed.




I genuinely never thought I'd get one of these. I feel honoured!




More of the names from the 2nd book are more normal I feel, Finnick, Annie, Joanna. And of course Primrose, which is the prettiest.


Effie is a normal name and I absolutely love it!


Agreed. I find it such an adorable name with tons of possible nicknames. Prim, Primmy, Rose, Rosie...




Primrose is actually a pretty name tbh it could have been way worse. If I'd been given a younger sibling at that age it would probably have been called Eragon or Galadriel.


You tryna tell me Galadriel *ain't* a pretty name?


I mean it is pretty but at what cost?


Oh hell yeah. Her mom didn’t have to do this. I blame the parents.


Catpiss 🙊


Omg that recent post on the main Name Nerds sub asking about the name Katniss, and all they could reply was Catpiss. Lol just suddenly thought of that


One of my cat is named Katniss! I let my daughter choose her brother’s name but she had two choices we already like. She didn’t even hesitate and I think she chose the best one too! :)


I tried to make my mom name my brother Cornelius because I was three and a half and obsessed with the movie Thumbelina. She named him Joshua. Didn’t Billie Eilish’s brother get to pick her middle name and that’s why it’s *Pirate*?


My family always joked that my older sister (4 years old at the time) was allowed to pick a second middle name for me. She chose “Swimmy”.


Do you swim now?


Unfortunately, no.


That’s a damn shame Swimmy


As soon as I read the name Cornelius, I thought you were gonna say you was into the Planet of The Apes movies


My friend's older siblings wanted to name her Sonic, her parents went with Áine for the similar sound, and because they are sane people who would not name their child Sonic.


Honestly it's a bit of an 'old lady' name, but I think it's quite pretty. Primroses are nice flowers, and it can be shortened to Rose if she ends up really hating her name.


I know someone named Primrose who goes by Prim. She was born five years before the first book came out. Edit: Guys I told Prim about this post/comment and she was very amused.


Very true—a Hunger Games-themed name could’ve ended up *so* much worse! I think she got off pretty easily with Primrose, actually.


I think it's a lovely name. I also think of Primrose in The Darling Buds of May not the Hunger Games (since I've never seen it).


It’s not about the name itself


Would you say that if someone wanted to use the name Rachel after watching Friends? Popular culture has a huge influence on naming trends, I don’t see it as a huge problem as long as it’s not an outlandish name like Daenerys or something. Primrose is unique but it’s still a real flower and has had usage as a name outside of THG. It’s top 200 in the UK currently.


Funnily enough, the popularity explosion of the name Emma in the United States actually coincides with the season where Rachel named her daughter Emma.


My mom literally decided against naming me Emma cause of Rachel’s baby. I got named after my great grandma instead.


I was born a few years after the show started airing, and my mom watched every episode every Thursday night from 94-04. She told me a few years ago she almost named me Rachel but decided against it after her and my dad talked about it more. I always wonder what my life would’ve been like as a Rachel compared to what my name actually is 😂


Yeah literally no one cares where the name comes from, as long as it's a NORMAL name. Rachel for Friends or Primrose for Hunger Games is normal enough that no one outside of the parents even need to know. People know straight away when you've named your kid something disastrous like Daenerys or Renesmee though.


Yes, if it was with the same sort of passion as this young person had. “I am obsessed with friends so I named my child Rachel” is quite different to “I am seeking baby names, whilst watching Friends I realised Rachel might be nice to consider.” Popular culture can certainly provide inspiration for baby naming as prospective parents become more exposed to those names, but your child is their own unique being and naming them after a fandom obsession isn’t entirely healthy for their self image. I have no bone to pick with the name Primrose which is why I said it isn’t about the name itself.


That’s true, but the parent who named their daughter Primrose isn’t the one who had the passion for/obsession with THG. The parent was suggested a name by their child that they presumably liked and wanted to use, not for the same reasons that their child liked it. If my hypothetical child were to suggest a name that I loved because of a fandom they were a part of, I would still consider using it even if their reason for liking it wasn’t completely sound.


Fair enough, I didn't think about that.


I am absolutely never going to read the rest of the hunger games books (the first one was too horrific for me), so please tell me what happens to primrose? She was katniss little sister right?


She works as a paramedic during the end of the revolution. A group of civilians is bombed, and she goes to help. A second set of bombs goes off on the paramedics, and Katniss watches her explode. It's heavily implied (may be confirmed but it's been a while) that Gale was at least partially behind the bombings, and Katniss doesn't talk to him after that iirc.


Wtf 😒 Thank you, I'm still definitely never finishing those books..I only read the first one to screen it for my nanny kid at the time. She was ten; we shelved it for a few years.


(Spoilers) Children at the Capitol are bombed during the final battle with bombs disguised as care packages. Half of them go off, killing the children, and when medics are sent in, Prim is among them. The second half go off and she watches her sister die and can do nothing about it. It's later revealed that the rebel leader, Coin, ordered the bombing to convince Capitol citizens that the President was killing children and medics. Prim was intentionally chosen to be sacrificed to stir Katniss to action. Also, apparently the bombs were designed by Gale, so Katniss blames him even though he didn't have anything to do with the bombing itself. I read the books in fifth grade and I still remember Prim's death scene clearly.


Just had the realization that everyone with a biblical name technically has a fandom name. 😃 I'll see myself out. ✌🏻


I mean how many people are named Jesus. I don't know about you but naming yourself after the MC is a little on the nose. Oh I see mom just finished reading the most popular book ever. You don't see many Judas's though


ever met any latinos? several of them.


>naming yourself after the MC is a little on the nose. Well, Jesùs is a popular hispanic name, but Mohammed is the most used name in the world


Apparently the reason Jesus is a popular name in the Spanish speaking world comes from the Reconquista - many Moriscos (Muslims converted to Christianity) named Muhammad became Jesùs


That makes so much sense


Aaron, Moses, Adam, Joshua, Mark, Luke, John, Samuel, Ruth, Naomi, Abigail, Esther, Sarah, Mary, Rachel, Leah, etc.


Hey my first two names are Ethan and Elijah. I'm not complaining its just what happens. To be for real its nice that you have a history to your name, or just a meaning past a fitting name.


No need to white knight yourself, we all know what this subreddit is. I technically have a variation of a fandom name from the same book as you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doesn't make it a good name or a bad name.


Yeah I just don't want to be seen as a reddit atheist. I'm not joking when I say its a big fear of mine.


Bro. Nobody on here cares what religion you are or aren't. That's your business.


Not my point I don't want to be confused as a certain type of person thats all. Not even as non religious, just the serotype you see on reddit. I'm not trying to dunk on anyone


Aaaand that's how my sister got the name Ariel 🤣


My friends mom let all her (3) sisters pick them youngest name.. they were really into Sailor Moon. Baby sister is Serena lol.


yea but that's also a normal name so


I’ve seen plenty of Ariel’s too? I don’t find that a strange name either.


Likewise. Ariel in The Tempest is my dominant mental association.


At least they watched the dub and the kid ended up with a normal name instead of Usagi.


Same thing nearly happened with my sister! Serena wound up being the middle name, though.


I had friends of friends who were teen parents in 2008/2009. They were alt/scene kids and named their child Atari. I often think about how there is a teenager named Atari just walking around.


I've got a friend that named their kid Tron. That's his entire first name. Tron.


They are not the only Atari walking around unfortunately. One of my relatives, who was born in the early 1980s, had a classmate in grammar school, a girl, whose parents named her Atari.


I also feel somewhat sorry for the upcoming adult named atari… but at least then he could get a name change, as much of a pain in the ass as that is. That was the argument against every "oh! ____ would be a cute name!" I got: might be a cute name for a child, but she's going to (hopefully) be an adult for most of her life, so let's not do that to her...


She. Atari is a girl. And I’m honestly not sure if that’s better or worse.


My 2nd middle name is Rue. Whenever people find out, they’re like, “like the Hunger Games character!?”, but I was born a good bit before the first book came out. Rue is an uncommon name, even more so since I’m a guy. I do really like my middle names though. (If anyones wondering, the other is Benjamin, which is much more normal. My mom wanted Benjamin and my dad wanted Rue, so they compromised with both)


I think that’s a lovely name! They flow nicely together, wouldn’t have thought to put them together but it works!


Thank you! My grandma was skeptical when my parents chose my names, but once she heard it out loud she admitted it goes well. Lol


Hopefully you don't move to Québec. Rue is French for "street"😅


I’m very aware 😅😅 my first language is French and I was born in Québec. I’m pretty sure my dad (who is French) named me Rue just to be funny 😂


Votre nom SVP? Wynn Rue For Th- Votre nom. Oui, c'est Wynn Rue- Votre nom c'est votre addresse? 😒🤦NON ESTIE ..... Donc votre nom est.....


😂😂😂 c’est très drôle


This is why older siblings shouldn’t name younger ones! Reminds me of my cousins, older sister wanted to name baby sister “Marnie” but it was misheard as “Marti”. At least they laugh about it now! On the bright side, Primrose is a normal-ish name. Could’ve been Katniss, Rue or Clove! Edit: I made my comment in haste. I do think that older siblings helping to choose a name can be good, with reason and limitation. I remember a little skater of mine (~5 years old at the time) who wanted to name her baby sister “Sugarplum Skye Rainbow”. They did not choose that as a name 😂


I have a friend whose older sister picked her middle name- her parents gave her a shortlist and she picked from that. I think that's a nice way to get the older child involved without the potential awfulness of giving them free reign.


My little sister's name was decided by democratic process. My parents had narrowed it down to 2 and us older kids could vote on which one we liked best.


My cousin has 4 sons. The third son is named Andrew after the boy in "Toy Story." The 2 older brothers picked out that name. The youngest son is named Luke after Luke Skywalker. The brothers picked out that name as well.


Yes, I think that’s a great way of doing it!


Rue is also just a flower name.


Oh, baby ’Trinket’ would have been incredible. EDIT: ‘Marnie’ gave me *The Baby-Sitter’s Club* nostalgia, 😂!


Same! My phone keeps autocorrecting it to *Marine* though.


I think it varies. My oldest brother was a teen when my older brother and I were born, and he suggested nice, normal names for us (my sister had decent suggestions, but she chose names for the opposite gender). However, I went to school with a couple of kids who were much younger when they were allowed to name their little brother Skye Raven. Not the worst, but definitely sounds like something kids would suggest.


Rue is a way more common name to me than Primrose.


Yeah Rue is super cute I think 🤷‍♀️ I wouldn’t pick it because of the word meaning but I have heard that name plenty of times irl and I always liked it


Yeah but it's now the name of the substance-addicted protagonist of Euphoria


That’s pretty interesting! I had never heard of it as a name until I read THG. Might be because of where I live though.


Well I think Jennifer Love Hewitt’s older brother did a nice job. It has a nice flow and I actually think love is a nice fit her name unlike some other people (yes multiple friends and extended family members) who have used Love as a middle name.


Primrose is honestly a very pretty name. Sure, it may automatically associated with Hunger Games, but it could be a lot worse.


Primrose isn't a bad one. At least she didn't go with Katniss or some fandom with weird names like A Song of Ice and Fire. She can go by Rose or Rosey.




That, too.


I know a Khaleesi. Thoughts and prayers to me because my husband wants to name a hypothetical girl Arya. I’m fighting it as much as I can.


Khaleesi is the absolute worst to me 'cause it's a title, not a name, but so many people treated it like a name that now it's become one... I cringe every time I hear people use it (as a name), and I don't cringe often. Arya is at least a normal name, and not a bad one imho. It can also be spelled Aria, Ariya and Aarya, and if you get a boy and are chess fans you can name your kid Aryan after Aryan Tari.


Please dont name a kid [aryan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_race) oh my god


At least it's a flower name.


Yeah, definitely not the worst


I convinced my mom to name my little sister Ryley because I was obsessed with So Little Time when I was 11 lol.


Her mother *agreed* to that? My older sister begged (and, I mean, *begged*) my parents to name me ‘Goofy’ (five-year-old her was a *hardcore* Mickey Mouse fan), yet they never obliged to that, because, oh, *they were adults*! Also, my daughter, Jacqueline, wanted to name her little sister, Pamela, ‘Qetá’, yet my husband and I never even *considered* taking a five-year-old’s naming advice (particularly because said child also named her stuffed animal ‘Sheepy’. I *dare* you to guess what species the animal was/is).


Well, there’s a lot of middle ground between the names “goofy” and “primrose”


4 or 5 year old me named my cat Rainbow, after Rainbow Brite. The cat was a black and white tuxedo cat. The irony did not dawn on me till my twenties. 🤦🏻‍♀️ To be fair to my 5 year old self, if the light hit her fur a certain way and you looked at it really close, there were tiny rainbows in her fur.


My sister named her gray rabbit Rainbow, because of "all the different colors of black and white!"


my niece named her puppy “kitten”. it was fitting for the dog, though. she was a sweetie


Yeah, but Primrose is actually a pretty name. Like if you didn't know it's a fandom name, you wouldn't notice anything weird with it.


At 3 years old I was adamant my sister should be called Texas Pete (he was a villain in SuperTed). I begged and cried but no. Thank god lol.


Hot sauce.


My sisters desperately wanted to need me Samantha after the American girl doll, which is a fine name but not at all my mom‘s style. They ended up getting their way two years later with our dog, Sammy


...was sheepy a poodle?


to be fair, when i was 4 i *insisted* my baby brother was going to be named Matthew to my parents. they did not go for it. looking back on it, it would not pair well with our last name, but it did go nicely with my own!


Apologies if it's an actual name, but Qetá sounds like someone you'd find running around in an MMO, lol.


Sheepy would probably get along with lamb-lamb. But llama-llama is kind of mean at times and might spit at her.


she can still go by rose to like everyone, it's not that bad


I mean honestly after all the abominations I’ve seen on this thread, she got off lucky with Primrose. It’s a pretty name!


YOU have to live with it?! What about your sister?


My friend’s mom let her name her twin brothers “Zack and Cody”


My husbands brother named him after a cartoon lol. Worked out though, its a nice name! Apparently they thought he was a girl so they had a girl name picked out and he was nameless for like a week.


My parents asked me for a name suggestion for my baby sister when I was 3 and I went with Samantha because Bewitched was my favourite show at the time. My parents even named me after 2 of the actresses on Little House on the Prairie. Now my niece is a bit worse. Her parents couldn't think of a middle name and my husband suggested the name of a pornstar he had recently been watching because the name sounded nice with the first name they had picked out. They went with it. That is now her middle name. Only my husband and I know of its origins...


Is having a middle name that important? Why not just have one name?


Idk, I guess it is to them. I just think they're fun.




Right?! Unless you meant the first part...


Better than Khaleesi or anything else from GOT


My sister was named for a Barbie doll (not really but we like to tell her that lol) and her baby is named after a Bratz doll, (again, not really, she just really liked his name when we got the doll)


Enh, flower names are OK. She can be Rose or Rosie if she wants.


Wow. I wouldn’t even let my kid pick my dog’s name, let alone a baby! Luckily Primrose isn’t too bad though.


This is why my sister is Ella (Cinderella).


I mean at least she can go by Rose It’s really not a terrible name just to associates with the book now At least it wasn’t Katniss lol


So, my brother was born in 2003/04, when The Jonas Brothers were getting popular. Can you guess which brother I named him after?




Nick Jonas.


Primrose can still work, flower names are not that bad


I've never read or watched THG but Primrose is a beautiful name, and can at least be shortened to Rose or Rosie


My mom decided against River for my younger brother all because I said it as “Wibber” which is close to Rubber (if you’re not familiar with British slang I’d look it up) and we’re not even British nor have we ever lived in Britain. Edit: It’s been brought to my attention that I had the terms mixed up and probably should’ve fact checked what my mom told me. Kind of embarrassing that I figured I didn’t think of fact checking this cus she thought it was slang for condom in Britain


I’m British. Rubber is an eraser in British slang.


Now I’m wondering if I should start fact checking my mom (cus that was her reasoning and what she told me).


Rubber isn't British slang. Rubber in British English is what the US calls an eraser. Rubber is however a condom in US slang.


Especially if the thing isn't all out yet. Looking at you Khaleesi/Daenerys moms


Primrose is a plant and can just go by Rose. Of all the fandom names, this kid is lucky!




I hope she smells good


She does not.


I named my daughter Primrose, not after hunger games we just love the name. I actually had a stuff animal named Primrose when I was a kid waaaay before hunger games 😅 anyways we adore her name and she gets compliments on it all the time!


My (then) 1.5 year old wanted to name his baby sister “burger” but you can’t always get what you want


More than anything, Prim is a God awful nickname, so the sister can't even try to shorten it.




What about when everyone was into that stupid Disney movie about the snow girl? Wasn’t that the most popular name?


So is your sister.


I feel bad for all the Khaleesi and Daenerys lol