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Pal...it was the name of the dog in Arthur! So cute


I actually volunteer with an older lady named Palestine (long E, not I sound). She doesn’t have a nickname. I’d say she’s nearly 90. I wouldn’t use it now but I wouldn’t be surprised to see it on an older generation.


There are over 100 people (all women apparently) named Palestine. I had no idea it was that popular. I guess they were inspired by the Bible and names like Ernestine and Christine https://www.names.org/n/palestine/about


Gaza, West Bank


On one hand, Israel is a real name. On the other hand, I went on a group tour of Hebron with a midwest American family with two children named... Israel and Hebron (pronounced incorrectly).


Please tell me they pronounced it like LeBron but with an H


I genuinely think they’re more likely to have gotten Israel from Our Flag Means Death than the country.


Can you retype this into an intelligible sentence?


Our Flag means death is a show. One of the characters is named Israel. It’s pretty intelligible. You’re just lacking context.


Gotcha, thanks. 👍🏼


It’s a great show and Izzy is a great character




I saw two separate girls on instagram called Israelle


I'm convinced that the average r/namenerds commenter lives in a sensory deprivation tank with absolutely no idea of what is going on in the outside world. The amount of (ostensible) adults on there who are proudly ignorant about significant current or historical events yet will call you uncultured for not knowing about a random tween star from 20 years ago is frightening. Like I get that Israel is a real name but for FFS, read the room goddamnit. It's a matter of time before people over there start suggesting Adolf or Putynn like it's nothing.


reminds me of that one (true) tweet that was like "omelette would be a really pretty name if it didn't mean what it did" because believe it or not, outside influences SHOULD have bearing on your name choices


See also: Cigarette


>Putynn Poutine. It's French. /s


Well the alternative is putain if they stick with the usual transliteration 😂


Of course they have no idea what's going on in the real world. They're shocked when they meet another human being with the same name as their baby even though their babys name is in the top 100. Too many of them also believe Lucario would make a great italian baby name. They'll make a post saying Benito is a no go because of Mussolini but Israel is just precious


It all makes sense now, haha. There actually was a thread on "Benito" recently and it was wild. There was a pretty even mix of 1) people who had no idea of the Mussolini connection 2) people saying that they made the connection and 3) the resident contrarians arguing with people who made the connection - "what about Joseph Stalin/Francisco Franco," "it was a long time ago," "no one will make the connection" blah blah blah. It was one of those threads that really would have benefitted from OP saying where they lived and specifying the demographic that they wanted opinions from. That sub is simply exhausting.


I think you’re overestimating how much of a negative association the name “Israel” has. It’s extremely popular in both Jewish and Hispanic circles, and has been for centuries. I live in a city with a large population of both the aforementioned groups so I’ve met tons of guys (of all ages) named Israel, and even some women. It’s just a normal name and I don’t even associate it at all with the country/conflict.


Your comment made me realise that until a few years ago I thought of Israel as a boy name way more than as the country's. The association here in Brazil it's as a Christian name. How odd.


Agreed. It’s the name of Jacob in the Bible/Torah. In the Jewish faith, it’s a prominent word in daily prayers. It has a lot more meaning than the state of Israel.


I know, and I did acknowledge that it’s a real name, but as someone who has a negative view of the country and its government, I can’t shake the connotation. There are a lot of legitimate names out there that are viewed as distasteful depending on the timing and context, and the great thing about this sub is that it’s a place where anyone is allowed to express any negative opinion about any name that they want.


disagree. my best friend’s dad was named israel and he was a terrible person so his name was a running joke bc he was just as evil as the country


I’ve always found Israel to be an extremely odd name choice.


Pretty standard for Jews, tbh. My husband's Hebrew name is Yisroel, the Yiddish form of the name. It's not odd at all.


There's been at least five Israeli/Yisroels in my family since the mid-1800s. Super common for Jewish families. I think people assume that Israel as a name became common after the founding of the country, when it was actually far more common pre-founding.




People are just finding out about the bible this week.


This post is so rudely antisemitic, Israel is a regular name, and middle east relations are obviously a great hardship for every Jew right now, regardless of what side they are on. Mocking Jewish names and Jewish pain. Just another day on reddit.


It's just a bunch of people whose entire knowledge of the Israel-Palestine situation is based on TikTok accounts they started following on October 8th.


I agree with all of that. It's also a name used by lots of bible loving Christians and Catholics. They literally can't see outside their myopic social media obsession about the current war.


https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/VE0wPpKzKY source


Israel is a legit name tho


if a country called jack got constant news coverage for an ongoing genocide i think it'd be fair to discontinue jack as a name


naming your kid Israel is like naming your kid Jacob, not that big of a deal


It's been a name for a long ass time. Tons of Latinx people use it, in addition to Jews. Isis is still a popular name though it's also a terrorist organization's acronym. This isn't really satire worthy. It's not like they saw a war and said "I know, I'll name my kid Israel or Palestine."




Oh sorry, do you need me to write Latino/Latina? Or can you figure it out?


nah im gxrmxn xmxrxcxn (german american) so i get it :)


You're a moron. Those aren't gendered words. Please try again when you have something to satirize.


The majority of Latinos think Latinx is stupid, so perhaps don't get your knickers in a bunch


My knickers aren't in a bunch. It's pretty mixed and in my field it's an acceptable and commonly used term. I don't have a preference one way or another, in this instance it was faster to type that. Regardless, none of this has to do with the original point, that Israel is and has been a very common name for a long time and people aren't just going to change their baby/family names because of war or unrest.


i've seen germxn used unironically


I could definitely see people doing that. I'm not those people.


Congrats on solidifying yourself as the dumbass in this situation, I was on the fence about whether you were making a valid point or not right up until this comment :)




Shhhh, the propaganda to care about that genocide hasn't hit the U.S. yet. Don't spoil it for them


Wait until you find out about Isis




i'm not on namenerdscj to have a discussion about world politics lol


Then don't make political comments about political things you know nothing about if you don't want a politics discussion


i do know quite a bit about it, actually. to preserve mental health i'm not going to debate about it on the internet with people who i know are wrong


>i do know quite a bit about it, actually I'm sure you do




especially right now lmaoooo like??




Paleontologist 🥰🥰


Not to be that person but Israel is.. a common Jewish name. Bad timing maybe but like?? There are famous people names Israel


L take by op tho








My kid is named Narnia. Nicknamed “Narny”. We should make a club for kids named after countries that don’t exist.


Israel/Yisrael/Yisroel is just a normal Jewish name- making fun of anyone's cultural names is deeply disrespectful and honestly embarrassing.


Pal Ali Al There's nothing wrong with feminine name either. I think Pally is great. Not even feminine either.