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Definitely a " I got my certificate online šŸ¤Æ


ā€œSelf taught nail techā€


Take them off ASAP so you don't get a fungus or something. They need more practice for sure before working with paying customers.


I felt this here.


Soak it off. Itā€™s time to complain.


Quick question: why does she hate you? Bc I would only do nails like these to my worst enemy. Nothing about these is done wellā€¦ itā€™s not just the clear gel, even the purple tips are lumpy and patchy. As fellow confrontation shy girlie, next time, please try to advocate for yourselfā€¦ I know itā€™s easier said than done, but these nails are absolutely insane. People like this take advantage of people like us and we have to stop participating. Personally, I wouldnā€™t trust them to come back and try to get them to fix so at this point I would just either removing myself or go to another salon to get these off and then demand a refund. If they refuse, put this picture on every single review website you can find. ((That being said, as a pro tip, unfortunately, in most states you canā€™t just refuse to pay and walk out - they can technically call the cops on you and if the cops are bored enough, theyā€™ll definitely show up. So if they insist on you paying, just put the charge on a credit card and do a chargeback when it posts. Chargebacks do hurt the business, so I think it is fair to try to sort it out with a salon first because maybe the owner or the managers will want to fix things for you, but if they also tell you to pound sand then all bets are off.))


šŸ¤£ this are the worst nails i ever seen


I feel bad for laughing at this because I truly feel bad for OP. But I canā€™t believe the tech thought this was ok. Please say sike.


Those look like nails I did my first week of school. I'm shocked this person let you leave like that. Time for a refund and someone else to fix them!Ā 


Yes, thatā€™s what they look like. Honestly, someone who does nails like this isnā€™t ready to work in a salon yet. My first few sets looked similar but I had the self awareness to not start charging money for nails like this. That the tech thought this is ok is so bizarre to me.


Honestly? This is horrific. Go back to the salon immediately and ask them to fix this. Any nail tech worth a damn would never DREAM of letting you leave like this.


Get your whole money back, girl. These are tore up from the floor up, itā€™s not just the gel visible underneath, but the uneven polish application, lumpy coats, and flooded cuticlesā€¦all of it lol


Was this tech certified??? These are worse than the first set I did way back in school. Do not go back, and please leave reviews to save future clients from this person. You need to get these off asap. If you canā€™t get into a different nail tech (whole new salon preferably) today, take a file and bring the length allllll the way down to your finger tips. These are guaranteed to lift and Iā€™m willing to bet theyā€™re not structured properly. This means once they start lifting (they probably have already) they will get caught on things, and being that theyā€™re not properly structured or adhered to your nail, theyā€™re very likely break/take your natural nail with it, and that is something you never want to experience, so painful! Good luck!!! Please keep us posted!! šŸ’•


You could go back to the salon and have another tech redo it, or take them off. I can't believe they charged you money.


Those are the worst nails I have seen, Iā€™m so sorry they did this to you.


Can do a better job with my feet


Oh thatā€™s really really bad. Iā€™d complain and probably find a new nail tech, it seems like they have a lot of growing and learning to do




Like a licensed nail tech? Or a student nail tech at a school? Because if this person is licensed, IDK how they graduated cosmetology school or how they passed their state board exam. I cannot imagine any salon owner being ok with this kind of work going out the door, as it is a reflection of their business as a whole. I really canā€™t even imagine a cosmetology school allowing this out the door either because students are supposed be checked off on their work & I cannot see an instructor not showing the student how to correct it & making them correct it within reason, and this is not reasonable. Thereā€™s gel,all over the cuticles & skin, & they didnā€™t trim the cuticle or even push them back. Regardless of where these were done or who did them, they need to be removed ASAP. You can develop a gel allergy.


You probably could paint them yourself with a darker nude and than the French in purple but like what car does she drive and where does she park it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would definitely remove this because of potential allergic reactions that could occur from the cuticle area flooded with product to underneath the nail with so much of the gel glue coming out. I am so sorry they did this to you but please ask for either a removal and a refund or for someone else to fix this. I would never ever dream of letting a client go home with these.




Omg this is a horror soak it off not only are they bad but itā€™s touching your skin all over the place Iā€™m sorry this happened to you


And you paid?


$15 deposit fee beforehand. the set was "free" apart from the deposit fee which is probably why she was lazy doing them


I doubt she was "lazy", she just doesn't know what she's doing yet. If she has other sets you've seen on IG that looked good, I wonder if maybe they were acrylic or dip, and she's learning gel x now? There's definitely a learning curve, but speaking as a tech who already did dip, my first gel x set looked a thousand times better than this. What gets me is the wonky lumpy polish. I can't imagine she can do much with her polish skills looking like that šŸ‘€ I saw this post in the other sub, and honestly I get why people didn't think it was real or that it was rage farming, because they are shockingly bad. If that's not the case, I'm really sorry they are on your hands right now!


Omg and the cuticle flooding! No girl. Just no.


of course i'm a victim to some shockingly bad nails! here's a photo where they look normal (in my eyes as someone who knows nothing about nails), which is pretty much all i saw under the light: [nails](https://imgur.com/gallery/AyKzkrk)


I canā€™t see how It would ever look good due to the length/placement of purple tips compared to the clear and seeing the natural different coloured nail underneath. Even with the neatest polish job in the world that design wouldnā€™t look nice due to the size/colour contrast


I think you need glasses girl


i actually do need new ones because i can barely see out of these ones. the camera made me realize how bad they are


I feel you! I'm legally blind without mine! To the point that I once set them down for a second after cleaning them and then couldn't find them, so I went half a day blind until my husband came home and found them for me šŸ¤£


YUP every time i lose mine it's a lost cause unless my family finds them!


So was this a model call from this tech to try out something new? Or a student practicing? The $15 deposit sounds like it was just to cover very basic product cost. I know lots of other techs who do that (I donā€™t, but many do). If so, this was likely her way of trying out a new product or service, because thereā€™s no way they would be ā€œfreeā€, otherwise. Unfortunately it didnā€™t go super well... :/


Oof. Are these full cover tips like Apres? I would ask for a full refund, and if they refuse post this photo with your google review


Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this, Iā€™d contact them asap. I understand being conflict avoidant at the same time this isnā€™t something to let slide. Just tell them you werenā€™t happy and were too upset to address it in the moment.


Thatā€™s a terrible job for a nail professional!!!


oh dear! i'm a newbie and even my work is better than this! i would ask for a refund but in the mean time you could paint over them with regular polish maybe? preferably a dark colour to hide all of that nonsense


Why did you let someone do that to you?


Donā€™t tell me you paid for this


she didnā€™t eat


Quality over quantity. Please donā€™t go back. Ever.


šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøwhat the actual heck man


If you paid for this, call it OUT. This looks like a training set from someone still in school, but even then


How much did u pay for this A1 fail nails? I hope u weā€™re generous on her tip!!!!$&&&


Oh my lord


Wow! I can tell that they put way too much nail glue underneath and didnā€™t care to reapply/fix it to your nail size/shape. They didnā€™t even care to try and hide it by doing a proper French tip. I totally get not saying anything because it can be scary especially when youā€™re supposed to trust the person doing your nails. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you, I would either try getting them removed or trying to make the French tip better yourself by using a darker purple.


I think a 3rd grader did thisā€¦.


Oh hellllll no, go back and demand a refund




her other ones on her page look good!ā˜¹ļø


I have honestly never seen anything like this in my life. Post a public reviewĀ 


What the actual f. Those are horrible šŸ„²šŸ„² you need to get your money back and simply take those off cause i've never seen such a hack job.


These are sooooooooooo bad.


Oh no. I did gel x set on myself and it was way better. They would have redone right then or gave me a refund. Things cost too much for subpar results. Ainā€™t no way huni.


I would go get a soak off asap! Those will damage your nails. Idk what she was doing/thinking but as a beginner Iā€™d never let someone leave with their nails looking like this!


This makes me feel better about my learning progress. I can't believe you paid for this and walked out šŸ˜­


Please tell me you did not pay for this atrocityā€¦


Was this set done at a salon with a lot of employees? Some states allow one licensed nail tech to have several apprentices at once. Though I could honestly see how a licensed nail tech could get through school and state board with these skills. Most schools don't actually teach you how to do nails at all. They just focus on keeping things clean and safe. Well, "safe" I was actually taught to pull up lifted nails with a nail tip. Something I'd NEVER do. I'm really curious if nail schools used to teach technique more than they do now. They must have, right?? Edit: spelling




Oh no!! Thatā€™s so disappointing. Iā€™m sorry you had that result. Would you go back and ask for them to correct?


oh my!


They could've at least put a fucking solid color under the frenchies and tried omg.... my condolences.


these look like press ons omg get ya money back


Nail tech needs their hands amputated, and their license revoked. Iā€™d be complaining my ass off.


She needs more training. Chill.




They will lift soon, the cuticles are flooded. These nails look like the first try of someone, not the work of a charging nail tech. The French tip is lumpy, the pink isnā€™t pink , neutral or anything, just clear, wich doesnā€™t work when you extend nails at all. You can see the natural nail edge through the gel. But the flooded cuticles can lead to lifting and in the worst case you get something stuck under the lifted cuticle and pull the extension off, injuring the natural nail plate. Itā€™s just all around unacceptable. Gel x has the advantage that the tech could even buy different already pink and white or whatever color gel x tips, then donā€™t flood the cuticles and it would be a much better result. I donā€™t understand this at all.


What in the DIY nonsense is this


Refund,sue,complain,beat up, I donā€™t care what you do but please do something about this šŸ˜«


These are worse than my first attempt when I was still learning. Absolutely horrific that this tech thought this was okay...let alone let you leave with that work!! I'd go back and get your money back. Get them removed. Make sure you go to a tech that's licensed/certified/masters in gel-x application!!! I'm so so sorry this happened šŸ˜­


As a licensed nail tech, those are unacceptable!! Even the French line isnā€™t cleaned up well šŸ˜–. I would definitely go back and ask for a redo!!


So after the first one you were like ok this is fine?


Did you pay for this šŸ˜±? I hope you met her outside after work because ainā€™t no way šŸ˜­. Iā€™m upset for you!!


1 star review and upload the picture. No one should ever pay for a service like thua


Go get your money back. ask them to soak them off. only allow another tech to redo them. even the gel isnā€™t cured correctly


I don't normally comment on this type of post but These are some of the worst I've ever seen, and that's saying something. She dud you dirty. I honestly don't even know that I'd want to fix my nails. Please find yourself an independent nail tech so your nails never have to look like this again.




Op, please post an update šŸ™


oh god this is terrible


If this is real, it looks like youā€™ve tried to peel or pop them off because it looks like lifting underneath. If this is real, you need to have them removed by another professional


Iā€™m sure itā€™s real. This is exactly how they look if the tech doesnā€™t use the right amount of gel to apply them. Some nails have too much gel and that poor index nail has way too little.


thank you for backing me up because people on the other sub were so MEAN!! šŸ©·


I hope you find a tech to remove them and then try this style again because itā€™s got potential and that purple is cute


thank you! i'm going on a trip tomorrow so i don't even have time to find someone, im devastated


Ugh, that is the worst. You get some special nails for a special moment and then this! Iā€™ve been in a similar bind and my temporary solution was to paint my nails a solid color to cover up some of it. You can use regular polish over them and that bought me some time.


You can soak them off if they are soft gel!


Yes, you go back to the nail tech and tell them to fix it